Restore copyright entries by original author to those of his last
known repository commit titled "released gparted-0.3.4 on
LarryT's request." on Feb 25, 2007.
Add my own copyright entries for files in which I changed source
code. Files in which I only made spelling changes do not have my
copyright entry added.
* include/Device.h,
src/ replaced 'long' with 'Sector' to
prefent overflows with really large devices.
* include/Dialog_Base_Partition.h,
src/ Fixed bug in copy functionality (due to unset ORIG_START startsector wasn't set correctly). Also have ORIG*
initialized in ctor of dialogbase to prevent such errors from ever happening again (this one only showed up with gcc-3.3.5) .
* added MIN and MAX to filesystemstruct to set min. and max sizes of a filesystem. So instead of checking per filesystem
i now simply check the fs.MIN or fs.MAX. this results in less and cleaner code. Also this will come in handy when adding
support for new filesystems. (This also fixed several minor bugs with filesystemsizes and gained some improvement in resizer
* Rewrote a large part of gparteds internal code. Filesystemssupport is now much more separated from the rest of gparted and
adding support for other filesystems should be a piece of cake now (hope that's true :P)
It still needs a lot of love, but the foundations are laid =)