stages: - build - test .centos_image_template: ¢os_image_definition # Use official CentOS image image: centos:centos7 before_script: - yum update -y - yum install -y which gnome-common yelp-tools glib2-devel intltool gcc-c++ libuuid-devel parted-devel gtkmm30-devel make polkit file # Extra packages only needed during the test stage. # Install EPEL repo first for f2fs-tools and ntfsprogs. - yum install -y epel-release - yum install -y btrfs-progs e2fsprogs exfatprogs f2fs-tools dosfstools mtools hfsplus-tools util-linux cryptsetup device-mapper lvm2 ntfsprogs udftools xfsprogs xfsdump xorg-x11-server-Xvfb kmod - cat /etc/os-release - systemd-machine-id-setup .ubuntu_image_template: &ubuntu_image_definition # Use official Ubuntu image image: ubuntu:latest before_script: - export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive - apt-get update - apt-get install -y build-essential gnome-common yelp-tools libglib2.0-dev-bin uuid-dev libparted-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev policykit-1 # Extra packages only needed during the test stage. - apt-get install -y btrfs-progs e2fsprogs f2fs-tools dosfstools mtools hfsutils hfsprogs jfsutils util-linux cryptsetup-bin dmsetup lvm2 nilfs-tools ntfs-3g reiser4progs reiserfsprogs udftools xfsprogs xfsdump xvfb kmod - cat /etc/os-release .build_stage_template: &build_stage_definition stage: build script: - ./ - nproc=`grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo` || nproc=1 - echo nproc=$nproc - make -j $nproc - make install # Save all files on job failure for investigation. artifacts: when: on_failure name: "$CI_PROJECT_NAME-ci-job-$CI_JOB_ID-$CI_JOB_NAME" untracked: true paths: - ./ expire_in: 1 week .test_stage_template: &test_stage_definition stage: test script: - ./ - nproc=`grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo` || nproc=1 - echo nproc=$nproc - make -j $nproc # Exclude specific unit tests which fail without being able to create # loop devices in Docker images. - export GTEST_FILTER='-My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.Create/lvm2pv' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadUsage/btrfs' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadUsage/lvm2pv' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadUsage/nilfs2' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadLabel/btrfs' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadLabel/nilfs2' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadUUID/btrfs' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndReadUUID/nilfs2' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndWriteLabel/nilfs2' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndWriteUUID/nilfs2' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndCheck/lvm2pv' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndRemove/lvm2pv' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndGrow/btrfs' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndGrow/lvm2pv' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndGrow/xfs' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndShrink/btrfs' - GTEST_FILTER+=':My/SupportedFileSystemsTest.CreateAndShrink/lvm2pv' # Exclude failing PipeCapture read NUL byte unit tests. - GTEST_FILTER+=':PipeCaptureTest.ReadEmbeddedNULCharacter' - GTEST_FILTER+=':PipeCaptureTest.ReadNULByteInMiddleOfMultiByteUTF8Character' # Create needed /dev entries for unit tests in Docker images. - tests/ - make check - make distcheck # Save all files on job failure for investigation. artifacts: when: on_failure name: "$CI_PROJECT_NAME-ci-job-$CI_JOB_ID-$CI_JOB_NAME" untracked: true paths: - ./ expire_in: 1 week # Check GParted can be built and installed on CentOS and Ubuntu. centos_build: <<: *centos_image_definition <<: *build_stage_definition ubuntu_build: <<: *ubuntu_image_definition <<: *build_stage_definition # Check GParted unit tests and distcheck pass on CentOS and Ubuntu. centos_test: <<: *centos_image_definition <<: *test_stage_definition ubuntu_test: <<: *ubuntu_image_definition <<: *test_stage_definition