import os import sys import typer from pathlib import Path from loguru import logger from typing import Optional from enum import Enum app = typer.Typer() class Quantization(str, Enum): bitsandbytes = "bitsandbytes" gptq = "gptq" class Dtype(str, Enum): float16 = "float16" bloat16 = "bfloat16" @app.command() def serve( model_id: str, revision: Optional[str] = None, sharded: bool = False, quantize: Optional[Quantization] = None, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, trust_remote_code: bool = False, uds_path: Path = "/tmp/text-generation-server", logger_level: str = "INFO", json_output: bool = False, otlp_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, ): if sharded: assert ( os.getenv("RANK", None) is not None ), "RANK must be set when sharded is True" assert ( os.getenv("WORLD_SIZE", None) is not None ), "WORLD_SIZE must be set when sharded is True" assert ( os.getenv("MASTER_ADDR", None) is not None ), "MASTER_ADDR must be set when sharded is True" assert ( os.getenv("MASTER_PORT", None) is not None ), "MASTER_PORT must be set when sharded is True" # Remove default handler logger.remove() logger.add( sys.stdout, format="{message}", filter="text_generation_server", level=logger_level, serialize=json_output, backtrace=True, diagnose=False, ) # Import here after the logger is added to log potential import exceptions from text_generation_server import server from text_generation_server.tracing import setup_tracing # Setup OpenTelemetry distributed tracing if otlp_endpoint is not None: setup_tracing(shard=os.getenv("RANK", 0), otlp_endpoint=otlp_endpoint) # Downgrade enum into str for easier management later on quantize = None if quantize is None else quantize.value dtype = None if dtype is None else dtype.value if dtype is not None and quantize is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Only 1 can be set between `dtype` and `quantize`, as they both decide how goes the final model." ) server.serve( model_id, revision, sharded, quantize, dtype, trust_remote_code, uds_path ) @app.command() def download_weights( model_id: str, revision: Optional[str] = None, extension: str = ".safetensors", auto_convert: bool = True, logger_level: str = "INFO", json_output: bool = False, ): # Remove default handler logger.remove() logger.add( sys.stdout, format="{message}", filter="text_generation_server", level=logger_level, serialize=json_output, backtrace=True, diagnose=False, ) # Import here after the logger is added to log potential import exceptions from text_generation_server import utils # Test if files were already download try: utils.weight_files(model_id, revision, extension)"Files are already present on the host. " "Skipping download.") return # Local files not found except (utils.LocalEntryNotFoundError, FileNotFoundError): pass is_local_model = (Path(model_id).exists() and Path(model_id).is_dir()) or os.getenv( "WEIGHTS_CACHE_OVERRIDE", None ) is not None if not is_local_model: # Try to download weights from the hub try: filenames = utils.weight_hub_files(model_id, revision, extension) utils.download_weights(filenames, model_id, revision) # Successfully downloaded weights return # No weights found on the hub with this extension except utils.EntryNotFoundError as e: # Check if we want to automatically convert to safetensors or if we can use .bin weights instead if not extension == ".safetensors" or not auto_convert: raise e # Try to see if there are local pytorch weights try: # Get weights for a local model, a hub cached model and inside the WEIGHTS_CACHE_OVERRIDE local_pt_files = utils.weight_files(model_id, revision, ".bin") # No local pytorch weights except utils.LocalEntryNotFoundError: if extension == ".safetensors": logger.warning( f"No safetensors weights found for model {model_id} at revision {revision}. " f"Downloading PyTorch weights." ) # Try to see if there are pytorch weights on the hub pt_filenames = utils.weight_hub_files(model_id, revision, ".bin") # Download pytorch weights local_pt_files = utils.download_weights(pt_filenames, model_id, revision) if auto_convert: logger.warning( f"No safetensors weights found for model {model_id} at revision {revision}. " f"Converting PyTorch weights to safetensors." ) # Safetensors final filenames local_st_files = [ p.parent / f"{p.stem.lstrip('pytorch_')}.safetensors" for p in local_pt_files ] try: from transformers import AutoConfig import transformers config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( model_id, revision=revision, ) architecture = config.architectures[0] class_ = getattr(transformers, architecture) # Name for this varible depends on transformers version. discard_names = getattr(class_, "_tied_weights_keys", []) discard_names.extend(getattr(class_, "_keys_to_ignore_on_load_missing", [])) except Exception as e: discard_names = [] # Convert pytorch weights to safetensors utils.convert_files(local_pt_files, local_st_files, discard_names) @app.command() def quantize( model_id: str, output_dir: str, revision: Optional[str] = None, logger_level: str = "INFO", json_output: bool = False, trust_remote_code: bool = False, upload_to_model_id: Optional[str] = None, percdamp: float = 0.01, act_order: bool = False, ): if revision is None: revision = "main" download_weights( model_id=model_id, revision=revision, logger_level=logger_level, json_output=json_output, ) from text_generation_server.utils.gptq.quantize import quantize quantize( model_id=model_id, bits=4, groupsize=128, output_dir=output_dir, revision=revision, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, upload_to_model_id=upload_to_model_id, percdamp=percdamp, act_order=act_order, ) if __name__ == "__main__": app()