# Origin: https://github.com/predibase/lorax # Path: lorax/server/lorax_server/utils/adapter.py # License: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 import warnings import re from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import lru_cache from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Set, Tuple, Optional, List from safetensors.torch import load_file from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizer from text_generation_server.utils.merges.strategies import merge_adapters from text_generation_server.utils import hub from text_generation_server.adapters.lora import LoraConfig if TYPE_CHECKING: from text_generation_server.adapters.config import AdapterConfig, ModuleMap BASE_MODEL_ADAPTER_ID = "__base_model__" @dataclass class AdapterInfo: id: str path: Optional[str] revision: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class AdapterParameters: adapter_info: Tuple[AdapterInfo] weights: Tuple[float] merge_strategy: NotImplemented density: float majority_sign_method: NotImplemented @dataclass class AdapterSource: adapter_id: str model_id: str revision: str def parse_lora_adapters(lora_adapters: Optional[str]) -> List[AdapterInfo]: if not lora_adapters: return [] adapter_list = [] for adapter in lora_adapters.split(","): adapter = adapter.strip() if adapter.count("=") > 1 or adapter.count("@") > 1: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LoRA adapter format: {adapter}") match = re.match(r"^([^=@]+)(?:=([^@]+))?(?:@(.+))?$", adapter) if match: adapter_id, path, revision = match.groups() adapter_list.append( AdapterInfo(id=adapter_id, path=path, revision=revision) ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid LoRA adapter format: {adapter}") return adapter_list def load_and_merge_adapters( model_id: str, adapter_parameters: AdapterParameters, adapter_index: int, weight_names: Tuple[str], trust_remote_code: bool = False, ) -> Tuple["ModuleMap", "AdapterConfig", Set[str], PreTrainedTokenizer]: if len(adapter_parameters.adapter_info) == 1: adapter_info = next(iter(adapter_parameters.adapter_info)) return load_module_map( model_id, adapter_info.revision, adapter_info.id, adapter_info.path, weight_names, trust_remote_code, ) adapter_params = AdapterParametersContainer(adapter_parameters, adapter_index) return _load_and_merge( model_id, adapter_params.revision, adapter_params, weight_names, trust_remote_code, ) @dataclass class AdapterParametersContainer: adapter_parameters: AdapterParameters adapter_index: int def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.adapter_index @lru_cache(maxsize=32) def _load_and_merge( model_id: str, revision: str, adapter_params: AdapterParametersContainer, weight_names: Tuple[str], trust_remote_code: bool = False, ) -> Tuple["ModuleMap", "AdapterConfig", Set[str], PreTrainedTokenizer]: params = adapter_params.adapter_parameters adapters_to_merge = [] merged_weight_names = set() tokenizer = None for adapter in params.adapter_info: if adapter.id == BASE_MODEL_ADAPTER_ID: raise ValueError("Base model adapter cannot be merged.") module_map, adapter_config, adapter_weight_names, adapter_tokenizer = ( load_module_map( model_id, adapter.id, adapter.path, weight_names, trust_remote_code, ) ) adapters_to_merge.append((module_map, adapter_config)) merged_weight_names = merged_weight_names.union(adapter_weight_names) if tokenizer is None: tokenizer = adapter_tokenizer if len(adapters_to_merge) == 0: raise ValueError("No adapters to merge.") module_map, adapter_config = merge_adapters(adapters_to_merge, params) return module_map, adapter_config, merged_weight_names, tokenizer def check_architectures( model_id: str, adapter_id: str, adapter_config: "AdapterConfig", trust_remote_code: bool = False, ): try: if not adapter_config.base_model_name_or_path: # Avoid execution latency caused by the network connection retrying for AutoConfig.from_pretrained(None) return expected_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( model_id, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) model_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( adapter_config.base_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( f"Unable to check architecture compatibility for adapter '{adapter_id}' " f"against model '{model_id}'. Assuming they are compatible. Error: {e}" ) return if model_config.architectures == expected_config.architectures: warnings.warn( f"Adapter '{adapter_id}' was not trained on base model '{model_id}'. " f"If you encounter issues, use --model-id '{adapter_config.base_model_name_or_path}' instead." ) else: # TODO(travis): revisit this when we support clasification heads which will not use CausalLM raise ValueError( f"Adapter '{adapter_id}' is not compatible with model '{model_id}'. " f"Architectures differ: {model_config.architectures} != {expected_config.architectures}. " f"Use --model-id '{adapter_config.base_model_name_or_path}' instead." ) @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def load_module_map( model_id: str, revision: str, adapter_id: str, adapter_path: Optional[str], weight_names: Tuple[str], trust_remote_code: bool = False, ) -> Tuple["ModuleMap", "AdapterConfig", Set[str], PreTrainedTokenizer]: adapter_config = LoraConfig.load(adapter_path or adapter_id, None) if not adapter_path and adapter_config.base_model_name_or_path != model_id: check_architectures(model_id, adapter_id, adapter_config, trust_remote_code) adapter_filenames = ( hub._adapter_weight_files_from_dir(adapter_path, extension=".safetensors") if adapter_path else hub._cached_adapter_weight_files( adapter_id, revision=revision, extension=".safetensors" ) ) # throw an error if no adapter weights are found if not adapter_filenames: raise FileNotFoundError( f"No adapter weights found for adapter '{adapter_id}' and revision '{revision}'." ) try: adapter_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( adapter_config.config_path, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, ) except Exception: # Adapter does not have a tokenizer, so fallback to base model tokenizer adapter_tokenizer = None # load adapter weights from all shards (should have relatively small memory footprint) adapter_weights = {} for filename in adapter_filenames: adapter_weights.update(load_file(filename)) # map the model weights to the relevant adapter weights (LoRA A and B matrices) module_map, adapter_weight_names = adapter_config.map_weights_for_model( adapter_weights, weight_names ) return module_map, adapter_config, adapter_weight_names, adapter_tokenizer def get_attn_weights(i, layer): qkv = layer.self_attn.query_key_value weights = {} for k in ["q", "k", "v"]: key = (i, f"{k}_proj") value = (f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.{k}_proj", qkv) weights[key] = value # also add the qkv_proj weight for the adapter weights[(i, "qkv_proj")] = ( f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.qkv_proj", qkv, ) weights[(i, "o_proj")] = ( f"model.layers.{i}.self_attn.o_proj", layer.self_attn.o_proj, ) return weights def get_mlp_weights(i, layer): weights = {} if hasattr(layer, "mlp"): mlp = layer.mlp if hasattr(mlp, "gate_up_proj"): # handle combined gate_up_proj (e.g., for some LLaMA variants) weights.update( { (i, "gate_proj"): ( f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.gate_proj", mlp.gate_up_proj, ), (i, "up_proj"): (f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.up_proj", mlp.gate_up_proj), } ) else: # handle separate gate_proj, up_proj, and down_proj (e.g., for Gemma) if hasattr(mlp, "gate_proj"): weights[(i, "gate_proj")] = ( f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.gate_proj", mlp.gate_proj, ) if hasattr(mlp, "up_proj"): weights[(i, "up_proj")] = (f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.up_proj", mlp.up_proj) if hasattr(mlp, "down_proj"): weights[(i, "down_proj")] = ( f"model.layers.{i}.mlp.down_proj", mlp.down_proj, ) return weights # build_layer_weight_lookup creates a mapping of model layers to their corresponding # weight tensors and paths. It builds a dictionary that maps layer identifiers to tuples # containing the weight tensor path and the actual layer object. This mapping is needed # for the lora adapter to know which weights to update when applying the adapter. def build_layer_weight_lookup(model): if hasattr(model, "language_model"): m = model.language_model.model elif hasattr(model, "text_model"): m = model.text_model.model else: m = model.model layer_weights = {} for i, layer in enumerate(m.layers): attn_weights = get_attn_weights(i, layer) mlp_weights = get_mlp_weights(i, layer) layer_weights.update(attn_weights) layer_weights.update(mlp_weights) lm_head = None if hasattr(m, "lm_head"): lm_head = m.lm_head elif hasattr(model, "lm_head"): lm_head = model.lm_head if lm_head: layer_weights[(0, "lm_head")] = ("lm_head", lm_head) return layer_weights