2024-06-25 12:46:27 -06:00
# Origin: https://github.com/predibase/lorax
# Path: lorax/server/lorax_server/adapters/weights.py
# License: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
from abc import ABC, abstractclassmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Type
import torch
class AdapterBatchMetadata:
# [batch_size]
adapter_indices: torch.Tensor
# [num_adapters]
adapter_set: Set[int]
# [num_segments + 1]
adapter_segments: torch.Tensor
# [num_segments]
# maps from segment index to adapter index, i.e.:
# segment_indices[s] == adapter_indices[i]
segment_indices: List[int]
class AdapterWeights(ABC):
def get_batch_types(cls) -> List[Type["BatchAdapterWeights"]]:
def speculative_tokens(self) -> int:
return 0
class BatchAdapterWeights(ABC):
def has_adapter(self, adapter_index: int) -> bool:
def load(
adapter_weights: Dict[int, AdapterWeights],
meta: "AdapterBatchMetadata",
prefill: bool,
prefill_head_indices: torch.Tensor,
) -> Optional["BatchAdapterWeights"]:
class LayerAdapterWeights:
"""Adapter weights that apply to a particular layer."""
def __init__(self):
self.adapter_weights: Dict[int, AdapterWeights] = {}
def add_adapter(self, adapter_idx: int, weights: AdapterWeights):
self.adapter_weights[adapter_idx] = weights
def remove_adapter(self, adapter_idx: int):
if adapter_idx not in self.adapter_weights:
del self.adapter_weights[adapter_idx]
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return len(self.adapter_weights) == 0
def get_data(
meta: AdapterBatchMetadata,
prefill: bool,
prefill_head_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor],
) -> Dict[str, BatchAdapterWeights]:
# bucket adapters by batch class
adapter_batch_types: Dict[
Type[BatchAdapterWeights], Dict[int, AdapterWeights]
] = defaultdict(dict)
for adapter_index, adapter_weights in self.adapter_weights.items():
for batch_type in adapter_weights.get_batch_types():
adapter_batch_types[batch_type][adapter_index] = adapter_weights
batch_data = {}
for batch_type, adapter_weights in adapter_batch_types.items():
batched_weights = batch_type.load(
adapter_weights, meta, prefill, prefill_head_indices
if batched_weights is not None:
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batch_data = batched_weights
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return batch_data
class AdapterBatchData:
meta: AdapterBatchMetadata
# layer type -> adapter type -> batch weight data
data: Dict[str, Dict[str, BatchAdapterWeights]]
prefill: bool
def from_meta(
meta: AdapterBatchMetadata,
weights: Dict[str, LayerAdapterWeights],
prefill: bool,
prefill_head_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor],
) -> "AdapterBatchData":
data = {}
for k, v in weights.items():
if v.is_empty():
data[k] = v.get_data(
meta, prefill, prefill_head_indices if k == "lm_head" else None
return AdapterBatchData(meta=meta, data=data, prefill=prefill)
def ranks(self) -> Set[int]:
# TODO(travis): refactor to be less coupled to lora implementation
ranks = set()
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for lora_data in self.data.values():
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if lora_data is None:
for rank_data in lora_data.rank_data.values():
return ranks
def layer_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return set(self.data.keys())
def adapter_keys(self) -> Set[str]:
adapter_keys = set()
for layer_data in self.data.values():
return adapter_keys
def max_rank(self) -> int:
ranks = self.ranks()
return max(ranks) if len(ranks) > 0 else 0