WIP trying to get callbacks working.

This commit is contained in:
Jason Kulatunga 2023-05-09 23:34:23 -07:00
parent 2d570850f0
commit 4758f2adcc
2 changed files with 248 additions and 278 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import {ModalDismissReasons, NgbModal} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import {FastenApiService} from '../../services/fasten-api.service';
import {forkJoin} from 'rxjs';
import {LighthouseService} from '../../services/lighthouse.service';
import {LighthouseSourceMetadata} from '../../models/lighthouse/lighthouse-source-metadata';
import {ToastNotification, ToastType} from '../../models/fasten/toast';
import {ToastService} from '../../services/toast.service';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {Location} from '@angular/common';
selector: 'app-medical-sources-connected',
@ -24,6 +29,10 @@ export class MedicalSourcesConnectedComponent implements OnInit {
private lighthouseApi: LighthouseService,
private fastenApi: FastenApiService,
private modalService: NgbModal,
private toastService: ToastService,
private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router,
private location: Location,
) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
@ -39,9 +48,220 @@ export class MedicalSourcesConnectedComponent implements OnInit {
const callbackSourceType = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get('source_type')
if(callbackSourceType) {
console.log("handle callback redirect from source")
this.status[callbackSourceType] = "token"
//the structure of "availableSourceList" vs "connectedSourceList" sources is slightly different,
//connectedSourceList contains a "source" field. The this.fastenApi.createSource() call in the callback function will set it.
.then((metadata) => {
this.connectedSourceList.push({metadata: metadata})
return this.callback(callbackSourceType)
* if the user is redirected to this page from the lighthouse, we'll need to process the "code" to retrieve the access token & refresh token.
* @param sourceType
public async callback(sourceType: string) {
//get the source metadata again
await this.lighthouseApi.getLighthouseSource(sourceType)
.then(async (sourceMetadata: LighthouseSourceMetadata) => {
//get required parameters from the URI and local storage
const callbackUrlParts = new URL(window.location.href)
const fragmentParams = new URLSearchParams(callbackUrlParts.hash.substring(1))
const callbackCode = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("code") || fragmentParams.get("code")
const callbackState = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("state") || fragmentParams.get("state")
const callbackError = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("error") || fragmentParams.get("error")
const callbackErrorDescription = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("error_description") || fragmentParams.get("error_description")
//reset the url, removing the params and fragment from the current url.
const urlTree = this.router.createUrlTree(["/sources"],{
relativeTo: this.activatedRoute,
const expectedSourceStateInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(callbackState))
if(callbackError && !callbackCode){
//TOOD: print this message in the UI
let errMsg = "an error occurred while authenticating to this source. Please try again later"
console.error(errMsg, callbackErrorDescription)
throw new Error(errMsg)
console.log("callback code:", callbackCode)
this.status[sourceType] = "token"
let payload: any
payload = await this.lighthouseApi.swapOauthToken(sourceType, sourceMetadata,expectedSourceStateInfo, callbackCode)
if(!payload.access_token || payload.error){
//if the access token is not set, then something is wrong,
let errMsg = payload.error || "unable to retrieve access_token"
throw new Error(errMsg)
//If payload.patient is not set, make sure we extract the patient ID from the id_token or make an introspection req
if(!payload.patient && payload.id_token){
console.log("NO PATIENT ID present, decoding jwt to extract patient")
//const introspectionResp = await Oauth.introspectionRequest(as, client, payload.access_token)
let decodedIdToken = this.jwtDecode(payload.id_token)
//nextGen uses fhirUser instead of profile.
payload.patient = decodedIdToken["profile"] || decodedIdToken["fhirUser"]
payload.patient = payload.patient.replace(/^(Patient\/)/,'')
//Create FHIR Client
const dbSourceCredential = new Source({
source_type: sourceType,
authorization_endpoint: sourceMetadata.authorization_endpoint,
token_endpoint: sourceMetadata.token_endpoint,
introspection_endpoint: sourceMetadata.introspection_endpoint,
userinfo_endpoint: sourceMetadata.userinfo_endpoint,
api_endpoint_base_url: sourceMetadata.api_endpoint_base_url,
client_id: sourceMetadata.client_id,
redirect_uri: sourceMetadata.redirect_uri,
scopes_supported: sourceMetadata.scopes_supported,
issuer: sourceMetadata.issuer,
grant_types_supported: sourceMetadata.grant_types_supported,
response_types_supported: sourceMetadata.response_types_supported,
aud: sourceMetadata.aud,
code_challenge_methods_supported: sourceMetadata.code_challenge_methods_supported,
confidential: sourceMetadata.confidential,
cors_relay_required: sourceMetadata.cors_relay_required,
patient: payload.patient,
access_token: payload.access_token,
refresh_token: payload.refresh_token,
id_token: payload.id_token,
// @ts-ignore - in some cases the getAccessTokenExpiration is a string, which cases failures to store Source in db.
expires_at: parseInt(this.getAccessTokenExpiration(payload)),
.subscribe((resp) => {
// const sourceSyncMessage = JSON.parse(msg) as SourceSyncMessage
delete this.status[sourceType]
// window.location.reload();
// this.connectedSourceList.
//find the index of the "inprogress" source in the connected List, and then add this source to its source metadata.
let foundSource = this.connectedSourceList.findIndex((item) => item.metadata.source_type == sourceType)
this.connectedSourceList[foundSource].source = resp.source
console.log("source sync-all response:", resp.summary)
const toastNotification = new ToastNotification()
toastNotification.type = ToastType.Success
toastNotification.message = `Successfully connected ${sourceType}`
// const upsertSummary = sourceSyncMessage.response as UpsertSummary
// if(upsertSummary && upsertSummary.totalResources != upsertSummary.updatedResources.length){
// toastNotification.message += `\n (total: ${upsertSummary.totalResources}, updated: ${upsertSummary.updatedResources.length})`
// } else if(upsertSummary){
// toastNotification.message += `\n (total: ${upsertSummary.totalResources})`
// }
(err) => {
delete this.status[sourceType]
// window.location.reload();
const toastNotification = new ToastNotification()
toastNotification.type = ToastType.Error
toastNotification.message = `An error occurred while accessing ${sourceType}: ${err}`
toastNotification.autohide = false
.catch((err) => {
delete this.status[sourceType]
// window.location.reload();
const toastNotification = new ToastNotification()
toastNotification.type = ToastType.Error
toastNotification.message = `An error occurred while accessing ${sourceType}: ${err}`
toastNotification.autohide = false
* https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/client-js/blob/8f64b770dbcd0abd30646e239cd446dfa4d831f6/src/lib.ts#L311
* Decodes a JWT token and returns it's body.
* @param token The token to read
* @param env An `Adapter` or any other object that has an `atob` method
* @category Utility
private jwtDecode(token: string): Record<string, any> | null
const payload = token.split(".")[1];
return payload ? JSON.parse(atob(payload)) : null;
* https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/client-js/blob/8f64b770dbcd0abd30646e239cd446dfa4d831f6/src/lib.ts#L334
* Given a token response, computes and returns the expiresAt timestamp.
* Note that this should only be used immediately after an access token is
* received, otherwise the computed timestamp will be incorrect.
* @param tokenResponse
* @param env
private getAccessTokenExpiration(tokenResponse: any): number
const now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
// Option 1 - using the expires_in property of the token response
if (tokenResponse.expires_in) {
return now + tokenResponse.expires_in;
// Option 2 - using the exp property of JWT tokens (must not assume JWT!)
if (tokenResponse.access_token) {
let tokenBody = this.jwtDecode(tokenResponse.access_token);
if (tokenBody && tokenBody['exp']) {
return tokenBody['exp'];
// Option 3 - if none of the above worked set this to 5 minutes after now
return now + 300;
// Modal Window Functions
public openModal(contentModalRef, sourceListItem: SourceListItem) {
if(this.status[sourceListItem.metadata.source_type] || !sourceListItem.source){
//if this source is currently "loading" dont open the modal window

View File

@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ import {FastenApiService} from '../../services/fasten-api.service';
import {LighthouseSourceMetadata} from '../../models/lighthouse/lighthouse-source-metadata';
import {Source} from '../../models/fasten/source';
import {MetadataSource} from '../../models/fasten/metadata-source';
import {ModalDismissReasons, NgbModal} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import {ToastService} from '../../services/toast.service';
import {ToastNotification, ToastType} from '../../models/fasten/toast';
import {NgbModal} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import {ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
import {environment} from '../../../environments/environment';
import {BehaviorSubject, forkJoin, Observable, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import {
@ -79,8 +76,6 @@ export class MedicalSourcesComponent implements OnInit {
private lighthouseApi: LighthouseService,
private fastenApi: FastenApiService,
private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private location: Location,
private toastService: ToastService,
private filterService: MedicalSourcesFilterService,
private modalService: NgbModal,
) { }
@ -91,8 +86,14 @@ export class MedicalSourcesComponent implements OnInit {
//TODO: handle Callbacks from the source connect window
const callbackSourceType = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get('source_type')
console.error("TODO! handle callback redirect from source")
} else {
//move this source from available to connected (with a progress bar)
//remove item from available sources list, add to connected sources.
let inProgressAvailableIndex = this.availableSourceList.findIndex((item) => item.metadata.source_type == callbackSourceType)
if(inProgressAvailableIndex > -1){
let sourcesInProgress = this.availableSourceList.splice(inProgressAvailableIndex, 1);
//we're not in a callback redirect, lets load the sources
@ -118,61 +119,7 @@ export class MedicalSourcesComponent implements OnInit {
this.filterForm.patchValue(updatedForm, { emitEvent: false});
/// OLD CODE - Should be refactored
// this.loading = true
// forkJoin([this.lighthouseApi.findLighthouseSources("", "", this.showHidden), this.fastenApi.getSources()]).subscribe(results => {
// this.loading = false
// //handle connected sources sources
// const connectedSources = results[1] as Source[]
// forkJoin(connectedSources.map((source) => this.lighthouseApi.getLighthouseSource(source.source_type))).subscribe((connectedMetadata) => {
// for(const ndx in connectedSources){
// this.connectedSourceList.push({source: connectedSources[ndx], metadata: connectedMetadata[ndx]})
// }
// })
// //handle source metadata map response
// this.populateAvailableSourceList(results[0] as LighthouseSourceSearch)
// //check if we've just started connecting a "source_type"
// const callbackSourceType = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('source_type')
// if(callbackSourceType){
// this.status[callbackSourceType] = "token"
// //move this source from available to connected (with a progress bar)
// //remove item from available sources list, add to connected sources.
// let inProgressAvailableIndex = this.availableSourceList.findIndex((item) => item.metadata.source_type == callbackSourceType)
// if(inProgressAvailableIndex > -1){
// let sourcesInProgress = this.availableSourceList.splice(inProgressAvailableIndex, 1);
// }
// //the structure of "availableSourceList" vs "connectedSourceList" sources is slightly different,
// //connectedSourceList contains a "source" field. The this.fastenApi.createSource() call in the callback function will set it.
// this.lighthouseApi.getLighthouseSource(callbackSourceType)
// .then((metadata) => {
// this.connectedSourceList.push({metadata: metadata})
// return this.callback(callbackSourceType)
// })
// .then(console.log)
// }
// }, err => {
// this.loading = false
// })
//register a callback for when the search box content changes
@ -336,153 +283,6 @@ export class MedicalSourcesComponent implements OnInit {
// /**
// * if the user is redirected to this page from the lighthouse, we'll need to process the "code" to retrieve the access token & refresh token.
// * @param sourceType
// */
// public async callback(sourceType: string) {
// //get the source metadata again
// await this.lighthouseApi.getLighthouseSource(sourceType)
// .then(async (sourceMetadata: LighthouseSourceMetadata) => {
// //get required parameters from the URI and local storage
// const callbackUrlParts = new URL(window.location.href)
// const fragmentParams = new URLSearchParams(callbackUrlParts.hash.substring(1))
// const callbackCode = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("code") || fragmentParams.get("code")
// const callbackState = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("state") || fragmentParams.get("state")
// const callbackError = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("error") || fragmentParams.get("error")
// const callbackErrorDescription = callbackUrlParts.searchParams.get("error_description") || fragmentParams.get("error_description")
// //reset the url, removing the params and fragment from the current url.
// const urlTree = this.router.createUrlTree(["/sources"],{
// relativeTo: this.route,
// });
// this.location.replaceState(urlTree.toString());
// const expectedSourceStateInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(callbackState))
// localStorage.removeItem(callbackState)
// if(callbackError && !callbackCode){
// //TOOD: print this message in the UI
// let errMsg = "an error occurred while authenticating to this source. Please try again later"
// console.error(errMsg, callbackErrorDescription)
// throw new Error(errMsg)
// }
// console.log("callback code:", callbackCode)
// this.status[sourceType] = "token"
// let payload: any
// payload = await this.lighthouseApi.swapOauthToken(sourceType, sourceMetadata,expectedSourceStateInfo, callbackCode)
// if(!payload.access_token || payload.error){
// //if the access token is not set, then something is wrong,
// let errMsg = payload.error || "unable to retrieve access_token"
// console.error(errMsg)
// throw new Error(errMsg)
// }
// //If payload.patient is not set, make sure we extract the patient ID from the id_token or make an introspection req
// if(!payload.patient && payload.id_token){
// //
// console.log("NO PATIENT ID present, decoding jwt to extract patient")
// //const introspectionResp = await Oauth.introspectionRequest(as, client, payload.access_token)
// //console.log(introspectionResp)
// let decodedIdToken = this.jwtDecode(payload.id_token)
// //nextGen uses fhirUser instead of profile.
// payload.patient = decodedIdToken["profile"] || decodedIdToken["fhirUser"]
// if(payload.patient){
// payload.patient = payload.patient.replace(/^(Patient\/)/,'')
// }
// }
// //Create FHIR Client
// const dbSourceCredential = new Source({
// source_type: sourceType,
// authorization_endpoint: sourceMetadata.authorization_endpoint,
// token_endpoint: sourceMetadata.token_endpoint,
// introspection_endpoint: sourceMetadata.introspection_endpoint,
// userinfo_endpoint: sourceMetadata.userinfo_endpoint,
// api_endpoint_base_url: sourceMetadata.api_endpoint_base_url,
// client_id: sourceMetadata.client_id,
// redirect_uri: sourceMetadata.redirect_uri,
// scopes_supported: sourceMetadata.scopes_supported,
// issuer: sourceMetadata.issuer,
// grant_types_supported: sourceMetadata.grant_types_supported,
// response_types_supported: sourceMetadata.response_types_supported,
// aud: sourceMetadata.aud,
// code_challenge_methods_supported: sourceMetadata.code_challenge_methods_supported,
// confidential: sourceMetadata.confidential,
// cors_relay_required: sourceMetadata.cors_relay_required,
// patient: payload.patient,
// access_token: payload.access_token,
// refresh_token: payload.refresh_token,
// id_token: payload.id_token,
// // @ts-ignore - in some cases the getAccessTokenExpiration is a string, which cases failures to store Source in db.
// expires_at: parseInt(this.getAccessTokenExpiration(payload)),
// })
// this.fastenApi.createSource(dbSourceCredential)
// .subscribe((resp) => {
// // const sourceSyncMessage = JSON.parse(msg) as SourceSyncMessage
// delete this.status[sourceType]
// // window.location.reload();
// // this.connectedSourceList.
// //find the index of the "inprogress" source in the connected List, and then add this source to its source metadata.
// let foundSource = this.connectedSourceList.findIndex((item) => item.metadata.source_type == sourceType)
// this.connectedSourceList[foundSource].source = resp.source
// console.log("source sync-all response:", resp.summary)
// const toastNotification = new ToastNotification()
// toastNotification.type = ToastType.Success
// toastNotification.message = `Successfully connected ${sourceType}`
// // const upsertSummary = sourceSyncMessage.response as UpsertSummary
// // if(upsertSummary && upsertSummary.totalResources != upsertSummary.updatedResources.length){
// // toastNotification.message += `\n (total: ${upsertSummary.totalResources}, updated: ${upsertSummary.updatedResources.length})`
// // } else if(upsertSummary){
// // toastNotification.message += `\n (total: ${upsertSummary.totalResources})`
// // }
// this.toastService.show(toastNotification)
// },
// (err) => {
// delete this.status[sourceType]
// // window.location.reload();
// const toastNotification = new ToastNotification()
// toastNotification.type = ToastType.Error
// toastNotification.message = `An error occurred while accessing ${sourceType}: ${err}`
// toastNotification.autohide = false
// this.toastService.show(toastNotification)
// console.error(err)
// });
// })
// .catch((err) => {
// delete this.status[sourceType]
// // window.location.reload();
// const toastNotification = new ToastNotification()
// toastNotification.type = ToastType.Error
// toastNotification.message = `An error occurred while accessing ${sourceType}: ${err}`
// toastNotification.autohide = false
// this.toastService.show(toastNotification)
// console.error(err)
// })
// }
* this function is used to process manually "uploaded" FHIR bundle files, adding them to the database.
@ -504,54 +304,4 @@ export class MedicalSourcesComponent implements OnInit {
// Private
* https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/client-js/blob/8f64b770dbcd0abd30646e239cd446dfa4d831f6/src/lib.ts#L311
* Decodes a JWT token and returns it's body.
* @param token The token to read
* @param env An `Adapter` or any other object that has an `atob` method
* @category Utility
private jwtDecode(token: string): Record<string, any> | null
const payload = token.split(".")[1];
return payload ? JSON.parse(atob(payload)) : null;
* https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/client-js/blob/8f64b770dbcd0abd30646e239cd446dfa4d831f6/src/lib.ts#L334
* Given a token response, computes and returns the expiresAt timestamp.
* Note that this should only be used immediately after an access token is
* received, otherwise the computed timestamp will be incorrect.
* @param tokenResponse
* @param env
private getAccessTokenExpiration(tokenResponse: any): number
const now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
// Option 1 - using the expires_in property of the token response
if (tokenResponse.expires_in) {
return now + tokenResponse.expires_in;
// Option 2 - using the exp property of JWT tokens (must not assume JWT!)
if (tokenResponse.access_token) {
let tokenBody = this.jwtDecode(tokenResponse.access_token);
if (tokenBody && tokenBody['exp']) {
return tokenBody['exp'];
// Option 3 - if none of the above worked set this to 5 minutes after now
return now + 300;