
268 lines
6.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
package generate.v3;
service TextGenerationService {
/// Model Info
rpc Info (InfoRequest) returns (InfoResponse) {}
/// Service discovery
rpc ServiceDiscovery (ServiceDiscoveryRequest) returns (ServiceDiscoveryResponse) {}
/// Empties batch cache
rpc ClearCache (ClearCacheRequest) returns (ClearCacheResponse);
/// Remove requests from a cached batch
rpc FilterBatch (FilterBatchRequest) returns (FilterBatchResponse);
/// Warmup the model and compute max cache size
rpc Warmup (WarmupRequest) returns (WarmupResponse);
/// Prefill batch and decode first token
rpc Prefill (PrefillRequest) returns (PrefillResponse);
/// Decode token for a list of prefilled batches
rpc Decode (DecodeRequest) returns (DecodeResponse);
/// Health check
rpc Health (HealthRequest) returns (HealthResponse);
message HealthRequest {}
message HealthResponse {}
/// Empty request
message InfoRequest {}
message InfoResponse {
bool requires_padding = 1;
string dtype = 2;
string device_type = 3;
optional uint32 window_size = 4;
uint32 speculate = 5;
/// Empty request
message ServiceDiscoveryRequest {}
message ServiceDiscoveryResponse {
/// Other shards urls
repeated string urls = 1;
message ClearCacheRequest {
/// Optional batch id
optional uint64 id = 1;
/// Empty response
message ClearCacheResponse {}
message Image {
/// Binary image data.
bytes data = 1;
/// Image MIME type.
string mimetype = 2;
message InputChunk {
oneof chunk {
/// Plain text data
string text = 1;
/// Image data
Image image = 2;
message Input {
repeated InputChunk chunks = 1;
enum GrammarType {
message NextTokenChooserParameters {
/// exponential scaling output probability distribution
float temperature = 1;
/// restricting to the k highest probability elements
uint32 top_k = 2;
/// restricting to top tokens summing to prob_cut_off <= prob_cut_off
float top_p = 3;
/// restricting to top tokens summing to prob_cut_off <= prob_cut_off
float typical_p = 4;
/// apply sampling on the logits
bool do_sample = 5;
/// random seed for sampling
uint64 seed = 6;
/// repetition penalty
float repetition_penalty = 7;
/// frequency penalty
float frequency_penalty = 9;
/// token watermarking using "A Watermark for Large Language Models"
bool watermark = 8;
/// grammar (applied if not empty)
string grammar = 10;
/// grammar type
GrammarType grammar_type = 11;
message StoppingCriteriaParameters {
/// Maximum number of generated tokens
uint32 max_new_tokens = 1;
/// Optional stopping sequences
repeated string stop_sequences = 2;
/// Ignore end of sequence token
/// used for benchmarking
bool ignore_eos_token = 3;
message Request {
/// Request ID
uint64 id = 1;
/// The generation context as chunks
Input input_chunks = 8;
/// The generation context, stringified input_chunks
string inputs = 2;
/// Context truncation
uint32 truncate = 3;
/// Next Token Chooser Parameters
NextTokenChooserParameters parameters = 4;
/// Stopping Criteria Parameters
StoppingCriteriaParameters stopping_parameters = 5;
/// Return prefill logprobs
bool prefill_logprobs = 6;
/// Return most likely n tokens
uint32 top_n_tokens = 7;
/// Paged attention blocks
repeated uint32 blocks = 9;
/// Paged attention slots
repeated uint32 slots = 10;
Enable multiple LoRa adapters (#2010) * feat: first draft load multiple lora * feat: load weights within layer and refactor lora pass * fix: refactor and reduce lora math * feat: baseline impl single request multi lora support * feat: prefer lorax implementation and port loading logic * fix: prefer adapter_data and refactors * feat: perfer loraxs custom punica kernels and add mlp loras * fix: adjust batch for bgmv * fix: adjust adapter_segments logic when in batch * fix: refactor and move changes to v3 proto * fix: pass model_id for all flash causal lms * fix: pass model_id for all causal and seq2seq lms * fix: add model_id to model test * feat: add lora support to mistral and refactors * feat: prefer model id in request * fix: include rust code for adapter id * feat: bump launcher and add new lora docs * feat: support base model generation and refactors * fix: rename doc to retry ci build * feat: support if vlm models * fix: add adapter_data param and avoid missing layers * fix: add adapter_data param to phi and neox * fix: update all models forwards to include adapter_data * fix: add model_id to IdeficsCausalLM * Update lora.md Fixed a typo * Update lora.md Fixing spam image * fix: add lora kernel to dockerfile, support running without kernels and refactors * fix: avoid dockerfile conflict * fix: refactors and adjust flash llama lora logic * fix: skip llama test due to CI issue (temp) * fix: skip llama test CI (temp) 2 * fix: revert skips and prefer updated ci token for tests * fix: refactors and helpful comments * fix: add noop in TensorParallelAdapterRowLinear too * fix: refactor and move shard_lora_weights logic * fix: exit early if no adapter_data --------- Co-authored-by: Derek <datavistics@gmail.com>
2024-06-25 12:46:27 -06:00
/// LORA adapter index
optional string adapter_id = 11;
message Batch {
/// Batch ID
uint64 id = 1;
/// Individual requests
repeated Request requests = 2;
/// Batch size (==len(requests))
uint32 size = 3;
/// Maximum number of tokens this batch will grow to
uint32 max_tokens = 4;
/// Maximum number of Paged Attention blocks
uint32 max_blocks = 5;
message CachedBatch {
/// Batch ID
uint64 id = 1;
/// Individual requests ids
repeated uint64 request_ids = 2;
/// Batch size (==len(requests))
uint32 size = 3;
/// Maximum number of tokens this batch will grow to
uint32 max_tokens = 4;
enum FinishReason {
message GeneratedText {
/// Output
string text = 1;
/// Number of generated tokens
uint32 generated_tokens = 2;
/// Finish reason
FinishReason finish_reason = 3;
/// Seed
optional uint64 seed = 4;
message Tokens {
/// Token IDs
repeated uint32 ids = 1;
/// Logprobs
repeated float logprobs = 2;
/// tokens
repeated string texts = 3;
/// special
repeated bool is_special = 4;
message Generation {
/// Request ID
uint64 request_id = 1;
/// Prefill tokens (optional)
Tokens prefill_tokens = 2;
Tokens tokens = 3;
/// Complete generated text
optional GeneratedText generated_text = 4;
/// Top tokens
repeated Tokens top_tokens = 5;
message FilterBatchRequest {
/// Batch ID
uint64 batch_id = 1;
/// Requests to keep
repeated uint64 request_ids = 2;
message FilterBatchResponse {
/// Filtered Batch (cached)
CachedBatch batch = 1;
message PrefillRequest {
/// Batch
Batch batch = 1;
message PrefillResponse {
/// Generation
repeated Generation generations = 1;
/// Next batch (cached)
optional CachedBatch batch = 2;
/// Forward elapsed time in nanoseconds
uint64 forward_ns = 3;
/// Decode elapsed time in nanoseconds
uint64 decode_ns = 4;
/// Total elapsed time in nanoseconds
uint64 total_ns = 5;
message DecodeRequest {
/// Cached batches
repeated CachedBatch batches = 1;
message DecodeResponse {
/// Decodes
repeated Generation generations = 1;
/// Next batch (cached)
optional CachedBatch batch = 2;
/// Forward elapsed time in nanoseconds
uint64 forward_ns = 3;
/// Decode elapsed time in nanoseconds
uint64 decode_ns = 4;
/// Total elapsed time in nanoseconds
uint64 total_ns = 5;
/// Concatenate elapsed time in nanoseconds
optional uint64 concat_ns = 6;
message WarmupRequest {
/// Batch to warmup on
Batch batch = 1;
uint32 max_input_length = 2;
uint32 max_prefill_tokens = 3;
uint32 max_total_tokens = 4;
message WarmupResponse {
/// Maximum number of tokens supported by the model
optional uint32 max_supported_total_tokens = 1;