#!/bin/bash ################################ < FLUXION Parameters > ################################ # NOTE: The FLUXIONPath constant will not be populated correctly if the script is called # directly via a symlink. Symlinks in the path to the script should work completely fine. declare -r FLUXIONPath="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" declare -r FLUXIONWorkspacePath="/tmp/fluxspace" declare -r FLUXIONHashPath="$FLUXIONPath/attacks/Handshake Snooper/handshakes" declare -r FLUXIONScanDB="dump" declare -r FLUXIONNoiseFloor=-90 declare -r FLUXIONNoiseCeiling=-60 declare -r FLUXIONVersion=3 declare -r FLUXIONRevision=3 declare -r FLUXIONDebug=${FLUXIONDebug:+1} declare -r FLUXIONWIKillProcesses=${FLUXIONWIKillProcesses:+1} declare -r FLUXIONWIReloadDriver=${FLUXIONWIReloadDriver:+1} declare -r FLUXIONAuto=${FLUXIONAuto:+1} # FLUXIONDebug [Normal Mode "" / Developer Mode 1] declare -r FLUXIONOutputDevice=$([ $FLUXIONDebug ] && echo "/dev/stdout" || echo "/dev/null") declare -r FLUXIONHoldXterm=$([ $FLUXIONDebug ] && echo "-hold" || echo "") ################################# < Library Includes > ################################# source lib/installer/InstallerUtils.sh source lib/InterfaceUtils.sh source lib/SandboxUtils.sh source lib/FormatUtils.sh source lib/ColorUtils.sh source lib/IOUtils.sh source lib/HashUtils.sh ################################ < FLUXION Parameters > ################################ FLUXIONPrompt="$CRed[${CBlu}fluxion$CYel@$CClr$HOSTNAME$CRed]-[$CYel~$CRed]$CClr " FLUXIONVLine="$CRed[$CYel*$CRed]$CClr" ################################ < Library Parameters > ################################ InterfaceUtilsOutputDevice="$FLUXIONOutputDevice" SandboxWorkspacePath="$FLUXIONWorkspacePath" SandboxOutputDevice="$FLUXIONOutputDevice" InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath="$FLUXIONWorkspacePath" InstallerUtilsOutputDevice="$FLUXIONOutputDevice" InstallerUtilsNoticeMark="$FLUXIONVLine" PackageManagerLog="$InstallerUtilsWorkspacePath/package_manager.log" IOUtilsHeader="fluxion_header" IOUtilsQueryMark="$FLUXIONVLine" IOUtilsPrompt="$FLUXIONPrompt" HashOutputDevice="$FLUXIONOutputDevice" ################################# < Super User Check > ################################# if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${CRed}You don't have admin privilegies, execute the script as root.$CClr" exit 1 fi ################################### < XTerm Checks > ################################### if [ ! "${DISPLAY:-}" ]; then echo -e "${CRed}The script should be exected inside a X (graphical) session.$CClr" exit 2 fi if ! xdpyinfo &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${CRed}The script failed to initialize an xterm test session.$CClr" exit 3 fi ################################# < Default Language > ################################# source language/en.sh ################################# < User Preferences > ################################# if [ -x "$FLUXIONPath/preferences.sh" ]; then source "$FLUXIONPath/preferences.sh"; fi ######################################################################################## function fluxion_exitmode() { if [ ! $FLUXIONDebug ]; then fluxion_header echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht]$CRed $FLUXIONCleanupAndClosingNotice$CClr" local processes readarray processes < <(ps -A) # Currently, fluxion is only responsible for killing airodump-ng, # since it uses it to scan for candidate target access points. # Everything else should be taken care of by the custom attack abort handler. local targets=("airodump-ng") local targetID # Program identifier/title for targetID in "${targets[@]}"; do # Get PIDs of all programs matching targetPID local targetPID=$(echo "${processes[@]}" | awk '$4~/'"$targetID"'/{print $1}') if [ ! "$targetPID" ]; then continue; fi echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht] `io_dynamic_output $FLUXIONKillingProcessNotice`" killall $targetPID &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice done if [ "$WIAccessPoint" ]; then echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht] $FLUXIONDisablingExtraInterfacesNotice$CGrn $WIAccessPoint$CClr" iw dev $WIAccessPoint del &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi if [ "$WIMonitor" ]; then echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht] $FLUXIONDisablingMonitorNotice$CGrn $WIMonitor$CClr" if [ "$FLUXIONAirmonNG" ] then airmon-ng stop "$WIMonitor" &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice else interface_set_mode "$WIMonitor" "managed" fi fi echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht] $FLUXIONRestoringTputNotice$CClr" tput cnorm if [ ! $FLUXIONDebug ]; then echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht] $FLUXIONDeletingFilesNotice$CClr" sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/*" fi if [ $FLUXIONWIKillProcesses ]; then echo -e "$CWht[$CRed-$CWht] $FLUXIONRestartingNetworkManagerNotice$CClr" # systemctl check systemd=$(whereis systemctl) if [ "$systemd" = "" ];then service network-manager restart &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice & service networkmanager restart &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice & service networking restart &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice & else systemctl restart NetworkManager &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice & fi fi echo -e "$CWht[$CGrn+$CWht] $CGrn$FLUXIONCleanupSuccessNotice$CClr" echo -e "$CWht[$CGrn+$CWht] $CGry$FLUXIONThanksSupportersNotice$CClr" sleep 2 clear fi exit } # Delete log only in Normal Mode ! function fluxion_conditional_clear() { # Clear iff we're not in debug mode if [ ! $FLUXIONDebug ]; then clear; fi } function fluxion_conditional_bail() { echo "Something went wrong, whoops!"; sleep 5 if [ ! $FLUXIONDebug ]; then fluxion_exitmode; return 0; fi echo "Press any key to continue execution..." read bullshit } # ERROR Report only in Developer Mode function fluxion_error_report() { echo "Error on line $1" } if [ "$FLUXIONDebug" ]; then trap 'fluxion_error_report $LINENUM' ERR fi function fluxion_handle_abort_attack() { if [ $(type -t stop_attack) ]; then stop_attack &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice else echo "Attack undefined, can't stop anything..." > $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi } # In case an abort signal is received, # abort any attacks currently running. trap fluxion_handle_abort_attack SIGABRT function fluxion_handle_exit() { fluxion_handle_abort_attack fluxion_exitmode } # In case of unexpected termination, run fluxion_exitmode # to execute cleanup and reset commands. trap fluxion_handle_exit SIGINT SIGHUP function fluxion_header() { format_apply_autosize "[%*s]\n" local verticalBorder=$FormatApplyAutosize format_apply_autosize "[%*s${CRed}FLUXION $FLUXIONVersion ${CRed}< F${CYel}luxion ${CRed}I${CYel}s ${CRed}T${CYel}he ${CRed}F${CYel}uture >%*s$CBlu]\n"; local headerTextFormat="$FormatApplyAutosize" fluxion_conditional_clear echo -e "`printf "$CRed$verticalBorder" "" | sed -r "s/ /~/g"`" printf "$CRed$verticalBorder" "" printf "$headerTextFormat" "" "" printf "$CBlu$verticalBorder" "" echo -e "`printf "$CBlu$verticalBorder" "" | sed -r "s/ /~/g"`$CClr" echo echo } # Create working directory if [ ! -d "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath" ]; then mkdir -p "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath" &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi ####################################### < Start > ###################################### if [ ! $FLUXIONDebug ]; then FLUXIONBanner=() format_center_literals " ⌠▓▒▓▒ ⌠▓╗ ⌠█┐ ┌█ ┌▓\ /▓┐ ⌠▓╖ ⌠◙▒▓▒◙ ⌠█\ ☒┐"; FLUXIONBanner+=("$FormatCenterLiterals"); format_center_literals " ║▒_ │▒║ │▒║ ║▒ \▒\/▒/ │☢╫ │▒┌╤┐▒ ║▓▒\ ▓║"; FLUXIONBanner+=("$FormatCenterLiterals"); format_center_literals " ≡◙◙ ║◙║ ║◙║ ║◙ ◙◙ ║¤▒ ║▓║☯║▓ ♜◙\✪\◙♜"; FLUXIONBanner+=("$FormatCenterLiterals"); format_center_literals " ║▒ │▒║__ │▒└_┘▒ /▒/\▒\ │☢╫ │▒└╧┘▒ ║█ \▒█║"; FLUXIONBanner+=("$FormatCenterLiterals"); format_center_literals " ⌡▓ ⌡◘▒▓▒ ⌡◘▒▓▒◘ └▓/ \▓┘ ⌡▓╝ ⌡◙▒▓▒◙ ⌡▓ \▓┘"; FLUXIONBanner+=("$FormatCenterLiterals"); format_center_literals "¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯"; FLUXIONBanner+=("$FormatCenterLiterals"); clear if [ "$FLUXIONAuto" ] then echo -e "$CBlu" else echo -e "$CRed" fi for line in "${FLUXIONBanner[@]}" do echo "$line"; sleep 0.05 done #echo "${FLUXIONBanner[@]}" echo sleep 0.1 format_center_literals "${CGrn}Site: ${CRed}https://github.com/FluxionNetwork/fluxion$CClr"; echo -e "$FormatCenterLiterals" sleep 0.1 format_center_literals "${CRed}FLUXION $CWht$FLUXIONVersion (rev. $CGrn$FLUXIONRevision$CWht)$CYel by$CWht ghost"; echo -e "$FormatCenterLiterals" sleep 0.1 if installer_utils_check_update "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FluxionNetwork/fluxion/master/fluxion.sh" "FLUXIONVersion=" "FLUXIONRevision=" $FLUXIONVersion $FLUXIONRevision then installer_utils_run_update "https://github.com/FluxionNetwork/fluxion/archive/master.zip" "FLUXION-V$FLUXIONVersion.$FLUXIONRevision" "`dirname "$FLUXIONPath"`" fi echo FLUXIONCLIToolsRequired=("aircrack-ng" "awk:awk|gawk|mawk" "curl" "dhcpd:isc-dhcp-server" "7zr:p7zip" "hostapd" "lighttpd" "iwconfig:wireless-tools" "macchanger" "mdk3" "nmap" "openssl" "php-cgi" "pyrit" "xterm" "rfkill" "unzip" "route:net-tools" "fuser:psmisc" "killall:psmisc") FLUXIONCLIToolsMissing=() while ! installer_utils_check_dependencies FLUXIONCLIToolsRequired[@] do installer_utils_run_dependencies InstallerUtilsCheckDependencies[@] done fi #################################### < Resolution > #################################### function fluxion_set_resolution() { # Windows + Resolution function resA() { TOPLEFT="-geometry 90x13+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 83x26-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 90x24+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 75x12-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 91x42+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 83x26-0+0" } function resB() { TOPLEFT="-geometry 92x14+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 68x25-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 92x36+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 74x20-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 100x52+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 74x30-0+0" } function resC() { TOPLEFT="-geometry 100x20+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 109x20-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 100x30+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 109x20-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 100x52+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 109x30-0+0" } function resD() { TOPLEFT="-geometry 110x35+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 99x40-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 110x35+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 99x30-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 110x72+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 99x40-0+0" } function resE() { TOPLEFT="-geometry 130x43+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 68x25-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 130x40+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 132x35-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 130x85+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 132x48-0+0" } function resF() { TOPLEFT="-geometry 100x17+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 90x27-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 100x30+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 90x20-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 100x70+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 90x27-0+0" } detectedresolution=$(xdpyinfo 2> /dev/null | grep -A 3 "screen #0" | grep dimensions | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 3) ## A) 1024x600 ## B) 1024x768 ## C) 1280x768 ## D) 1280x1024 ## E) 1600x1200 case $detectedresolution in "1024x600" ) resA ;; "1024x768" ) resB ;; "1280x768" ) resC ;; "1366x768" ) resC ;; "1280x1024" ) resD ;; "1600x1200" ) resE ;; "1366x768" ) resF ;; * ) resA ;; esac } ##################################### < Language > ##################################### function fluxion_set_language() { if [ "$FLUXIONAuto" ]; then FLUXIONLanguage="en" else # Get all languages available. local languageCodes readarray -t languageCodes < <(ls -1 language | sed -E 's/\.sh//') local languages readarray -t languages < <(head -n 3 language/*.sh | grep -E "^# native: " | sed -E 's/# \w+: //') io_query_format_fields "$FLUXIONVLine Select your language" "\t$CRed[$CYel%d$CRed]$CClr %s / %s\n" languageCodes[@] languages[@] FLUXIONLanguage=${IOQueryFormatFields[0]} source "$FLUXIONPath/language/$FLUXIONLanguage.sh" fi } #################################### < Interfaces > #################################### function fluxion_unset_interface() { # Unblock interfaces to make them available. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONUnblockingWINotice" rfkill unblock all # Find all monitor-mode interfaces & all AP interfaces. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONFindingExtraWINotice" local wiMonitors=($(iwconfig 2>&1 | grep "Mode:Monitor" | awk '{print $1}')) # Remove all monitor-mode & all AP interfaces. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONRemovingExtraWINotice" if [ ${#wiMonitors[@]} -gt 0 ]; then local monitor for monitor in ${wiMonitors[@]}; do # Remove any previously created fluxion AP interfaces. #iw dev "FX${monitor:2}AP" del &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # Remove monitoring interface after AP interface. if [[ "$monitor" = *"mon" ]] then airmon-ng stop "$monitor" > $FLUXIONOutputDevice else interface_set_mode "$monitor" "managed" fi if [ $FLUXIONDebug ]; then echo -e "Stopped $monitor." fi done fi WIMonitor="" } # Choose Interface function fluxion_set_interface() { if [ "$WIMonitor" ]; then return 0; fi fluxion_unset_interface # Gather candidate interfaces. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONFindingWINotice" # List of all available wireless network interfaces. # These will be stored in our array right below. interface_list_wireless local wiAlternate=("$FLUXIONGeneralRepeatOption") local wiAlternateInfo=("") local wiAlternateState=("") local wiAlternateColor=("$CClr") interface_prompt "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONInterfaceQuery" InterfaceListWireless[@] \ wiAlternate[@] wiAlternateInfo[@] wiAlternateState[@] wiAlternateColor[@] local wiSelected=$InterfacePromptIfSelected if [ "$wiSelected" = "$FLUXIONGeneralRepeatOption" ] then fluxion_unset_interface; return 1 fi if [ ! "$FLUXIONWIKillProcesses" -a "$InterfacePromptIfSelectedState" = "[-]" ]; then echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONSelectedBusyWIError" echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONSelectedBusyWITip" sleep 7; fluxion_unset_interface; return 1; fi if ! fluxion_run_interface "$wiSelected" then return 1 fi WIMonitor="$FluxionRunInterface" } function fluxion_run_interface() { if [ ! "$1" ]; then return 1; fi local ifSelected="$1" if [ "$FLUXIONWIReloadDriver" ]; then # Get selected interface's driver details/info-descriptor. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONGatheringWIInfoNotice" if ! interface_driver "$ifSelected" then echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine$CRed $FLUXIONUnknownWIDriverError"; sleep 3; return 1 fi local ifDriver="$InterfaceDriver" # I'm not really sure about this conditional here. # FLUXION 2 had the conditional so I kept it there. if [ ! "$(echo $ifDriver | egrep 'rt2800|rt73')" ] then rmmod -f $ifDriver &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice 2>&1 # Wait while interface becomes unavailable. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine `io_dynamic_output $FLUXIONUnloadingWIDriverNotice`" while interface_physical "$ifSelected" do sleep 1 done fi fi if [ "$FLUXIONWIKillProcesses" ]; then # Get list of potentially troublesome programs. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONFindingConflictingProcessesNotice" # This shit has to go reeeeeal soon (airmon-ng)... local conflictPrograms=($(airmon-ng check | awk 'NR>6{print $2}')) # Kill potentially troublesome programs. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONKillingConflictingProcessesNotice" for program in "${conflictPrograms[@]}" do killall "$program" &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice done fi if [ "$FLUXIONWIReloadDriver" ]; then # I'm not really sure about this conditional here. # FLUXION 2 had the conditional so I kept it there. if [ ! "$(echo $ifDriver | egrep 'rt2800|rt73')" ] then modprobe "$ifDriver" &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice 2>&1 fi # Wait while interface becomes available. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine `io_dynamic_output $FLUXIONLoadingWIDriverNotice`" while ! interface_physical "$ifSelected" do sleep 1 done fi # Activate wireless interface monitor mode and save identifier. echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONStartingWIMonitorNotice" if [ "$FLUXIONAirmonNG" ]; then # TODO: Need to check weather switching to monitor mode below failed. # Notice: Line below could cause issues with different airmon versions. FluxionRunInterface=$(airmon-ng start $ifSelected | awk -F'\[phy[0-9]+\]|\)' '$0~/monitor .* enabled/{print $3}' 2> /dev/null) else if interface_set_mode "$ifSelected" "monitor" then FluxionRunInterface=$ifSelected else FluxionRunInterface="" fi fi if [ "$FluxionRunInterface" ] then echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONMonitorModeWIEnabledNotice"; sleep 3 else echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONMonitorModeWIFailedError"; sleep 3; return 2 fi } ###################################### < Scanner > ##################################### function fluxion_set_scanner() { # If scanner's already been set and globals are ready, we'll skip setup. if [ "$APTargetSSID" -a "$APTargetChannel" -a "$APTargetEncryption" -a \ "$APTargetMAC" -a "$APTargetMakerID" -a "$APRogueMAC" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$FLUXIONAuto" ];then fluxion_run_scanner $WIMonitor else local choices=("$FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionAll" "$FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionSpecific" "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") io_query_choice "$FLUXIONScannerChannelQuery" choices[@] echo case "$IOQueryChoice" in "$FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionAll") fluxion_run_scanner $WIMonitor;; "$FLUXIONScannerChannelOptionSpecific") fluxion_set_scanner_channel;; "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") fluxion_unset_interface; return 1;; esac fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi } function fluxion_set_scanner_channel() { fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONScannerChannelQuery" echo echo -e " $FLUXIONScannerChannelSingleTip ${CBlu}6$CClr " echo -e " $FLUXIONScannerChannelMiltipleTip ${CBlu}1-5$CClr " echo -e " $FLUXIONScannerChannelMiltipleTip ${CBlu}1,2,5-7,11$CClr " echo echo -ne "$FLUXIONPrompt" local channels read channels echo fluxion_run_scanner $WIMonitor $channels if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi } # Parameters: monitor [channel(s)] function fluxion_run_scanner() { echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONStartingScannerNotice" echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONStartingScannerTip" # Remove any pre-existing scanner results. sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump*" local monitor=$1 local channels=$2 if [ "$FLUXIONAuto" ]; then sleep 30 && killall xterm & fi if [ "$channels" ]; then local channelsQuery="--channel $channels"; fi # Begin scanner and output all results to "dump-01.csv." if ! xterm $FLUXIONHoldXterm -title "$FLUXIONScannerHeader" $TOPLEFTBIG -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -e "airodump-ng -Mat WPA $channelsQuery -w \"$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump\" $monitor" 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine$CRed $FLUXIONGeneralXTermFailureError"; sleep 5; return 1 fi local scannerResultsExist=$([ -f "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump-01.csv" ] && echo true) local scannerResultsReadable=$([ -s "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump-01.csv" ] && echo true) if [ ! "$scannerResultsReadable" ]; then if [ "$scannerResultsExist" ]; then sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump*" fi local choices=("$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption" "$FLUXIONGeneralExitOption") io_query_choice "$FLUXIONScannerFailedNotice" choices[@] echo case "$IOQueryChoice" in "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") return 1;; "$FLUXIONGeneralExitOption") fluxion_exitmode; return 2;; esac fi # Syntheize scan operation results from output file "dump-01.csv." echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONPreparingScannerResultsNotice" # Unfortunately, mawk (alias awk) does not support the {n} times matching operator. # readarray TargetAPCandidates < <(gawk -F, 'NF==15 && $1~/([A-F0-9]{2}:){5}[A-F0-9]{2}/ {print $0}' $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump-01.csv) readarray TargetAPCandidates < <(awk -F, 'NF==15 && length($1)==17 && $1~/([A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:)+[A-F0-9][A-F0-9]/ {print $0}' "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump-01.csv") # readarray TargetAPCandidatesClients < <(gawk -F, 'NF==7 && $1~/([A-F0-9]{2}:){5}[A-F0-9]{2}/ {print $0}' $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump-01.csv) readarray TargetAPCandidatesClients < <(awk -F, 'NF==7 && length($1)==17 && $1~/([A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:)+[A-F0-9][A-F0-9]/ {print $0}' "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump-01.csv") # Cleanup the workspace to prevent potential bugs/conflicts. sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump*" if [ ${#TargetAPCandidates[@]} -eq 0 ]; then sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dump*" echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONScannerDetectedNothingNotice" sleep 3; return 1 fi } ###################################### < Target > ###################################### function fluxion_unset_target_ap() { APTargetSSID="" APTargetChannel="" APTargetEncryption="" APTargetMAC="" APTargetMakerID="" APTargetMaker="" APRogueMAC="" } function fluxion_set_target_ap() { if [ "$APTargetSSID" -a "$APTargetChannel" -a "$APTargetEncryption" -a \ "$APTargetMAC" -a "$APTargetMakerID" -a "$APRogueMAC" ]; then return 0 fi fluxion_unset_target_ap local TargetAPCandidatesMAC=() local TargetAPCandidatesClientsCount=() local TargetAPCandidatesChannel=() local TargetAPCandidatesSecurity=() local TargetAPCandidatesSignal=() local TargetAPCandidatesPower=() local TargetAPCandidatesESSID=() local TargetAPCandidatesColor=() for candidateAPInfo in "${TargetAPCandidates[@]}"; do candidateAPInfo=$(echo "$candidateAPInfo" | sed -r "s/,\s*/,/g") local i=${#TargetAPCandidatesMAC[@]} TargetAPCandidatesMAC[i]=$(echo $candidateAPInfo | cut -d , -f 1) TargetAPCandidatesClientsCount[i]=$(echo "${TargetAPCandidatesClients[@]}" | grep -c "${TargetAPCandidatesMAC[i]}") TargetAPCandidatesChannel[i]=$(echo $candidateAPInfo | cut -d , -f 4) TargetAPCandidatesSecurity[i]=$(echo $candidateAPInfo | cut -d , -f 6) TargetAPCandidatesPower[i]=$(echo $candidateAPInfo | cut -d , -f 9) TargetAPCandidatesESSID[i]=$(echo $candidateAPInfo | cut -d , -f 14) TargetAPCandidatesColor[i]=$([ ${TargetAPCandidatesClientsCount[i]} -gt 0 ] && echo $CGrn || echo $CClr) local power=${TargetAPCandidatesPower[i]} if [ $power -eq -1 ]; then # airodump-ng's man page says -1 means unsupported value. TargetAPCandidatesQuality[i]="??"; elif [ $power -le $FLUXIONNoiseFloor ]; then TargetAPCandidatesQuality[i]=0; elif [ $power -gt $FLUXIONNoiseCeiling ]; then TargetAPCandidatesQuality[i]=100; else # Bash doesn't support floating point division, so I gotta work around it... # The function is Q = ((P - F) / (C - F)); Q - quality, P - power, F - floor, C - Ceiling. TargetAPCandidatesQuality[i]=$((( ${TargetAPCandidatesPower[i]} * 10 - $FLUXIONNoiseFloor * 10 ) / ( ( $FLUXIONNoiseCeiling - $FLUXIONNoiseFloor ) / 10 ) )) fi done local headerTitle=$(format_center_literals "WIFI LIST"; echo -n "$FormatCenterLiterals\n\n") format_apply_autosize "$CRed[$CYel ** $CRed]$CClr %-*.*s %4s %3s %3s %2s %-8.8s %18s\n" local headerFields=$(printf "$FormatApplyAutosize" "ESSID" "QLTY" "PWR" "STA" "CH" "SECURITY" "BSSID") format_apply_autosize "$CRed[$CYel%03d$CRed]%b %-*.*s %3s%% %3s %3d %2s %-8.8s %18s\n" io_query_format_fields "$headerTitle$headerFields" "$FormatApplyAutosize" \ TargetAPCandidatesColor[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesESSID[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesQuality[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesPower[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesClientsCount[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesChannel[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesSecurity[@] \ TargetAPCandidatesMAC[@] echo APTargetSSID=${IOQueryFormatFields[1]} APTargetChannel=${IOQueryFormatFields[5]} APTargetEncryption=${IOQueryFormatFields[6]} APTargetMAC=${IOQueryFormatFields[7]} APTargetMakerID=${APTargetMAC:0:8} APTargetMaker=$(macchanger -l | grep ${APTargetMakerID,,} | cut -d ' ' -f 5-) # Remove any special characters allowed in WPA2 ESSIDs for normalization. # Removing: ' ', '[', ']', '(', ')', '*', ':' APTargetSSIDClean="`echo "$APTargetSSID" | sed -r 's/( |\[|\]|\(|\)|\*|:)*//g'`" # We'll change a single hex digit from the target AP's MAC address. # This new MAC address will be used as the rogue AP's MAC address. local APRogueMACChange=$(printf %02X $((0x${APTargetMAC:13:1} + 1))) APRogueMAC="${APTargetMAC::13}${APRogueMACChange:1:1}${APTargetMAC:14:4}" } function fluxion_show_ap_info() { format_apply_autosize "%*s$CBlu%7s$CClr: %-32b%*s\n" printf "$FormatApplyAutosize" "" "ESSID" "$APTargetSSID / $APTargetEncryption" "" printf "$FormatApplyAutosize" "" "Channel" "$APTargetChannel" "" printf "$FormatApplyAutosize" "" "BSSID" "$APTargetMAC ($CYel${APTargetMaker:-UNKNOWN}$CClr)" "" echo } #################################### < AP Service > #################################### function fluxion_unset_ap_service() { APRogueService=""; } function fluxion_set_ap_service() { if [ "$APRogueService" ]; then return 0; fi fluxion_unset_ap_service if [ "$FLUXIONAuto" ]; then APRogueService="hostapd"; else fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONAPServiceQuery" echo fluxion_show_ap_info "$APTargetSSID" "$APTargetEncryption" "$APTargetChannel" "$APTargetMAC" "$APTargetMaker" local choices=("$FLUXIONAPServiceHostapdOption" "$FLUXIONAPServiceAirbaseOption" "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") io_query_choice "" choices[@] echo case "$IOQueryChoice" in "$FLUXIONAPServiceHostapdOption" ) APRogueService="hostapd";; "$FLUXIONAPServiceAirbaseOption" ) APRogueService="airbase-ng";; "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption" ) fluxion_unset_ap_service; return 1;; * ) fluxion_conditional_bail; return 1;; esac fi # AP Service: Load the service's helper routines. source "lib/ap/$APRogueService.sh" } ###################################### < Hashes > ###################################### function fluxion_check_hash() { if [ ! -f "$APTargetHashPath" -o ! -s "$APTargetHashPath" ]; then echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONHashFileDoesNotExistError" sleep 3 return 1; fi local verifier if [ "$FLUXIONAuto" ]; then verifier="pyrit" else fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodQuery" echo fluxion_show_ap_info "$APTargetSSID" "$APTargetEncryption" "$APTargetChannel" "$APTargetMAC" "$APTargetMaker" local choices=("$FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodPyritOption" "$FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodAircrackOption" "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") io_query_choice "" choices[@] echo case "$IOQueryChoice" in "$FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodPyritOption") verifier="pyrit";; "$FLUXIONHashVerificationMethodAircrackOption") verifier="aircrack-ng";; "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") return 1;; esac fi hash_check_handshake "$verifier" "$APTargetHashPath" "$APTargetSSID" "$APTargetMAC" > $FLUXIONOutputDevice local hashResult=$? # A value other than 0 means there's an issue with the hash. if [ $hashResult -ne 0 ] then echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONHashInvalidError" else echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONHashValidNotice" fi sleep 3 if [ $hashResult -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi } function fluxion_set_hash_path() { fluxion_header echo echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONPathToHandshakeFileQuery" echo echo -ne "$FLUXIONAbsolutePathInfo: " read APTargetHashPath } function fluxion_unset_hash() { APTargetHashPath="" } function fluxion_set_hash() { if [ "$APTargetHashPath" ]; then return 0; fi fluxion_unset_hash # Scan for an existing hash for potential use, if one exists, # ask the user if we should use it, or to skip it. if [ -f "$FLUXIONHashPath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap" -a \ -s "$FLUXIONHashPath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap" ]; then if [ ! "$FLUXIONAuto" ];then fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONFoundHashNotice" echo fluxion_show_ap_info "$APTargetSSID" "$APTargetEncryption" "$APTargetChannel" "$APTargetMAC" "$APTargetMaker" echo -e "Path: ${CClr}$FLUXIONHashPath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap" echo -ne "$FLUXIONVLine ${CRed}$FLUXIONUseFoundHashQuery$CClr [${CWht}Y$CClr/n] " read APTargetHashPathConsidered echo fi if [ "$APTargetHashPathConsidered" = "" -o "$APTargetHashPathConsidered" = "y" -o "$APTargetHashPathConsidered" = "Y" ]; then APTargetHashPath="$FLUXIONHashPath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap" fluxion_check_hash # If the user decides to go back, we must unset. if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fluxion_unset_hash; return 1; fi fi fi # If the hash was not found, or if it was skipped, # ask for location or for gathering one. while [ ! -f "$APTargetHashPath" -o ! -s "$APTargetHashPath" ]; do fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONHashSourceQuery" echo fluxion_show_ap_info "$APTargetSSID" "$APTargetEncryption" "$APTargetChannel" "$APTargetMAC" "$APTargetMaker" local choices=("$FLUXIONHashSourcePathOption" "$FLUXIONHashSourceRescanOption" "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") io_query_choice "" choices[@] echo case "$IOQueryChoice" in "$FLUXIONHashSourcePathOption") fluxion_set_hash_path; fluxion_check_hash;; "$FLUXIONHashSourceRescanOption") fluxion_set_hash;; # Rescan checks hash automatically. "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption" ) fluxion_unset_hash; return 1;; esac # This conditional is required for return values # of operation performed in the case statement. if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fluxion_unset_hash; return 1; fi done # Copy to workspace for hash-required operations. cp "$APTargetHashPath" "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap" } ###################################### < Attack > ###################################### function fluxion_unset_attack() { if [ "$FLUXIONAttack" ] then unprep_attack fi FLUXIONAttack="" } # Select attack strategie that will be used function fluxion_set_attack() { if [ "$FLUXIONAttack" ]; then return 0; fi fluxion_unset_attack fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $FLUXIONAttackQuery" echo fluxion_show_ap_info "$APTargetSSID" "$APTargetEncryption" "$APTargetChannel" "$APTargetMAC" "$APTargetMaker" #local attacksMeta=$(head -n 3 attacks/*/language/$FLUXIONLanguage.sh) #local attacksIdentifier #readarray -t attacksIdentifier < <("`echo "$attacksMeta" | grep -E "^# identifier: " | sed -E 's/# \w+: //'`") #local attacksDescription #readarray -t attacksDescription < <("`echo "$attacksMeta" | grep -E "^# description: " | sed -E 's/# \w+: //'`") local attacks readarray -t attacks < <(ls -1 attacks) local descriptions readarray -t descriptions < <(head -n 3 attacks/*/language/$FLUXIONLanguage.sh | grep -E "^# description: " | sed -E 's/# \w+: //') local identifiers=() local attack for attack in "${attacks[@]}"; do local identifier="`head -n 3 "attacks/$attack/language/$FLUXIONLanguage.sh" | grep -E "^# identifier: " | sed -E 's/# \w+: //'`" if [ "$identifier" ] then identifiers+=("$identifier") else identifiers+=("$attack") fi done attacks+=("$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") identifiers+=("$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") descriptions+=("$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption") io_query_format_fields "" "\t$CRed[$CYel%d$CRed]$CClr%0.0s $CCyn%b$CClr: %b\n" attacks[@] identifiers[@] descriptions[@] echo if [ "${IOQueryFormatFields[1]}" = "$FLUXIONGeneralBackOption" ]; then fluxion_unset_target_ap fluxion_unset_attack return 1 fi FLUXIONAttack=${IOQueryFormatFields[0]} source "attacks/$FLUXIONAttack/language/$FLUXIONLanguage.sh" source "attacks/$FLUXIONAttack/attack.sh" prep_attack if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fluxion_unset_attack return 1 fi } # Attack function fluxion_run_attack() { start_attack local choices=("$FLUXIONSelectAnotherAttackOption" "$FLUXIONGeneralExitOption") io_query_choice "`io_dynamic_output $FLUXIONAttackInProgressNotice`" choices[@] echo # IOQueryChoice is a global, meaning, its value is volatile. # We need to make sure to save the choice before it changes. local choice="$IOQueryChoice" stop_attack if [ "$choice" = "$FLUXIONGeneralExitOption" ]; then fluxion_exitmode; fi fluxion_unset_attack } ################################### < FLUXION Loop > ################################### fluxion_set_resolution fluxion_set_language while true; do fluxion_set_interface; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi fluxion_set_scanner; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi fluxion_set_target_ap; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi fluxion_set_attack; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi fluxion_run_attack; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi done # FLUXSCRIPT END