/* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Bart Hakvoort * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "../include/Dialog_Partition_New.h" namespace GParted { Dialog_Partition_New::Dialog_Partition_New() { /*TO TRANSLATORS: dialogtitle */ this ->set_title( _("Create new Partition") ) ; Set_Resizer( false ) ; Set_Confirm_Button( NEW ) ; //set used (in pixels)... frame_resizer_base ->set_used( 0 ) ; } void Dialog_Partition_New::Set_Data( const Partition & partition, bool any_extended, unsigned short new_count, const std::vector & FILESYSTEMS, bool only_unformatted, Sector cylinder_size ) { this ->new_count = new_count; this ->selected_partition = partition; this ->cylinder_size = cylinder_size ; //copy GParted FILESYSTEMS this ->FILESYSTEMS = FILESYSTEMS ; //remove all non-valid file systems for ( unsigned int t = this ->FILESYSTEMS .size( ) ; t > 0 ; t-- ) { if ( this ->FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .filesystem == GParted::FS_UNKNOWN || this ->FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .filesystem == GParted::FS_LVM2 || this ->FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .filesystem == GParted::FS_LUKS ) this ->FILESYSTEMS .erase( this->FILESYSTEMS .begin() + t ) ; } FS *fs_tmp ; //add FS_UNFORMATTED fs_tmp = new( FS ) ; fs_tmp ->filesystem = GParted::FS_UNFORMATTED ; fs_tmp ->create = GParted::FS::LIBPARTED ; this ->FILESYSTEMS .push_back( * fs_tmp ) ; //add FS_EXTENDED fs_tmp = new( FS ) ; fs_tmp ->filesystem = GParted::FS_EXTENDED ; this ->FILESYSTEMS .push_back( * fs_tmp ) ; //add table with selection menu's... table_create .set_border_width( 10 ) ; table_create .set_row_spacings( 5 ) ; hbox_main .pack_start( table_create, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ); /*TO TRANSLATORS: used as label for a list of choices. Create as: */ table_create .attach( * Utils::mk_label( static_cast( _("Create as:") ) + "\t" ), 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL ); //fill partitiontype menu menu_type .items() .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("Primary Partition") ) ) ; menu_type .items() .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("Logical Partition") ) ) ; menu_type .items() .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( _("Extended Partition") ) ) ; //determine which PartitionType is allowed if ( partition .inside_extended ) { menu_type .items()[ 0 ] .set_sensitive( false ); menu_type .items()[ 2 ] .set_sensitive( false ); menu_type .set_active( 1 ); } else { menu_type .items()[ 1 ] .set_sensitive( false ); if ( any_extended ) menu_type .items()[ 2 ] .set_sensitive( false ); } optionmenu_type .set_menu( menu_type ); //160 is the ideal width for this table column. //(when one widget is set, the rest wil take this width as well) optionmenu_type .set_size_request( 160, -1 ); optionmenu_type .signal_changed() .connect( sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Dialog_Partition_New::optionmenu_changed ), true ) ); table_create .attach( optionmenu_type, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL ); //file systems to choose from table_create .attach( * Utils::mk_label( static_cast( _("File System:") ) + "\t" ), 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL ); Build_Filesystems_Menu( only_unformatted ) ; optionmenu_filesystem .set_menu( menu_filesystem ); optionmenu_filesystem .signal_changed() .connect( sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Dialog_Partition_New::optionmenu_changed ), false ) ); table_create .attach( optionmenu_filesystem, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL ); //Label table_create .attach( * Utils::mk_label( Glib::ustring( _("Label:") ) ), 0, 1, 3, 4, Gtk::FILL ) ; //Create Text entry box entry .set_max_length( 30 ); entry .set_width_chars( 20 ); entry .set_activates_default( true ); entry .set_text( partition.label ); entry .select_region( 0, entry .get_text_length() ); //Add entry box to table table_create .attach( entry, 1, 2, 3, 4, Gtk::FILL ) ; //set some widely used values... START = partition.sector_start ; total_length = partition.sector_end - partition.sector_start ; TOTAL_MB = Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( this ->selected_partition .get_length(), GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ) ; MB_PER_PIXEL = TOTAL_MB / 500.00 ; //set first enabled file system optionmenu_filesystem .set_history( first_creatable_fs ) ; optionmenu_changed( false ) ; //set spinbuttons initial values spinbutton_after .set_value( 0 ) ; spinbutton_size .set_value( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MAX, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ) ) ; spinbutton_before .set_value( 0 ) ; //euhrm, this wil only happen when there's a very small free space (usually the effect of a bad partitionmanager) if ( TOTAL_MB * MEBIBYTE < this ->cylinder_size ) frame_resizer_base ->set_sensitive( false ) ; this ->show_all_children() ; } Partition Dialog_Partition_New::Get_New_Partition() { Partition part_temp ; PartitionType part_type ; Sector new_start, new_end; switch ( optionmenu_type .get_history() ) { case 0 : part_type = GParted::TYPE_PRIMARY; break; case 1 : part_type = GParted::TYPE_LOGICAL; break; case 2 : part_type = GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED; break; default : part_type = GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED ; } //FIXME: Partition size is limited to just less than 1024 TeraBytes due // to the maximum value of signed 4 byte integer. new_start = START + (Sector(spinbutton_before .get_value_as_int()) * MEBIBYTE) ; new_end = new_start + (Sector(spinbutton_size .get_value_as_int()) * MEBIBYTE) ; /* due to loss of precision during calcs from Sector -> MiB and back, it is possible the new * partition thinks it's bigger then it can be. Here we try to solve this.*/ if ( new_start < selected_partition.sector_start ) new_start = selected_partition.sector_start ; if ( new_end > selected_partition.sector_end ) new_end = selected_partition.sector_end ; part_temp .status = GParted::STAT_NEW ; part_temp .Set( selected_partition .device_path, String::ucompose( _("New Partition #%1"), new_count ), new_count, part_type, FILESYSTEMS[ optionmenu_filesystem .get_history() ] .filesystem, new_start, new_end, selected_partition .inside_extended, false ) ; //Retrieve Label info part_temp .label = Utils::trim( entry .get_text() ); //grow new partition a bit if freespaces are < 1 MiB if ( (part_temp.sector_start - selected_partition.sector_start) < MEBIBYTE ) part_temp.sector_start = selected_partition.sector_start ; if ( (selected_partition.sector_end - part_temp.sector_end) < MEBIBYTE ) part_temp.sector_end = selected_partition.sector_end ; //if new is extended... if ( part_temp .type == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED ) { Partition UNALLOCATED ; UNALLOCATED .Set_Unallocated( part_temp .device_path, part_temp .sector_start, part_temp .sector_end, true ) ; part_temp .logicals .push_back( UNALLOCATED ) ; } //set indicator of whether to use strict sector values, or to round to cylinders part_temp .strict = ! checkbutton_round_to_cylinders .get_active() ; return part_temp; } void Dialog_Partition_New::optionmenu_changed( bool type ) { //optionmenu_type if ( type ) { if ( optionmenu_type .get_history() == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED && menu_filesystem .items() .size() < FILESYSTEMS .size() ) { menu_filesystem .items() .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( Utils::get_filesystem_string( GParted::FS_EXTENDED ) ) ) ; optionmenu_filesystem .set_history( menu_filesystem .items() .size() -1 ) ; optionmenu_filesystem .set_sensitive( false ) ; } else if ( optionmenu_type .get_history() != GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED && menu_filesystem .items() .size() == FILESYSTEMS .size() ) { menu_filesystem .items() .remove( menu_filesystem .items() .back() ) ; optionmenu_filesystem .set_sensitive( true ) ; optionmenu_filesystem .set_history( first_creatable_fs ) ; } } //optionmenu_filesystem if ( ! type ) { fs = FILESYSTEMS[ optionmenu_filesystem .get_history() ] ; if ( checkbutton_round_to_cylinders .get_active() ) { if ( fs .MIN < cylinder_size ) fs .MIN = cylinder_size ; } else if ( fs .MIN < MEBIBYTE ) fs .MIN = MEBIBYTE ; if ( selected_partition .get_length() < fs .MIN ) fs .MIN = selected_partition .get_length() ; fs .MAX = ( fs .MAX && ( fs .MAX - cylinder_size ) < (TOTAL_MB * MEBIBYTE) ) ? fs .MAX - cylinder_size : TOTAL_MB * MEBIBYTE ; frame_resizer_base ->set_size_limits( Utils::round( fs .MIN / (MB_PER_PIXEL * MEBIBYTE) ), Utils::round( fs .MAX / (MB_PER_PIXEL * MEBIBYTE) ) ) ; //set new spinbutton ranges spinbutton_before .set_range( 0, TOTAL_MB - Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MIN, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ) ) ; spinbutton_size .set_range( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MIN, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ), Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MAX, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ) ) ; spinbutton_after .set_range( 0, TOTAL_MB - Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MIN, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ) ) ; //set contents of label_minmax Set_MinMax_Text( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MIN, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ), Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( fs .MAX, GParted::UNIT_MIB ) ) ) ; } //set fitting resizer colors //backgroundcolor.. color_temp .set( optionmenu_type .get_history() == 2 ? "darkgrey" : "white" ) ; frame_resizer_base ->override_default_rgb_unused_color( color_temp ); //partitioncolor.. color_temp .set( Utils::get_color( fs .filesystem ) ) ; frame_resizer_base ->set_rgb_partition_color( color_temp ) ; frame_resizer_base ->Draw_Partition() ; } void Dialog_Partition_New::Build_Filesystems_Menu( bool only_unformatted ) { //fill the file system menu with the file systems (except for extended) for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < FILESYSTEMS .size( ) ; t++ ) { //skip extended (luks, lvm2, and unknown removed in Set_Data()) if( FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .filesystem == GParted::FS_EXTENDED ) continue ; menu_filesystem .items() .push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem( Utils::get_filesystem_string( FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .filesystem ) ) ) ; menu_filesystem .items() .back() .set_sensitive( ! only_unformatted && FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .create && this ->selected_partition .get_length() >= FILESYSTEMS[ t ] .MIN ) ; } //unformatted is always available menu_filesystem .items() .back() .set_sensitive( true ) ; //find and set first enabled file system for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < menu_filesystem .items() .size() ; t++ ) if ( menu_filesystem .items()[ t ] .sensitive() ) { first_creatable_fs = t ; break ; } } } //GParted