502 lines
16 KiB
502 lines
16 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Curtis Gedak
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "../include/Dialog_Partition_Info.h"
#include "../include/LVM2_PV_Info.h"
#include <gtkmm/separator.h>
namespace GParted
Dialog_Partition_Info::Dialog_Partition_Info( const Partition & partition )
this ->partition = partition ;
this ->set_resizable( false ) ;
this ->set_has_separator( false ) ;
/*TO TRANSLATORS: dialogtitle, looks like Information about /dev/hda3 */
this ->set_title( String::ucompose( _("Information about %1"), partition .get_path() ) );
init_drawingarea() ;
//add label for detail and fill with relevant info
Display_Info() ;
//display messages (if any)
if ( partition .messages .size() > 0 )
frame = manage( new Gtk::Frame() );
frame ->set_border_width( 10 );
Gtk::Image* image(manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)));
hbox = manage(new Gtk::HBox());
hbox->pack_start(*image, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
hbox ->pack_start( * Utils::mk_label( "<b> " + Glib::ustring(_("Warning:") ) + " </b>" ),
frame ->set_label_widget( *hbox ) ;
//Merge all messages for display so that they can be selected together.
// Use a blank line between individual messages so that each message can be
// distinguished. Therefore each message should have been formatted as one
// or more non-blank lines, with an optional trailing new line. This is
// true of GParted internal messages and probably all external messages and
// errors from libparted and executed commands too.
Glib::ustring all_messages ;
for ( unsigned int t = 0; t < partition .messages .size(); t ++ )
if ( all_messages .size() > 0 )
all_messages += "\n\n" ;
Glib::ustring::size_type take = partition .messages[ t ] .size() ;
if ( take > 0 )
if ( partition .messages[ t ][ take-1 ] == '\n' )
take -- ; //Skip optional trailing new line
all_messages += "<i>" + partition .messages[ t ] .substr( 0, take ) + "</i>" ;
Gtk::VBox *vbox( manage( new Gtk::VBox() ) ) ;
vbox ->set_border_width( 5 ) ;
vbox ->pack_start( *Utils::mk_label( all_messages, true, true, true ), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
frame ->add( *vbox ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( *frame, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
this ->add_button( Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) ;
this ->show_all_children() ;
void Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_realize()
gc = Gdk::GC::create( drawingarea .get_window() ) ;
drawingarea .get_window() ->set_background( color_partition ) ;
bool Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_expose( GdkEventExpose *ev )
if ( partition .type != GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED )
gc ->set_foreground( color_used );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, BORDER, BORDER, used, 44 ) ;
gc ->set_foreground( color_unused );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, BORDER + used, BORDER, unused, 44 ) ;
gc ->set_foreground( color_unallocated );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_rectangle( gc, true, BORDER + used + unused, BORDER, unallocated, 44 ) ;
gc ->set_foreground( color_text );
drawingarea .get_window() ->draw_layout( gc, 180, BORDER + 6, pango_layout ) ;
return true;
void Dialog_Partition_Info::init_drawingarea()
drawingarea .set_size_request( 400, 60 ) ;
drawingarea .signal_realize().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_realize) ) ;
drawingarea .signal_expose_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Partition_Info::drawingarea_on_expose) ) ;
frame = manage( new Gtk::Frame() ) ;
frame ->add( drawingarea ) ;
frame ->set_shadow_type( Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT ) ;
frame ->set_border_width( 10 ) ;
hbox = manage( new Gtk::HBox() ) ;
hbox ->pack_start( *frame, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_PADDING ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( *hbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
//calculate proportional width of used, unused and unallocated
if ( partition .type == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED )
//Specifically show extended partitions as unallocated
used = 0 ;
unused = 0 ;
unallocated = 400 - BORDER *2 ;
else if ( partition .sector_usage_known() )
partition .get_usage_triple( 400 - BORDER *2, used, unused, unallocated ) ;
//Specifically show unknown figures as unused
used = 0 ;
unused = 400 - BORDER *2 ;
unallocated = 0 ;
//allocate some colors
color_used.set( "#F8F8BA" );
this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_used ) ;
color_unused .set( "white" ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_unused ) ;
color_unallocated .set( "darkgrey" ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_unallocated ) ;
color_text .set( "black" );
this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_text ) ;
color_partition = partition .color ;
this ->get_colormap() ->alloc_color( color_partition ) ;
//set text of pangolayout
pango_layout = drawingarea .create_pango_layout(
partition .get_path() + "\n" + Utils::format_size( partition .get_sector_length(), partition .sector_size ) ) ;
void Dialog_Partition_Info::Display_Info()
int top = 0, bottom = 1 ;
Sector ptn_sectors = partition .get_sector_length() ;
LVM2_PV_Info lvm2_pv_info ;
Gtk::Table* table(manage(new Gtk::Table()));
table ->set_border_width( 5 ) ;
table ->set_col_spacings(10 ) ;
this ->get_vbox() ->pack_start( *table, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("File system:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::get_filesystem_string( partition .filesystem ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Size:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::format_size( ptn_sectors, partition .sector_size ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
if ( partition .sector_usage_known() )
//calculate relative diskusage
int percent_used, percent_unused, percent_unallocated ;
partition .get_usage_triple( 100, percent_used, percent_unused, percent_unallocated ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Used:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::format_size( partition .get_sectors_used(), partition .sector_size ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "\t\t\t( " + Utils::num_to_str( percent_used ) + "% )"),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Unused:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::format_size( partition .get_sectors_unused(), partition .sector_size ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "\t\t\t( " + Utils::num_to_str( percent_unused ) + "% )"),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
Sector sectors_unallocated = partition .get_sectors_unallocated() ;
if ( sectors_unallocated > 0 )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Unallocated:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::format_size( sectors_unallocated, partition .sector_size ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "\t\t\t( " + Utils::num_to_str( percent_unallocated ) + "% )"),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
Glib::ustring vgname = "" ;
if ( partition .filesystem == FS_LVM2_PV )
vgname = lvm2_pv_info .get_vg_name( partition .get_path() ) ;
if ( partition.type != GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Flags:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Glib::build_path( ", ", partition .flags ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
//one blank line
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
if ( partition .type != GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED && partition .status != GParted::STAT_NEW )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Path:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Glib::build_path( "\n", partition .get_paths() ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
Glib::ustring str_temp ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Status:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
if ( partition .busy )
if ( partition .type == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED )
/* TO TRANSLATORS: Busy (At least one logical partition is mounted)
* means that this extended partition contains at least one logical
* partition that is mounted or otherwise active.
str_temp = _("Busy (At least one logical partition is mounted)") ;
else if ( partition .filesystem == FS_LINUX_SWAP
|| partition .filesystem == FS_LINUX_SWRAID
* means that this linux swap or linux software raid partition
* is enabled and being used by the operating system.
str_temp = _("Active") ;
else if ( partition .filesystem == FS_LVM2_PV )
/* TO TRANSLATORS: myvgname active
* means that the partition is a member of an LVM volume group and the
* volume group is active and being used by the operating system.
str_temp = String::ucompose( _("%1 active"), vgname ) ;
else if ( partition .get_mountpoints() .size() )
str_temp = String::ucompose(
/* TO TRANSLATORS: looks like Mounted on /mnt/mymountpoint */
_("Mounted on %1"),
Glib::build_path( ", ", partition .get_mountpoints() ) ) ;
else if ( partition.type == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED )
/* TO TRANSLATORS: Not busy (There are no mounted logical partitions)
* means that this extended partition contains no mounted or otherwise
* active partitions.
str_temp = _("Not busy (There are no mounted logical partitions)") ;
else if ( partition .filesystem == FS_LINUX_SWAP
|| partition .filesystem == FS_LINUX_SWRAID
/* TO TRANSLATORS: Not active
* means that this linux swap or linux software raid partition
* is not enabled and is not in use by the operating system.
str_temp = _("Not active") ;
else if ( partition .filesystem == FS_LVM2_PV )
if ( vgname .empty() )
/* TO TRANSLATORS: Not active (Not a member of any volume group)
* means that the partition is not yet a member of an LVM volume
* group and therefore is not active and can not yet be used by
* the operating system.
str_temp = _("Not active (Not a member of any volume group)") ;
else if ( lvm2_pv_info .is_vg_exported( vgname ) )
/* TO TRANSLATORS: myvgname not active and exported
* means that the partition is a member of an LVM volume group but
* the volume group is not active and not being used by the operating system.
* The volume group has also been exported making the LVM physical volumes
* ready for moving to a different computer system.
str_temp = String::ucompose( _("%1 not active and exported"), vgname ) ;
/* TO TRANSLATORS: myvgname not active
* means that the partition is a member of an LVM volume group but
* the volume group is not active and not being used by the operating system.
str_temp = String::ucompose( _("%1 not active"), vgname ) ;
/* TO TRANSLATORS: Not mounted
* means that this partition is not mounted.
str_temp = _("Not mounted") ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( str_temp, true, false, true ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
if ( partition.type != GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED && partition.type != GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Label:") ) + "</b>"),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( partition .get_label(), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL) ;
if ( partition.type != GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED && partition.type != GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("UUID:") ) + "</b>"),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( partition .uuid, true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL) ;
//one blank line
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
//first sector
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("First sector:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::num_to_str( partition .sector_start ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
//last sector
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Last sector:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::num_to_str( partition.sector_end ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
//total sectors
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Total sectors:") ) + "</b>" ),
0, 1,
top, bottom,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( Utils::num_to_str( ptn_sectors ), true, false, true ),
1, 2,
top++, bottom++,
Gtk::FILL ) ;
if ( partition .filesystem == FS_LVM2_PV )
//one blank line
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
//horizontal separator
Gtk::HSeparator * hsep( manage( new Gtk::HSeparator() ) ) ;
table ->attach( * hsep, 0, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
//one blank line
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
//Volume Group
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Volume Group:") ) + "</b>"),
0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( vgname, true, false, true ),
1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Members:") ) + "</b>"),
0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ) ;
std::vector<Glib::ustring> members ;
if ( ! vgname .empty() )
members = lvm2_pv_info .get_vg_members( vgname ) ;
if ( members .empty() )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( members [0], true, false, true ),
1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 1 ; i < members .size() ; i ++ )
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL) ;
table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( members [i], true, false, true ),
1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_color( color_used ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_color( color_unused ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_color( color_text ) ;
this ->get_colormap() ->free_color( color_partition ) ;
} //GParted