
301 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../include/Frame_Resizer_Base.h"
Frame_Resizer_Base::Frame_Resizer_Base( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
this ->fixed_start = false ;
init( ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
void Frame_Resizer_Base::init( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
drawingarea .set_size_request( 536, 50 );
drawingarea .signal_realize( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_realize) ) ;
drawingarea .signal_expose_event( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_expose) ) ;
drawingarea .signal_motion_notify_event( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_mouse_motion) ) ;
drawingarea .signal_button_press_event( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_button_press_event) ) ;
drawingarea .signal_button_release_event( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_button_release_event) ) ;
drawingarea .signal_leave_notify_event( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_leave_notify) ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
this ->add( drawingarea ) ;
color_used .set( "#F8F8BA" ); this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_used ) ;
color_unused .set( "white" ); this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_unused ) ;
color_arrow .set( "black" ); this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_arrow ) ;
color_background .set( "darkgrey" ); this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_background ) ;
color_arrow_rectangle .set( "lightgrey" ); this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_arrow_rectangle ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
cursor_resize = new Gdk::Cursor( Gdk::SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW ) ;
cursor_normal = new Gdk::Cursor( Gdk::LEFT_PTR ) ;
cursor_move = new Gdk::Cursor( Gdk::FLEUR ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
X_END = 0;
set_size_limits( 0, 500 ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
Gdk::Point p;
p .set_y( 15 ); arrow_points .push_back( p ) ;
p .set_y( 25 ); arrow_points .push_back( p ) ;
p .set_y( 35 ); arrow_points .push_back( p ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
this ->show_all_children( );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_rgb_partition_color( const Gdk::Color & color )
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_partition, 1 ) ;
this ->color_partition = color ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_partition ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
void Frame_Resizer_Base::override_default_rgb_unused_color( const Gdk::Color & color )
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_unused, 1 ) ;
this ->color_unused = color ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->alloc_color( color_unused ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_x_start( int x_start)
this ->X_START = x_start +10;//space for leftgripper
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_x_end( int x_end )
this ->X_END = x_end +26 ; //space for leftgripper + 2 * BORDER
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_used( int used)
this ->USED = used ;
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_fixed_start( bool fixed_start )
this ->fixed_start = fixed_start ;
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_used_start( int used_start )
if ( used_start <= 0 )
this ->USED_START = 10 ;
this ->USED_START = used_start +10;
void Frame_Resizer_Base::set_size_limits( int min_size, int max_size )
this ->MIN_SIZE = min_size + 16 ;
this ->MAX_SIZE = max_size + 16 ;
int Frame_Resizer_Base::get_used( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return USED ;
int Frame_Resizer_Base::get_x_start( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return X_START -10 ;
int Frame_Resizer_Base::get_x_end( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return X_END -26 ;
void Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_realize( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
gc = Gdk::GC::create( drawingarea .get_window( ) );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->set_background( color_background );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
drawingarea .add_events( Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK );
drawingarea .add_events( Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK );
drawingarea .add_events( Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK );
drawingarea .add_events( Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
bool Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_expose( GdkEventExpose * ev )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
Draw_Partition( ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return true;
bool Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_mouse_motion( GdkEventMotion *ev )
if ( ! GRIP_LEFT && ! GRIP_RIGHT && ! GRIP_MOVE ) //no need to check this while resizing or moving
//check if pointer is over a gripper
if ( ! fixed_start && ev ->x >= X_START -10 && ev ->x <= X_START && ev ->y >= 5 && ev ->y <= 45 ) //left grip
drawingarea .get_parent_window( ) ->set_cursor( *cursor_resize ) ;
else if ( ev ->x >= X_END && ev ->x <= X_END + 10 && ev ->y >= 5 && ev ->y <= 45 ) //right grip
drawingarea .get_parent_window( ) ->set_cursor( *cursor_resize ) ;
else if ( ! fixed_start && ev ->x >= X_START && ev ->x <= X_END ) //move grip
drawingarea .get_parent_window( ) ->set_cursor( *cursor_move ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
else //normal pointer
drawingarea .get_parent_window( ) ->set_cursor( *cursor_normal ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
//here's where the real work is done ;-)
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( GRIP_LEFT && ev ->x >= 10 && ev ->x <= X_END - USED - BORDER * 2 && (X_END - ev ->x) <= MAX_SIZE && (X_END - ev ->x) >= MIN_SIZE )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
X_START = static_cast<int> ( ev ->x ) ;
signal_resize.emit( X_START -10, X_END -26, ARROW_LEFT) ; //-10/-26 to get the real value ( this way gripper calculations are invisible outside this class )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
else if ( GRIP_RIGHT && ev ->x <= 526 && ev ->x >= X_START + USED + BORDER *2 && (ev ->x - X_START) <= MAX_SIZE && (ev ->x - X_START) >= MIN_SIZE )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
X_END = static_cast<int> ( ev ->x ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
signal_resize.emit( X_START -10, X_END -26, ARROW_RIGHT) ; //-10/-26 to get the real value ( this way gripper calculations are invisible outside this class )
else if ( GRIP_MOVE )
temp_x = X_START + static_cast<int> ( ev ->x - X_START_MOVE );
temp_y = X_END + static_cast<int> ( ev ->x - X_START_MOVE );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( temp_x >= 10 && temp_y <= 526 )
X_START = temp_x ;
X_END = temp_y ;
X_START_MOVE = static_cast<int> ( ev ->x ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
signal_move.emit( X_START -10, X_END -26) ; //-10/-26 to get the real value ( this way gripper calculations are invisible outside this class )
Draw_Partition( ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return true;
bool Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_button_press_event( GdkEventButton *ev )
GRIP_MOVE = false; GRIP_RIGHT = false; GRIP_LEFT = false ;
if ( ! fixed_start && ev ->x >= X_START -10 && ev ->x <= X_START && ev ->y >= 5 && ev ->y <= 45 ) //left grip
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
GRIP_LEFT = true ;
else if ( ev ->x >= X_END && ev ->x <= X_END + 10 && ev ->y >= 5 && ev ->y <= 45 ) //right grip
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
GRIP_RIGHT = true ;
else if ( ! fixed_start && ev ->x >= X_START && ev ->x <= X_END ) //move grip
{ GRIP_MOVE = true ; X_START_MOVE = static_cast<int> ( ev ->x ); }
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return true;
bool Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_button_release_event( GdkEventButton *ev )
GRIP_LEFT = false ; GRIP_RIGHT = false ; GRIP_MOVE = false;
return true;
bool Frame_Resizer_Base::drawingarea_on_leave_notify( GdkEventCrossing *ev )
if ( ev ->mode != GDK_CROSSING_GRAB && ! GRIP_LEFT && ! GRIP_RIGHT && ! GRIP_MOVE )
drawingarea .get_parent_window( ) ->set_cursor( *cursor_normal ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
return true;
void Frame_Resizer_Base::Draw_Partition( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( UNUSED < 0 )
UNUSED = 0 ;
if ( drawingarea .get_window( ) )
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->clear( ) ;
//the two rectangles on each side of the partition
gc ->set_foreground( color_arrow_rectangle );
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, 0, 0, 10, 50 );
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, 526, 0, 10, 50 );
gc ->set_foreground( color_partition );
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, X_START, 0, X_END - X_START, 50 );
gc ->set_foreground( color_used );
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, X_START +BORDER, BORDER, USED, 34 );
gc ->set_foreground( color_unused );
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, X_START +BORDER +USED, BORDER, UNUSED, 34 );
//resize grips
if ( ! fixed_start )
Draw_Resize_Grip( ARROW_LEFT ) ;
Draw_Resize_Grip( ARROW_RIGHT ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
void Frame_Resizer_Base::Draw_Resize_Grip( ArrowType arrow_type )
if ( arrow_type == ARROW_LEFT )
arrow_points[0] .set_x( X_START ) ;
arrow_points[1] .set_x( X_START -10 ) ;
arrow_points[2] .set_x( X_START ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
arrow_points[0] .set_x( X_END ) ;
arrow_points[1] .set_x( X_END +10 ) ;
arrow_points[2] .set_x( X_END ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
//attach resize arrows to the partition
gc ->set_foreground( color_arrow_rectangle );
if ( arrow_type == ARROW_LEFT )
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, false, X_START -10 , 5, 9, 40 );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_rectangle( gc, false, X_END +1, 5, 9, 40 );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
gc ->set_foreground( color_arrow );
drawingarea .get_window( ) ->draw_polygon( gc , true, arrow_points );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
Frame_Resizer_Base::~Frame_Resizer_Base( )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_used, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_unused, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_arrow, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_background, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_partition, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap( ) ->free_colors( color_arrow_rectangle, 1 ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( cursor_resize )
delete cursor_resize ;
if ( cursor_normal )
delete cursor_normal ;
if ( cursor_move )
delete cursor_move ;