2018-05-02 12:50:31 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
# Slovak
# native: slovenčina
FLUXIONInterfaceQuery = "Vyberte bezdrôtový adaptér"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONAllocatingInterfaceNotice = " Allocating reserved interface $CGrn \"\$interfaceIdentifier\". "
FLUXIONDeallocatingInterfaceNotice = " Deallocating reserved interface $CGrn \"\$interfaceIdentifier\". "
FLUXIONInterfaceAllocatedNotice = " ${ CGrn } Interface allocation succeeded! "
FLUXIONInterfaceAllocationFailedError = " ${ CRed } Interface reservation failed! "
FLUXIONReidentifyingInterface = "Renaming interface."
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONUnblockingWINotice = "Odblokúvam všetky bezdrôtové adaptéry..."
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
#FLUXIONFindingExtraWINotice="Hľadám prídavné bezdrôtové adaptéry..."
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONRemovingExtraWINotice = "Odstraňujem prídavné bezdrôtové adaptéry..."
FLUXIONFindingWINotice = "Hľadám dostupné bezdrôtové adaptéry..."
FLUXIONSelectedBusyWIError = "Vybraný bezdrôtový adaptér sa pravdepodobne používa!"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONSelectedBusyWITip = " This is usually caused by the network manager using the interface selected. We recommened you $CGrn gracefully stop the network manager $CClr or configure it to ignored the selected interface. Alternatively, run \"export FLUXIONWIKillProcesses=1\" before fluxion to kill it but we suggest you $CRed avoid using the killer flag ${ CClr } . "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONGatheringWIInfoNotice = "Zhromažďujem informácie o adaptéri..."
FLUXIONUnknownWIDriverError = "Nepodarilo sa zistiť driver adaptéru!"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONUnloadingWIDriverNotice = "Čakám na uvolnenie adaptéru \"\$interface\" ..."
FLUXIONLoadingWIDriverNotice = "Čakám na pripravenie adaptéru \"\$interface\" ..."
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONFindingConflictingProcessesNotice = "Hľadám známe služby..."
FLUXIONKillingConflictingProcessesNotice = "Zastavujem známe služby..."
FLUXIONPhysicalWIDeviceUnknownError = " ${ CRed } Nedokážem zistiť fyzické zariadenie adaptéru! "
FLUXIONStartingWIMonitorNotice = "Štartujem monitorovací adaptér..."
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONTargetSearchingInterfaceQuery = "Select a wireless interface for target searching."
FLUXIONTargetTrackerInterfaceQuery = "Select an interface for target tracking."
2018-04-27 17:00:11 -06:00
FLUXIONTargetTrackerInterfaceQueryTip = " ${ CSWht } Avoid $CClr selecting a ${ CSWht } virtual interface ${ CClr } here. "
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONIncompleteTargettingInfoNotice = "Missing ESSID, BSSID, or channel information!"
FLUXIONTargettingAccessPointAboveNotice = "Fluxion is targetting the access point above."
FLUXIONContinueWithTargetQuery = "Continue with this target?"
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONStartingScannerNotice = "Štartujem scanner, čakajte..."
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONStartingScannerTip = "Päť sekúnd po objavení sa cieľového AP, zavrite FLUXION Scanner (ctrl+c)."
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONPreparingScannerResultsNotice = "Výsledky scanu sa pripravujú, čakajte..."
2017-11-30 12:59:48 -07:00
FLUXIONScannerFailedNotice = "Bezdrôtová sieťová karta nemusí byť podporovaná (nenašli sa žiadne AP)"
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONScannerDetectedNothingNotice = "Žiadne prístupové body neboli najdené, vraciam sa..."
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2017-11-30 12:59:48 -07:00
FLUXIONHashFileDoesNotExistError = "Súbor 'hash' neexistuje!"
FLUXIONHashInvalidError = " ${ CRed } Error $CClr , nesprávny 'hash' súbor! "
FLUXIONHashValidNotice = " ${ CGrn } Success $CClr , 'hash' overenie úspešné! "
FLUXIONPathToHandshakeFileQuery = " Zadajte cestu k 'handshake' súboru $CClr (Príklad: /.../dump-01.cap) "
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONPathToHandshakeFileReturnTip = "To go back, leave the hash path blank."
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONAbsolutePathInfo = "Absolúna cesta"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONEmptyOrNonExistentHashError = " ${ CRed } Error $CClr , path points to non-existing or empty hash file. "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONScannerChannelQuery = "Vyberte kanál, ktorý chcete monitorovať"
FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionAll = "Všetky kanály"
FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionSpecific = "Špecifický kanál(y)"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONScannerChannelSingleTip = "Jeden kanál"
FLUXIONScannerChannelMiltipleTip = "Viecero kanálov"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONScannerHeader = "FLUXION Scanner"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONHashSourceQuery = "Vyberte spôsob získania 'handshake'"
2017-11-30 12:59:48 -07:00
FLUXIONHashSourcePathOption = "Cesta ku 'capture' súboru"
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONHashSourceRescanOption = "Priečinok s 'handshake' (preskenovať)"
2017-11-30 12:59:48 -07:00
FLUXIONFoundHashNotice = "Našiel sa 'hash' pre vybrané AP."
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONUseFoundHashQuery = "Chcete použiť tento súbor?"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONUseFoundHashOption = "Use hash found"
FLUXIONSpecifyHashPathOption = "Specify path to hash"
2017-11-30 12:59:48 -07:00
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodQuery = "Vyberte spôsob overenia pre 'hash'"
2018-05-04 11:52:53 -06:00
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodPyritOption = "pyrit verification"
2017-11-30 01:43:08 -07:00
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodAircrackOption = " aircrack-ng verification ( ${ CYel } nespoľahlivé $CClr ) "
2018-05-04 11:52:53 -06:00
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodCowpattyOption = " cowpatty verification ( ${ CGrn } Odporúčané $CClr ) "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONAttackQuery = "Vyberte spôsob útoku pre prístupový bod"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONAttackInProgressNotice = " ${ CCyn } \$FluxionAttack $CClr prebieha útok... "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONSelectAnotherAttackOption = "Vyberte iný útok"
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONAttackResumeQuery = "This attack has already been configured."
FLUXIONAttackRestoreOption = "Restore attack"
FLUXIONAttackResetOption = "Reset attack"
FLUXIONAttackRestartOption = "Restart"
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONGeneralSkipOption = " ${ CYel } Skip "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONGeneralBackOption = " ${ CRed } Späť "
FLUXIONGeneralExitOption = " ${ CRed } Exit "
2018-04-23 13:02:54 -06:00
FLUXIONGeneralRepeatOption = " ${ CRed } Repeat "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONGeneralNotFoundError = "Nenájdené"
FLUXIONGeneralXTermFailureError = " ${ CRed } Nepodarilo sa spustiť 'xterm session' (možná nesprávna konfigurácia). "
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONCleanupAndClosingNotice = "Čistím a zatváram"
FLUXIONKillingProcessNotice = " Ukončujem ${ CGry } \$targetID $CClr "
2017-12-20 17:30:09 -07:00
FLUXIONRestoringPackageManagerNotice = " Restoring ${ CCyn } \$PackageManagerCLT $CClr "
2017-11-28 08:09:08 -07:00
FLUXIONDisablingMonitorNotice = "Vypínam monitorovací adaptér"
FLUXIONDisablingExtraInterfacesNotice = "Vypínam extra adaptéry"
FLUXIONDisablingPacketForwardingNotice = " Vypínam ${ CGry } smerovanie packet-ov "
FLUXIONDisablingCleaningIPTablesNotice = " Čistím ${ CGry } iptables "
FLUXIONRestoringTputNotice = " Obnovujem ${ CGry } tput "
FLUXIONDeletingFilesNotice = " Mažem ${ CGry } súbory "
FLUXIONRestartingNetworkManagerNotice = " Reštartujem ${ CGry } Network-Manager "
FLUXIONCleanupSuccessNotice = "Čistenie prebehlo úspešne!"
FLUXIONThanksSupportersNotice = "Ďakujeme za použitie FLUXION"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>