
307 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Curtis Gedak
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "ntfs.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "OperationDetail.h"
#include "Partition.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
namespace GParted
const Glib::ustring ntfs::Change_UUID_Warning [] =
{ _( "Changing the UUID might invalidate the Windows Product Activation (WPA) key"
, _( "On FAT and NTFS file systems, the"
" Volume Serial Number is used as the UUID."
" Changing the Volume Serial Number on the Windows system"
" partition, normally C:, might invalidate the WPA key."
" An invalid WPA key will prevent login until you reactivate Windows."
, _( "In an attempt to avoid invalidating the WPA key, on"
" NTFS file systems only half of the UUID is set to a"
" new random value."
, _( "Changing the UUID on external storage media and non-system partitions"
" is usually safe, but guarantees cannot be given."
, ""
} ;
const Glib::ustring & ntfs::get_custom_text( CUSTOM_TEXT ttype, int index ) const
int i ;
switch ( ttype ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < index && Change_UUID_Warning[ i ] != "" ; i++ ) {
// Just iterate...
return Change_UUID_Warning [ i ] ;
default :
return FileSystem::get_custom_text( ttype, index ) ;
FS ntfs::get_filesystem_support()
FS fs( FS_NTFS );
fs .busy = FS::GPARTED ;
if ( ! Glib::find_program_in_path( "ntfsresize" ) .empty() )
fs .read = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
fs .check = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
if ( ! Glib::find_program_in_path( "ntfslabel" ) .empty() ) {
Glib::ustring version ;
fs .read_label = FS::EXTERNAL ;
fs .write_label = FS::EXTERNAL ;
//Not all versions of ntfslabel support setting the Volume Serial Number
//The advanced (AR) release does as of the first 2012 release
//The stable release does not have it yet, at the time of this writing
//So: check for the presence of the command-line option.
//ntfslabel --help exits with non-zero error code (1)
Utils::execute_command( "ntfslabel --help ", output, error, false ) ;
if ( ! ( version = Utils::regexp_label( output, "--new-serial[[:blank:]]" ) ) .empty() )
fs .write_uuid = FS::EXTERNAL ;
if ( ! Glib::find_program_in_path( "mkntfs" ) .empty() )
fs .create = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
fs .create_with_label = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
//resizing is a delicate process ...
if ( fs .read && fs .check )
fs .grow = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
if ( fs .read ) //needed to determine a min file system size..
fs .shrink = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
//we need ntfsresize to set correct used/unused after cloning
if ( ! Glib::find_program_in_path( "ntfsclone" ) .empty() )
fs .copy = GParted::FS::EXTERNAL ;
if ( fs .check )
fs .move = GParted::FS::GPARTED ;
fs .online_read = FS::GPARTED ;
//Minimum NTFS partition size = (Minimum NTFS volume size) + (backup NTFS boot sector)
// = (1 MiB) + (1 sector)
// For GParted this means 2 MiB because smallest GUI unit is MiB.
fs_limits.min_size = 2 * MEBIBYTE;
return fs ;
void ntfs::set_used_sectors( Partition & partition )
exit_status = Utils::execute_command( "ntfsresize --info --force --no-progress-bar " +
Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_path() ),
output, error, true );
if ( exit_status == 0 || exit_status == 1 )
Glib::ustring::size_type index = output.find( "Current volume size:" );
if ( index >= output .length() ||
sscanf( output.substr( index ).c_str(), "Current volume size: %lld", &T ) != 1 )
T = -1 ;
index = output .find( "resize at" ) ;
if ( index >= output .length() ||
sscanf( output.substr( index ).c_str(), "resize at %lld", &N ) != 1 )
N = -1 ;
//For an absolutely full NTFS, "ntfsresize --info" exits
// with status 1 and reports this message instead
index = output .find( "ERROR: Volume is full" ) ;
if ( index < output .length() )
N = T ;
index = output.find( "Cluster size" );
if ( index >= output.length() ||
sscanf( output.substr( index ).c_str(), "Cluster size : %lld", &S ) != 1 )
S = -1;
if ( T > -1 && N > -1 )
T = Utils::round( T / double(partition .sector_size) ) ;
N = Utils::round( N / double(partition .sector_size) ) ;
partition .set_sector_usage( T, T - N );
if ( S > -1 )
partition.fs_block_size = S;
if ( ! output .empty() )
partition.push_back_message( output );
if ( ! error .empty() )
partition.push_back_message( error );
void ntfs::read_label( Partition & partition )
if ( ! Utils::execute_command( "ntfslabel --force " + Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_path() ),
output, error, false ) )
partition.set_filesystem_label( Utils::trim( output ) );
if ( ! output .empty() )
partition.push_back_message( output );
if ( ! error .empty() )
partition.push_back_message( error );
bool ntfs::write_label( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
return ! execute_command( "ntfslabel --force " + Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_path() ) +
" " + Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_filesystem_label() ),
operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
void ntfs::read_uuid( Partition & partition )
bool ntfs::write_uuid( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
if ( partition .uuid == UUID_RANDOM_NTFS_HALF )
return ! execute_command( "ntfslabel --new-half-serial " + Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_path() ),
operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
return ! execute_command( "ntfslabel --new-serial " + Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_path() ),
operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
return true ;
bool ntfs::create( const Partition & new_partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
return ! execute_command( "mkntfs -Q -v -F -L " + Glib::shell_quote( new_partition.get_filesystem_label() ) +
" " + Glib::shell_quote( new_partition.get_path() ),
bool ntfs::resize( const Partition & partition_new, OperationDetail & operationdetail, bool fill_partition )
bool success;
Glib::ustring size = "" ;
if ( ! fill_partition )
size = " -s " + Utils::num_to_str( floor( Utils::sector_to_unit(
partition_new .get_sector_length(), partition_new .sector_size, UNIT_BYTE ) ) ) ;
Glib::ustring cmd = "ntfsresize --force --force" + size ;
operationdetail .add_child( OperationDetail( _("run simulation") ) ) ;
success = ! execute_command( cmd + " --no-action " + Glib::shell_quote( partition_new.get_path() ),
operationdetail.get_last_child(), EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
operationdetail.get_last_child().set_success_and_capture_errors( success );
if ( ! success )
return false;
// Real resize
operationdetail.add_child( OperationDetail( _("real resize") ) );
success = ! execute_command( cmd + " " + Glib::shell_quote( partition_new.get_path() ),
operationdetail.get_last_child(), EXEC_CHECK_STATUS|EXEC_PROGRESS_STDOUT,
static_cast<StreamSlot>( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &ntfs::resize_progress ) ) );
operationdetail.get_last_child().set_success_and_capture_errors( success );
return success;
bool ntfs::copy( const Partition & src_part,
Partition & dest_part,
OperationDetail & operationdetail )
return ! execute_command( "ntfsclone -f --overwrite " + Glib::shell_quote( dest_part.get_path() ) +
" " + Glib::shell_quote( src_part.get_path() ),
static_cast<StreamSlot>( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &ntfs::clone_progress ) ) );
bool ntfs::check_repair( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail )
return ! execute_command( "ntfsresize -i -f -v " + Glib::shell_quote( partition.get_path() ),
operationdetail, EXEC_CHECK_STATUS );
//Private methods
void ntfs::resize_progress( OperationDetail *operationdetail )
Glib::ustring line = Utils::last_line( output );
// Text progress on the LAST LINE looks like " 15.24 percent completed"
// NOTE:
// Specifying text to match following the last converted variable in *scanf() is
// ineffective because it reports the number of successfully converted variables
// and has no way to indicate following text didn't match. Specifically:
// sscanf( "%f percent completed", &percent )
// will return 1 after successfully converting percent variable as 4 given this
// line from the important information at the end of the ntfsresize output:
// " 4) set the bootable flag for the partit"
// Definitely not progress information.
float percent;
if ( line.find( "percent completed" ) != line.npos && sscanf( line.c_str(), "%f", &percent ) == 1 )
operationdetail->run_progressbar( percent, 100.0 );
// Or when finished, on any line, ...
else if ( output.find( "Successfully resized NTFS on device" ) != output.npos )
void ntfs::clone_progress( OperationDetail *operationdetail )
Glib::ustring line = Utils::last_line( output );
// Text progress on the LAST LINE looks like " 15.24 progress completed"
float percent;
if ( line.find( "percent completed" ) != line.npos && sscanf( line.c_str(), "%f", &percent ) == 1 )
operationdetail->run_progressbar( percent, 100.0 );
// Deliberately don't stop the progress bar when ntfsclone outputs "Syncing ..."
// at the end as that is considered a measured part of the copy operation. The
// progress bar will wait at 100% (or just below) until the sync completes. On
// spinning rust that is typically a few seconds and on SSDs it won't be noticed
// at all. Instead it is left for execute_command(), which always stops the
// progress bar when the command finishes.
} //GParted