Changed & tested update check function.

This commit is contained in:
Matias Barcenas 2017-08-21 00:06:29 -05:00
parent 88619a8dd6
commit 92bad0242b
1 changed files with 28 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
if [ "$InstallerUtilsVersion" ]; then return 0; fi
readonly InstallerUtilsVersion="1.0"
#if [ "$InstallerUtilsVersion" ]; then return 0; fi
# readonly InstallerUtilsVersion="1.0"
@ -27,37 +27,50 @@ function installer_utils_run_spinner() {
tput cnorm
# Pamaters: $1 - url $2 - regex
# Pamaters:
# $1 source - Online Info File (text)
# $2 version regex - Online version (regex)
# $3 revision regex - Online version (regex)
function installer_utils_check_version() {
if [ ! "$1" ]; then return 1; fi
if [ ${#@} -ne 3 ]; then return 1; fi
# Attempt to retrieve versioning information from repository script.
local __installer_utils_check_version__online=("`timeout -s SIGTERM 20 curl "$1" 2>/dev/null | egrep "$2"`")
local -r __installer_utils_check_version__info=("`timeout -s SIGTERM 20 curl "$1" 2> /dev/null`")
if [ "${__installer_utils_check_version__online[@]}" ]
then echo -e "${__installer_utils_check_version__online[@]}" > "$InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath/latest_version"
local -r __installer_utils_check_version__onlineVersion=$(echo "${__installer_utils_check_version__info[@]}" | egrep "$2" | egrep -o "[0-9]+")
local -r __installer_utils_check_version__onlineRevision=$(echo "${__installer_utils_check_version__info[@]}" | egrep "$3" | egrep -o "[0-9]+")
if [ "$__installer_utils_check_version__onlineVersion" ] && [ "$__installer_utils_check_version__onlineRevision" ]
then echo -e "$__installer_utils_check_version__onlineVersion\n$__installer_utils_check_version__onlineRevision" > "$InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath/latest_version"
# Pamaters: $1 - update url $2 - update regex $3 - local version $4 - local revision
# Pamaters:
# $1 source - Online Info File (text)
# $2 version regex - Online version (regex)
# $3 version local - Local version (number)
# $4 revision regex - Online version (regex)
# $5 revision local - Local version (number)
function installer_utils_check_update() {
# The following set of statements aren't very generic, need to be refactored.
local versionDialog="Online Version"
local versionDialogOffset=$(($(tput cols) / 2 + ((${#versionDialog} / 2) - 4)))
printf "%${versionDialogOffset}s" "$versionDialog"
installer_utils_check_version "${@:1:2}" &
installer_utils_run_spinner "$!"
installer_utils_check_version "${@:1:3}" &
installer_utils_run_spinner "$!" # This should be done externally (refactored).
local __installer_utils_check_update__localVersion=$3
local __installer_utils_check_update__localRevision=$4
local __installer_utils_check_update__localVersion=$4
local __installer_utils_check_update__localRevision=$5
local __installer_utils_check_update__version="?"
local __installer_utils_check_update__revision="?"
if [ -f "$InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath/latest_version" -a \
-s "$InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath/latest_version" ]; then
mapfile __installer_utils_check_update__vInfo < "$InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath/latest_version"
__installer_utils_check_update__version=$(echo "${__installer_utils_check_update__vInfo[@]}" | awk -F= 'tolower($1)~/version/{print $2}')
__installer_utils_check_update__revision=$(echo "${__installer_utils_check_update__vInfo[@]}" | awk -F= 'tolower($1)~/revision/{print $2}')
echo -e "$CClr [$__installer_utils_check_update__version.$__installer_utils_check_update__revision$CClr]"