# GE Home Appliances (SmartHQ) Changelog ## 0.6.10 - Bugfix: Removed additional deprecated constants [#229] - Bugfix: Fixed issue with climate entities [#228] ## 0.6.9 - Added additional fridge controls [#200] - Bugfix: Additional auth stability improvements [#215, #211] - Bugfix: Removed deprecated constants [#218] ## 0.6.8 - Added Dehumidifier [#114] - Added oven drawer sensors - Added oven current state sensors [#175] - Added descriptors to manifest [#181] - Bugfix: Fixed issue with oven lights [#174] - Bugfix: Fixed issues with dual dishwasher [#161] - Bugfix: Fixed disconnection issue [#169] ## 0.6.7 - Bugfix: fixed issues with dishwasher [#155] - Added OIM descaling sensor [#154] ## 0.6.6 - Bugfix: Fixed issue with region setting (EU accounts) [#130] - Updated the temperature conversion (@partsdotpdf) - Updated configuration documentation - Modified dishwasher to include new functionality (@NickWaterton) - Bugfix: Fixed oven typo (@jdc0730) [#149] - Bugfix: UoM updates (@morlince) [#138] - Updated light control (@tcgoetz) [#144] - Dependency version bumps ## 0.6.5 - Added beverage cooler support (@kksligh) - Added dual dishwasher support (@jkili) - Added initial espresso maker support (@datagen24) - Added whole home water heater support (@seantibor) ## 0.6.3 - Updated detection of invalid serial numbers (#89) - Updated implementation of number entities to fix deprecation warnings (#85) ## 0.6.2 - Fixed issue with water heater naming when no serial is present - Initial support for built-in air conditioners (@DaveZheng) ## 0.6.1 - Fixed issue with water filter life sensor (@rgabrielson11) ## 0.6.0 - Requires HA 2021.12.x or later - Enabled authentication to both US and EU regions - Changed the sensors to use native value/uom - Changed the temperatures to always be natively fahrenheit (API appears to always use this system) (@vignatyuk) - Initial support for Microwaves (@mbcomer, @mnestor) - Initial support for Water Softeners (@npentell, @drjeff) - Initial support for Opal Ice Makers (@mbcomer, @knobunc) - Initial support for Coffee Makers (@alexanv1) - Updated deprecated icons (@mjmeli, @schmittx) ## 0.5.0 - Initial support for oven hoods (@digitalbites) - Added extended mode support for ovens - Added logic to prevent multiple configurations of the same GE account - Fixed device info when serial not present (@Xe138) - Fixed issue with ovens when raw temperature not available (@chadohalloran) - Fixed issue where Split A/C temperature sensors report UOM incorrectly (@RobertusIT) - Added convertable drawer mode, proximity light, and interior lights to fridge (@groto27, @elwing00) ## 0.4.3 - Enabled support for appliances without serial numbers - Added support for Split A/C units (@RobertusIT) - Added support for Window A/C units (@mbrentrowe, @swcrawford1) - Added support for Portable A/C units (@luddystefenson) - Fixed multiple binary sensors (bad conversion from enum) (@steveredden) - Fixed delay time interpretation for laundry (@steveredden, @sweichbr) - Fixed startup issue when encountering an unknown unit type(@chansearrington, @opie546) - Fixed interpretation of A/C demand response power (@garulf) - Fixed issues with updating disabled entities (@willhayslett) - Advantium fixes (@willhayslett) ## 0.4.1 - Fixed an issue with dryer entities causing an error in HA (@steveredden) ## 0.4.0 - Implemented Laundry Support (@warrenrees, @ssindsd) - Implemented Water Filter Support (@bendavis, @tumtumsback, @rgabrielson11) - Implemented Initial Advantium Support (@ssinsd) - Bug fixes for ovens (@TKpizza) - Additional authentication error handling (@rgabrielson11) - Additional dishwasher functionality (@ssinsd) - Introduced new select entity (@bendavis) - Miscellaneous entity bug fixes/refinements - Integrated new version of SDK ## 0.3.12 - Initial tracked version