syntax = "proto3"; package generate.v1; service TextGenerationService { /// Model Info rpc Info (InfoRequest) returns (InfoResponse) {} /// Service discovery rpc ServiceDiscovery (ServiceDiscoveryRequest) returns (ServiceDiscoveryResponse) {} /// Empties batch cache rpc ClearCache (ClearCacheRequest) returns (ClearCacheResponse); /// Remove requests from a cached batch rpc FilterBatch (FilterBatchRequest) returns (FilterBatchResponse); /// Warmup the model and compute max cache size rpc Warmup (WarmupRequest) returns (WarmupResponse); /// Prefill batch and decode first token rpc Prefill (PrefillRequest) returns (PrefillResponse); /// Decode token for a list of prefilled batches rpc Decode (DecodeRequest) returns (DecodeResponse); /// Health check rpc Health (HealthRequest) returns (HealthResponse); } message HealthRequest {} message HealthResponse {} /// Empty request message InfoRequest {} message InfoResponse { bool requires_padding = 1; string dtype = 2; string device_type = 3; } /// Empty request message ServiceDiscoveryRequest {} message ServiceDiscoveryResponse { /// Other shards urls repeated string urls = 1; } message ClearCacheRequest { /// Optional batch id optional uint64 id = 1; } /// Empty response message ClearCacheResponse {} message NextTokenChooserParameters { /// exponential scaling output probability distribution float temperature = 1; /// restricting to the k highest probability elements uint32 top_k = 2; /// restricting to top tokens summing to prob_cut_off <= prob_cut_off float top_p = 3; /// restricting to top tokens summing to prob_cut_off <= prob_cut_off float typical_p = 4; /// apply sampling on the logits bool do_sample = 5; /// random seed for sampling uint64 seed = 6; /// repetition penalty float repetition_penalty = 7; /// token watermarking using "A Watermark for Large Language Models" bool watermark = 8; } message StoppingCriteriaParameters { /// Maximum number of generated tokens uint32 max_new_tokens = 1; /// Optional stopping sequences repeated string stop_sequences = 2; /// Ignore end of sequence token /// used for benchmarking bool ignore_eos_token = 3; } message Request { /// Request ID uint64 id = 1; /// The generation context string inputs = 2; /// Context truncation uint32 truncate = 3; /// Next Token Chooser Parameters NextTokenChooserParameters parameters = 4; /// Stopping Criteria Parameters StoppingCriteriaParameters stopping_parameters = 5; /// Return prefill logprobs bool prefill_logprobs = 6; } message Batch { /// Batch ID uint64 id = 1; /// Individual requests repeated Request requests = 2; /// Batch size (==len(requests)) uint32 size = 3; /// Maximum number of tokens this batch will grow to uint32 max_tokens = 4; } message CachedBatch { /// Batch ID uint64 id = 1; /// Individual requests ids repeated uint64 request_ids = 2; /// Batch size (==len(requests)) uint32 size = 3; /// Maximum number of tokens this batch will grow to uint32 max_tokens = 4; } enum FinishReason { FINISH_REASON_LENGTH = 0; FINISH_REASON_EOS_TOKEN = 1; FINISH_REASON_STOP_SEQUENCE = 2; } message GeneratedText { /// Output string text = 1; /// Number of generated tokens uint32 generated_tokens = 2; /// Finish reason FinishReason finish_reason = 3; /// Seed optional uint64 seed = 4; } message PrefillTokens { /// Prefill Token IDs repeated uint32 ids = 1; /// Prefill Logprobs repeated float logprobs = 2; /// Prefill tokens repeated string texts = 3; } message Generation { /// Request ID uint64 request_id = 1; /// Prefill tokens (optional) PrefillTokens prefill_tokens = 2; /// Token ID uint32 token_id = 3; /// Logprob float token_logprob = 4; /// Text string token_text = 5; /// Is it a special token bool token_is_special = 6; /// Complete generated text optional GeneratedText generated_text = 7; } message FilterBatchRequest { /// Batch ID uint64 batch_id = 1; /// Requests to keep repeated uint64 request_ids = 2; } message FilterBatchResponse { /// Filtered Batch (cached) CachedBatch batch = 1; } message PrefillRequest { /// Batch Batch batch = 1; } message PrefillResponse { /// Generation repeated Generation generations = 1; /// Next batch (cached) optional CachedBatch batch = 2; } message DecodeRequest { /// Cached batches repeated CachedBatch batches = 1; } message DecodeResponse { /// Decodes repeated Generation generations = 1; /// Next batch (cached) optional CachedBatch batch = 2; } message WarmupRequest { /// Batch to warmup on Batch batch = 1; /// Maximum number of tokens that the client will send uint32 max_total_tokens = 2; } /// Empty response message WarmupResponse {}