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package handler
import (
mock_config ""
// Define the suite, and absorb the built-in basic suite
// functionality from testify - including a T() method which
// returns the current testing context
type SourceHandlerTestSuite struct {
MockCtrl *gomock.Controller
TestDatabase *os.File
AppConfig *mock_config.MockInterface
AppRepository database.DatabaseRepository
// BeforeTest has a function to be executed right before the test starts and receives the suite and test names as input
func (suite *SourceHandlerTestSuite) BeforeTest(suiteName, testName string) {
suite.MockCtrl = gomock.NewController(suite.T())
dbFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", fmt.Sprintf("%s.*.db", testName))
if err != nil {
suite.TestDatabase = dbFile
appConfig := mock_config.NewMockInterface(suite.MockCtrl)
suite.AppConfig = appConfig
appRepo, err := database.NewRepository(suite.AppConfig, logrus.WithField("test", suite.T().Name()))
suite.AppRepository = appRepo
appRepo.CreateUser(context.Background(), &models.User{
Username: "test_username",
Password: "test",
// AfterTest has a function to be executed right after the test finishes and receives the suite and test names as input
func (suite *SourceHandlerTestSuite) AfterTest(suiteName, testName string) {
// In order for 'go test' to run this suite, we need to create
// a normal test function and pass our suite to suite.Run
func TestSourceHandlerTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(SourceHandlerTestSuite))
func (suite *SourceHandlerTestSuite) TestCreateManualSourceHandler() {
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
ctx, _ := gin.CreateTestContext(w)
ctx.Set(pkg.ContextKeyTypeLogger, logrus.WithField("test", suite.T().Name()))
ctx.Set(pkg.ContextKeyTypeDatabase, suite.AppRepository)
ctx.Set(pkg.ContextKeyTypeConfig, suite.AppConfig)
ctx.Set(pkg.ContextKeyTypeAuthUsername, "test_username")
file, err := os.Open("testdata/Tania553_Harris789_545c2380-b77f-4919-ab5d-0f615f877250.json")
require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
defer file.Close()
body := &bytes.Buffer{}
writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
part, _ := writer.CreateFormFile("file", filepath.Base(file.Name()))
io.Copy(part, file)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/source/manual", body)
require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
ctx.Request = req
require.Equal(suite.T(), http.StatusOK, w.Code)
type ResponseWrapper struct {
Data struct {
UpdatedResources []string `json:"UpdatedResources"`
TotalResources int `json:"TotalResources"`
} `json:"data"`
Success bool `json:"success"`
Source models.SourceCredential `json:"source"`
var respWrapper ResponseWrapper
err = json.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &respWrapper)
require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
require.Equal(suite.T(), true, respWrapper.Success)
require.Equal(suite.T(), "manual", string(respWrapper.Source.SourceType))
require.Equal(suite.T(), 196, respWrapper.Data.TotalResources)
summary, err := suite.AppRepository.GetSourceSummary(ctx, respWrapper.Source.ID.String())
require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
require.Equal(suite.T(), map[string]interface{}{
"count": int64(5),
"resource_type": "Condition",
"source_id": respWrapper.Source.ID.String(),
}, summary.ResourceTypeCounts[3])