Restore copyright entries by original author to those of his last
known repository commit titled "released gparted-0.3.4 on
LarryT's request." on Feb 25, 2007.
Add my own copyright entries for files in which I changed source
code. Files in which I only made spelling changes do not have my
copyright entry added.
* in some places i still used MiB's instead of sectors to store sizes.
this has been fixed everywhere. Only the spinbuttons still use
MiB's. I have a few ideas on how to solve this, but i'll take it up
with #usability first.
* Every devicescan now tests on beforehand if the kernel is able to reread the partitiontable. If the kernel is unable to do
this, i disallow most operations. This may seem weird and even a bad thing to do, but the fact is it protects
the innocent user from a lot of potential damage. Till the linuxkernel is able to reread partitiontables no matter what, this seems
to be the best option. Of course a dialog with information will popup whenever such a situation is encountered.
In a next release i might consider adding an 'advanced mode' for users who know what they're doing.