import {createApp} from 'vue'; import ActivityHeatmap from '../components/ActivityHeatmap.vue'; import {translateMonth, translateDay} from '../utils.js'; export function initHeatmap() { const el = document.getElementById('user-heatmap'); if (!el) return; try { const heatmap = {}; for (const {contributions, timestamp} of JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-heatmap-data'))) { // Convert to user timezone and sum contributions by date const dateStr = new Date(timestamp * 1000).toDateString(); heatmap[dateStr] = (heatmap[dateStr] || 0) + contributions; } const values = Object.keys(heatmap).map((v) => { return {date: new Date(v), count: heatmap[v]}; }); // last heatmap tooltip localization attempt const locale = { months: new Array(12).fill().map((_, idx) => translateMonth(idx)), days: new Array(7).fill().map((_, idx) => translateDay(idx)), contributions: 'contributions', contributions_in_the_last_12_months: el.getAttribute('data-locale-total-contributions'), no_contributions: el.getAttribute('data-locale-no-contributions'), more: el.getAttribute('data-locale-more'), less: el.getAttribute('data-locale-less'), }; const View = createApp(ActivityHeatmap, {values, locale}); View.mount(el); el.classList.remove('is-loading'); } catch (err) { console.error('Heatmap failed to load', err); el.textContent = 'Heatmap failed to load'; } }