Added support for ESSIDs containing non-ASCII and other special characters.
Fixed a bug which would prevent exiting when the debug flag was active.
Fixed a bug where attacks' unprep_attack wasn't being called on abort.
Fixed a bug where fluxion_show_ap_info was escaping some ESSIDs.
Added better logging messages to HashUtils.
Added support for special characters to HashUtils.
Fixed a bug caused by not resetting the package manager after finishing.
The bug occured only when the installer was interrupted.
Removed obsolete code from fluxion's exit procedure.
Added better message feedback to the apt manager.
Updated languages' dialog for new package manager reset notice.
Captive Portal will now target its service PIDs to accurately kill them.
Captive Portal's window arrangement has been enhanced (rearranged).
Captive Portal will now show the web server access log.
Fixed a bug where once an AP was selected, it could not be changed.
The AP service will now explicitly wait for xterm's child (AP service PID).
Removed killing every process using the same service in the system.
The installer has been defined as a utility & is incorporated into fluxion.
The installer is now responsible for checking & installing updates.
The installer is now responsible for checking & installing dependencies.
Package managers can now be defined within fluxion/lib/installer/managers.
Dependencies are now flexible, and will attempt alternative installs.
Rewrote FormatUtils to correct bad performance (sluggish on slow systems).
Changed FormatUtils API to accomodate for new performance enhancements.
Added a new literal to FormatUtils's formats, the double asterisk (**).
FormatUtils will now replace all asterisks, double asterisk (**).
Fixed an issue caused by long ESSIDs and long interface driver descriptors.
The new horizontal utility utilizes the * token for centering.
* Every field with the token %*s will autofill the remaining space.
* Field tokens may be any valid format specifier, plus the asterisk.
* > Example: printf "%*s %.*s %*d" "col1" "col2" "3.0" (notice asterisk)
* > Example: printf "%*b %s" "\e[1;33mThis is red text\e[0m" "this is not"
Use the new utilities to center the startup banner and other messages.
Updated fluxion and attacks scripts to use the updated language global identifiers.
Quoted some paths that handn't already been quoted (potential spacing issues).
Updated the exitmode function to deal with FLUXION-started only processes.
Fixed a bug where the "WI not supported" message was displayed when no AP were found.
Added an IO function to handle dynamic, static-text, substitution.