
291 lines
11 KiB

package handler
import (
sourceModels ""
// This function is used to sync resources from a source (via a callback function). The BackgroundJobSyncResourcesWrapper contains the logic for registering the background job tracking the sync.
func BackgroundJobSyncResources(
parentContext context.Context,
logger *logrus.Entry,
databaseRepo database.DatabaseRepository,
sourceCred *models.SourceCredential,
) (sourceModels.UpsertSummary, error) {
return BackgroundJobSyncResourcesWrapper(
_backgroundJobContext context.Context,
_logger *logrus.Entry,
_databaseRepo database.DatabaseRepository,
_sourceCred *models.SourceCredential,
) (sourceModels.SourceClient, sourceModels.UpsertSummary, error) {
// after creating the client, we should do a bulk import
sourceClient, err := factory.GetSourceClient(_sourceCred.LighthouseEnvType, _backgroundJobContext, _logger, _sourceCred)
if err != nil {
resultErr := fmt.Errorf("an error occurred while initializing hub client using source credential: %w", err)
return nil, sourceModels.UpsertSummary{}, resultErr
summary, err := sourceClient.SyncAll(_databaseRepo)
if err != nil {
resultErr := fmt.Errorf("an error occurred while bulk importing resources from source: %w", err)
return sourceClient, summary, resultErr
return sourceClient, summary, nil
// BackgroundJobSyncResourcesWrapper is a background job that syncs all FHIR resource for a given source
// It is a blocking function that will return only when the sync is complete or has failed
// It will create a background job and associate it with the source
// It will also update the access token and refresh token if they have been updated
// It will return the sync summary and error if any
// It's a wrapper function that takes a callback function as an argument.
// The callback function is the actual sync operation that will be run in the background (regular source or manual source)
// TODO: run in background thread, or use
// TODO: use goroutine to truely run in the background (how will that work with DatabaseRepository, is that thread safe?) Mutex needed?
func BackgroundJobSyncResourcesWrapper(
parentContext context.Context,
logger *logrus.Entry,
databaseRepo database.DatabaseRepository,
sourceCred *models.SourceCredential,
callbackFn func(
_backgroundJobContext context.Context,
_logger *logrus.Entry,
_databaseRepo database.DatabaseRepository,
_sourceCred *models.SourceCredential,
) (sourceModels.SourceClient, sourceModels.UpsertSummary, error),
) (sourceModels.UpsertSummary, error) {
var resultErr error
var backgroundJob *models.BackgroundJob
//Begin Sync JobStatus update process
//1. Check if the source is already syncing
if sourceCred.LatestBackgroundJob != nil && sourceCred.LatestBackgroundJob.JobStatus == pkg.BackgroundJobStatusLocked {
logger.Errorln("Sync operation already in progress, cannot continue.")
return sourceModels.UpsertSummary{}, fmt.Errorf("sync operation already in progress, cannot continue")
//since there's no sync in progress, lets create a new background job
//2. Create a new background job
backgroundJob = models.NewSyncBackgroundJob(*sourceCred)
err := databaseRepo.CreateBackgroundJob(parentContext, backgroundJob)
if err != nil {
resultErr = fmt.Errorf("an error occurred while creating background job: %w", err)
return sourceModels.UpsertSummary{}, resultErr
backgroundJobContext := CreateBackgroundJobContext(parentContext, backgroundJob.ID.String())
//3. Update the source with the background job id
sourceCred.LatestBackgroundJobID = &backgroundJob.ID
err = databaseRepo.UpdateSource(backgroundJobContext, sourceCred)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("An error occurred while registering background job id with source, ignoring", err)
//we can safely ignore this error, because we'll be updating the status of the background job again later
defer func() {
//finalizer function - update the sync status to completed (or failed depending on the error status)
if sourceCred == nil {
logger.Errorln("sync status finalizer unable to complete, SourceCredential is null, ignoring", err)
} else {
//since we're finished with the sync (no matter the final status), we can clear the active background job id
sourceCred.LatestBackgroundJobID = nil
//this will also update the AccessToken & RefreshToken if they have been updated
err := databaseRepo.UpdateSource(backgroundJobContext, sourceCred)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("sync status finalizer failed updating source, ignoring", err)
//update the backgroundJob status to completed or failed
if backgroundJob == nil {
logger.Errorln("sync status finalizer unable to complete, BackgroundJob is null, ignoring", err)
} else {
//first, try to update the background job with the latest data
updatedBackgroundJob, err := databaseRepo.GetBackgroundJob(backgroundJobContext, backgroundJob.ID.String())
if err == nil {
//replace the current background job, with the updated one.
backgroundJob = updatedBackgroundJob
if resultErr == nil {
backgroundJob.JobStatus = pkg.BackgroundJobStatusDone
} else {
//if there's an error that we need to store, lets unmarshal the data from the backgroundjob
var backgroundJobSyncData models.BackgroundJobSyncData
if backgroundJob.Data != nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(backgroundJob.Data, &backgroundJobSyncData)
//ensure there's a map to store the error data
if backgroundJobSyncData.ErrorData == nil {
backgroundJobSyncData.ErrorData = map[string]interface{}{}
backgroundJobSyncData.ErrorData["final"] = resultErr.Error()
//marshal the new background job data
backgroundJob.Data, err = json.Marshal(backgroundJobSyncData)
backgroundJob.JobStatus = pkg.BackgroundJobStatusFailed
now := time.Now()
backgroundJob.DoneTime = &now
backgroundJob.LockedTime = nil
err = databaseRepo.UpdateBackgroundJob(backgroundJobContext, backgroundJob)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("sync status finalizer failed updating background job, ignoring", err)
var sourceClient sourceModels.SourceClient
var summary sourceModels.UpsertSummary
sourceClient, summary, resultErr = callbackFn(backgroundJobContext, logger, databaseRepo, sourceCred)
if resultErr != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while syncing resources, ignoring", resultErr)
return summary, resultErr
//update source incase the access token/refresh token has been updated
sourceCredential := sourceClient.GetSourceCredential()
sourceCredentialConcrete, ok := sourceCredential.(*models.SourceCredential)
if !ok {
resultErr = fmt.Errorf("an error occurred while updating source credential, source credential is not of type *models.SourceCredential")
return summary, resultErr
sourceCred = sourceCredentialConcrete
//updated credentials will be saved by the finalizer
return summary, resultErr
// Handlers
func ListBackgroundJobs(c *gin.Context) {
logger := c.MustGet(pkg.ContextKeyTypeLogger).(*logrus.Entry)
databaseRepo := c.MustGet(pkg.ContextKeyTypeDatabase).(database.DatabaseRepository)
backgroundJobQueryOptions := models.BackgroundJobQueryOptions{}
if len(c.Query("limit")) == 0 {
backgroundJobQueryOptions.Limit = pkg.ResourceListPageSize
} else {
limit, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Query("limit"))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while calculating limit", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
if limit == 0 {
backgroundJobQueryOptions.Limit = pkg.ResourceListPageSize
} else {
backgroundJobQueryOptions.Limit = limit
if len(c.Query("jobType")) > 0 {
jobType := pkg.BackgroundJobType(c.Query("jobType"))
backgroundJobQueryOptions.JobType = &jobType
if len(c.Query("status")) > 0 {
status := pkg.BackgroundJobStatus(c.Query("status"))
backgroundJobQueryOptions.Status = &status
if len(c.Query("page")) > 0 {
pageNumb, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Query("page"))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while calculating page number", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
backgroundJobQueryOptions.Offset = pageNumb * backgroundJobQueryOptions.Limit
backgroundJobs, err := databaseRepo.ListBackgroundJobs(c, backgroundJobQueryOptions)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while retrieving resources", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": true, "data": backgroundJobs})
// CreateBackgroundJobError this function is used to store error data related to a Source/Provider connection operation that fails in the client-side
// - client errors occur when the OAuth provider sends back an error message (error, error_description query string parameters) or when the code -> access token swap results in an error.
// - server side errors occur for a number of reasons (unable to initialize client, unable to store crednetial in db, unable to sync 1 or more FHIR resources from a patient's medical record)
func CreateBackgroundJobError(c *gin.Context) {
logger := c.MustGet(pkg.ContextKeyTypeLogger).(*logrus.Entry)
databaseRepo := c.MustGet(pkg.ContextKeyTypeDatabase).(database.DatabaseRepository)
var payload models.BackgroundJobSyncData
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&payload); err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while parsing error data", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"success": false})
//override the job type to be an error
errJsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(payload, "", " ")
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred re-encoding error data", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
now := time.Now()
backgroundJob := models.BackgroundJob{
JobType: pkg.BackgroundJobTypeSync,
JobStatus: pkg.BackgroundJobStatusFailed,
DoneTime: &now,
LockedTime: &now,
Data: errJsonData,
err = databaseRepo.CreateBackgroundJob(c, &backgroundJob)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while creating background job to store client-side error data", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": true})
// Utilities
func GetBackgroundContext(ginContext *gin.Context) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(context.Background(), pkg.ContextKeyTypeAuthUsername, ginContext.Value(pkg.ContextKeyTypeAuthUsername).(string))
func CreateBackgroundJobContext(parentContext context.Context, backgroundJobId string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(parentContext, pkg.ContextKeyTypeBackgroundJobID, backgroundJobId)