
233 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../include/TreeView_Detail.h"
namespace GParted
block = false ;
treestore_detail = Gtk::TreeStore::create( treeview_detail_columns );
set_model( treestore_detail );
set_rules_hint( true );
treeselection = get_selection();
treeselection ->signal_changed() .connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &TreeView_Detail::on_selection_changed ) );
//append columns
append_column( _("Partition"), treeview_detail_columns .path );
append_column( _("Filesystem"), treeview_detail_columns .color );
append_column( _("Mountpoint"), treeview_detail_columns .mountpoint );
append_column( _("Size"), treeview_detail_columns .size );
append_column( _("Used"), treeview_detail_columns .used );
append_column( _("Unused"), treeview_detail_columns .unused );
append_column( _("Flags"), treeview_detail_columns .flags );
get_column( 0 ) ->pack_start( treeview_detail_columns .icon2, false );
get_column( 0 ) ->pack_start( treeview_detail_columns .icon1, false );
//colored text in Partition column
Gtk::CellRendererText *cell_renderer_text =
dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>( get_column( 0 ) ->get_first_cell_renderer() );
get_column( 0 ) ->add_attribute( cell_renderer_text ->property_foreground(),
treeview_detail_columns .text_color );
//filesystem text
get_column( 1 ) ->pack_start( treeview_detail_columns .filesystem, true );
//colored text in Filesystem column
std::vector<Gtk::CellRenderer*> renderers = get_column( 1 ) ->get_cell_renderers() ;
cell_renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>( renderers .back() ) ;
get_column( 1 ) ->add_attribute( cell_renderer_text ->property_foreground(),
treeview_detail_columns .text_color );
//pixbuf and text are both left aligned
get_column( 1 ) ->get_first_cell_renderer() ->property_xalign() = Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT ;
cell_renderer_text ->property_xalign() = Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT ;
//colored text in mountpoint column
cell_renderer_text = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>( get_column( 2 ) ->get_first_cell_renderer() );
get_column( 2 ) ->add_attribute( cell_renderer_text ->property_foreground(),
treeview_detail_columns .mount_text_color );
//set alignment of numeric columns to right
for( short t = 3 ; t < 6 ; t++ )
get_column_cell_renderer( t ) ->property_xalign() = 1 ;
//expand columns and centeralign the headertext
for( short t = 3 ; t < 7 ; t++ )
get_column( t ) ->set_expand( true ) ;
get_column( t ) ->set_alignment( 0.5 ) ;
void TreeView_Detail::load_partitions( const std::vector<Partition> & partitions )
bool mount_info = false ;
treestore_detail ->clear() ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < partitions .size() ; i++ )
row = *( treestore_detail ->append() );
create_row( row, partitions[ i ] );
if ( partitions[ i ] .type == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED )
for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < partitions[ i ] .logicals .size() ; t++ )
childrow = *( treestore_detail ->append( row.children() ) );
create_row( childrow, partitions[ i ] .logicals[ t ] );
if ( partitions[ i ] .logicals[ t ] .get_mountpoints() .size() )
mount_info = true ;
if ( partitions[ i ] .get_mountpoints() .size() )
mount_info = true ;
get_column( 2 ) ->set_visible( mount_info ) ;
expand_all() ;
void TreeView_Detail::set_selected( const Partition & partition )
block = true ;
set_selected( treestore_detail ->children(), partition ) ;
block = false ;
void TreeView_Detail::clear()
treestore_detail ->clear() ;
bool TreeView_Detail::set_selected( Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows, const Partition & partition, bool inside_extended )
for ( unsigned int t = 0 ; t < rows .size() ; t++ )
if ( static_cast<Partition>( rows[ t ] [ treeview_detail_columns .partition ] ) == partition )
if ( inside_extended )
expand_all() ;
set_cursor( static_cast<Gtk::TreePath>( rows[ t ] ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( rows[ t ] .children() .size() > 0 && set_selected( rows[ t ] .children(), partition, true ) )
return true ;
return false ;
void TreeView_Detail::create_row( const Gtk::TreeRow & treerow, const Partition & partition )
if ( partition .busy )
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .icon1 ] =
if ( partition .messages .size() > 0 )
if ( ! static_cast< Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> >( treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .icon1 ] ) )
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .icon1 ] =
render_icon( Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON );
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .icon2 ] =
render_icon( Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON );
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .path ] = partition .get_path() ;
//this fixes a weird issue (see #169683 for more info)
if ( partition .type == GParted::TYPE_EXTENDED && partition .busy )
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .path ] = treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .path ] + " " ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .color ] = Utils::get_color_as_pixbuf( partition .filesystem, 16, 16 ) ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .text_color ] =
partition .type == GParted::TYPE_UNALLOCATED ? "darkgrey" : "black" ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .filesystem ] =
Utils::get_filesystem_string( partition .filesystem ) ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .mount_text_color ] = partition .busy ? "black" : "darkgrey" ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .mountpoint ] = Glib::build_path( ", ", partition .get_mountpoints() ) ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .size ] = Utils::format_size( partition .get_length() ) ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .used ] =
partition .sectors_used == -1 ? "---" : Utils::format_size( partition .sectors_used ) ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .unused ] =
partition .sectors_unused == -1 ? "---" : Utils::format_size( partition .sectors_unused ) ;
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .flags ] =
Glib::build_path( ", ", partition .flags ) ;
//hidden column (partition object)
treerow[ treeview_detail_columns .partition ] = partition;
bool TreeView_Detail::on_button_press_event( GdkEventButton * event )
//Call base class, to allow normal handling,
bool handled = Gtk::TreeView::on_button_press_event( event ) ;
if ( event ->button == 3 )
signal_popup_menu .emit( event ->button, event ->time ) ;
return handled ;
void TreeView_Detail::on_row_activated( const Gtk::TreeModel::Path & path, Gtk::TreeViewColumn * column )
//Call base class, to allow normal handling,
Gtk::TreeView::on_row_activated( path, column ) ;
signal_partition_activated .emit() ;
void TreeView_Detail::on_selection_changed()
if ( ! block && treeselection ->get_selected() != 0 )
row = static_cast<Gtk::TreeRow>( * treeselection ->get_selected() ) ;
signal_partition_selected .emit( row[ treeview_detail_columns .partition ], true ) ;
} //GParted