//Copyright 2011-2012, ARRIS Group, Inc., All rights reserved. var _afterBuild = new Array(); var _afterApply = new Array(); var ag = null; var _technician = { }; var base = ""; var basePath = ""; var _lastEvent; function supports_html5_storage() { try { return 'sessionStorage' in window && window['sessionStorage'] !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } } var _sessionStorage = supports_html5_storage() ? sessionStorage : null ; function getSessionStorage(key) { if (_sessionStorage) return _sessionStorage[key]; return Base64.decode(readCookie(key)); } function setSessionStorage(key,value) { if (_sessionStorage) _sessionStorage[key] = value; else createCookie(key, Base64.encode(value)); } // 1 - log, 2-show,4-verify,8-notrans, 64-set1 128-setmult function debug(value) { if (value !== undefined) setSessionStorage("ar_debug_state",value); return getSessionStorage("ar_debug_state") || 0; } function hardwareVersion(substring) { if (getSessionStorage("ar_hw_version") === undefined || getSessionStorage("ar_hw_version")===null) setSessionStorage("ar_hw_version", snmpGet1(arHardwareVersion.oid+".0") || "???"); var hv = getSessionStorage("ar_hw_version"); if (substring !== undefined) return hv.indexOf(substring) != -1; return hv; } function customerId() { if (getSessionStorage("ar_cust_id") === undefined || getSessionStorage("ar_cust_id") === null) { setSessionStorage("ar_cust_id", snmpGet1(arCustomID.oid+".0") || "0"); } return getSessionStorage("ar_cust_id").asInt(); } function userRadioControl() { if (getSessionStorage("ar_user_rc") === undefined || getSessionStorage("ar_user_rc") === null) { setSessionStorage("ar_user_rc", snmpGet1(arWiFiRadioControlMode.oid+".0").asInt(0) === 0 ? 1 : 0); } return getSessionStorage("ar_user_rc") == "1"; } function language() { if (getSessionStorage("ar_language") === undefined || !getSessionStorage("ar_language")) { setSessionStorage("ar_language", snmpGet1(arLanguage.oid+".0") || "English"); } return getSessionStorage("ar_language"); } function clearLanguage() { setSessionStorage("ar_language", ""); } function isTwc() { return customerId() === 3; } function isSuddenlink() { return customerId() === 12; } var menuStateLoaded = false; function loadMenus() { if (!menuStateLoaded && (getSessionStorage("ar_hide") === undefined || !getSessionStorage("ar_hide"))) { menuStateLoaded = true; var table = [ ] ; // table stopped working WebAccessTable.getTable([arWebAccessPage]); for (var i=1; i<20; i++) { var s = snmpGet1(arWebAccessPage.oid+"."+i); if (s) table.push([s]); else break; } var hides = ";"; var disables = ";"; function loadRow(row) { var ss = row[0].split(";"); _.each(ss, function(sss) { var ssss = sss.split(":"); if (ssss[0] === "hide") hides += ssss[1]+";"; if (ssss[0] === "disable") disables += ssss[1]+";"; }); } _.each(table, loadRow); setSessionStorage("ar_hide", hides); setSessionStorage("ar_disable", disables); } } // todo: verify twc here function menuVisible(s) { loadMenus(); return (isTechnician() && !isTwc()) || !s || !(getSessionStorage("ar_hide").contains(s+";")); } function submenuVisible(s) { loadMenus(); return (isTechnician() && !isTwc()) || !s || !(getSessionStorage("ar_hide").contains(s+";")); } function pageEnabled(s) { loadMenus(); return (isTechnician() && !isTwc()) || !s || !(getSessionStorage("ar_disable").contains(s+";")); } function fieldsetVisible(s) { loadMenus(); return isTechnician() || !s || !(getSessionStorage("ar_hide").contains(base+"_"+s+";")); } jQuery.fn.valOrChecked = function(v) { var vals = []; this.each(function() { var a = $(this); if (v !== undefined) { if (a.is(':checkbox')) a.attr("checked", !(v == "0")); else a.val(v); vals[0] = this; } else { vals.push(a.is(':checkbox') ? 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return s; } Number.prototype.asHexString = function(len) { var s = this.toString(16); if (s.length < len) return "00000000000000000000000000000000".substr(0, len - s.length) + s; return s; } String.prototype.asInt = function(nanVal) { var v = parseInt(this,10); return isNaN(v) ? nanVal : v; } String.prototype.fmt = function () { var args = arguments; var pattern = new RegExp("%([0-" + arguments.length + "])", "g"); return this.replace(pattern, function(match, index) { return args[index]; }); } String.prototype.varsub = function(subfunc) { var ss = this; if (this.indexOf('{{') !== -1) _.each(this.match(/{{[^}]*}}/g) || [], function(s) { ss = ss.replace(s,subfunc(s.substr(2,s.length-4))); }); return ss.valueOf(); } String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) { return (this.indexOf(str) === 0); } String.prototype.endsWith = function (str) { var lastIndex = this.lastIndexOf(str); return (lastIndex != -1) && (lastIndex + str.length == this.length); } String.prototype.grow = function(i) { var len = this.length + i; if (len < 0) len = 0; if (len <= this.length) { return this.substr(0, len); } else { var s = this; while (len-- > this.length) s += " "; return s; } } String.prototype.contains = function () { for (var i=0; i0) { s = ch+s; } return s; }; String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } String.prototype.ltrim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/,""); } String.prototype.rtrim = function() { return this.replace(/\s+$/,""); } Array.prototype.unique = function unique(keyfunc) { if (!keyfunc) keyfunc = function(a) { return a; }; var o = { }; _.each(this, function(e) { o[keyfunc(e)]=true; }) var ua = [ ]; _.each(this, function(e) { if (o[keyfunc(e)]) ua.push(e); o[keyfunc(e)]=false; }); return ua; } var Base64 = { // private property _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", isBase64 : function(input) { for (var i=0; i> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; }, // public method for decoding decode : function (input) { if (input === null) return ""; var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output; }, // private method for UTF-8 encoding _utf8_encode : function (string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }, // private method for UTF-8 decoding _utf8_decode : function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = c1 = c2 = 0; while ( i < utftext.length ) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } } function createCookie(name, value, seconds) { var expires = ""; if (seconds) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (seconds * 1000 + 15)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; } function updateCookieExpiration(name, seconds) { var cookie = readCookie(name); if (!cookie) return; eraseCookie(cookie); createCookie(name, cookie, seconds); } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name, "", -1); } function htmlEscape(s) { s = ""+s; // make sure a string return s.replace(/&/g,'&'). replace(/>/g,'>'). replace(/"; return str; }; var add = function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var a = arguments[i]; if (!a) continue; if (typeof a === "string") { var index = a.indexOf(":"); var key = a.substr(0, index); var val = a.substr(index + 1); val = val.varsub(function(s) { return s.startsWith("=") ? eval(s.substring(1)) : xlate(s); }); def[key] = val; } else if (typeof a == "function") { var fname = a.toString(); fname = fname.substring(fname.indexOf(" ") + 1, fname.indexOf("(")); var uniquefname = getNextName(fname); window[uniquefname] = function (e) { _lastEvent = window["event"] ? event : e; a(_lastEvent); }; def[fname] = "{ " + uniquefname + "(arguments[0]);}"; } else if (_.isArray(a)) { for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) add(a[j]); } else { contents.push(a); } } }; add.apply(this, arguments); if (contents.length) def["contents"] = contents; return def; }; } $.each([ "a","abbr","acronym","address","applet","area","b","base","basefont","bdo","big","blockquote","body","br","button","caption","center","cite","code","col","colgroup","dd","del", "dfn","dir","div","dl","dt","em","fieldset","font","form","frame","frameset","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","head","hr","html","i","iframe","img","input","ins","isindex","kbd","label", "legend","li","link","map","menu","meta","noframes","noscript","object","ol","optgroup","option","p","param","pre","q","s","samp","script", "select","small","span","strike","strong","style","sub","sup","table","tbody","td","textarea","tfoot","th","thead","title","tr","tt","u","ul","var" ] , function(i, t) { if (window["_" + t]) throw("error _" + t + " already defined."); window["_" + t] = buildTag(t); }); function parseLabel(label) { var index = label.indexOf(":"); if (index == -1) { return { label: label, oid: "" }; } else { var key = label.substr(0, index); var val = label.substr(index + 1); //OIDs.push(val); return { label: key, oid: val }; } } // $("body").width() function helpTag(label1, text) { var t = text || helpText(label1); afterBuild(function() { $("#"+label1+"_image_tt").mouseenter(function(e) { $("body").append("
"); $("#ttip").text(t); $("#ttip").css('z-index',"11000"); $("#ttip").css('top', $(this).offset().top); $("#ttip").css('left',$(this).offset().left+32); $("#ttip").show(); }); $("#"+label1+"_image_tt").mouseleave(function(e) { $("#ttip").remove(); }); }); return _div("style:display:inline;", _img("id:"+label1+"_image_tt", "src:" + basePath + "i/help.png", "height:16px", "width:16px", "style:padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;" )); } // return _img("class:tipped", "src:" + basePath + "i/help.png", "height:16px", "width:16px", "style:padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;", "title:" + helpText(label1)); function inlineButton(label1, onclick) { return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:" + xlate(label1)), _td(_input("type:button", "id:" + label1, "value:{{"+label1+"}}", onclick), helpTag(label1))); } function inlineButtonRaw(label1, onclick) { return _tr(_td(_input("type:button", "id:" + label1, "value:{{"+label1+"}}", onclick))); } function inlineButtonRaw2(label1, onclick,label2, onclick2) { return _tr(_td(_input("type:button", "id:" + label1, "value:{{"+label1+"}}", onclick),_input("type:button", "id:" + label2, "value:{{"+label2+"}}", onclick2))); } function inlineButtonImage(label1, image, onclick) { return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{"+label1+"}}"), _td(_input("type:image", "id:" + label1, "src:" + image, onclick), helpTag(label1))); } function formatter(args) { var f = { }; f.load = function(v) { return v === undefined || v === null ? "" : v; }; f.store = function(v) { return v === undefined || v === null ? "" : v; }; f.validate = function(v) { if (this.notEmpty && (""+v).length == 0) throw xlate("%s: must have a value", f.label); if (this.notZero && v.asInt() === 0) throw xlate("%s: must be a positive number", f.label); return v; }; f.storeAndValidate = function(v) { return f.store(f.validate(v)); }; if (args) { _.each(args, function(v, k) { f[k] = v; }); } return f; } function textFormatter(args) { var o = formatter(args); o.load = function(v) { v = ( v === undefined || v === null) ? "" : v; if (v && isHexString(v) && v.endsWith(" 00")) { // strip improper null term v = v.substr(0, v.length-3); v = hexToString(v); } return v; }; return o; } function text(label1, fmt, helpText) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; var f = fmt ? fmt : formatter(); // afterBuild(function() { // $("#"+label1).bind("change", function() { // adirty[label1] = $("#"+label1).valOrCheckd(); // }); // }); if (f.store) afterApply(function() { if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { if (!$("#"+label1).attr("disabled")) { var v =(f.validate($("#" + label1).valOrChecked())); ag.dirty[label1] = ag[label1] !== v; if (ag.dirty[label1]) $.log("dirty "+label1+" "+ag[label1]+" "+v); ag[label1] = f.store(v); } } else ag.dirty[label1] = true; }); var type = label1.indexOf("Password") != -1 ? "password" : "text"; if (label1 == "Keystring") type = "password"; if (f.password) type = "password"; f.label = xlate(label1); ag[label1] = f.load ? f.load(ag[label1]) : ag[label1]; return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{"+label1+"}}"), _td(_input("type:" + type, "id:" + label1, "value:" + htmlEscape(""+ag[label1]), (f.size ? "size:" + f.size : null)), helpTag(label1, helpText))); } function text2(label1, fmt, sepText, helpText) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; var f = fmt ? fmt : formatter(); var l = parseLabel(label1); if (f.store) afterApply(function() { if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { var v1 = (f.validate($("#" + label1).valOrChecked())); ag.dirty[label1] = ag[label1] !== v1; ag[label1] = f.store(v1); } else ag.dirty[label1] = true; if (ag[label1 + "_1"] !== undefined) { var v2 = (f.validate($("#" + label1 + "_1").valOrChecked())); ag.dirty[label1 + "_1"] = ag[label1 + "_1"] !== v2; ag[label1 + "_1"] = f.store(v2); } else ag.dirty[label1 + "_1"] = true; }); ag[label1] = f.load(ag[label1]); ag[label1 + "_1"] = f.load(ag[label1 + "_1"]); f.label = xlate(label1); return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1 + "}}"), _td(_input("type:text", "id:" + l.label, (f.size ? "size:" + f.size : null), "value:" + htmlEscape(""+ag[label1])), _b("text:" + (sepText !== undefined ? " " + sepText + " " : "")), _input("type:text", (f.size ? "size:" + f.size : null), "id:" + l.label + "_1", "value:" + htmlEscape(""+ag[label1 + "_1"])), helpTag(label1, helpText))); } function rotext(label1, fmt) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; var f = fmt ? fmt : formatter(); var l = parseLabel(label1); ag[label1] = f.load ? f.load(ag[label1]) : ag[label1]; return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1 + "}}"), _td(_input("type:text", "id:" + l.label, (f.size ? "size:" + f.size : null), "class:read_only", "disabled:disabled", "value:" + htmlEscape(ag[label1])), helpTag(label1))); } function snmpText(label1, val, size) { return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_input("type:text", "class:read_only", "disabled:disabled", "value:" + val, (size !== undefined ? "size:" + size : null)))); } var snmpTextEditId = 0; function snmpTextEdit(label1, val, size) { return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_input("id:snmpTextEdit"+(snmpTextEditId++),"type:text","value:" + val, (size !== undefined ? "size:" + size : null)))); } function snmpTextArea(label1, val) { return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_textarea("rows:6", "cols:50", "class:read_only", "disabled:disabled", "text:" + val ))); } function snmpFieldset(label1, contents) { return _div("id:" + label1, _h4("text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _table("class:common_table", _tbody($.makeArray(arguments).slice(1)))); } function form(label1, label2, contents) { return _div(_div("class:description", _h3("text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _div("text:{{" + label2+"}}")), //_div("id:loading_distractor" , "style:display: none;", //"style:position:absolute;left:300px;top:350px;z-index:9;", //_span(_img("src:i/distractor.gif"))), $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2), _br(), _br()); } function fieldset(label1, contents) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; if (!fieldsetVisible(label1)) afterBuild(function() { $("#" + label1).hide(); }); return _div("id:" + label1, _h4("text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _table("class:common_table", _tbody($.makeArray(arguments).slice(1)))); } function checkbox(label1, onchange, helpText) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; afterApply(function() { if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { var v = $("#" + label1).valOrChecked(); ag.dirty[label1] = ag[label1] != v; ag[label1] = v; } else ag.dirty[label1] = true; }); //checkboxItem(label1); var l = parseLabel(label1); var checked = ag[label1]; if (checked) return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_input("type:checkbox", "id:" + l.label, "checked:true", onchange), helpTag(label1, helpText))); else return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_input("type:checkbox", "id:" + l.label, onchange), helpTag(label1, helpText))); } // nb: values must be get set explicitly function checkbox4(label1, label2,label3, label4) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; function buildCheck(name) { var al = [ ]; if (name) { al.push(_input("type:checkbox", "name:"+name, "id:"+name)); al.push(_label("for:"+name, "text:     "+name)); } return al; } return _tr(_td("width:25%", buildCheck(label1)), _td("width:25%", buildCheck(label2)),_td("width:25%", buildCheck(label3)), _td("width:25%", buildCheck(label4))); } function select(label1, vals, onchangefunc, selectedValue, helpText) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; vals = _.without(vals, null); var dirty = false; // selectItem(label1); var l = parseLabel(label1); var options = []; var value = selectedValue || ag[label1]; var haveSelected = _.any(vals, function(v) { return v.split(":")[0] == value; }); var options = _.map(vals, function f(v, index) { v = v.split(":"); if (v[0] == value || (!haveSelected && index ===0)) return _option("value:" + v[0], "text:" + htmlEscape(v[1]), "selected:selected"); else return _option("value:" + v[0], "text:" + htmlEscape(v[1])); }); afterApply(function() { if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { var v = $("#" + label1).valOrChecked(); ag.dirty[label1] = ag[label1] !== v; ag[label1] = v; } else ag.dirty[label1] = true; }); return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_select("id:" + l.label, options, function onchange() { dirty = true; if (onchangefunc) onchangefunc(); }), helpTag(label1, helpText))); } function select2(label1, vals, onchange, sepText) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; afterApply(function() { if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { var v1 = $("#" + label1).valOrChecked(); ag.dirty[label1] = ag[label1] !== v1; ag[label1] = v1; } ag.dirty[label1] = true; if (ag[label1 + "_1"] !== undefined) { var v2 = $("#" + label1 + "_1").valOrChecked(); ag.dirty[label1+ "_1" ] = ag[label1 + "_1"] !== v2; ag[label1+ "_1"] = v2; } ag.dirty[label1+"_1"] = true; }); vals = _.without(vals, null); var l = parseLabel(label1); var options = []; for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { var index = vals[i].indexOf(":"); options[i] = _option("value:" + vals[i].substr(0, index), "text:" + vals[i].substr(index + 1)); } return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_select("id:" + l.label, options, onchange), _b("text:" + (sepText !== undefined ? " " + sepText + " " : "")), _select("id:" + l.label + "_1", options, onchange), helpTag(label1))); } function select2Optional(label1, vals, onchange, sepText, optionalCheckText) { if (technicianOnly(label1) && !isTechnician()) return null; afterBuild(function() { $("#" + l.label + "div").hide(); }); afterApply(function() { if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { ag[label1 + "_Checked"] = $("#" + label1 + "check").valOrChecked(); } if (ag[label1] !== undefined) { ag[label1] = $("#" + label1).valOrChecked(); } if (ag[label1 + "_1"] !== undefined) { ag[label1 + "_1"] = $("#" + label1 + "_1").valOrChecked(); } }); vals = _.without(vals, null); var l = parseLabel(label1); var options = []; for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { var index = vals[i].indexOf(":"); options[i] = _option("value:" + vals[i].substr(0, index), "text:" + vals[i].substr(index + 1)); } return _tr(_td("width:35%", "text:{{" + label1+"}}"), _td(_div("style:height:24px;width:100px;", _input("id:" + l.label + "_Checked", "type:checkbox", "checked:checked", function onclick() { if (!$("#" + l.label + "_Checked").valOrChecked()) { $("#" + l.label + "div").show(); } else { $("#" + l.label + "div").hide(); } } // function onchange() { // if (!$("#" + l.label + "_Checked").valOrChecked()) { // alert("show "+("#" + l.label + "div")); // $("#" + l.label + "div").show(); // } else { // alert("hide "+("#" + l.label + "div")); // $("#" + l.label + "div").hide(); // } // } ), _b("text:" + optionalCheckText)), // _div("id:" + l.label + "div", _select("id:" + l.label, options, onchange), _b("text:" + (sepText !== undefined ? " " + sepText + " " : "")), _select("id:" + l.label + "_1", options, onchange), helpTag(label1)))); } function ApplyButton() { return buttons("{{Apply}}", function onclick(event) { Apply(); }); } function buttons() { var buttons = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (arguments[i * 2]) { buttons.push(_input("type:button", "value:" + arguments[i * 2], "class:submitBtn", arguments[i * 2 + 1])); } return _div(_br(), buttons); } function dialog(id, title, elements, okName, okAction) { var buttonsDef = { }; buttonsDef[xlate("Cancel")] = function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonsDef[xlate(okName)] = function() { try { okAction.apply(this); } catch (e) { handleError(e); } }; window["dialog_" + id] = { autoOpen: false, width:500, modal: true, dialogClass: "fieldgrp", buttons: buttonsDef }; return _div("id:" + id, "title:" + xlate(title), _table("class:common_table", _tbody(elements))); } function prepareDialog(id) { $("#" + id).dialog(window["dialog_" + id]); } function getURLArgs() { var pos = location.href.lastIndexOf('?'); if (pos == -1) return ""; var s = decodeURI(location.href.substr(pos + 1)).split("&"); var page = s[0]; _.each(s, function(a) { if (a.startsWith("debug")) { debug(a.substr(5)); } }); return page; } function getPage() { var v = window.location.pathname; if (v.startsWith("/")) v = v.slice(1); return v; } function goRebuild(tag) { window.event.preventDefault(); rebuild(tag); // window.open(getPage()+'?'+tag, "_self"); } function go(tag) { window.open(getPage() + '?' + tag, "_self"); } function buildShell() { $.log("buildShell"); if (typeof noMenus !== "undefined" && noMenus) { var shell = _div("id:wrapper", _div("id:content", _div("id:tabs", _div("id:first", _div("id:placeholder", _table(_tbody(_tr( _td(_div("id:mainpage")))))) ))), _div("id:walk-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;"), _div("id:action-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;"), _div("id:error-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;"), _div("id:wait-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;", "text:Applying Changes...") ); $(shell.toHTML()).appendTo("body"); $("body").css("background", "transparent"); $("#wrapper").css("background", "transparent"); $("#footer").css("background", "transparent"); $("#wrapper").css("width", "650"); return; } //id page children var m = menu(); if (!isLoggedIn()) { m = [ { id: "Login", page: "login", children: [ { id: "Login", page:"login" } ] } ]; } var hash = isLoggedIn() ? (getURLArgs() || m[0].page) : "login"; var index = 0; function sel(p) { return getPage() == p ? "class:selected" : null; } // var topNav = _ul("id:nav", // _li(_a(sel("router.html"), "href:router.html", "text:Wireless")), // "href:router.html", // _li(_a(sel("cm.html"), "href:cm.html", "text:HSD" )), // "href:router.html", // // _li(_a("href:voice.html", "text:Voice")), // "class:end" // //_li(_a("href:phy.htm", "class:end", "text:Voice")), // _li(_a("href:"+getPage(), "text:Logout", function onclick() { // logout(); // refresh(); // })) // ); var hsd = menuVisible("HSD"); var topNav = getAttr("CLASSICCM") ? _ul("id:nav", _li(_a("class:selected", "href:#", "text:{{Wireless}}")), // "href:router.html", hsd ? _li(_a(getAttr("CLASSICCM") ? ("href:"+ "phy.htm") : ("href:cm.html"), "text:{{HSD}}", "class:end")) : null, // "href:router.html", // _li(_a("href:voice.html", "text:Voice")), //_li(_a("href:phy.htm", "class:end", "text:Voice")), _li(_a("href:router.html", "text:{{Logout}}", function onclick() { logout(true); refresh(); })) ) : _ul("id:nav", _li(_a(sel("router.html"), "href:router.html", "text:{{Wireless}}")), // "href:router.html", hsd ? _li(_a(sel("cm.html"), "href:cm.html", "text:{{HSD}}")) : null, // "href:router.html", // _li(_a("href:voice.html", "text:Voice")), // "class:end" //_li(_a("href:phy.htm", "class:end", "text:Voice")), _li(_a("href:" + getPage(), "text:{{Logout}}", function onclick() { logout(true); refresh(); })) ); var mainMenu = [ ]; var subMenu = [ ]; $.each(m, function(k, v) { if (!v) return; if (v.page == hash) { mainMenu = v; subMenu = v; } else { $.each(v.children, function(k, vv) { if (vv && vv.page == hash) { mainMenu = v; subMenu = vv; } }); } }); $.log(mainMenu.id); $.log(subMenu.id); var sideNav = _div("id:navigation_bar", _h1("text:{{" + mainMenu.id+"}}"), _ul("class:sidenav", $.map(mainMenu.children ? mainMenu.children : [], function(m) { // "class:current" class:selected if (!m || !m.page) return null; if (m == subMenu) return _li(_a("href:" + getPage() + "?" + m.page, "text:{{" + m.id+"}}", "class:current", "onclick: go('" + m.page + "');")); else return _li(_a("href:" + getPage() + "?" + m.page, "text:{{" + m.id+"}}", "onclick: go('" + m.page + "');")); }), _div("style:VISIBILITY: hidden", "id:version", "text:1.0") ), _div("id:sidenav_bottom")); var shell = _div("id:wrapper", _div("id:header", _img("src:i/logo.gif", "id:logo"), topNav), // _div("id:header", _img("src:logo_MSO.png", "id:logo", "width:150px"), topNav), _div("id:content", _div("id:tabs", _ul("class:tabNavigation", $.map(m, function(m) { // "class:current" if (!m) return null; var selected = _.include(_.pluck(m.children, "page"),base) ? "class:selected" : ""; return _li(_a(selected, "href:" + getPage() + "?" + m.page, "text:{{" + m.id+"}}", "onclick: go('" + m.page + "');")); }) ), _div("id:first", _div("id:placeholder", _table(_tbody(_tr( _td("width:200px", sideNav), _td(_div("id:mainpage")))))) ))), _img("src:i/content_bottom.jpg", "width:973", "height:6", "complete:complete"), _div("id:footer"), _div("id:walk-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;"), _div("id:action-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;"), _div("id:error-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;"), _div("id:wait-dialog", "title:", "style:display: none;", "text:Applying Changes...") ) ; $(shell.toHTML()).appendTo("body"); // $(header.toHTML()).appendTo("#header"); // $(new Menu().build().toHTML()).appendTo($("#sidebar")); // make sure menus fit $(".sidenav a").truncateTextToFit(); } function afterBuild(func) { _afterBuild.push(func); } function afterBuildOnce(func) { if (!_.include(_afterBuild, func)) _afterBuild.push(func); } function afterApply(func) { _afterApply.push(func); } // alog function addCustomSetting(s) { var ud = snmpGet1(arCustomSettings.oid+".0") || ""; if (!ud.contains(s+"!")) { ud += s+"!"; snmpSet1(arCustomSettings.oid+".0", ud, "4"); } } function handleError(e) { if (e === "unauthorized") { refresh(); return; } if (e["label"]) alert(xlate("Could not set ") + "\"" +xlate(e["label"])+"\""); // todo: tranlaset else if (canXlate(e)) alert(xlate(e)); else if (_.isString(e)) alert(e); else alert(xlate("Error")); // todo: tranlaset } function DoApply() { try { $.each(_afterApply, function (k, v) { v(); }); if (typeof storeData === "undefined") return; storeData(); store(); refresh(); } catch (e) { if (e == "cancel") ; // nothing else handleError(e); } finally { closeWaitDialog() } } function Apply() { openWaitDialog(); setTimeout(DoApply, 10); } function loginbuild() { ag = { }; ag.UserName = isSuddenlink() ? "" : "admin"; ag.Password = ""; doLogin = function() { login($("#UserName").val(), $("#Password").val()) if (!isLoggedIn()) { alert(xlate("Invalid Username or Password!")); } refresh(); }; afterBuild(function() { $(document).keypress(function(event){ var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which); if(keycode == '13'){ doLogin(); } }); }); return form("Login", "LoginText", fieldset("Login", [text("UserName"), text("Password") ]), buttons("{{Apply}}", function onclick() { doLogin(); })); } function disablePage() { $('#mainpage *').attr('disabled', true); $('.submitBtn').hide(); if ($("#LAN")) { // make sure we can see lan change $("#LAN").parents().removeAttr('disabled'); $("#LAN ").removeAttr('disabled'); $("#LAN").children().removeAttr('disabled'); $("#LAN").show(); } if ($("#BSS")) { // make sure we can see lan change $("#BSS").parents().removeAttr('disabled'); $("#BSS").removeAttr('disabled'); $("#BSS").children().removeAttr('disabled'); $("#BSS").show(); } } function enableItem(id) { $('.submitBtn').show(); // make sure we can see $('.submitBtn').removeAttr('disabled'); // make sure we can see $('.submitBtn').parent().removeAttr('disabled'); if ($(id)) { $(id).parents().removeAttr('disabled'); $(id).removeAttr('disabled'); $(id).children().removeAttr('disabled'); $(id).show(); } } function render2() { $.each(_afterBuild, function(k, v) { v(); }); if ($("#dialog")) prepareDialog("dialog"); if ($("#dialog1")) prepareDialog("dialog1"); if ($("#dialog2")) prepareDialog("dialog2"); $("body").ajaxError(function(event, request, settings) { // alert("Error Requesting Data"); // refresh(); }); if (!pageEnabled(base)) { disablePage(); } if (isLoggedIn() && (!submenuVisible(base) || !menuMap[base])) { $('#mainpage').hide(); } } function render() { buildShell(); var def = isLoggedIn() ? build() : loginbuild(); $(def.toHTML()).appendTo($("#mainpage")); if (ag) ag.dirty = { }; $(render2()); } function getSelectedLAN() { if (!isTechnician() || isMG()) return getLan()[0]; return getSessionStorage("ar_selected_lan") || getLan()[0] ; } function selectLan() { if (!isTechnician() || isMG()) return null; ag.LAN = getSelectedLAN(); var slans = _.map(getLan(), function (v) { return "" + v + ":" + getLanName(v) }); return fieldset("LANSegment", select("LAN", slans, function onChange() { $.log("selected lan set " + $("#LAN").val()); setSessionStorage("ar_selected_lan", $("#LAN").val()); refresh(); })); } function getSelectedBss() { if (!isTechnician() || isMG()) return getBss()[0]; return getSessionStorage("ar_selected_bss") || getBss()[0] ; } function selectBss() { if (!isTechnician() || isMG()) return null; ag.BSS = getSelectedBss(); var slans = _.map(getBss(), function (v) { return "" + v + ":" + getBssName(v) }); return fieldset("Wireless", select("BSS", slans, function onChange() { $.log("selected bss set " + $("#BSS").val()); setSessionStorage("ar_selected_bss", $("#BSS").val()); refresh(); })); } function sectionIndex() { var a = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++) { if (arguments[i * 3]) { var li; (function(id1, id2, url) { li = _li(_a("href:" + url, _label("class:item", "text:{{" + id1 +"}}"), _br(), _label("text:{{" + id2+"}}"), _br() ), _br()); })(arguments[i * 3], arguments[i * 3 + 1], arguments[i * 3 + 2]); a.push(li); } else break; } return _ul(a); } function canXlate(id) { return _xlate [id]; } function xlate(id, arg1, arg2, arg3) { // if (debug()&8) // return "{{"+id+"}}"; var o = _xlate [id]; if ((debug()&8) && !o) o = "@@"+id; if (!o) { o = id.replace("_tt",""); if (_xlate[o]) o = _xlate[o]; } // if (!o) // alert("no def for "+o); if (arg1 !== undefined) o = o.replace("%s",arg1); if (arg2 !== undefined) o = o.replace("%s",arg2); if (arg3 !== undefined) o = o.replace("%s",arg3); return o; } function helpText(id) { return xlate(id+"_tt"); } function technicianOnly(id, value) { if (value !== undefined) _technician[id] = value; return _technician[id] === undefined ? false : _technician[id]; } function updateDisabledState(checkboxsel, inputsel, invert) { var on = $(checkboxsel).attr("checked") && !$(checkboxsel).attr("disabled"); if (invert) on = !on; var id = $(checkboxsel).attr("id"); $(inputsel).each(function() { if ($(this).attr("id") != id && !$(this).hasClass(".read_only")) { if (on) { $(this).removeClass("input_disabled"); $(this).removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $(this).addClass("input_disabled"); $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } }); $(inputsel).each(function() { if ($(this).attr("id") != id && !$(this).hasClass(".read_only")) { if ($(this).is(':checkbox')) { $(this).trigger("change"); } } }); } function setupCheck(checkboxsel, inputsel, invert) { function updater() { if (invert) updateDisabledState(checkboxsel, inputsel, true); else updateDisabledState(checkboxsel, inputsel); } afterBuild(function() { $(checkboxsel).bind("click", updater); updater(); }); } function todToInt(day1, day2, hour1, hour2) { day1 = day1.asInt(); day2 = day2.asInt(); hour1 = hour1.asInt(); hour2 = hour2.asInt(); if (hour1 >= hour2) throw xlate("No hours of the day selected. Second hour must be after the first."); var todDay = 0; var todTime = 0; var i = 0; if (day1 > day2) { for (i = day1; i <= 6; i++) todDay |= (1 << i); for (i = 0; i <= day2; i++) todDay |= (1 << i); } else { for (i = day1; i <= day2; i++) todDay |= (1 << i); } todDay &= 0x7F; if (hour1 > hour2) { for (i = hour1; i <= 23; i++) todTime |= 1 << i; for (i = 0; i <= hour2; i++) todTime |= 1 << i; } else { for (i = hour1; i < hour2; i++) { var shift = (i === 0) ? (1 << 0) : (1 << (i)); todTime |= shift; } } return (todTime << 7) | todDay; } function lowestBitSet(tod, l, h) { tod = parseInt(tod,10); l = parseInt(l,10); h = parseInt(h,10); for (var i = l; i <= h; i++) if (tod & (1 << i)) return i; return l; } function highestBitSet(tod, l, h) { for (var i = h; i >= l; i--) if (tod & (1 << i)) return i; return h; } function todToTimeString(tod, s_min, e_min) { tod = parseInt(tod,10); var l = (lowestBitSet(tod, 7, 30) - 7); var h = (highestBitSet(tod, 7, 30) - 7); var l_min = (s_min==undefined? ":00" : s_min) var h_min = (e_min==undefined? ":00" : e_min) var s = l.asString(2) + ":"+l_min +"-" + (h + 0).asString(2) + ":"+h_min; if (s == "00:00-24:00") s = "All Day"; return s; } function todToDayString(tod) { var day = ""; tod = parseInt(tod,10); if ((tod & 0x07F) === 0x07F) return "Every Day"; tod = tod & 0x7F; for (var i = 0; i <= 6; i++) if (tod & (1 << i)) day += days[i].substr(2) + ","; if (day.endsWith(",")) day = day.substr(0, day.length - 1); return day; } function refresh() { location.reload(true); window.open(location.href, "_self"); // location.reload(true); // window.open(location.href, "_self"); } function isHexString(s) { if (s.length === 0) return false; var pos = 0; if (s.charAt(pos) == '$') pos++; while (pos < s.length) { if ("01234567789ABCDEFabcdef ".indexOf(s.charAt(pos)) == -1) return false; else pos++; } return true; } function parseHexString(hs) { if (!isHexString(hs)) return [ ]; var a = [ ]; var pos = 0; if (hs.charAt(pos) == '$') pos++; while (pos < hs.length) { if (hs.charAt(pos) == ' ') { pos++; continue; } if (hs.length < 2) return [ ]; var num = parseInt(hs.charAt(pos), 16) * 16 + parseInt(hs.charAt(pos + 1), 16); if (isNaN(num)) return [ ]; pos += 2; a.push(num); } return a; } function toHexString(a) { var s = "$"; _.each(a, function(d) { if (d < 16) s += "0"; s += Number(d).toString(16).toUpperCase() }); return s; } function stringToHex(s) { var v = ""; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) v += toHexDig(s.charCodeAt(i), 2); return v; } function hexToString(s) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(this, parseHexString(s)); } function toHexDig(s, len) { s = Number(s).toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (s.length < len) s = "00000000000000000000000000".substr(0, len - s.length) + s; return s; } function ipToHex(v, sep) { if (sep === undefined) sep = ""; sep = ""; var reg = /^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$/; if (!reg.test(v)) return "$" + "00" + sep + "00" + sep + "00" + sep + "00"; var a = v.split("."); return "$" + toHexDig(a[0], 2) + sep + toHexDig(a[1], 2) + sep + toHexDig(a[2], 2) + sep + toHexDig(a[3], 2); } function hexToIp(v) { if (!v) return ""; if (!v.startsWith("$") && v.length === 4) v = convertASCIIStringToHexString(v); else if (!v.startsWith("$")) return v; var reg = /\$?([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]) ?([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]) ?([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]) ?([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]) ?/; if (!reg.test(v)) return ""; var s = ""; s += parseInt(RegExp.$1, 16) + "."; s += parseInt(RegExp.$2, 16) + "."; s += parseInt(RegExp.$3, 16) + "."; s += parseInt(RegExp.$4, 16); return s; } function macToHex(v) { v = v.toUpperCase(); var reg = /^[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]$/; if (!reg.test(v)) return "$" + "000000000000"; //var a = v.split(":"); return "$" + v.replace(/:/g, ""); } function hexToMac(v) { if (!v) return ""; if (!v.startsWith("$") && v.length === 6) v = convertASCIIStringToHexString(v); if (v.startsWith("$")) v = v.substr(1); v = v.replace(/ /g, ""); var reg = /^[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]$/; if (!reg.test(v)) return "00:00:00:00:00:00"; var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { s += v.charAt(i * 2); s += v.charAt(i * 2 + 1); if (i < 6 - 1) s += ":"; } return s; } function ipv4ToHex(s) { var reg = /^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$/; if (!reg.test(s)) return null; var hex = ""; s = s.split("."); for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { if (s[i].asInt() > 255) return null; hex += toHexDig(s[i], 2) } return hex; } function hexToIpv4(v) { if (!v) return null; if (!v.startsWith("$") && v.length === 4) v = convertASCIIStringToHexString(v); else if (!v.startsWith("$")) return v; v = v.replace("$","").replace(/ /g,""); if (!/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$/.test(v)) return null; v = v.match(/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g); var s = ""; for (var i=0;i<4;i++) s += parseInt(v[i], 16) + (i!=3 ? "." : ""); return s; } function hexToIpv6(v) { if (!v) return ""; if (!v.startsWith("$") && v.length === 16) v = convertASCIIStringToHexString(v); else if (!v.startsWith("$")) return v; v = v.replace("$","").replace(/ /g,""); if (!/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$/.test(v)) return ""; v = v.match(/([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/g); var s = ""; for (var i=0;i<8;i++) { //alert(s); s += ""+v[i].replace(/^[0]{1,3}/,"")+":"; //alert(s); } s = ":"+s; /* // does it need to replace 0: to ::??? for (i=8; i>=2; i--) { var rg = new RegExp(":(0:){"+i+"}"); if (rg.test(s)) { s = s.replace(rg,"::"); break; } } */ s = s.substr(1,s.length-2); if (s == "") return "::"; if (s.startsWith(":")) return ":"+s; if (s.endsWith(":")) return s+":"; return s; } function hexToIpv6x(v) { if (!v) return null; if (!v.startsWith("$") && v.length === 16) v = convertASCIIStringToHexString(v); v = v.replace("$","").replace(/ /g,""); if (!/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$/.test(v)) return null; v = v.match(/([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/g); var s = ""; for (var i=0;i<8;i++) s += ""+v[i].replace(/^[0]{1,3}/,"")+":"; for (i=8; i>=2; i--) { var rg = new RegExp("(0:){"+i+"}"); if (rg.test(s)) { s = s.replace(rg,":"); break; } } s = s.substr(0,s.length-1); if (s == "") return "::"; if (s.startsWith(":")) return ":"+s; if (s.endsWith(":")) return s+":"; return s; } function ipv6ToHex(s) { var v = ipv6ToHexOrNull(s); return v===null || v===undefined ? "$00000000000000000000000000000000": v; } function ipv6ToHexOrNull(s) { if (s=="::") return "$"+"".padLeft("0",32); if (s.startsWith("::")) s = "0::"+s.substr(2); if (s.endsWith("::")) s = s.substr(0, s.length-2)+"::0"; var foundColonColon=false; var hex = ""; var fail = false; var parts = s.split(":"); if (parts.length == 1 || parts.length > 8) return null; for (var i=0;i pos) { bits = v - pos; if (bits > 8) bits = 8; } pos += 8; s += toHexDig((1 << bits) - 1, 2) + (i < 3 ? " " : ""); } return hexToIp(s); } function prefix() { var o = formatter(); o.load = function(v) { var s = "$"; if (!v) v = 0; var pos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var bits = 0; if (v > pos) { bits = v - pos; if (bits > 8) bits = 8; } pos += 8; s += toHexDig( (((1<= 0; j--) { var on = (d & (1 << j)); if (!done && on) prefix++; else done = true; if (done && on) throw msg; } } return prefix; }; o.validate = function(v) { if (this.notEmpty && (""+v).length === 0) throw xlate("Subnet Mask Address cannot be empty"); if (!v) return v; var reg = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/; if (!reg.test(v)) throw xlate("Invalid Subnet Mask: Must be 4 numbers separated by '.' e.g."); var allZero = true; _.each(v.split(/\./), function f(i) { if (i.asInt() > 255) throw xlate("'%s' is not a valid part of a Subnet Mask. Must be less than 256.",i);; if (allZero) allZero = i.asInt() === 0; }); if (this.notZero && allZero) throw xlate("Subnet Mask cannot be all zero"); return v; } return o; } function nullIp(ip) { return ip.length === 0 || ip == "" || ip == "$00000000"; } function hexIp() { var o = formatter(); o.load = function(v) { return hexToIp(v); }; o.store = function(v) { //alert("store "+v+" "+ipToHex(v)); return ipToHex(v, " "); }; o.validate = function(v) { if (this.notEmpty && (""+v).length === 0) throw xlate("IP Address cannot be empty"); if (!v) return v; var reg = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/; if (!reg.test(v)) throw xlate("Invalid IP Address: Must be 4 numbers separated by '.' e.g."); var allZero = true; var index = 0; _.each(v.split(/\./), function f(i) { if (i.asInt() > 255) throw xlate("'%s' is not a valid part of an IP Address. Must be less than 256.", i); if (index==0 && i.asInt() == 127) throw xlate("Invalid IP Address"); if (allZero) allZero = i.asInt() === 0; index++; }); if (this.notZero && allZero) throw xlate("IP Address cannot be all zero"); return v; } return o; } function hexIpNotNull() { var o = hexIp(); o.notEmpty = true; o.notZero = true; return o; } function TypedAddr(type,addr) { this.type = type; this.addr = addr; this.toString = function() { return addr; } } function typedAddr() { var o = formatter(); o.notEmpty = true; function hasName(v) { return /[a-z]/i.test(v); } o.hexIp = new hexIp(); o.load = function(v) { if (v.type == "16") return v.addr; else return this.hexIp.load(v.addr); }; o.store = function(v) { var oo = { type:hasName(v) ? "16" : "1", // mod for ipv6 addr:hasName(v) ? v : o.hexIp.store(v, " ") }; return oo; }; o.validate = function(v) { if (this.notEmpty && (""+v).length === 0) throw xlate("IP Address cannot be empty"); if (!v) return v; if (hasName(v)) return v; return o.hexIp.validate(v); } return o; } function hexIpV6() { var o = formatter(); o.notEmpty = true; //o.notZero = true; leave this until heavy qa o.load = function(v) { if (!v) v = "::"; else v = hexToIpv6(v) || "::"; if (!o.notEmpty && (!v || v=="::" || /^.?null.?$/.test(v))) v = ""; return v; } o.store = function(v) { return ipv6ToHex(v); } o.validate = function(v) { if (!o.notEmpty && v == "") return v; if(!o.notEmpty && /^.?null.?$/.test(v)) return ""; var hex = ipv6ToHexOrNull(v); if (hex !== null) { if (o.notZero && hex == "$00000000000000000000000000000000") throw xlate("IP Address cannot be empty"); return v; } throw xlate("Invalid IPV6 Address"); } o.normalize = function(v) { return o.load(o.store(v)); } o.size = 40; return o; } function hexIpV6OrNull() { o = hexIpV6(); o.notEmpty = false; o.notZero = false; return o; } function hexIpV6orFQDN() { var o = formatter(); o.load = function(v) { if (v.startsWith("$")) { if (v.replace("$","").replace(/ /g,"") == "00000000000000000000000000000000") return ""; return hexToIpv6(v) || "::"; } else return v; } o.store = function(v) { return !v ? "" : (v.contains(":") ? ipv6ToHex(v) : v); } o.validate = function(v) { if (!v) return ""; //throw xlate("Must specify domain name or IP address"); if (v.contains(":") && ipv6ToHexOrNull(v) !== null) return v; else { return v; } throw xlate("Invalid IPV6 Address"); } o.size = 40; return o; } function macAddr() { var o = formatter(); o.load = function(v) { return hexToMac(v); }; o.store = function(v) { //alert("store "+v+" "+ipToHex(v)); return macToHex(v); }; o.validate = function(v) { if (!v) return v; var reg = /^[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]$/; if (!reg.test(v) || v == "00:00:00:00:00:00") throw xlate("Invalid Mac Address: Must be 6 pairs of hexdecimals separated by ':' e.g. 12:34:56:78:9A:BC"); return v; } return o; } function intField() { var o = formatter(); o.validate = function(v) { var reg = /^[0-9]+$/; if (!reg.test(v)) throw xlate("%s must be a number.",this.label); return v; } return o; } function intRangeField(lo, hi) { var o = formatter(); o.validate = function(v) { var reg = /^[0-9]+$/; if (!reg.test(v)) throw xlate("%s must be a number.",this.label); if (v.asInt()hi) throw xlate("%s must be between %s and %s.",this.label,lo,hi); return v; } return o; } function intRangeFieldOrZero(lo, hi) { var o = formatter(); o.validate = function(v) { var reg = /^[0-9]+$/; if (!reg.test(v)) throw xlate("%s must be a number.",this.label); if (v.asInt()!==0 && (v.asInt()hi)) throw xlate("%s must be between %s and %s or 0.",v,lo,hi); return v; } return o; } function rangeCheck (msg, v, lo, hi) { if (v > hi || v 32) throw xlate("Invalid SSID: Must be between 1 and 32 characters."); _.each(s.split(""), function(c, i) { if (i === 0 && "!#;".indexOf(c) != -1) throw xlate("Invalid SSID: Cannot start with !, # or ;"); if ("?\"$[\\]".indexOf(c) != -1) throw xlate("Invalid SSID: Cannot contain ?, \", $, [, \\, ] or +"); }); return s; } return o; } function canConvertToASCII(s) { return _.all(parseHexString(s), function(d) { return d >= 32 && d <= 126 }); } function convertHexStringToASCIIString(hexString) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(this, parseHexString(hexString)); } function convertASCIIStringToHexString(asciiString) { var s="$"; for (var i=0; i" + JSON.stringify(l)); if (l.length) { var tag = l[0]; var value = l.length > 1 ? l.splice(1, l.length-1) : ""; if (value) { if (o[tag]) { o[tag].push(value) } else { o[tag] = [value]; } } } } }); } $.log(JSON.stringify(o)); o.get = function(s) { try { if (this[s]) return this[s][0]; } catch(e) { return ""; } } o.getTable = function(s) { try { if (this[s]) return this[s]; else return []; } catch(e) { return []; } } o.eachRow = function(s, f) { try { if (this[s]) _.each(this[s],f); } catch(e) { return ""; } } return o; } function validateIpOnSubnet(ip) { var IPAddress = arLanGatewayIp.get(getLan()[0]).replace(/[$ ]/g,""); var SubnetMask = arLanSubnetMask.get(getLan()[0]).replace(/[$ ]/g,""); var f = hexIp(); if (ip.contains(".")) { f.validate(ip); ip = f.store(ip).replace(/[$ ]/g,""); } else { ip = ip.replace(/[$ ]/g,""); } if ((parseInt(ip, 16) & parseInt(SubnetMask,16)) != (parseInt(IPAddress, 16) & parseInt(SubnetMask,16))) { throw xlate("Invalid IP Address. Invalid network address."); } } function convertToSnmpHex(s) { var t = s; if (!t.endsWith(" ")) t += " "; var reg = /^([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f] )+$/; if (reg.test(t)) { return "$"+t.replace(/ /g,""); } return s; } function IPV6ToOid(v6) { hexIpV6().validate(v6); var hd = hexIpV6().store(v6); if (!hd) throw xlate("Invalid IPV6 Address"); hd = hd.replace("$", ''); var s = ""; while (hd.length >= 4) { s = s + parseInt(hd.substr(0, 4),16)+"."; hd = hd.substr(4); } s = s.substr(0, s.length-1); return s; } function oidToIPV6(oid) { var v6 = ""; var grouphasValue = false; if (is852()) { var flag = 0; _.each(oid.split("."), function(s) { if (flag == 1) { var tmp = parseInt(s).toString(16); if(tmp.length==1 && parseInt(tmp)!=0){ tmp="0"+tmp; } if( grouphasValue == true && parseInt( tmp ) == 0 ) { tmp += "0"; grouphasValue = false; } v6 += tmp +":"; flag = 0; } else { var tmp = parseInt(s).toString(16); if(tmp.length==1 && parseInt(tmp)!=0){ tmp="0"+tmp; } if( parseInt( tmp ) != 0 ) { grouphasValue = true; } v6 += tmp; flag+=1; } }); } else { _.each(oid.split("."), function(s) { v6 += parseInt(s).toString(16)+":"; }); } var v = v6.substr(0, v6.length-1).toUpperCase(); return hexIpV6().normalize(v); } function getChannelList() { var country = (snmpGet1(arWiFiCountry.oid+".0") || "").toLowerCase(); var isEurope = country ? "eu,at,be,ch,cz,de,dk,ee,ie,el,fr,es,it,cy,lv,lt,lu,hu,mt,nl,pl,pt,ro,gb,gr,hu,ie,si,sk,fi,se,uk".contains(country) : false; var isJapan = country == "jp"; if (isJapan) return ["0:Auto", "1:1", "2:2", "3:3", "4:4", "5:5", "6:6", "7:7", "8:8", "9:9", "10:10", "11:11", "12:12", "13:13","14:14"]; if (isEurope) return ["0:Auto", "1:1", "2:2", "3:3", "4:4", "5:5", "6:6", "7:7", "8:8", "9:9", "10:10", "11:11", "12:12", "13:13"]; return ["0:Auto", "1:1", "2:2", "3:3", "4:4", "5:5", "6:6", "7:7", "8:8", "9:9", "10:10", "11:11"]; } function security_encryption(mode, WEPencryptionmode, WPAalgorithm) { if(mode == "0") { return "Open"; } else if(mode == "1") { if(WEPencryptionmode == "1") { return "WEP64"; } if(WEPencryptionmode == "2") { return "WEP128"; } } else if(mode == "2") { if(WPAalgorithm == "1") { return "WPA-PSK(TKIP)"; } else if(WPAalgorithm == "2") { return "WPA-PSK(AES)"; } } else if(mode == "3") { if(WPAalgorithm == "1") { return "WPA2-PSK(TKIP)"; } else if(WPAalgorithm == "2") { return "WPA2-PSK(AES)"; } else if(WPAalgorithm == "3") { return "WPA2-PSK(TKIP/AES)"; } } else if(mode == "7") { return "WPAWPA2-PSK(TKIP/AES)"; /* if(WPAalgorithm == "1") { return "WPAWPA2-PSK(TKIP)"; } else if(WPAalgorithm == "2") { return "WPAWPA2-PSK(AES)"; } else if(WPAalgorithm == "3") { return "WPAWPA2-PSK(TKIP/AES)"; }*/ } else { return "NONE"; } } function wirelessmode(i) { if (i == "0") { return "Mixed BG"; } else if (i == "1") { return "B Only"; } else if (i == "4") { return "G Only"; } else if (i == "6") { return "N Only"; } else if (i == "7") { return "Mixed GN"; } else if (i == "9") { return "Mixed BGN"; } else { return "unknown -- " + i; } } function wifi50mode(i) { if(i == "0") { return "Mixed AN"; } else if(i == "1") { return "A Only"; } else if(i == "4") { return "N Only"; } else if(i == "5") { return "Only AC"; } else if(i == "6") { return "Mixed ACN"; } else if(i == "7") { return "Mixed ACNA"; } else { return "unknown -- " + i; } } function getWiFiIndex(band, SSID) { if(band == "24") { if(SSID == "HOME" || SSID == "BSS_1") { return "10001"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_2") { return "10002"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_3") { return "10003"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_4") { return "10004"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_5") { return "10005"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_6") { return "10006"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_7") { return "10007"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_8") { return "10008"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_9") { return "10009"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_10") { return "10010"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_11") { return "10011"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_12") { return "10012"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_13") { return "10013"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_14") { return "10014"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_15") { return "10015"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_16") { return "10016"; } } else if(band == "50") { if(SSID == "HOME" || SSID == "BSS_1") { return "10101"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_2") { return "10102"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_3") { return "10103"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_4") { return "10104"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_5") { return "10105"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_6") { return "10106"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_7") { return "10107"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_8") { return "10108"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_9") { return "10109"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_10") { return "10110"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_11") { return "10111"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_12") { return "10112"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_13") { return "10113"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_14") { return "10114"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_15") { return "10115"; } else if(SSID == "BSS_16") { return "10116"; } } } function Parse_Page_Name( org_url ) { return org_url.substring(org_url.lastIndexOf('/')+1); } function Waiting_Setting_And_Redirect( url ) { window.location = "waiting_loading.php?" + url; } /* function convertCmtStr(str) { var ret; var str_new =""; var i = 0; var num = 0; for(i = 0; i= (i+3))) { num = parseInt((str.charAt(i+1)), 16) * 16 + parseInt((str.charAt(i+2)), 16); if(isNaN(num)) { str_new += str.charAt(i); } else { ret = String.fromCharCode(num); i = i+2; str_new += ret; } } else { str_new += str.charAt(i); } } return str_new; } */ // todo: add change password for suddenlink // todo: make sure tabs from mg gets moved over?