
423 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../include/Dialog_Progress.h"
#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
#include <gtkmm/main.h>
#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
#include <gtkmm/filechooserdialog.h>
namespace GParted
Dialog_Progress::Dialog_Progress( const std::vector<Operation *> & operations )
this ->set_resizable( false ) ;
this ->set_has_separator( false ) ;
this ->set_title( _("Applying pending operations") ) ;
this ->operations = operations ;
succes = true ;
cancel = false ;
fraction = 1.00 / operations .size() ;
Glib::ustring str_temp = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">" ;
str_temp += _("Applying pending operations") ;
str_temp += "</span>\n\n" ;
str_temp += _("Applying all listed operations.") ;
str_temp += "\n";
str_temp += _("Depending on the amount and type of operations this might take a long time.") ;
str_temp += "\n";
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( * Utils::mk_label( str_temp ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK );
label_current .set_alignment( Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT );
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( label_current, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
progressbar_current .set_pulse_step( 0.01 ) ;
this->get_vbox() ->pack_start( progressbar_current, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK );
label_current_sub .set_alignment( Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT );
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( label_current_sub, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK );
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + static_cast<Glib::ustring>( _("Completed Operations:") ) + "</b>" ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK );
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( progressbar_all, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK );
//create some icons here, instead of recreating them every time
icon_execute = render_icon( Gtk::Stock::EXECUTE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR ) ;
icon_succes = render_icon( Gtk::Stock::APPLY, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR ) ;
icon_error = render_icon( Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_ERROR, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR ) ;
treestore_operations = Gtk::TreeStore::create( treeview_operations_columns );
treeview_operations .set_model( treestore_operations );
treeview_operations .set_headers_visible( false );
treeview_operations .append_column( "", treeview_operations_columns .operation_icon );
treeview_operations .append_column( "", treeview_operations_columns .operation_description );
treeview_operations .append_column( "", treeview_operations_columns .status_icon );
treeview_operations .set_size_request( 500, 250 ) ;
treeview_operations .set_rules_hint( true ) ;
//fill 'er up
for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size() ; t++ )
this ->operations[ t ] ->operation_details .description = "<b>" + operations[ t ] ->description + "</b>" ;
treerow = *( treestore_operations ->append() );
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_icon ] = operations[ t ] ->icon ;
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ] =
this ->operations[ t ] ->operation_details .description ;
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .hidden_status ] = OperationDetails::NONE ;
treeview_operations .get_column( 1 ) ->set_expand( true ) ;
treeview_operations .get_column( 1 ) ->set_cell_data_func(
* ( treeview_operations .get_column( 1 ) ->get_first_cell_renderer() ),
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Progress::on_cell_data_description) ) ;
scrolledwindow .set_shadow_type( Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN ) ;
scrolledwindow .set_policy( Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC ) ;
scrolledwindow .add( treeview_operations ) ;
expander_details .set_label( "<b>" + static_cast<Glib::ustring>( _("Details") ) + "</b>" ) ;
expander_details .set_use_markup( true ) ;
expander_details .property_expanded() .signal_changed() .connect(
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Progress::on_expander_changed) );
expander_details .add( scrolledwindow ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( expander_details, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->set_spacing( 5 ) ;
this ->add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ) ;
this ->signal_show() .connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Progress::on_signal_show) );
this ->show_all_children() ;
void Dialog_Progress::update_operation_details( const Gtk::TreeRow & treerow,
const OperationDetails & operation_details )
//append new rows (if any)
for ( unsigned int t = treerow .children() .size() ; t < operation_details .sub_details .size() ; t++ )
Gtk::TreeRow treerow_child = *( treestore_operations ->append( treerow .children() ) ) ;
treerow_child[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ] =
operation_details .sub_details[ t ] .description ;
treerow_child[ treeview_operations_columns .hidden_status ] = OperationDetails::NONE ;
//check status and update if necessary
if ( operation_details .status != treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .hidden_status ] )
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .hidden_status ] = operation_details .status ;
switch ( operation_details .status )
case OperationDetails::EXECUTE:
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .status_icon ] = icon_execute ;
break ;
case OperationDetails::SUCCES:
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .status_icon ] = icon_succes ;
break ;
case OperationDetails::ERROR:
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .status_icon ] = icon_error ;
break ;
default :
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .hidden_status ] = OperationDetails::NONE ;
break ;
//check description and update if necessary
if ( operation_details .description != treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ] )
treerow[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ] = operation_details .description ;
if ( operation_details .fraction >= 0 )
pulse = false ;
progressbar_current .set_fraction( operation_details .fraction ) ;
progressbar_current .set_text( operation_details .progress_text ) ;
pulse = true ;
//and update the children..
for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operation_details .sub_details .size() ; t++ )
update_operation_details( treerow .children()[ t ], operation_details .sub_details[ t ] ) ;
void Dialog_Progress::on_signal_show()
for ( t = 0 ; t < operations .size() && succes && ! cancel ; t++ )
label_current .set_markup( "<b>" + operations[ t ] ->description + "</b>" ) ;
progressbar_all .set_text( String::ucompose( _("%1 of %2 operations completed"), t, operations .size() ) ) ;
progressbar_all .set_fraction( fraction * t ) ;
treerow = treestore_operations ->children()[ t ] ;
//set status to 'execute'
operations[ t ] ->operation_details .status = OperationDetails::EXECUTE ;
update_operation_details( treerow, operations[ t ] ->operation_details ) ;
//set focus...
treeview_operations .set_cursor( static_cast<Gtk::TreePath>( treerow ) ) ;
//and start..
running = true ;
pthread_create( & pthread, NULL, Dialog_Progress::static_pthread_apply_operation, this );
int ms = 200 ;
while ( running )
if ( ms >= 200 )
update_operation_details( treerow, operations[ t ] ->operation_details ) ;
if ( operations[ t ] ->operation_details .sub_details .size() > 0 )
label_current_sub .set_markup(
"<i>" +
operations[ t ] ->operation_details .sub_details .back() .description +
"</i>\n" ) ;
ms = 0 ;
if ( pulse )
progressbar_current .pulse() ;
while ( Gtk::Main::events_pending() )
usleep( 10000 ) ;
ms += 10 ;
//set status (succes/error) for this operation
operations[ t ] ->operation_details .status =
succes ? OperationDetails::SUCCES : OperationDetails::ERROR ;
update_operation_details( treerow, operations[ t ] ->operation_details ) ;
//add save button
this ->add_button( _("_Save Details"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) ; //there's no enum for SAVE
//replace 'cancel' with 'close'
std::vector<Gtk::Widget *> children = this ->get_action_area() ->get_children() ;
this ->get_action_area() ->remove( * children .back() ) ;
this ->add_button( Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::RESPONSE_CLOSE );
if ( cancel )
progressbar_current .set_text( _("Operation canceled") ) ;
progressbar_current .set_fraction( 0.0 ) ;
//hide 'current operation' stuff
label_current .hide() ;
progressbar_current .hide() ;
label_current_sub .hide() ;
//deal with succes/error...
if ( succes )
progressbar_all .set_text( _("All operations succesfully completed") ) ;
progressbar_all .set_fraction( 1.0 ) ;
expander_details .set_expanded( true ) ;
if ( ! cancel )
Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this,
_("An error occurred while applying the operations"),
true ) ;
str_temp = _("The following operation could not be applied to disk:") ;
str_temp += "\n\n<i>" ;
str_temp += label_current .get_text() ;
str_temp += "</i>\n" ;
str_temp += _("See the details for more information") ;
dialog .set_secondary_text( str_temp, true ) ;
dialog .run() ;
void Dialog_Progress::on_expander_changed()
this ->set_resizable( expander_details .get_expanded() ) ;
void Dialog_Progress::on_cell_data_description( Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator & iter )
{//FIXME: markup tags in the text should be escaped (e.g. <device> will interfere with the real tags)
dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *>( renderer ) ->property_markup() =
static_cast<Gtk::TreeRow>( *iter )[ treeview_operations_columns .operation_description ] ;
void * Dialog_Progress::static_pthread_apply_operation( void * p_dialog_progress )
Dialog_Progress *dp = static_cast<Dialog_Progress *>( p_dialog_progress ) ;
dp ->succes = dp ->signal_apply_operation .emit( dp ->operations[ dp ->t ] ) ;
dp ->running = false ;
return NULL ;
void Dialog_Progress::on_cancel()
Gtk::MessageDialog dialog( *this,
_("Are you sure you want to cancel the current operation?"),
true ) ;
dialog .set_secondary_text( _("Canceling an operation may cause SEVERE filesystem damage.") ) ;
dialog .add_button( _("Continue Operation"), Gtk::RESPONSE_NONE ) ;
dialog .add_button( _("Cancel Operation"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ) ;
if ( dialog .run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL )
pthread_cancel( pthread ) ;
cancel = true ;
running = false ;
succes = false ;
void Dialog_Progress::on_save()
Gtk::FileChooserDialog dialog( _("Save Details"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE ) ;
dialog .set_transient_for( *this ) ;
dialog .set_current_folder( Glib::get_home_dir() ) ;
dialog .set_current_name( "gparted_details.htm" ) ;
// dialog .set_do_overwrite_confirmation( true ) ; FIXME: since gtkmm-2.8..
dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL ) ;
dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) ; //there's no enum for SAVE
if ( dialog .run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK )
std::ofstream out( dialog .get_filename() .c_str() ) ;
if ( out )
out << "GParted " << VERSION << "<BR><BR>" << std::endl ;
for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operations .size() ; t++ )
echo_operation_details( operations[ t ] ->operation_details, out ) ;
out << "<BR>========================================<BR><BR>" << std::endl ;
out .close() ;
void Dialog_Progress::echo_operation_details( const OperationDetails & operation_details, std::ofstream & out )
//replace '\n' with '<br>'
Glib::ustring temp = operation_details .description ;
for ( unsigned int index = temp .find( "\n" ) ; index < temp .length() ; index = temp .find( "\n" ) )
temp .replace( index, 1, "<BR>" ) ;
//and export everything to some kind of html...
out << "<TABLE border=0>" << std::endl ;
out << "<TR>" << std::endl ;
out << "<TD colspan=2>" << std::endl ;
out << temp ;
//show status...
if ( operation_details .status != OperationDetails::NONE )
out << "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" ;
switch ( operation_details .status )
case OperationDetails::EXECUTE:
out << "( EXECUTING )" ;
break ;
case OperationDetails::SUCCES:
out << "( SUCCES )" ;
break ;
case OperationDetails::ERROR:
out << "( ERROR )" ;
break ;
break ;
out << std::endl ;
out << "</TD>" << std::endl ;
out << "</TR>" << std::endl ;
if ( operation_details .sub_details. size() )
out << "<TR>" << std::endl ;
out << "<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>" << std::endl ;
out << "<TD>" << std::endl ;
for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < operation_details .sub_details .size() ; t++ )
echo_operation_details( operation_details .sub_details[ t ], out ) ;
out << "</TD>" << std::endl ;
out << "</TR>" << std::endl ;
out << "</TABLE>" << std::endl ;
void Dialog_Progress::on_response( int response_id )
switch ( response_id )
case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK:
on_save() ;
break ;
on_cancel() ;
break ;
bool Dialog_Progress::on_delete_event( GdkEventAny * event )
//it seems this get only called at runtime
on_cancel() ;
return true ;