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Rewrote fluxion for better extensibility. Most spaghetti code has be removed or replaced with better alternatives. Refactored most functionality into directory-based, load-on-demand, addon attack scripts. Changed the naming scheme of variables throughout for consistency (try to stick to one, guys). Changed color names (variable identifiers) for better consistency. Changed language file names to follow the scheme "Language.lang" Changed function naming scheme to better reflect their behavior, more under [ FLUXION V3 ] Added more comments in code, attempting to decrease the obfuscation of functionality. Minimized the usage of globals throughout the script, trying to leave absolute essentials, for safety. Multiple improvements in general to the visuals, the algorithms, and to methods used. [ FLUXION V3 ] * Custom attacks may now be developed and installed independently. * Custom portals may now be installed independently. * Globally changed functions' naming scheme to use snake-case, systematically prefixed with: * > set_: function will set/configure something. * > unset_: function will undo what set_ did. * > run_: function will execute a blocking command. * > halt_: function will abort a running command (possibly via signals [SIGABRT]) * > start_: function will start executing something in the background. * > stop_: function will stop background execution of something, undoing start_. [ Custom Attacks ] * Custom attacks must be bundled in a directory, with the name representing the attack. * Custom attacks must include a load-script "attack.sh" within the attack directory bundle. * Custom attacks' attack.sh script must implement the following boot functions: * > unprep_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call unprep_attack to reset attack parameters. * > prep_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call prep_attack to set attack parameters. * > start_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call start_attack to start a stopped/unstarted attack. * > stop_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call stop_attack to stop a started attack. * Custom attacks may signal fluxion to stop an attack when done, by sending it a SIGABRT signal. [ Custom Portals ] * Portal-containing directories must now follow the naming scheme "Some Brand_Language.portal" * Portal directories, after properly being named, must be stored at "attacks/Captive Portal/sites" Function return values are significant in the script, where anything other than 0 means go back.
2017-08-08 13:14:32 -06:00
# German
# native: Deutsch
Rewrote fluxion for better extensibility. Most spaghetti code has be removed or replaced with better alternatives. Refactored most functionality into directory-based, load-on-demand, addon attack scripts. Changed the naming scheme of variables throughout for consistency (try to stick to one, guys). Changed color names (variable identifiers) for better consistency. Changed language file names to follow the scheme "Language.lang" Changed function naming scheme to better reflect their behavior, more under [ FLUXION V3 ] Added more comments in code, attempting to decrease the obfuscation of functionality. Minimized the usage of globals throughout the script, trying to leave absolute essentials, for safety. Multiple improvements in general to the visuals, the algorithms, and to methods used. [ FLUXION V3 ] * Custom attacks may now be developed and installed independently. * Custom portals may now be installed independently. * Globally changed functions' naming scheme to use snake-case, systematically prefixed with: * > set_: function will set/configure something. * > unset_: function will undo what set_ did. * > run_: function will execute a blocking command. * > halt_: function will abort a running command (possibly via signals [SIGABRT]) * > start_: function will start executing something in the background. * > stop_: function will stop background execution of something, undoing start_. [ Custom Attacks ] * Custom attacks must be bundled in a directory, with the name representing the attack. * Custom attacks must include a load-script "attack.sh" within the attack directory bundle. * Custom attacks' attack.sh script must implement the following boot functions: * > unprep_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call unprep_attack to reset attack parameters. * > prep_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call prep_attack to set attack parameters. * > start_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call start_attack to start a stopped/unstarted attack. * > stop_attack: fluxion will load attack.sh and call stop_attack to stop a started attack. * Custom attacks may signal fluxion to stop an attack when done, by sending it a SIGABRT signal. [ Custom Portals ] * Portal-containing directories must now follow the naming scheme "Some Brand_Language.portal" * Portal directories, after properly being named, must be stored at "attacks/Captive Portal/sites" Function return values are significant in the script, where anything other than 0 means go back.
2017-08-08 13:14:32 -06:00
FLUXIONInterfaceQuery="Wähle deine Netzwerkkarte aus"
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONUnblockingWINotice="Entferne den Softblock von allen Netzwerkkarten..."
FLUXIONFindingExtraWINotice="Schaue nach fremden drahlosen Netzwerkkarten..."
FLUXIONRemovingExtraWINotice="Entferne freme drahtlose Netzwerkkarten..."
FLUXIONFindingWINotice="Schaue nach fremden drahlosen Netzwerkkarten..."
FLUXIONSelectedBusyWIError="Die ausgewählte Netzwerkkarte befindet sich gerade in benutzung"
FLUXIONSelectedBusyWITip="Führe \"export FLUXIONWIKillProcesses=1\" aus bevor du FLUXION nutzt."
FLUXIONGatheringWIInfoNotice="Sammeln der Daten von allen Netzwerken..."
FLUXIONUnknownWIDriverError="Netzwerkkartentreiber konnte nicht bestimmt werden"
FLUXIONUnloadingWIDriverNotice="Warte auf Netzwerkarte \"\$wiSelected\"..."
FLUXIONLoadingWIDriverNotice="Warte auf Netzwerkarte \"\$wiSelected\"..."
FLUXIONFindingConflictingProcessesNotice="Suche nach Diensten die Probleme verursachen können..."
FLUXIONKillingConflictingProcessesNotice="Beende Diensten die Probleme verursachen können..."
FLUXIONPhysicalWIDeviceUnknownError="${CRed}Die Physische Schnittstelle konnte nicht ermittelt werden"
FLUXIONStartingWIMonitorNotice="Starte die Netzwerkkarte im Monitor Mode"
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONMonitorModeWIEnabledNotice="${CGrn}Monitormode konnte erfolgreich gestartet werden"
FLUXIONMonitorModeWIFailedError="${CRed}Monitormode konnte nicht gestartet werden"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONStartingScannerNotice="Starte Scanner"
2017-11-29 22:30:21 -07:00
FLUXIONStartingScannerTip="Five seconds after the target AP appears, close the FLUXION Scanner."
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONPreparingScannerResultsNotice="Analysieren von allen gesammelten Daten..."
FLUXIONScannerFailedNotice="Netzwerkkarte ist möglichweise nicht geeignet ( Keine Netzwerke gefunden )"
FLUXIONScannerDetectedNothingNotice="Keine Netzwerke konnten gefunden werden"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONHashFileDoesNotExistError="Hash Datei existiert nicht"
FLUXIONHashInvalidError="${CRed}Fehler$CClr, falscher Hash"
FLUXIONHashValidNotice="${CGrn}Erfolgreich$CClr,Hash Verifizierung erfolgreich"
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONPathToHandshakeFileQuery="Geben sie den Pfad zum Handshake an $CClr(Beispiel: /.../dump-01.cap)"
FLUXIONAbsolutePathInfo="Absoluten Pfad"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONScannerChannelQuery="Wähle deinen Kanal aus"
FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionAll="Alle Kanäle"
FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionSpecific="Spezifische Kanal(e)"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONScannerChannelSingleTip="Einzelner Kanal"
FLUXIONScannerChannelMiltipleTip="Mehrere Kanäle"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONScannerHeader="FLUXION Scanner"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONAPServiceQuery="Wähle deine Angriffsmethode aus"
FLUXIONAPServiceHostapdOption="Rogue AP - hostapd (${CGrn}Empfohlen$CClr)"
FLUXIONAPServiceAirbaseOption="Rogue AP - airbase-ng (${CYel}Langsame Verbindung$CClr)"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONHashSourceQuery="Wähle eine Methode aus um den Handshake zu erlangen"
FLUXIONHashSourcePathOption="Handshake Pfad eingeben"
FLUXIONHashSourceRescanOption="Handshake Ordner neu einlesen"
FLUXIONFoundHashNotice="Ein hash wurde für das Netzwerk gefunden"
FLUXIONUseFoundHashQuery="Möchten sie dieses Netzwerk nutzen"
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodQuery="Wählen sie eine Methode um den Hash zu Verifizieren"
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodPyritOption="Pyrit Verifizierung (${CGrn}Empfohlen$CClr)"
FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodAircrackOption="Aircrack Verfizierung (${CYel}Unglaubwürdig$CClr)"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONAttackQuery="Wählen Sie einen drahtlosen Angriff für den Zugangspunkt aus"
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONAttackInProgressNotice="${CCyn}\$FLUXIONAttack$CClr Angriff gestartet"
FLUXIONSelectAnotherAttackOption="Wähle einen anderen Angriff"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONGeneralRepeatOption="${CRed}Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang"
FLUXIONGeneralNotFoundError="Nicht gefunden"
2017-08-28 12:09:25 -06:00
FLUXIONGeneralXTermFailureError="${CRed}Xterm Terminal konnte nicht gestartet werden"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FLUXIONCleanupAndClosingNotice="Aufräumen und schließen"
FLUXIONKillingProcessNotice="Killing ${CGry}\$targetID$CClr"
FLUXIONDisablingMonitorNotice="Deaktivierung des Monitor Interface"
FLUXIONDisablingExtraInterfacesNotice="Deaktivierung des Interface"
FLUXIONDisablingPacketForwardingNotice="Deaktivierung ${CGry}von weiterleiten von Paketen"
FLUXIONDisablingCleaningIPTablesNotice="Säubere ${CGry}iptables"
FLUXIONRestoringTputNotice="Wiederherstellung von ${CGry}tput"
FLUXIONDeletingFilesNotice="Deleting ${CGry}files"
FLUXIONRestartingNetworkManagerNotice="Neustarten des ${CGry}Netzwerk Manager"
FLUXIONCleanupSuccessNotice="Wiederherstellung war erfolgreich"
FLUXIONThanksSupportersNotice="Vielen Dank für die Nutzung von FLUXION"
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>