/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "../include/Win_GParted.h" namespace GParted { Win_GParted::Win_GParted( ) { copied_partition .Reset( ) ; selected_partition .Reset( ) ; new_count = 1; current_device = 0 ; vbox_visual_disk = NULL; pulse = false ; //==== GUI ========================= this ->set_title( _("GParted") ); this ->set_default_size( 775, 500 ); //Pack the main box this ->add( vbox_main ); //menubar.... init_menubar( ) ; vbox_main .pack_start( menubar_main, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //toolbar.... init_toolbar( ) ; vbox_main.pack_start( hbox_toolbar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //hbox_visual... ( contains the visual represenation of the disks ) vbox_main.pack_start( hbox_visual, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //hpaned_main (NOTE: added to vpaned_main) init_hpaned_main( ) ; vpaned_main .pack1( hpaned_main, true, true ) ; //vpaned_main.... vbox_main .pack_start( vpaned_main ); //device info... init_device_info( ) ; //operationslist... init_operationslist( ) ; vpaned_main .pack2( hbox_operations, true, true ) ; //statusbar... pulsebar = manage( new Gtk::ProgressBar( ) ); pulsebar ->set_pulse_step( 0.01 ); statusbar .add( *pulsebar ); vbox_main .pack_start( statusbar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); this ->show_all_children( ); //make sure harddisk information and operationlist are closed.. hpaned_main .get_child1( ) ->hide( ) ; close_operationslist( ) ; conn = dispatcher .connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Win_GParted::menu_gparted_refresh_devices ) ); dispatcher( ) ; } void Win_GParted::init_menubar( ) { //fill menubar_main and connect callbacks //gparted menu = manage( new Gtk::Menu( ) ) ; image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::REFRESH, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::ImageMenuElem( _("_Refresh devices"), Gtk::AccelKey("r"), *image, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::menu_gparted_refresh_devices) ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("Filesystems"), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Win_GParted::menu_gparted_filesystems ) ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::QUIT, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::menu_gparted_quit) ) ); menubar_main .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("_GParted"), *menu ) ); //view menu = manage( new Gtk::Menu( ) ) ; menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem( _("Harddisk Information"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::menu_view_harddisk_info) ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem( _("Operations"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::menu_view_operations) ) ); menubar_main .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("_View"), *menu ) ); //device menu = manage( new Gtk::Menu( ) ) ; menu ->items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("Set Disklabel"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_disklabel) ) ); menubar_main .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("_Device"), *menu ) ); //partition init_partition_menu( ) ; menubar_main .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("_Partition"), menu_partition ) ); //help menu = manage( new Gtk::Menu() ) ; menu ->items( ) .push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::HELP, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::menu_help_contents) ) ); image = manage( new Gtk::Image( "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/stock/generic/stock_about.png" ) ); menu ->items( ) .push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::ImageMenuElem( _("About"), *image, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::menu_help_about) ) ); menubar_main.items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Help"), *menu ) ); } void Win_GParted::init_toolbar( ) { //initialize and pack toolbar_main hbox_toolbar.pack_start( toolbar_main ); //NEW and DELETE toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::NEW)); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_new) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Create a new partition in the selected unallocated space") ); toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::DELETE)); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_delete) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Delete the selected partition") ); toolbar_main.append( *(Gtk::manage(new Gtk::SeparatorToolItem)) ); //RESIZE/MOVE image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::GOTO_LAST, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON ) ); toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton( *image, _("Resize/Move") )); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_resize) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Resize/Move the selected partition") ); toolbar_main.append( *(Gtk::manage(new Gtk::SeparatorToolItem)) ); //COPY and PASTE toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::COPY)); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_copy) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Copy the selected partition to the clipboard") ); toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::PASTE)); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_paste) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Paste the partition from the clipboard") ); toolbar_main.append( *(Gtk::manage(new Gtk::SeparatorToolItem)) ); //UNDO and APPLY toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::UNDO)); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_undo) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_sensitive( false ); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Undo last operation") ); toolbutton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::APPLY)); toolbutton ->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_apply) ); toolbar_main.append(*toolbutton); toolbutton ->set_sensitive( false ); toolbutton ->set_tooltip(tooltips, _("Apply all operations") ); //initizialize and pack optionmenu_devices optionmenu_devices .set_menu( * manage( new Gtk::Menu( ) ) ); optionmenu_devices .signal_changed( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::optionmenu_devices_changed) ); hbox_toolbar .pack_start( optionmenu_devices, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); } void Win_GParted::init_partition_menu( ) { //fill menu_partition menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::NEW, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_new) ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::AccelKey( GDK_Delete, Gdk::BUTTON1_MASK ), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_delete) ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::GOTO_LAST, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::ImageMenuElem( _("Resize/Move"), *image, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_resize) ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::COPY, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_copy) ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::PASTE, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_paste) ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::CONVERT, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU ) ); /*TO TRANSLATORS: menuitem which holds a submenu with filesystems.. */ menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::ImageMenuElem( _("_Convert to"), *image, menu_convert ) ) ; menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("Unmount"), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Win_GParted::activate_unmount ) ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem( ) ); menu_partition .items( ) .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem( Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_INFO, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_info) ) ); init_convert_menu( ) ; menu_partition .accelerate( *this ) ; } void Win_GParted::init_convert_menu() { for ( unsigned int t=0; t < gparted_core .get_filesystems( ) .size( ) -1 ; t++ ) { color .set( Get_Color( gparted_core .get_filesystems( )[ t ] .filesystem ) ); hbox = manage( new Gtk::HBox( ) ); //the colored square entry = manage ( new Gtk::Entry( ) ); entry ->set_sensitive( false ); entry ->set_size_request( 12, 12 ); entry ->modify_base( entry ->get_state( ), color ); hbox ->pack_start( *entry, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //the label... hbox ->pack_start( * mk_label( " " + gparted_core .get_filesystems( )[ t ] .filesystem ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); menu_item = manage( new Gtk::MenuItem( *hbox ) ) ; menu_convert.items( ) .push_back( *menu_item ); menu_convert.items( ) .back( ) .signal_activate( ) .connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Win_GParted::activate_convert), gparted_core .get_filesystems( )[ t ] .filesystem ) ) ; } menu_convert.show_all_children() ; } void Win_GParted::init_device_info() { vbox_info.set_spacing( 5 ); int top =0, bottom = 1; //title vbox_info .pack_start( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Harddisk Information" ) + ":" ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //GENERAL DEVICE INFO table = manage( new Gtk::Table() ) ; table ->set_col_spacings( 10 ) ; //model table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Model:" ) + "" ) , 0,1,top, bottom ,Gtk::FILL); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back(), 1,2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL); //size table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Size:" ) + "" ) , 0,1,top, bottom ,Gtk::FILL); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back(), 1,2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL); //path table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Path:" ) + "" ) , 0,1,top, bottom ,Gtk::FILL); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back(), 1,2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL); //real path table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Real Path:" ) + "" ) , 0,1,top, bottom ,Gtk::FILL); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back(), 1,2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL); vbox_info .pack_start( *table, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //DETAILED DEVICE INFO top = 0; bottom = 1; table = manage( new Gtk::Table( ) ) ; table ->set_col_spacings( 10 ) ; //one blank line table ->attach( * mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ); //disktype table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "DiskType:" ) + "" ), 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back( ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ); //heads table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Heads:" ) + "" ), 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back( ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ); //sectors/track table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Sectors/Track:" ) + "" ) , 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back( ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ); //cylinders table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Cylinders:" ) + "" ), 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back( ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ); //total sectors table ->attach( * mk_label( " " + (Glib::ustring) _( "Total Sectors:" ) + "" ), 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ); device_info .push_back( mk_label( "" ) ) ; table ->attach( * device_info .back( ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ); vbox_info .pack_start( *table, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); } void Win_GParted::init_operationslist( ) { //create listview for pending operations liststore_operations = Gtk::ListStore::create( treeview_operations_columns ); treeview_operations .set_model( liststore_operations ); treeview_operations .set_headers_visible( false ); treeview_operations .append_column( "", treeview_operations_columns .operation_number ); treeview_operations .append_column( "", treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ); treeview_operations .get_column( 0 ) ->pack_start( treeview_operations_columns .operation_icon, false ); treeview_operations .get_selection( ) ->set_mode( Gtk::SELECTION_NONE ); //init scrollwindow_operations scrollwindow = manage( new Gtk::ScrolledWindow( ) ) ; scrollwindow ->set_shadow_type( Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN ); scrollwindow ->set_policy( Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC ); scrollwindow ->add ( treeview_operations ) ; //set up the close and clear buttons and pack them in a vbox vbox = manage( new Gtk::VBox( ) ) ; //CLOSE button = manage( new Gtk::Button( ) ); image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU ) ); button ->add( *image ) ; button ->set_relief( Gtk::RELIEF_NONE ); tooltips .set_tip( *button, _("Hide operationslist") ); button ->signal_clicked( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Win_GParted::close_operationslist ) ); vbox ->pack_start( *button, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //CLEAR button = manage( new Gtk::Button( ) ); image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::CLEAR, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU ) ); button ->add( *image ) ; button ->set_relief( Gtk::RELIEF_NONE ); tooltips .set_tip( *button, _("Clear operationslist") ); button ->signal_clicked( ) .connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Win_GParted::clear_operationslist ) ); vbox ->pack_start( *button, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //add vbox and scrollwindow_operations to hbox_operations hbox_operations .pack_start( *vbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); hbox_operations .pack_start( *scrollwindow, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET ); } void Win_GParted::init_hpaned_main( ) { //left scrollwindow (holds device info) scrollwindow = manage( new Gtk::ScrolledWindow( ) ) ; scrollwindow ->set_shadow_type( Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN ); scrollwindow ->set_policy( Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC ); hpaned_main.pack1( *scrollwindow, true, true ); scrollwindow ->add( vbox_info ); //right scrollwindow (holds treeview with partitions) scrollwindow = manage( new Gtk::ScrolledWindow( ) ) ; scrollwindow ->set_shadow_type( Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN ); scrollwindow ->set_policy( Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC ); //connect signal and add treeview_detail treeview_detail .signal_mouse_click .connect( sigc::mem_fun( this, &Win_GParted::mouse_click ) ); scrollwindow ->add( treeview_detail ); hpaned_main.pack2( *scrollwindow, true, true ); } void Win_GParted::Refresh_OptionMenu( ) { optionmenu_devices .get_menu( ) ->items( ) .clear( ) ; //fill optionmenu_devices for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < devices .size( ) ; i++ ) { hbox = manage( new Gtk::HBox( ) ); //the image... image = manage( new Gtk::Image( "/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/devices/gnome-dev-harddisk.png" ) ); hbox ->pack_start( *image, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); //the label... hbox ->pack_start( *mk_label( " " + devices[ i ] .path + "\t(" + String::ucompose( _("%1 MB"), Sector_To_MB( devices[ i ] .length ) ) + ")" ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); menu_item = manage( new Gtk::MenuItem( *hbox ) ) ; optionmenu_devices .get_menu( ) ->items( ) .push_back( *menu_item ); } hbox_toolbar .show_all_children( ); optionmenu_devices .set_history( current_device ) ; } void Win_GParted::Show_Pulsebar( ) { pulsebar ->show( ); statusbar .push( _("Scanning all devices...") ) ; //disable all input stuff toolbar_main .set_sensitive( false ) ; menubar_main .set_sensitive( false ) ; optionmenu_devices .set_sensitive( false ) ; menu_partition .set_sensitive( false ) ; //the actual 'pulsing' while ( pulse ) { pulsebar ->pulse( ); while ( Gtk::Main::events_pending( ) ) Gtk::Main::iteration( ); usleep( 10000 ); } thread ->join( ) ; conn .disconnect( ) ; pulsebar ->hide( ); statusbar .pop( ) ; //enable all disabled stuff toolbar_main .set_sensitive( true ) ; menubar_main .set_sensitive( true ) ; optionmenu_devices .set_sensitive( true ) ; menu_partition .set_sensitive( true ) ; } void Win_GParted::Fill_Label_Device_Info( bool clear ) { if ( clear ) for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < device_info .size( ) ; t++ ) device_info[ t ] ->set_text( "" ) ; else { short t = 0; //global info... device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( devices[ current_device ] .model ) ; device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( String::ucompose( _("%1 MB"), Sector_To_MB( devices[ current_device ] .length ) ) ) ; device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( devices[ current_device ] .path ) ; device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( devices[ current_device ] .realpath ) ; //detailed info device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( devices[ current_device ] .disktype ) ; device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( num_to_str( devices[ current_device ] .heads ) ); device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( num_to_str( devices[ current_device ] .sectors ) ); device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( num_to_str( devices[ current_device ] .cylinders ) ); device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( num_to_str( devices[ current_device ] .length ) ); } } bool Win_GParted::on_delete_event( GdkEventAny *event ) { return ! Quit_Check_Operations( ); } void Win_GParted::Add_Operation( OperationType operationtype, const Partition & new_partition) { Operation operation( devices[ current_device ], selected_partition, new_partition, operationtype ); operations.push_back( operation ); allow_undo( true ); allow_apply( true ); Refresh_Visual( ); if ( operations .size( ) == 1 ) //first operation, open operationslist open_operationslist( ) ; //make scrollwindow focus on the last operation in the list Gtk::TreeIter iter = liststore_operations ->children( ) .end( ) ; iter-- ; treeview_operations .set_cursor( static_cast ( static_cast ( *iter ) ) ) ; } void Win_GParted::Refresh_Visual( ) { std::vector partitions = devices[ current_device ] .device_partitions ; liststore_operations ->clear( ); //make all operations visible for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ); t++ ) { if ( operations[ t ] .device .path == devices[ current_device ] .path ) operations[ t ] .Apply_Operation_To_Visual( partitions ) ; treerow = *( liststore_operations ->append( ) ); treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_number ] = t +1; treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ] = operations[ t ] .str_operation ; switch ( operations[ t ] .operationtype ) { case GParted::DELETE : treerow[ treeview_operations_columns.operation_icon ] =render_icon(Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); break; case GParted::CREATE : treerow[ treeview_operations_columns.operation_icon ] =render_icon(Gtk::Stock::NEW, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); break; case GParted::RESIZE_MOVE: treerow[ treeview_operations_columns.operation_icon ] =render_icon(Gtk::Stock::GOTO_LAST, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); break; case GParted::CONVERT : treerow[ treeview_operations_columns.operation_icon ] =render_icon(Gtk::Stock::CONVERT, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); break; case GParted::COPY : treerow[ treeview_operations_columns.operation_icon ] =render_icon(Gtk::Stock::COPY, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); break; } } //set new statusbartext statusbar .pop( ) ; if ( operations .size( ) != 1 ) statusbar .push( String::ucompose( _("%1 operations pending"), operations .size( ) ) ); else statusbar .push( _( "1 operation pending" ) ); if ( ! operations .size( ) ) { allow_undo( false ); allow_apply( false ); } //count primary's, check for extended and logic and see if any logical is busy any_logic = any_extended = false; primary_count = 0; for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < partitions .size( ) ; t++ ) { if ( partitions[ t ] .partition == copied_partition .partition ) copied_partition = partitions[ t ] ; switch ( partitions[ t ] .type ) { case GParted::PRIMARY : primary_count++; break; case GParted::EXTENDED : any_extended = true; primary_count++; any_logic = partitions[ t ] .logicals .size( ) -1 ; break; default : break; } } //vbox visual if ( vbox_visual_disk != NULL ) { hbox_visual .remove( *vbox_visual_disk ); delete ( vbox_visual_disk ); } vbox_visual_disk = new VBox_VisualDisk ( partitions, devices[ current_device ] .length ) ; vbox_visual_disk ->signal_mouse_click.connect( sigc::mem_fun( this, &Win_GParted::mouse_click ) ) ; hbox_visual .pack_start( *vbox_visual_disk, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_PADDING ) ; hbox_visual .show_all_children( ) ; //treeview details treeview_detail .Load_Partitions( partitions ) ; //no partition can be selected after a refresh.. selected_partition .Reset( ) ; Set_Valid_Operations( ) ; } bool Win_GParted::Quit_Check_Operations( ) { if ( operations .size( ) ) { str_temp = "" + (Glib::ustring) _( "Quit GParted?" ) + "\n\n" ; if ( operations .size( ) != 1 ) str_temp += String::ucompose( _("%1 operations are currently pending."), operations .size( ) ) ; else str_temp += _("1 operation is currently pending."); Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true); dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::QUIT, Gtk::RESPONSE_CLOSE ); dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL,Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ); if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ) return false;//don't close GParted } return true; //close GParted } void Win_GParted::Set_Valid_Operations( ) { allow_new( false ); allow_delete( false ); allow_resize( false ); allow_copy( false ); allow_paste( false ); allow_convert( false ); allow_unmount( false ) ; allow_info( false ) ; //no partition selected... if ( selected_partition .partition .empty( ) ) return ; //if there's something, there's some info ;) allow_info( true ) ; //only unmount is allowed if ( selected_partition .busy ) { if ( selected_partition .filesystem != "linux-swap" && selected_partition .type != GParted::EXTENDED ) allow_unmount( true ) ; return; } //UNALLOCATED if ( selected_partition .type == GParted::UNALLOCATED ) { allow_new( true ); //find out if there is a copied partition and if it fits inside this unallocated space if ( ! copied_partition .partition .empty( ) && ! devices[ current_device ] .readonly ) { if ( (copied_partition .Get_Length_MB( ) + devices[ current_device ] .cylsize) < selected_partition .Get_Length_MB( ) || (copied_partition .filesystem == "xfs" && (copied_partition .Get_Used_MB( ) + devices[ current_device ] .cylsize) < selected_partition .Get_Length_MB( ) ) ) allow_paste( true ) ; } return ; } //EXTENDED if ( selected_partition .type == GParted::EXTENDED ) { if ( ! any_logic ) //deletion is only allowed when there are no logical partitions inside. allow_delete( true ) ; if ( ! devices[ current_device ] .readonly ) allow_resize( true ); return ; } //PRIMARY and LOGICAL if ( selected_partition .type == GParted::PRIMARY || selected_partition .type == GParted::LOGICAL ) { fs = gparted_core .get_fs( selected_partition .filesystem ) ; allow_delete( true ) ; allow_convert( true ) ; //find out if resizing/moving is possible if ( (fs .grow || fs .shrink) && ! devices[ current_device ] .readonly ) allow_resize( true ) ; //only allow copying of real partitions if ( selected_partition .status == GParted::STAT_REAL && fs .copy ) allow_copy( true ) ; return ; } } void Win_GParted::Set_Valid_Convert_Filesystems( ) { //disable conversion to the same filesystem for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < gparted_core .get_filesystems( ) .size( ) -1 ; t++ ) { if ( gparted_core .get_filesystems( )[ t ] .filesystem == selected_partition .filesystem || ! gparted_core .get_filesystems( )[ t ] .create ) menu_convert .items( )[ t ] .set_sensitive( false ) ; else menu_convert .items( )[ t ] .set_sensitive( true ) ; } } void Win_GParted::open_operationslist( ) { hbox_operations .show( ) ; int x,y; this ->get_size( x, y ); y -= 300; for ( int t = vpaned_main .get_position( ) ; t > y ; t-=5 ) { vpaned_main .set_position( t ); while ( Gtk::Main::events_pending( ) ) Gtk::Main::iteration( ); } ( (Gtk::CheckMenuItem *) & menubar_main .items( ) [ 1 ] .get_submenu( ) ->items( ) [ 1 ] ) ->set_active( true ) ; } void Win_GParted::close_operationslist( ) { int x,y; this ->get_size( x, y ); y -= 210 ; //height of whole app - menubar - visualdisk - statusbar .... for ( int t = vpaned_main .get_position( ) ; t < y ; t+=5 ) { vpaned_main .set_position( t ); while ( Gtk::Main::events_pending( ) ) Gtk::Main::iteration( ); } hbox_operations .hide( ) ; ( (Gtk::CheckMenuItem *) & menubar_main .items( ) [ 1 ] .get_submenu( ) ->items() [ 1 ] ) ->set_active( false ) ; } void Win_GParted::clear_operationslist( ) { operations .clear( ) ; Refresh_Visual( ) ; } void Win_GParted::optionmenu_devices_changed( ) { //set new current device current_device = optionmenu_devices .get_history( ) ; //refresh label_device_info Fill_Label_Device_Info( ); //rebuild visualdisk and treeview Refresh_Visual( ); } void Win_GParted::menu_gparted_refresh_devices( ) { //find out if there was any change in available devices (think about flexible media like zipdisks/usbsticks/whatever ;-) ) pulse = true ;//set to true before creating the thread to prevent _possible_ infinite loop in Show_Pulsebar( ) thread = Glib::Thread::create( SigC::slot_class( *this, &Win_GParted::find_devices_thread ), true ); Show_Pulsebar( ) ; //check if current_device is still available (think about hotpluggable shit like usbdevices) if ( current_device >= devices .size( ) ) current_device = 0 ; //show read-only warning if necessary Glib::ustring readonly_paths ; for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < devices .size( ) ; t++ ) if ( devices[ t ] .readonly ) readonly_paths += "\n- " + devices[ t ] .path ; if ( ! readonly_paths .empty( ) ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += _("The kernel is unable to re-read the partitiontables on the following devices:") ; str_temp += readonly_paths ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += _("Because of this you will only have limited access to these devices.") ; str_temp += "\n" ; str_temp += _("Unmount all mounted partitions on a device to get full access.") ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ) ; dialog .run( ) ; } //see if there are any pending operations on non-existent devices //NOTE that this isn't 100% foolproof since some stuff (e.g. sourcedevice of copy) may slip through. //but anyone who removes the sourcedevice before applying the operations gets what he/she deserves :-) unsigned int i ; for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ) ; t++ ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < devices .size( ) && devices[ i ] .path != operations[ t ] .device .path ; i++ ) {} if ( i >= devices .size( ) ) operations .erase( operations .begin( ) + t-- ) ;//decrease t bij one.. } //if no devices were detected we disable some stuff and show a message in the statusbar if ( devices .empty( ) ) { optionmenu_devices .hide( ) ; menubar_main .items( )[ 2 ] .set_sensitive( false ) ; menubar_main .items( )[ 3 ] .set_sensitive( false ) ; toolbar_main .set_sensitive( false ) ; optionmenu_devices .set_sensitive( false ) ; Fill_Label_Device_Info( true ) ; if ( vbox_visual_disk != NULL ) { hbox_visual .remove( *vbox_visual_disk ); delete( vbox_visual_disk ) ; vbox_visual_disk = NULL ; } treeview_detail .Clear( ) ; //hmzz, this is really paranoid, but i think it's the right thing to do ;) liststore_operations ->clear( ) ; close_operationslist( ) ; operations .clear( ) ; statusbar .pop( ) ; statusbar .push( _( "No devices detected" ) ); } else //at least one device detected { menubar_main .items( )[ 2 ] .set_sensitive( true ) ; menubar_main .items( )[ 3 ] .set_sensitive( true ) ; Refresh_OptionMenu( ) ; } } void Win_GParted::menu_gparted_filesystems( ) { Dialog_Filesystems dialog ; dialog .set_transient_for( *this ) ; dialog .Load_Filesystems( gparted_core .get_filesystems( ) ) ; while ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { gparted_core .find_supported_filesystems( ) ; dialog .Load_Filesystems( gparted_core .get_filesystems( ) ) ; } } void Win_GParted::menu_gparted_quit( ) { if ( Quit_Check_Operations( ) ) this ->hide( ); } void Win_GParted::menu_view_harddisk_info( ) { if ( ( (Gtk::CheckMenuItem *) & menubar_main .items( ) [ 1 ] .get_submenu( ) ->items( ) [ 0 ] ) ->get_active( ) ) { //open harddisk information hpaned_main .get_child1( ) ->show( ) ; for ( int t = hpaned_main .get_position( ) ; t < 250 ; t +=15 ) { hpaned_main .set_position( t ); while ( Gtk::Main::events_pending( ) ) Gtk::Main::iteration( ); } } else { //close harddisk information for ( int t=hpaned_main .get_position( ) ; t > 0 ; t -=15 ) { hpaned_main .set_position( t ); while ( Gtk::Main::events_pending( ) ) Gtk::Main::iteration( ); } hpaned_main .get_child1( ) ->hide( ) ; } } void Win_GParted::menu_view_operations( ) { if ( ( (Gtk::CheckMenuItem *) & menubar_main .items( ) [ 1 ] .get_submenu( ) ->items( ) [ 1 ] ) ->get_active( ) ) open_operationslist( ) ; else close_operationslist( ) ; } void Win_GParted::menu_help_contents( ) { str_temp = _("Sorry, not yet implemented.") ; str_temp += "\n" ; str_temp += _( "Please visit http://gparted.sf.net for more information and support.") ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ); dialog .run( ); } void Win_GParted::menu_help_about( ) { Dialog_About dialog ; dialog .set_transient_for( *this ) ; dialog .run( ); } void Win_GParted::mouse_click( GdkEventButton *event, const Partition & partition ) { selected_partition = partition; Set_Valid_Operations( ) ; treeview_detail .Set_Selected( partition ); vbox_visual_disk ->Set_Selected( partition ); if ( event ->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS && ! pulse ) activate_info( ) ; else if ( event ->button == 3 ) //right-click { //prepare convert menu if ( selected_partition .type != GParted::UNALLOCATED ) Set_Valid_Convert_Filesystems( ) ; menu_partition .popup( event ->button, event ->time ); } } bool Win_GParted::max_amount_prim_reached( ) { //Display error if user tries to create more primary partitions than the partition table can hold. if ( ! selected_partition .inside_extended && primary_count >= devices[ current_device ] .max_prims ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("It is not possible to create more than %1 primary partitions"), devices[ current_device ] .max_prims ) ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += _( "If you want more partitions you should first create an extended partition. Such a partition can contain other partitions.") ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ) ; dialog .run( ) ; return true ; } return false ; } void Win_GParted::activate_resize( ) { //show warning when one tries to resize a fat16 filesystem if ( selected_partition .filesystem == "fat16" ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += _( "Are you sure you want to resize/move this partition?" ) ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += _( "Resizing a fat16 partition can be quite tricky! Especially growing such a partition is very error-prone. It is advisable to first convert the filesystem to fat32.") ; str_temp += "\n"; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_CANCEL, true) ; //pffff this whole mess only for this f*cked up filesystem :-( Gtk::Button button_resize_move ; Gtk::HBox hbox_resize_move; image = manage( new Gtk::Image( Gtk::Stock::GOTO_LAST, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON ) ); hbox_resize_move .pack_start( *image, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ; hbox_resize_move .pack_start( * mk_label( _("Resize/Move") ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ; button_resize_move .add( hbox_resize_move ) ; dialog .add_action_widget( button_resize_move, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) ; dialog .show_all_children( ) ; if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ) return ; } std::vector partitions = devices[ current_device ] .device_partitions ; if ( operations .size( ) ) for (unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ) ; t++ ) if ( operations[ t ] .device .path == devices[ current_device ] .path ) operations[ t ] .Apply_Operation_To_Visual( partitions ) ; Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move dialog( gparted_core .get_fs( selected_partition .filesystem ), devices[ current_device ] .cylsize ) ; if ( selected_partition .type == GParted::LOGICAL ) { unsigned int ext = 0 ; while ( ext < partitions .size( ) && partitions[ ext ] .type != GParted::EXTENDED ) ext++ ; dialog .Set_Data( selected_partition, partitions[ ext ] .logicals ); } else dialog .Set_Data( selected_partition, partitions ); dialog .set_transient_for( *this ) ; if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { dialog .hide( ) ;//i want to be sure the dialog is gone _before_ operationslist shows up (only matters if first operation) //if selected_partition is NEW we simply remove the NEW operation from the list and add it again with the new size and position ( unless it's an EXTENDED ) if ( selected_partition .status == GParted::STAT_NEW && selected_partition.type != GParted::EXTENDED ) { //remove operation which creates this partition for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ) ; t++ ) { if ( operations[ t ] .partition_new .partition == selected_partition .partition ) { operations.erase( operations .begin( ) + t ) ; //And add the new partition to the end of the operations list Add_Operation( GParted::CREATE, dialog .Get_New_Partition( ) ); break; } } } else//normal move/resize on existing partition Add_Operation( GParted::RESIZE_MOVE, dialog .Get_New_Partition( ) ); } } void Win_GParted::activate_copy( ) { copied_partition = selected_partition ; } void Win_GParted::activate_paste( ) { if ( ! max_amount_prim_reached( ) ) { Dialog_Partition_Copy dialog( gparted_core .get_fs( copied_partition .filesystem ), devices[ current_device ] .cylsize ) ; copied_partition .error .clear( ) ; //we don't need the errors of the source partition. dialog .Set_Data( selected_partition, copied_partition ) ; dialog .set_transient_for( *this ); if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { dialog .hide( ) ;//i want to be sure the dialog is gone _before_ operationslist shows up (only matters if first operation) Add_Operation( GParted::COPY, dialog .Get_New_Partition( ) ); } } } void Win_GParted::activate_new( ) { //if max_prims == -1 the current device has an unrecognised disklabel (see also GParted_Core::get_devices) if ( devices [ current_device ] .max_prims == -1 ) activate_disklabel( ) ; else if ( ! max_amount_prim_reached( ) ) { Dialog_Partition_New dialog; dialog .Set_Data( selected_partition, any_extended, new_count, gparted_core .get_filesystems( ), devices[ current_device ] .readonly, devices[ current_device ] .cylsize ) ; dialog .set_transient_for( *this ); if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { dialog .hide( ) ;//make sure the dialog is gone _before_ operationslist shows up (only matters if first operation) new_count++ ; Add_Operation( GParted::CREATE, dialog .Get_New_Partition( ) ); } } } void Win_GParted::activate_delete( ) { //since logicals are *always* numbered from 5 to there can be a shift in numbers after deletion. //e.g. consider /dev/hda5 /dev/hda6 /dev/hda7. Now after removal of /dev/hda6, /dev/hda7 is renumbered to /dev/hda6 //the new situation is now /dev/hda5 /dev/hda6. If /dev/hda7 was mounted the OS cannot find /dev/hda7 anymore and the results aren't that pretty //it seems best to check for this and prohibit deletion with some explanation to the user. if ( selected_partition .type == GParted::LOGICAL && selected_partition .status != GParted::STAT_NEW && selected_partition .partition_number < devices [ current_device ] .highest_busy ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += _( "Unable to delete partition!") ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than %1"), selected_partition .partition_number ) ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ) ; dialog .run( ) ; return; } str_temp = "" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _( "Are you sure you want to delete %1?"), selected_partition .partition ) + "" ; if ( selected_partition .partition == copied_partition .partition ) { str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += _( "After deletion this partition is no longer available for copying.") ; } Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true); /*TO TRANSLATORS: dialogtitle, looks like Delete /dev/hda2 (ntfs, 2345 MB) */ dialog .set_title( String::ucompose( _("Delete %1 (%2, %3 MB)"), selected_partition .partition, selected_partition .filesystem, selected_partition .Get_Length_MB() ) ); dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ); dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ); dialog .show_all_children( ); if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { dialog .hide( ) ;//i want to be sure the dialog is gone _before_ operationslist shows up (only matters if first operation) //if deleted partition was on the clipboard we erase it... if ( selected_partition .partition == copied_partition .partition ) copied_partition .Reset( ) ; //if deleted one is NEW, it doesn't make sense to add it to the operationslist, we erase its creation //and possible modifications like resize etc.. from the operationslist. Calling Refresh_Visual will wipe every memory of its existence ;-) if ( selected_partition .status == GParted::STAT_NEW ) { //remove all operations done on this new partition (this includes creation) for ( int t = 0 ; t < static_cast ( operations .size( ) ) ; t++ ) //I removed the unsigned because t will be negative at times... if ( operations[ t ] .partition_new .partition == selected_partition .partition ) operations.erase( operations .begin( ) + t-- ) ; //determine lowest possible new_count new_count = 0 ; for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ) ; t++ ) if ( operations[ t ] .partition_new .status == GParted::STAT_NEW && operations[ t ] .partition_new .partition_number > new_count ) new_count = operations[ t ] .partition_new .partition_number ; new_count += 1 ; Refresh_Visual( ); if ( ! operations .size( ) ) close_operationslist( ) ; } else //deletion of a real partition... Add_Operation( GParted::DELETE, selected_partition ); //in this case selected_partition is just a "dummy" } } void Win_GParted::activate_info( ) { Dialog_Partition_Info dialog( selected_partition ); dialog .set_transient_for( *this ); dialog .run( ); } void Win_GParted::activate_convert( const Glib::ustring & new_fs ) { //standard warning.. str_temp = "" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Are you sure you want to convert this filesystem to %1?"), new_fs ) + "\n\n" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("This operation will destroy all data on %1"), selected_partition .partition ) ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, Gtk::BUTTONS_CANCEL, true ); dialog. add_button( Gtk::Stock::CONVERT, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) ; dialog. show_all_children( ) ; if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ) return ; dialog .hide( ) ;//i want to be sure the dialog is gone _before_ operationslist shows up (only matters if first operation) //check for some limits... fs = gparted_core .get_fs( new_fs ) ; if ( selected_partition .Get_Length_MB( ) < fs .MIN || ( fs .MAX && selected_partition .Get_Length_MB( ) > fs .MAX ) ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Can not convert this filesystem to %1."), new_fs ) ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; if ( selected_partition .Get_Length_MB( ) < fs .MIN ) str_temp += String::ucompose( _( "A %1 filesystem requires a partition of at least %2 MB."), new_fs, fs .MIN ) ; else str_temp += String::ucompose( _( "A partition with a %1 filesystem has a maximum size of %2 MB."), new_fs, fs .MAX ) ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ); dialog .run( ) ; return ; } //ok we made it :P lets create an fitting partition object Partition part_temp; part_temp .Set( selected_partition .partition, selected_partition .partition_number, selected_partition .type, new_fs, selected_partition .sector_start, selected_partition .sector_end, selected_partition .inside_extended, false ) ; //if selected_partition is NEW we simply remove the NEW operation from the list and add it again with the new filesystem if ( selected_partition .status == GParted::STAT_NEW ) { //remove operation which creates this partition for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ) ; t++ ) { if ( operations[ t ] .partition_new .partition == selected_partition .partition ) { operations .erase( operations .begin( ) +t ) ; //And add the new partition to the end of the operations list (NOTE: in this case we set status to STAT_NEW) part_temp .status = STAT_NEW ; Add_Operation( GParted::CREATE, part_temp ); break; } } } else//normal converting of an existing partition Add_Operation( GParted::CONVERT, part_temp ) ; } void Win_GParted::activate_unmount( ) { char c_buf[ 512 ] ; Glib::ustring output ; FILE *f = popen( ( "umount " + selected_partition .partition + " 2>&1" ) .c_str( ), "r" ) ; while ( fgets( c_buf, 512, f ) ) output += c_buf ; pclose( f ) ; if ( ! output .empty( ) ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Could not unmount %1"), selected_partition .partition ) ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp + output, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ); dialog.run( ) ; } else menu_gparted_refresh_devices( ) ; } void Win_GParted::activate_disklabel( ) { Dialog_Disklabel dialog( devices[ current_device ] .path ) ; dialog .set_transient_for( *this ); if ( dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Are you sure you want to create a %1 disklabel on %2?"), dialog .Get_Disklabel( ), devices[ current_device ] .path ) ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += String::ucompose( _("This operation will destroy all data on %1"), devices[ current_device ] .path ) ; Gtk::MessageDialog m_dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, Gtk::BUTTONS_CANCEL, true ) ; m_dialog .add_button( _("Create"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ); if ( m_dialog .run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK && ! gparted_core .Set_Disklabel( devices[ current_device ] .path, dialog .Get_Disklabel( ) ) ) { Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, _("Error while setting new disklabel"), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ) ; dialog .run( ) ; } menu_gparted_refresh_devices( ) ; } } void Win_GParted::activate_undo( ) { //when undoing an creation it's safe to decrease the newcount by one if ( operations .back( ) .operationtype == GParted::CREATE ) new_count-- ; operations.erase( operations .end( ) ); Refresh_Visual( ); if ( ! operations .size( ) ) close_operationslist( ) ; } void Win_GParted::activate_apply( ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += _( "Are you sure you want to apply the pending operations?" ) ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += _( "It is recommended to backup valuable data before proceeding.") ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true ); dialog .set_title( _( "Apply operations to harddisk" ) ); dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ); dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::APPLY, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ); dialog .show_all_children( ) ; if ( dialog.run( ) == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) { dialog .hide( ) ; //hide confirmationdialog apply = true; dialog_progress = new Dialog_Progress ( operations .size( ), gparted_core .get_textbuffer( ) ) ; conn = dispatcher .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*dialog_progress, &Dialog_Progress::Set_Operation) ); thread = Glib::Thread::create( SigC::slot_class( *this, &Win_GParted::apply_operations_thread ), true ); dialog_progress ->set_transient_for( *this ); while ( dialog_progress ->run( ) != Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) apply = false ;//finish current operation . then stop applying operations //after hiding the progressdialog delete ( dialog_progress ) ; thread ->join( ) ; conn .disconnect( ) ; //find out if any of the involved devices is busy bool any_busy = false ; for ( unsigned int t = 0; t < devices .size( ) && ! any_busy; t++ ) if ( devices[ t ] .highest_busy ) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < operations .size( ) && ! any_busy; i++ ) if ( operations[ i ] .device .path == devices[ t ] .path ) any_busy = true ; //show warning if necessary if ( any_busy ) { str_temp = "" ; str_temp += _("At least one operation was applied to a busy device.") ; str_temp += "\n\n" ; str_temp += _("A busy device is a device with at least one mounted partition.") ; str_temp += "\n"; str_temp += _("Because making changes to a busy device may confuse the kernel, you are advised to reboot your computer.") ; Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this, str_temp, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true ); dialog .run( ) ; } //wipe operations... operations.clear( ) ; liststore_operations ->clear( ) ; close_operationslist( ) ; //reset new_count to 1 new_count = 1 ; //reread devices and their layouts... menu_gparted_refresh_devices( ) ; } } void Win_GParted::apply_operations_thread( ) { for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size( ) && apply ; t++ ) { dialog_progress ->current_operation = operations[ t ] .str_operation ; dialog_progress ->TIME_LEFT = gparted_core .get_estimated_time( operations[ t ] ) ; dispatcher( ) ; gparted_core .Apply_Operation_To_Disk( operations[ t ] ); } dialog_progress ->response( Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ); } } // GParted