2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../include/Dialog_Partition_Info.h"
namespace GParted
Dialog_Partition_Info::Dialog_Partition_Info( const Partition & partition )
this -> partition = partition ;
this->set_resizable( false );
/*TO TRANSLATORS: dialogtitle, looks like Information about /dev/hda3 */
2004-09-24 19:10:21 -06:00
this->set_title( String::ucompose( _( "Information about %1"), partition.partition ) );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
init_drawingarea() ;
//add label for detail and fill with relevant info
Display_Info() ;
//display error (if any)
if ( partition .error != "" )
frame = manage( new Gtk::Frame() );
frame ->set_border_width( 10 );
image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON ) );
label = manage( new Gtk::Label( ) ) ;
2004-09-24 19:10:21 -06:00
label ->set_markup( "<b> " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Libparted message:" ) + " </b>" ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
hbox = manage( new Gtk::HBox() );
hbox ->pack_start( *image, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
hbox ->pack_start( *label, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
frame ->set_label_widget( *hbox ) ;
label = manage( new Gtk::Label( ) ) ;
label ->set_markup( "<i>" + partition.error + "</i>") ;
label ->set_selectable( true ) ;
label ->set_line_wrap( true ) ;
frame ->add( *label );
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( *frame, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
this->add_button( Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK );
void Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_realize( )
gc = Gdk::GC::create( drawingarea .get_window() );
drawingarea .get_window() ->set_background( color_partition );
bool Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_expose( GdkEventExpose *ev )
if ( partition.type != GParted::UNALLOCATED )
gc ->set_foreground( color_used );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, BORDER, BORDER, used ,34 );
gc ->set_foreground( color_unused );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, BORDER + used, BORDER, unused,34 );
gc ->set_foreground( color_text );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_layout( gc, BORDER +5, BORDER +1 , pango_layout ) ;
return true;
void Dialog_Partition_Info::init_drawingarea()
drawingarea .set_size_request( 375, 50 ) ;
drawingarea.signal_realize().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_realize) ) ;
drawingarea.signal_expose_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_expose) ) ;
frame = manage( new Gtk::Frame() );
frame ->add ( drawingarea ) ;
frame ->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT);
frame ->set_border_width( 10 );
hbox = manage( new Gtk::HBox() ) ;
hbox ->pack_start( *frame, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_PADDING ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( *hbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
//calculate proportional width of used and unused
used = unused = 0 ;
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
used = (int) ( ( (375 - BORDER *2) / ( (double) (partition.sector_end - partition.sector_start) / partition.sectors_used ) )+0.5 ) ;
unused = 375 - used - (BORDER *2) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
//allocate some colors
2004-10-01 15:09:19 -06:00
color_used.set( "#F8F8BA" ); this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_used ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
partition .type == GParted::EXTENDED ? color_unused.set( "darkgrey" ) : color_unused.set( "white" ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_unused ) ;
2004-10-01 15:09:19 -06:00
color_text.set( "black" ); this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_text ) ;
color_partition = partition.color ; this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_partition ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
//set text of pangolayout
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
pango_layout = drawingarea .create_pango_layout ( partition .partition + "\n" + String::ucompose( _("%1 MB"), partition .Get_Length_MB() ) ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
void Dialog_Partition_Info::Display_Info()
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
int top =0, bottom = 1;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
table = manage( new Gtk::Table() ) ;
table ->set_border_width( 5 ) ;
table ->set_col_spacings(10 ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( *table , Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Filesystem:" ) + "</b>" ) , 0,1,top, bottom ,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( partition .filesystem ), 1,2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Size:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1,top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( String::ucompose( _("%1 MB"), this ->partition .Get_Length_MB() ) ) , 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( partition.sectors_used != -1 )
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
//calculate relative diskusage
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
int percent_used = (int) ( (double) partition.Get_Used_MB() / partition .Get_Length_MB() *100 +0.5 ) ;
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Used:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( String::ucompose( _("%1 MB"), this ->partition .Get_Used_MB() ) ) , 1,2, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "\t\t\t( " + num_to_str( percent_used ) + "% )"), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Unused:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( String::ucompose( _("%1 MB"), this ->partition .Get_Unused_MB() ) ) , 1,2, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "\t\t\t( " + num_to_str( 100 - percent_used ) + "% )"), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
if ( partition.type != GParted::UNALLOCATED )
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Flags:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( partition .flags ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
//one blank line
table ->attach( * mk_label( "" ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-25 08:12:07 -06:00
if ( partition.type != GParted::UNALLOCATED && partition .status != GParted::STAT_NEW )
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Path:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( partition .partition ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
//realpath (this sucks)
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
char real_path[4096] ;
realpath( partition.partition.c_str() , real_path );
//only show realpath if it's diffent from the short path...
if ( partition.partition != real_path )
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Real Path:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( real_path ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
Glib::ustring str_temp ;
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Status:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( partition.busy )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
str_temp = Find_Status() ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
else if ( partition.type == GParted::EXTENDED )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
str_temp = _("Not busy (There are no mounted logical partitions)" ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
else if ( partition.filesystem == "linux-swap" )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
str_temp = _("Not active" ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
str_temp = _("Not mounted" ) ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( str_temp ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
//one blank line
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
//first sector
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "First Sector:" ) + "</b>" ), 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL);
table ->attach( * mk_label( num_to_str( partition.sector_start ) ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
//last sector
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Last Sector:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( num_to_str( partition.sector_end ) ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
//total sectors
table ->attach( * mk_label( "<b>" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Total Sectors:" ) + "</b>" ), 0,1, top, bottom,Gtk::FILL);
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
table ->attach( * mk_label( num_to_str( partition.sector_end - partition.sector_start ) ), 1,2, top++, bottom++,Gtk::FILL);
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
Glib::ustring Dialog_Partition_Info::Find_Status()
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( partition.type == GParted::EXTENDED )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
return _("Busy (At least one logical partition is mounted)" ) ;
else if ( partition.filesystem == "linux-swap" )
return _("Active") ;
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
//try to find the mountpoint in /proc/mounts
//get realpath
char real_path[4096] ;
realpath( partition.partition.c_str() , real_path );
Glib::ustring mountpoint, partition_real_path = real_path ; //because root partition is listed as /dev/root we need te compare against te real path..
std::ifstream file_mounts( "/proc/mounts" ) ;
std::string line ;
while ( getline( file_mounts, line ) )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
realpath( line.substr( 0, line.find( ' ' ) ) .c_str(), real_path );
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
if ( partition_real_path == real_path )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
//this is so cool =)
mountpoint = line.substr( line.find( ' ' ) +1, line .length() ) ;
mountpoint = mountpoint .substr( 0, mountpoint .find( ' ' ) ) ;
2004-09-24 19:10:21 -06:00
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
break ;
file_mounts .close() ;
//sometimes rootdevices are not listed as paths. I'll take a guess and just enter / here...( we'll look into this when complaints start coming in :P )
2004-10-02 03:39:16 -06:00
if ( mountpoint .empty() )
mountpoint = "/" ;
return String::ucompose( _("Mounted on %1"), mountpoint ) ;
2004-09-28 15:12:20 -06:00
2004-09-19 14:24:53 -06:00
this ->get_colormap() ->free_colors( color_used, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_colors( color_unused, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_colors( color_text, 1 ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_colors( color_partition, 1 ) ;
} //GParted