
357 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* Copyright (C) 2010 Curtis Gedak
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "Device.h"
#include "Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "GParted_Core.h"
#include "Partition.h"
#include "PartitionVector.h"
#include "Utils.h"
namespace GParted
Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move::Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move(const Device& device, const FS & fs,
const FS_Limits & fs_limits,
const Partition & selected_partition,
const PartitionVector & partitions)
: Dialog_Base_Partition(device)
this ->fs = fs ;
this->fs_limits = fs_limits;
set_data( selected_partition, partitions );
delete new_partition;
new_partition = nullptr;
void Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move::set_data( const Partition & selected_partition,
const PartitionVector & partitions )
GRIP = true ; //prevents on spinbutton_changed from getting activated prematurely
new_partition = selected_partition.clone();
if (selected_partition.type == TYPE_EXTENDED)
Set_Resizer( true ) ;
Resize_Move_Extended( partitions ) ;
Set_Resizer( false ) ;
Resize_Move_Normal( partitions ) ;
// Set partition color
Gdk::RGBA partition_color(Utils::get_color(selected_partition.fstype));
frame_resizer_base->set_rgb_partition_color( partition_color );
//store the original values
ORIG_BEFORE = spinbutton_before .get_value_as_int() ;
ORIG_SIZE = spinbutton_size .get_value_as_int() ;
ORIG_AFTER = spinbutton_after .get_value_as_int() ;
GRIP = false ;
Set_Confirm_Button( RESIZE_MOVE ) ;
this ->show_all_children() ;
void Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move::Resize_Move_Normal( const PartitionVector & partitions )
g_assert(new_partition != nullptr); // Bug: Not initialised by constructor calling set_data()
// Don't permit shrinking an existing file system (other than linux-swap) when the
// usage is unknown as that sets the minimum resize.
if (! new_partition->sector_usage_known() &&
new_partition->status != STAT_NEW &&
new_partition->fstype != FS_LINUX_SWAP )
fs.shrink = FS::NONE;
//Disable resizing as it's currently disallowed for the file system in this partition.
// (Updates this class's copy of file system support information).
if ( GParted_Core::filesystem_resize_disallowed( *new_partition ) )
fs .shrink = FS::NONE ;
fs .grow = FS::NONE ;
// See if we can allow the start of the file system to move
if ( fs.move && ! new_partition->busy && new_partition->type != TYPE_UNPARTITIONED )
set_title( Glib::ustring::compose( _("Resize/Move %1"), new_partition->get_path() ) );
frame_resizer_base ->set_fixed_start( false ) ;
set_title( Glib::ustring::compose( _("Resize %1"), new_partition->get_path() ) );
this ->fixed_start = true;
frame_resizer_base ->set_fixed_start( true ) ;
spinbutton_before .set_sensitive( false ) ;
//calculate total size in MiB's of previous, current and next partition
//first find index of partition
unsigned int t;
for ( t = 0 ; t < partitions .size() ; t++ )
if ( partitions[t] == *new_partition )
Sector previous, next ;
previous = next = 0 ;
const Partition* prev_unalloc_partition = nullptr;
//also check the partitions file system ( if this is a 'resize-only' then previous should be 0 )
if (t >= 1 && partitions[t-1].type == TYPE_UNALLOCATED && ! this->fixed_start)
previous = partitions[t -1] .get_sector_length() ;
START = partitions[t -1] .sector_start ;
prev_unalloc_partition = &partitions[t-1];
START = new_partition->sector_start;
if (t+1 < partitions.size() && partitions[t+1].type == TYPE_UNALLOCATED)
next = partitions[t +1] .get_sector_length() ;
//If this is a logical partition and there is extra free space
// then check if we need to reserve 1 MiB of space after for
// the next logical partition Extended Boot Record.
if ( new_partition->type == TYPE_LOGICAL &&
next >= MEBIBYTE / new_partition->sector_size )
//Find maximum sector_end (allocated or unallocated) within list of
// partitions inside the extended partition
Sector max_sector_end = 0 ;
for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k < partitions .size() ; k++ )
if ( partitions[ k ] .sector_end > max_sector_end )
max_sector_end = partitions[ k ] .sector_end ;
//If not within 1 MiB of the end of the extended partition, then reserve 1 MiB
if ( max_sector_end - partitions[t+1].sector_end > MEBIBYTE / new_partition->sector_size )
next -= MEBIBYTE / new_partition->sector_size;
// Only need to use MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB to reserve 1 MiB to protect the partition
// table or EBR if there is a previous unallocated partition allowing the start of
// this selected partition to be resize/moved to the left.
if (prev_unalloc_partition == nullptr)
MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB = Dialog_Base_Partition::MB_Needed_for_Boot_Record(*prev_unalloc_partition);
total_length = previous + new_partition->get_sector_length() + next;
TOTAL_MB = Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( total_length, new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) );
MB_PER_PIXEL = TOTAL_MB / 500.00 ;
//now calculate proportional length of partition
frame_resizer_base ->set_x_min_space_before( Utils::round( MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB / MB_PER_PIXEL ) ) ;
frame_resizer_base ->set_x_start( Utils::round( previous / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) ) ;
frame_resizer_base ->set_x_end(
Utils::round( new_partition->get_sector_length() / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) + frame_resizer_base->get_x_start() );
Sector min_resize = new_partition->estimated_min_size();
frame_resizer_base ->set_used( Utils::round( min_resize / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) ) ;
//set MIN
if ( ( fs.shrink && ! new_partition->busy ) ||
( fs.online_shrink && new_partition->busy ) )
//since some file systems have lower limits we need to check for this
if ( min_resize > fs_limits.min_size / new_partition->sector_size )
fs_limits.min_size = min_resize * new_partition->sector_size;
//ensure that minimum size is at least one mebibyte
if ( ! fs_limits.min_size || fs_limits.min_size < MEBIBYTE )
fs_limits.min_size = MEBIBYTE;
fs_limits.min_size = new_partition->get_byte_length();
//set MAX
if ( fs .grow )
fs_limits.max_size = (TOTAL_MB - MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB) * MEBIBYTE;
fs_limits.max_size = new_partition->get_byte_length();
//set values of spinbutton_before
if ( ! fixed_start )
spinbutton_before.set_range( MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB,
TOTAL_MB - ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ) );
spinbutton_before .set_value(
Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( previous, new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
//set values of spinbutton_size
spinbutton_size.set_range( ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ),
ceil( fs_limits.max_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ) );
spinbutton_size .set_value(
Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( new_partition->get_sector_length(), new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
//set values of spinbutton_after
Sector after_min = ( ! fs .grow && ! fs .move ) ? next : 0 ;
spinbutton_after .set_range(
Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( after_min, new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ),
TOTAL_MB - MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB - ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ) );
spinbutton_after .set_value(
Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( next, new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
frame_resizer_base->set_size_limits( Utils::round( fs_limits.min_size / (MB_PER_PIXEL * MEBIBYTE) ),
Utils::round( fs_limits.max_size / (MB_PER_PIXEL * MEBIBYTE) ) );
//set contents of label_minmax
Set_MinMax_Text( ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ),
ceil( fs_limits.max_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ) );
void Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move::Resize_Move_Extended( const PartitionVector & partitions )
g_assert(new_partition != nullptr); // Bug: Not initialised by constructor calling set_data()
set_title(Glib::ustring::compose(_("Resize/Move %1"), new_partition->get_path()));
//calculate total size in MiB's of previous, current and next partition
//first find index of partition
unsigned int t = 0;
while (t < partitions.size() && partitions[t].type != TYPE_EXTENDED)
Sector previous, next ;
previous = next = 0 ;
const Partition* prev_unalloc_partition = nullptr;
//calculate length and start of previous
if (t > 0 && partitions[t-1].type == TYPE_UNALLOCATED)
previous = partitions[t -1] .get_sector_length() ;
START = partitions[t -1] .sector_start ;
prev_unalloc_partition = &partitions[t-1];
START = new_partition->sector_start;
//calculate length of next
if (t+1 < partitions.size() && partitions[t+1].type == TYPE_UNALLOCATED)
next = partitions[ t +1 ] .get_sector_length() ;
//now we have enough data to calculate some important values..
// Only need to use MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB to reserve 1 MiB to protect the partition
// table or EBR if there is a previous unallocated partition allowing the start of
// this selected partition to be resize/moved to the left.
if (prev_unalloc_partition == nullptr)
MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB = Dialog_Base_Partition::MB_Needed_for_Boot_Record(*prev_unalloc_partition);
total_length = previous + new_partition->get_sector_length() + next;
TOTAL_MB = Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( total_length, new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) );
MB_PER_PIXEL = TOTAL_MB / 500.00 ;
//calculate proportional length of partition ( in pixels )
frame_resizer_base ->set_x_min_space_before( Utils::round( MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB / MB_PER_PIXEL ) ) ;
frame_resizer_base ->set_x_start( Utils::round( previous / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) ) ;
frame_resizer_base ->set_x_end( Utils::round( new_partition->get_sector_length() / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) + frame_resizer_base->get_x_start() );
//used is a bit different here... we consider start of first logical to end last logical as used space
Sector first =0, last = 0, used =0 ;
if ( ! ( new_partition->logicals.size() == 1 &&
new_partition->logicals.back().type == TYPE_UNALLOCATED ) )
//logical partitions other than unallocated exist
first = new_partition->sector_end;
last = new_partition->sector_start;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < partitions[ t ] .logicals .size() ; i++ )
if (partitions[t].logicals[i].type == TYPE_LOGICAL)
if ( partitions[ t ] .logicals[ i ] .sector_start < first )
first = partitions[t].logicals[i].sector_start - (MEBIBYTE / new_partition->sector_size);
if ( first < 0 )
first = 0 ;
if ( partitions[ t ] .logicals[ i ] .sector_end > last )
last = partitions[ t ] .logicals[ i ] .sector_end ;
used = last - first;
//set MIN
if ( used == 0 )
//Reasonable minimum of 1 MiB for EBR plus 1 MiB for small partition
fs_limits.min_size = MEBIBYTE;
fs_limits.min_size = used * new_partition->sector_size;
//set MAX
fs_limits.max_size = (TOTAL_MB - MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB) * MEBIBYTE;
dynamic_cast<Frame_Resizer_Extended *>( frame_resizer_base ) ->
set_used_start( Utils::round( (first - START) / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) ) ;
frame_resizer_base ->set_used( Utils::round( used / ( total_length / 500.00 ) ) ) ;
//set values of spinbutton_before (we assume there is no fixed start.)
if ( first == 0 ) //no logicals
spinbutton_before.set_range( MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB,
TOTAL_MB - MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB - ceil( fs_limits.min_size /
double(MEBIBYTE) ) );
spinbutton_before.set_range( MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB,
Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( first - START,
UNIT_MIB ) ) );
spinbutton_before.set_value( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( previous,
new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
//set values of spinbutton_size
spinbutton_size.set_range( ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ),
spinbutton_size.set_value( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( new_partition->get_sector_length(),
new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
//set values of spinbutton_after
if ( first == 0 ) //no logicals
spinbutton_after.set_range( 0, TOTAL_MB -
ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ) -
spinbutton_after.set_range( 0, Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( total_length + START - first - used,
UNIT_MIB ) ) );
spinbutton_after.set_value( Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( next,
new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
//set contents of label_minmax
Set_MinMax_Text( ceil( fs_limits.min_size / double(MEBIBYTE) ),
Utils::round( Utils::sector_to_unit( total_length - MIN_SPACE_BEFORE_MB * (MEBIBYTE / new_partition->sector_size),
new_partition->sector_size, UNIT_MIB ) ) );
} //GParted