/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Curtis Gedak * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* UTILS * Some stuff i need in a lot of places so i dropped in all together in one file. */ #ifndef UTILS #define UTILS #include "../include/i18n.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace GParted { typedef long long Sector; typedef long long Byte_Value; //Size units defined in bytes const Byte_Value KIBIBYTE=1024; const Byte_Value MEBIBYTE=(KIBIBYTE * KIBIBYTE); const Byte_Value GIBIBYTE=(MEBIBYTE * KIBIBYTE); const Byte_Value TEBIBYTE=(GIBIBYTE * KIBIBYTE); enum FILESYSTEM { FS_UNALLOCATED = 0, FS_UNKNOWN = 1, FS_UNFORMATTED = 2, FS_EXTENDED = 3, FS_EXT2 = 4, FS_EXT3 = 5, FS_EXT4 = 6, FS_LINUX_SWAP = 7, FS_FAT16 = 8, FS_FAT32 = 9, FS_NTFS = 10, FS_REISERFS = 11, FS_REISER4 = 12, FS_XFS = 13, FS_JFS = 14, FS_HFS = 15, FS_HFSPLUS = 16, FS_UFS = 17, FS_USED = 18, FS_UNUSED = 19, FS_BTRFS = 20, /* FIXME: Move this higher up list when full support added */ FS_LVM2 = 21, FS_LUKS = 22 } ; enum SIZE_UNIT { UNIT_SECTOR = 0, UNIT_BYTE = 1, UNIT_KIB = 2, UNIT_MIB = 3, UNIT_GIB = 4, UNIT_TIB = 5 } ; //struct to store file system information struct FS { enum Support { NONE = 0, GPARTED = 1, #ifndef HAVE_LIBPARTED_3_0_0_PLUS LIBPARTED = 2, #endif EXTERNAL = 3 }; FILESYSTEM filesystem ; Support read ; //can we get the amount of used sectors? Support read_label ; Support write_label ; Support create ; Support grow ; Support shrink ; Support move ; //startpoint and endpoint Support check ; //some checktool available? Support copy ; Byte_Value MIN ; Byte_Value MAX ; FS() { read = read_label = write_label = create = grow = shrink = move = check = copy = NONE; MIN = MAX = 0 ; } } ; class Utils { public: static Sector round( double double_value ) ; static Gtk::Label * mk_label( const Glib::ustring & text, bool use_markup = true, Gtk::AlignmentEnum x_align = Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::AlignmentEnum y_align = Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, bool wrap = false, bool selectable = false, const Glib::ustring & text_color = "black" ) ; static Glib::ustring num_to_str( Sector number ) ; static Glib::ustring get_color( FILESYSTEM filesystem ) ; static Glib::RefPtr get_color_as_pixbuf( FILESYSTEM filesystem, int width, int height ) ; static Glib::ustring get_filesystem_string( FILESYSTEM filesystem ) ; static Glib::ustring get_filesystem_software( FILESYSTEM filesystem ) ; static Glib::ustring format_size( Sector sectors, Byte_Value sector_size ) ; static Glib::ustring format_time( std::time_t seconds ) ; static double sector_to_unit( Sector sectors, Byte_Value sector_size, SIZE_UNIT size_unit ) ; static int execute_command( const Glib::ustring & command ) ; static int execute_command( const Glib::ustring & command, Glib::ustring & output, Glib::ustring & error, bool use_C_locale = false ) ; static Glib::ustring regexp_label( const Glib::ustring & text, const Glib::ustring & regular_sub_expression ) ; static Glib::ustring fat_compliant_label( const Glib::ustring & label ) ; static Glib::ustring create_mtoolsrc_file( char file_name[], const char drive_letter, const Glib::ustring & device_path ) ; static Glib::ustring delete_mtoolsrc_file( const char file_name[] ) ; static Glib::ustring trim( const Glib::ustring & src, const Glib::ustring & c = " \t\r\n" ) ; static Glib::ustring cleanup_cursor( const Glib::ustring & text ) ; static Glib::ustring get_lang() ; static void tokenize( const Glib::ustring& str, std::vector& tokens, const Glib::ustring& delimiters ) ; static int convert_to_int(const Glib::ustring & src); }; }//GParted #endif //UTILS