WIP paginate graph (medical history view)
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type DatabaseRepository interface {
AddResourceAssociation(ctx context.Context, source *models.SourceCredential, resourceType string, resourceId string, relatedSource *models.SourceCredential, relatedResourceType string, relatedResourceId string) error
RemoveResourceAssociation(ctx context.Context, source *models.SourceCredential, resourceType string, resourceId string, relatedSource *models.SourceCredential, relatedResourceType string, relatedResourceId string) error
FindResourceAssociationsByTypeAndId(ctx context.Context, source *models.SourceCredential, resourceType string, resourceId string) ([]models.RelatedResource, error)
GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graphType pkg.ResourceGraphType) (map[string][]*models.ResourceBase, error)
GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graphType pkg.ResourceGraphType, options models.ResourceGraphOptions) (map[string][]*models.ResourceBase, error)
AddResourceComposition(ctx context.Context, compositionTitle string, resources []*models.ResourceBase) error
//UpsertProfile(context.Context, *models.Profile) error
//UpsertOrganziation(context.Context, *models.Organization) error
@ -12,21 +12,27 @@ import (
type VertexResourcePlaceholder struct {
UserID string
SourceID string
ResourceID string
ResourceType string
RelatedResourcePlaceholder []*VertexResourcePlaceholder
func (rp *VertexResourcePlaceholder) ID() string {
return resourceKeysVertexId(rp.SourceID, rp.ResourceType, rp.ResourceID)
// Retrieve a list of all fhir resources (vertex), and a list of all associations (edge)
// Generate a graph
// return list of root nodes, and their flattened related resources.
func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graphType pkg.ResourceGraphType) (map[string][]*models.ResourceBase, error) {
func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graphType pkg.ResourceGraphType, options models.ResourceGraphOptions) (map[string][]*models.ResourceBase, error) {
currentUser, currentUserErr := sr.GetCurrentUser(ctx)
if currentUserErr != nil {
return nil, currentUserErr
// Get list of all resources
wrappedResourceModels, err := sr.ListResources(ctx, models.ListResourceQueryOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get list of all (non-reciprocal) relationships
var relatedResourceRelationships []models.RelatedResource
@ -44,10 +50,48 @@ func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graph
// TODO optimization: eventually cache the graph in a database/storage, and update when new resources are added.
g := graph.New(resourceVertexId, graph.Directed(), graph.Acyclic(), graph.Rooted())
//// Get list of all resources TODO - REPLACED THIS
//wrappedResourceModels, err := sr.ListResources(ctx, models.ListResourceQueryOptions{})
//if err != nil {
// return nil, err
//add vertices to the graph (must be done first)
for ndx, _ := range wrappedResourceModels {
err = g.AddVertex(
//we don't want to request all resources from the database, so we will create a placeholder vertex for each resource.
//we will then use the vertex id to lookup the resource from the database.
//this is a bit of a hack, but it allows us to use the graph library without having to load all resources into memory.
//create a placeholder vertex for each resource (ensuring uniqueness)
resourcePlaceholders := map[string]VertexResourcePlaceholder{}
for _, relationship := range relatedResourceRelationships {
//create placeholders
fromResourcePlaceholder := VertexResourcePlaceholder{
UserID: relationship.ResourceBaseUserID.String(),
SourceID: relationship.ResourceBaseSourceID.String(),
ResourceID: relationship.ResourceBaseSourceResourceID,
ResourceType: relationship.ResourceBaseSourceResourceType,
toResourcePlaceholder := VertexResourcePlaceholder{
UserID: relationship.RelatedResourceUserID.String(),
SourceID: relationship.RelatedResourceSourceID.String(),
ResourceID: relationship.RelatedResourceSourceResourceID,
ResourceType: relationship.RelatedResourceSourceResourceType,
//add placeholders to map, if they don't already exist
if _, ok := resourcePlaceholders[fromResourcePlaceholder.ID()]; !ok {
resourcePlaceholders[fromResourcePlaceholder.ID()] = fromResourcePlaceholder
if _, ok := resourcePlaceholders[toResourcePlaceholder.ID()]; !ok {
resourcePlaceholders[toResourcePlaceholder.ID()] = toResourcePlaceholder
for _, resourcePlaceholder := range resourcePlaceholders {
err := g.AddVertex(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("an error occurred while adding vertex: %v", err)
@ -60,7 +104,7 @@ func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graph
//add edges to graph
for _, relationship := range relatedResourceRelationships {
err = g.AddEdge(
err := g.AddEdge(
resourceKeysVertexId(relationship.ResourceBaseSourceID.String(), relationship.ResourceBaseSourceResourceType, relationship.ResourceBaseSourceResourceID),
resourceKeysVertexId(relationship.RelatedResourceSourceID.String(), relationship.RelatedResourceSourceResourceType, relationship.RelatedResourceSourceResourceID),
@ -102,7 +146,7 @@ func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graph
// Doing this in one massive function, because passing graph by reference is difficult due to generics.
// Step 1: use predecessorMap to find all "root" resources (eg. MedicalHistory - encounters and conditions). store those nodes in their respective lists.
resourceListDictionary := map[string][]*models.ResourceBase{}
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary := map[string][]*VertexResourcePlaceholder{}
sources, _, sourceFlattenLevel := getSourcesAndSinksForGraphType(graphType)
for vertexId, val := range predecessorMap {
@ -112,7 +156,7 @@ func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graph
resource, err := g.Vertex(vertexId)
resourcePlaceholder, err := g.Vertex(vertexId)
if err != nil {
//could not find this vertex in graph, ignoring
log.Printf("could not find vertex in graph: %v", err)
@ -123,88 +167,94 @@ func (sr *SqliteRepository) GetFlattenedResourceGraph(ctx context.Context, graph
foundSourceType := ""
foundSourceLevel := -1
for ndx, sourceResourceTypes := range sources {
log.Printf("testing resourceType: %s", resource.SourceResourceType)
log.Printf("testing resourceType: %s", resourcePlaceholder.ResourceType)
if slices.Contains(sourceResourceTypes, strings.ToLower(resource.SourceResourceType)) {
foundSourceType = resource.SourceResourceType
if slices.Contains(sourceResourceTypes, strings.ToLower(resourcePlaceholder.ResourceType)) {
foundSourceType = resourcePlaceholder.ResourceType
foundSourceLevel = ndx
if foundSourceLevel == -1 {
continue //skip this resource, it is not a valid source type
continue //skip this resourcePlaceholder, it is not a valid source type
if _, ok := resourceListDictionary[foundSourceType]; !ok {
resourceListDictionary[foundSourceType] = []*models.ResourceBase{}
if _, ok := resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[foundSourceType]; !ok {
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[foundSourceType] = []*VertexResourcePlaceholder{}
resourceListDictionary[foundSourceType] = append(resourceListDictionary[foundSourceType], resource)
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[foundSourceType] = append(resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[foundSourceType], resourcePlaceholder)
// Step 2: define a function. When given a resource, should find all related resources, flatten the heirarchy and set the RelatedResourceFhir list
flattenRelatedResourcesFn := func(resource *models.ResourceBase) {
flattenRelatedResourcesFn := func(resourcePlaceholder *VertexResourcePlaceholder) {
// this is a "root" encounter, which is not related to any condition, we should add it to the Unknown encounters list
vertexId := resourceVertexId(resource)
sr.Logger.Debugf("populating resource: %s", vertexId)
vertexId := resourceVertexId(resourcePlaceholder)
sr.Logger.Debugf("populating resourcePlaceholder: %s", vertexId)
resource.RelatedResource = []*models.ResourceBase{}
resourcePlaceholder.RelatedResourcePlaceholder = []*VertexResourcePlaceholder{}
//get all the resources associated with this node
//TODO: handle error?
graph.DFS(g, vertexId, func(relatedVertexId string) bool {
relatedResourceFhir, _ := g.Vertex(relatedVertexId)
//skip the current resource if it's referenced in this list.
//also skip the current resource if its a Binary resource (which is a special case)
if vertexId != resourceVertexId(relatedResourceFhir) && relatedResourceFhir.SourceResourceType != "Binary" {
resource.RelatedResource = append(resource.RelatedResource, relatedResourceFhir)
relatedResourcePlaceholder, _ := g.Vertex(relatedVertexId)
//skip the current resourcePlaceholder if it's referenced in this list.
//also skip the current resourcePlaceholder if its a Binary resourcePlaceholder (which is a special case)
if vertexId != resourceVertexId(relatedResourcePlaceholder) && relatedResourcePlaceholder.ResourceType != "Binary" {
resourcePlaceholder.RelatedResourcePlaceholder = append(resourcePlaceholder.RelatedResourcePlaceholder, relatedResourcePlaceholder)
return false
for resourceType, _ := range resourceListDictionary {
// Step 3: now that we've created a relationship graph using placeholders, we need to determine which page of resources to return
// and look up the actual resources from the database.
//TODO: Step 3a: since we cant calulate the sort order until the resources are loaded, we need to load all the root resources first.
// Step 4: flatten resources (if needed) and sort them
for resourceType, _ := range resourcePlaceholderListDictionary {
sourceFlatten, sourceFlattenOk := sourceFlattenLevel[strings.ToLower(resourceType)]
if sourceFlattenOk && sourceFlatten == true {
//if flatten is set to true, we want to flatten the graph. This is usually for non primary source types (eg. Encounter is a source type, but Condition is the primary source type)
// Step 3: populate related resources for each encounter, flattened
for ndx, _ := range resourceListDictionary[resourceType] {
for ndx, _ := range resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType] {
// this is a "root" encounter, which is not related to any condition, we should add it to the Unknown encounters list
//sort all related resources (by date, desc)
resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = utils.SortResourcePtrListByDate(resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource)
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = utils.SortResourcePtrListByDate(resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource)
} else {
// if flatten is set to false, we want to preserve the top relationships in the graph heirarchy. This is usually for primary source types (eg. Condition is the primary source type)
// we want to ensure context is preserved, so we will flatten the graph futher down in the heirarchy
// Step 4: find all encounters referenced by the root conditions, populate them, then add them to the condition as RelatedResourceFhir
for ndx, _ := range resourceListDictionary[resourceType] {
for ndx, _ := range resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType] {
// this is a "root" condition,
resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = []*models.ResourceBase{}
vertexId := resourceVertexId(resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx])
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = []*models.ResourceBase{}
vertexId := resourceVertexId(resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx])
for relatedVertexId, _ := range adjacencyMap[vertexId] {
relatedResourceFhir, _ := g.Vertex(relatedVertexId)
resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = append(resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource, relatedResourceFhir)
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = append(resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource, relatedResourceFhir)
//sort all related resources (by date, desc)
resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = utils.SortResourcePtrListByDate(resourceListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource)
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource = utils.SortResourcePtrListByDate(resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType][ndx].RelatedResource)
resourceListDictionary[resourceType] = utils.SortResourcePtrListByDate(resourceListDictionary[resourceType])
resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType] = utils.SortResourcePtrListByDate(resourcePlaceholderListDictionary[resourceType])
// Step 5: return the populated resource list dictionary
return resourceListDictionary, nil
return resourcePlaceholderListDictionary, nil
//We need to support the following types of graphs:
@ -351,8 +401,8 @@ func foundResourceGraphSink(checkResourceType string, sinkResourceTypes [][]stri
// helper function for GetResourceGraph, creating a "hash" for the resource
func resourceVertexId(resource *models.ResourceBase) string {
return resourceKeysVertexId(resource.SourceID.String(), resource.SourceResourceType, resource.SourceResourceID)
func resourceVertexId(resourcePlaceholder *VertexResourcePlaceholder) string {
return resourceKeysVertexId(resourcePlaceholder.SourceID, resourcePlaceholder.ResourceType, resourcePlaceholder.ResourceID)
func resourceKeysVertexId(sourceId string, resourceType string, resourceId string) string {
return strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", sourceId, resourceType, resourceId))
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package models
type ResourceGraphOptions struct {
Page int
Reference in New Issue