DIALOG_WEB_INFO_ENG="Internet session timeout. For security reasons, please re-enter the WPA key to access the internet." DIALOG_WEB_INPUT_ENG="Enter your WPA password:" DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT_ENG="Submit" DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_ENG="Error: The password you have entered is incorrect! Please try again." DIALOG_WEB_OK_ENG="Thank You. Your connection will be restored in a few moments." DIALOG_WEB_BACK_ENG="Back" DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG_ENG="This field is required." DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN_ENG="The password must be more than {0} characters!" DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX_ENG="The password must be less than {0} characters!" DIALOG_WEB_DIR_ENG="ltr"