import { check } from 'k6'; import { scenario } from 'k6/execution'; import http from 'k6/http'; import { Trend, Counter } from 'k6/metrics'; const host = __ENV.HOST; const model_id = __ENV.MODEL_ID; const timePerToken = new Trend('time_per_token', true); const tokens = new Counter('tokens'); const new_tokens = new Counter('new_tokens'); const input_tokens = new Counter('input_tokens'); const max_new_tokens = 50; // const shareGPT = JSON.parse(open("ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json")) const shareGPT = JSON.parse(open("small.json")) export function get_options() { return { thresholds: { http_req_failed: ['rate==0'], // time_per_token: [{ // threshold: `p(50)<${5 * reference_latency_ms}`, // abortOnFail: true, // delayAbortEval: '10s' // }], }, scenarios: { // single_user: { // executor: 'constant-arrival-rate', // duration: '60s', // preAllocatedVUs: 1, // rate: 20, // timeUnit: '1s', // }, load_test: { executor: 'constant-arrival-rate', duration: '60s', preAllocatedVUs: 100, rate: 1, timeUnit: '1s', }, // breakpoint: { // executor: 'ramping-arrival-rate', //Assure load increase if the system slows // preAllocatedVUs: 300, // stages: [ // { duration: '60s', target: 100 }, // just slowly ramp-up to a HUGE load // ], // }, // throughput: { // executor: 'shared-iterations', // vus: 100, // iterations: 200, // maxDuration: '40s', // }, }, }; } function generate_payload(gpt, max_new_tokens) { const input = gpt["conversations"][0]["value"]; return { "messages": [{ "role": "user", "content": input }], "temperature": 0, "model": `${model_id}`, "max_tokens": max_new_tokens } } export const options = get_options(); export default function run() { const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }; const query = shareGPT[scenario.iterationInTest % shareGPT.length]; const payload = JSON.stringify(generate_payload(query, max_new_tokens)); const res =`http://${host}/v1/chat/completions`, payload, { headers, }); if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) { return; } check(res, { 'Post status is 200': (res) => res.status === 200, }); const duration = res.timings.duration; if (res.status === 200) { const body = res.json(); const completion_tokens = body.usage.completion_tokens; const latency_ms_per_token = duration / completion_tokens; timePerToken.add(latency_ms_per_token); const prompt_tokens = body.usage.prompt_tokens; input_tokens.add(prompt_tokens); new_tokens.add(completion_tokens); tokens.add(completion_tokens + prompt_tokens); } }