import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def mt0_base_handle(launcher): # We use TP=1 as this model is loaded with AutoModel (sharding not supported). with launcher("bigscience/mt0-base", num_shard=1) as handle: yield handle @pytest.fixture(scope="module") async def mt0_base(mt0_base_handle): await return mt0_base_handle.client @pytest.mark.release @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_mt0_base(mt0_base, response_snapshot): response = await mt0_base.generate( "Why is the sky blue?", max_new_tokens=10, top_p=0.9, decoder_input_details=True, seed=0, ) assert response.details.generated_tokens == 5 assert response == response_snapshot @pytest.mark.release @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_mt0_base_all_params(mt0_base, response_snapshot): response = await mt0_base.generate( "Why is the sky blue?", max_new_tokens=10, repetition_penalty=1.2, return_full_text=True, stop_sequences=["test"], temperature=0.5, top_p=0.9, top_k=10, truncate=5, typical_p=0.9, watermark=True, decoder_input_details=True, seed=0, ) assert response.details.generated_tokens == 10 assert response == response_snapshot @pytest.mark.release @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_mt0_base_load(mt0_base, generate_load, response_snapshot): responses = await generate_load( mt0_base, "Why is the sky blue?", max_new_tokens=10, n=4, ) assert len(responses) == 4 assert all([r.generated_text == responses[0].generated_text for r in responses]) assert responses == response_snapshot