import time import torch.nn as nn import math import json import os import torch import transformers from texttable import Texttable from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer from huggingface_hub import HfApi from accelerate import init_empty_weights from text_generation_server.utils import initialize_torch_distributed, Weights from text_generation_server.utils.hub import weight_files from text_generation_server.layers.gptq.quant_linear import QuantLinear from loguru import logger from typing import Optional DEV = torch.device("cuda:0") class Quantizer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, shape=1): super(Quantizer, self).__init__() self.register_buffer("maxq", torch.tensor(0)) self.register_buffer("scale", torch.zeros(shape)) self.register_buffer("zero", torch.zeros(shape)) def configure( self, bits, perchannel=False, sym=True, mse=False, norm=2.4, grid=100, maxshrink=0.8, trits=False, ): self.maxq = torch.tensor(2**bits - 1) self.perchannel = perchannel self.sym = sym self.mse = mse self.norm = norm self.grid = grid self.maxshrink = maxshrink if trits: self.maxq = torch.tensor(-1) self.scale = torch.zeros_like(self.scale) def _quantize(self, x, scale, zero, maxq): if maxq < 0: return (x > scale / 2).float() * scale + (x < zero / 2).float() * zero q = torch.clamp(torch.round(x / scale) + zero, 0, maxq) return scale * (q - zero) def find_params(self, x, weight=False): dev = x.device self.maxq = shape = x.shape if self.perchannel: if weight: x = x.flatten(1) else: if len(shape) == 4: x = x.permute([1, 0, 2, 3]) x = x.flatten(1) if len(shape) == 3: x = x.reshape((-1, shape[-1])).t() if len(shape) == 2: x = x.t() else: x = x.flatten().unsqueeze(0) tmp = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], device=dev) xmin = torch.minimum(x.min(1)[0], tmp) xmax = torch.maximum(x.max(1)[0], tmp) if self.sym: xmax = torch.maximum(torch.abs(xmin), xmax) tmp = xmin < 0 if torch.any(tmp): xmin[tmp] = -xmax[tmp] tmp = (xmin == 0) & (xmax == 0) xmin[tmp] = -1 xmax[tmp] = +1 if self.maxq < 0: self.scale = xmax = xmin else: self.scale = (xmax - xmin) / self.maxq if self.sym: = torch.full_like(self.scale, (self.maxq + 1) / 2) else: = torch.round(-xmin / self.scale) if self.mse: best = torch.full([x.shape[0]], float("inf"), device=dev) for i in range(int(self.maxshrink * self.grid)): p = 1 - i / self.grid xmin1 = p * xmin xmax1 = p * xmax scale1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) / self.maxq zero1 = torch.round(-xmin1 / scale1) if not self.sym else q = self._quantize( x, scale1.unsqueeze(1), zero1.unsqueeze(1), self.maxq ) q -= x q.abs_() q.pow_(self.norm) err = torch.sum(q, 1) tmp = err < best if torch.any(tmp): best[tmp] = err[tmp] self.scale[tmp] = scale1[tmp][tmp] = zero1[tmp] if not self.perchannel: if weight: tmp = shape[0] else: tmp = shape[1] if len(shape) != 3 else shape[2] self.scale = self.scale.repeat(tmp) = if weight: shape = [-1] + [1] * (len(shape) - 1) self.scale = self.scale.reshape(shape) = return if len(shape) == 4: self.scale = self.scale.reshape((1, -1, 1, 1)) =, -1, 1, 1)) if len(shape) == 3: self.scale = self.scale.reshape((1, 1, -1)) =, 1, -1)) if len(shape) == 2: self.scale = self.scale.unsqueeze(0) = def quantize(self, x): if self.ready(): return self._quantize(x, self.scale,, self.maxq) return x def enabled(self): return self.maxq > 0 def ready(self): return torch.all(self.scale != 0) class GPTQ: def __init__(self, layer, observe=False): self.layer = layer = self.layer.weight.device W = if isinstance(self.layer, nn.Conv2d): W = W.flatten(1) if isinstance(self.layer, transformers.Conv1D): W = W.t() self.rows = W.shape[0] self.columns = W.shape[1] self.H = torch.zeros((self.columns, self.columns), self.nsamples = 0 self.quantizer = Quantizer() self.observe = observe def add_batch(self, inp, out): # Hessian H = 2 X XT + λ I if self.observe: self.inp1 = inp self.out1 = out else: self.inp1 = None self.out1 = None if len(inp.shape) == 2: inp = inp.unsqueeze(0) tmp = inp.shape[0] if isinstance(self.layer, nn.Linear) or isinstance( self.layer, transformers.Conv1D ): if len(inp.shape) == 3: inp = inp.reshape((-1, inp.shape[-1])) inp = inp.t() if isinstance(self.layer, nn.Conv2d): unfold = nn.Unfold( self.layer.kernel_size, dilation=self.layer.dilation, padding=self.layer.padding, stride=self.layer.stride, ) inp = unfold(inp) inp = inp.permute([1, 0, 2]) inp = inp.flatten(1) self.H *= self.nsamples / (self.nsamples + tmp) self.nsamples += tmp # inp = inp.float() inp = math.sqrt(2 / self.nsamples) * inp.float() # self.H += 2 / self.nsamples * inp.matmul(inp.t()) self.H += inp.matmul(inp.t()) def print_loss(self, name, q_weight, weight_error, timecost): table = Texttable() length = 28 name = ( (name + " " * (length - len(name))) if len(name) <= length else name[:length] ) table.header(["name", "weight_error", "fp_inp_SNR", "q_inp_SNR", "time"]) # assign weight = q_weight.reshape(self.layer.weight.shape).to( ) if self.inp1 is not None: # quantize input to int8 quantizer = Quantizer() quantizer.configure(8, perchannel=False, sym=True, mse=False) quantizer.find_params(self.inp1) q_in = quantizer.quantize(self.inp1).type(torch.float16) q_out = self.layer(q_in) # get kinds of SNR q_SNR = torch_snr_error(q_out, self.out1).item() fp_SNR = torch_snr_error(self.layer(self.inp1), self.out1).item() else: q_SNR = "-" fp_SNR = "-" table.add_row([name, weight_error, fp_SNR, q_SNR, timecost]) print(table.draw().split("\n")[-2]) def fasterquant( self, blocksize=128, percdamp=0.01, groupsize=-1, act_order=False, name="" ): W = if isinstance(self.layer, nn.Conv2d): W = W.flatten(1) if isinstance(self.layer, transformers.Conv1D): W = W.t() W = W.float() tick = time.time() if not self.quantizer.ready(): self.quantizer.find_params(W, weight=True) H = self.H if not self.observe: del self.H dead = torch.diag(H) == 0 H[dead, dead] = 1 W[:, dead] = 0 if act_order: perm = torch.argsort(torch.diag(H), descending=True) W = W[:, perm] H = H[perm][:, perm] Losses = torch.zeros_like(W) Q = torch.zeros_like(W) damp = percdamp * torch.mean(torch.diag(H)) diag = torch.arange(self.columns, H[diag, diag] += damp H = torch.linalg.cholesky(H) H = torch.cholesky_inverse(H) try: H = torch.linalg.cholesky(H, upper=True) except Exception: # Addition because Falcon fails on h_to_4h H = torch.linalg.cholesky( H + 1e-5 * torch.eye(H.shape[0]).to(H.device), upper=True ) Hinv = H g_idx = [] scale = [] zero = [] now_idx = 1 for i1 in range(0, self.columns, blocksize): i2 = min(i1 + blocksize, self.columns) count = i2 - i1 W1 = W[:, i1:i2].clone() Q1 = torch.zeros_like(W1) Err1 = torch.zeros_like(W1) Losses1 = torch.zeros_like(W1) Hinv1 = Hinv[i1:i2, i1:i2] for i in range(count): w = W1[:, i] d = Hinv1[i, i] if groupsize != -1: if (i1 + i) % groupsize == 0: self.quantizer.find_params( W[:, (i1 + i) : (i1 + i + groupsize)], weight=True ) if ((i1 + i) // groupsize) - now_idx == -1: scale.append(self.quantizer.scale) zero.append( now_idx += 1 q = self.quantizer.quantize(w.unsqueeze(1)).flatten() Q1[:, i] = q Losses1[:, i] = (w - q) ** 2 / d**2 err1 = (w - q) / d W1[:, i:] -= err1.unsqueeze(1).matmul(Hinv1[i, i:].unsqueeze(0)) Err1[:, i] = err1 Q[:, i1:i2] = Q1 Losses[:, i1:i2] = Losses1 / 2 W[:, i2:] -= Err1.matmul(Hinv[i1:i2, i2:]) torch.cuda.synchronize() error = torch.sum(Losses).item() groupsize = groupsize if groupsize != -1 else self.columns g_idx = [i // groupsize for i in range(self.columns)] g_idx = torch.tensor(g_idx, dtype=torch.int32, device=Q.device) if act_order: invperm = torch.argsort(perm) Q = Q[:, invperm] g_idx = g_idx[invperm] if isinstance(self.layer, transformers.Conv1D): Q = Q.t() self.print_loss( name=name, q_weight=Q, weight_error=error, timecost=(time.time() - tick) ) if scale == []: scale.append(self.quantizer.scale) zero.append( scale =, dim=1) zero =, dim=1) return scale, zero, g_idx, error def free(self): self.inp1 = None self.out1 = None self.H = None self.Losses = None self.Trace = None torch.cuda.empty_cache() def get_wikitext2(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code): from datasets import load_dataset traindata = load_dataset("wikitext", "wikitext-2-raw-v1", split="train") testdata = load_dataset("wikitext", "wikitext-2-raw-v1", split="test") try: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) except: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=True, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) trainenc = tokenizer("\n\n".join(traindata["text"]), return_tensors="pt") testenc = tokenizer("\n\n".join(testdata["text"]), return_tensors="pt") import random random.seed(seed) trainloader = [] for _ in range(nsamples): i = random.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) j = i + seqlen inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:j] tar = inp.clone() tar[:, :-1] = -100 trainloader.append((inp, tar)) return trainloader, testenc def get_ptb(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code): from datasets import load_dataset traindata = load_dataset("ptb_text_only", "penn_treebank", split="train") valdata = load_dataset("ptb_text_only", "penn_treebank", split="validation") try: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) except: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=True, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) trainenc = tokenizer("\n\n".join(traindata["sentence"]), return_tensors="pt") testenc = tokenizer("\n\n".join(valdata["sentence"]), return_tensors="pt") import random random.seed(seed) trainloader = [] for _ in range(nsamples): i = random.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) j = i + seqlen inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:j] tar = inp.clone() tar[:, :-1] = -100 trainloader.append((inp, tar)) return trainloader, testenc def get_c4(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code): from datasets import load_dataset traindata = load_dataset( "allenai/c4", "allenai--c4", data_files={"train": "en/c4-train.00000-of-01024.json.gz"}, split="train", use_auth_token=False, ) valdata = load_dataset( "allenai/c4", "allenai--c4", data_files={"validation": "en/c4-validation.00000-of-00008.json.gz"}, split="validation", use_auth_token=False, ) try: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) except: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=True, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) import random random.seed(seed) trainloader = [] for _ in range(nsamples): while True: i = random.randint(0, len(traindata) - 1) trainenc = tokenizer(traindata[i]["text"], return_tensors="pt") if trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] >= seqlen: break i = random.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) j = i + seqlen inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:j] tar = inp.clone() tar[:, :-1] = -100 trainloader.append((inp, tar)) import random random.seed(0) valenc = [] for _ in range(256): while True: i = random.randint(0, len(valdata) - 1) tmp = tokenizer(valdata[i]["text"], return_tensors="pt") if tmp.input_ids.shape[1] >= seqlen: break i = random.randint(0, tmp.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) j = i + seqlen valenc.append(tmp.input_ids[:, i:j]) valenc = torch.hstack(valenc) class TokenizerWrapper: def __init__(self, input_ids): self.input_ids = input_ids valenc = TokenizerWrapper(valenc) return trainloader, valenc def get_ptb_new(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code): from datasets import load_dataset traindata = load_dataset("ptb_text_only", "penn_treebank", split="train") testdata = load_dataset("ptb_text_only", "penn_treebank", split="test") try: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) except: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=True, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) trainenc = tokenizer(" ".join(traindata["sentence"]), return_tensors="pt") testenc = tokenizer(" ".join(testdata["sentence"]), return_tensors="pt") import random random.seed(seed) trainloader = [] for _ in range(nsamples): i = random.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) j = i + seqlen inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:j] tar = inp.clone() tar[:, :-1] = -100 trainloader.append((inp, tar)) return trainloader, testenc def get_c4_new(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code): from datasets import load_dataset traindata = load_dataset( "allenai/c4", "allenai--c4", data_files={"train": "en/c4-train.00000-of-01024.json.gz"}, split="train", ) valdata = load_dataset( "allenai/c4", "allenai--c4", data_files={"validation": "en/c4-validation.00000-of-00008.json.gz"}, split="validation", ) try: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) except: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, use_fast=True, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) import random random.seed(seed) trainloader = [] for _ in range(nsamples): while True: i = random.randint(0, len(traindata) - 1) trainenc = tokenizer(traindata[i]["text"], return_tensors="pt") if trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] >= seqlen: break i = random.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) j = i + seqlen inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:j] tar = inp.clone() tar[:, :-1] = -100 trainloader.append((inp, tar)) valenc = tokenizer(" ".join(valdata[:1100]["text"]), return_tensors="pt") valenc = valenc.input_ids[:, : (256 * seqlen)] class TokenizerWrapper: def __init__(self, input_ids): self.input_ids = input_ids valenc = TokenizerWrapper(valenc) return trainloader, valenc def get_loaders( name, nsamples=128, seed=0, seqlen=2048, model_id="", trust_remote_code=False ): if "wikitext2" in name: return get_wikitext2(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code) if "ptb" in name: if "new" in name: return get_ptb_new(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code) return get_ptb(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code) if "c4" in name: if "new" in name: return get_c4_new(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code) return get_c4(nsamples, seed, seqlen, model_id, trust_remote_code) def find_layers(module, layers=(nn.Conv2d, nn.Linear), name=""): # Skip last lm_head linear # Need isintance Falcon is inheriting Linear. if isinstance(module, layers) and "lm_head" not in name: return {name: module} res = {} for name1, child in module.named_children(): res.update( find_layers( child, layers=layers, name=name + "." + name1 if name != "" else name1 ) ) return res @torch.no_grad() def sequential( model, dataloader, dev, nsamples, bits, groupsize, *, hooks, percdamp=0.01, sym: bool = False, act_order: bool = False, ): print("Starting ...") use_cache = model.config.use_cache model.config.use_cache = False try: layers = model.model.layers prefix = "model.layers" except Exception: layers = model.transformer.h prefix = "transformer.h" dtype = next(iter(model.parameters())).dtype inps = torch.zeros( (nsamples, model.seqlen, model.config.hidden_size), dtype=dtype, device=dev ) cache = {"i": 0} extra = {} class Catcher(nn.Module): def __init__(self, module): super().__init__() self.module = module def forward(self, inp, **kwargs): inps[cache["i"]] = inp cache["i"] += 1 extra.update(kwargs.copy()) raise ValueError layers[0] = Catcher(layers[0]) for batch in dataloader: try: model(batch[0].cuda()) except ValueError: pass layers[0] = layers[0].module # layers[0] = layers[0].cpu() # model.model.embed_tokens = model.model.embed_tokens.cpu() # model.model.norm = model.model.norm.cpu() torch.cuda.empty_cache() for hook in hooks: hook.remove() outs = torch.zeros_like(inps) extra = { k: if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for k, v in extra.items() } print("Ready.") quantizers = {} for i in range(len(layers)): print(f"Quantizing layer {i+1}/{len(layers)}..") print("+------------------+--------------+------------+-----------+-------+") print("| name | weight_error | fp_inp_SNR | q_inp_SNR | time |") print("+==================+==============+============+===========+=======+") layer = layers[i] layer.load() full = find_layers(layer) sequential = [list(full.keys())] for names in sequential: subset = {n: full[n] for n in names} gptq = {} for name in subset: gptq[name] = GPTQ(subset[name]) gptq[name].quantizer.configure( bits, perchannel=True, sym=sym, mse=False ) pass def add_batch(name): def tmp(_, inp, out): gptq[name].add_batch(inp[0].data, return tmp handles = [] for name in subset: handles.append(subset[name].register_forward_hook(add_batch(name))) for j in range(nsamples): outs[j] = layer(inps[j].unsqueeze(0), **extra)[0] for h in handles: h.remove() for name in subset: scale, zero, g_idx, error = gptq[name].fasterquant( percdamp=percdamp, groupsize=groupsize, act_order=act_order, name=name, ) quantizers[f"{prefix}.{i}.{name}"] = ( gptq[name].quantizer.cpu(), scale.cpu(), zero.cpu(), g_idx.cpu(), bits, groupsize, ) gptq[name].free() for j in range(nsamples): outs[j] = layer(inps[j].unsqueeze(0), **extra)[0] layer.unload() del layer del gptq torch.cuda.empty_cache() inps, outs = outs, inps print("+------------------+--------------+------------+-----------+-------+") print("\n") model.config.use_cache = use_cache return quantizers def make_quant_linear(module, names, bits, groupsize, name=""): if isinstance(module, QuantLinear): return for attr in dir(module): tmp = getattr(module, attr) name1 = name + "." + attr if name != "" else attr if name1 in names: delattr(module, attr) setattr( module, attr, bits, groupsize, tmp.in_features, tmp.out_features, tmp.bias is not None, ), ) for name1, child in module.named_children(): make_quant_linear( child, names, bits, groupsize, name + "." + name1 if name != "" else name1 ) # TODO: perform packing on GPU def pack(model, quantizers, bits, groupsize): layers = find_layers(model) layers = {n: layers[n] for n in quantizers} make_quant_linear(model, quantizers, bits, groupsize) qlayers = find_layers(model, (QuantLinear,)) print("Packing ...") for name in qlayers: print(name) quantizers[name], scale, zero, g_idx, _, _ = quantizers[name] qlayers[name].pack(layers[name], scale, zero, g_idx) print("Done.") return model def setdeepattr(module, full_name, tensor): current = module tokens = full_name.split(".") for token in tokens[:-1]: current = getattr(current, token) setattr(current, tokens[-1], tensor) def getdeepattr(module, full_name): current = module tokens = full_name.split(".") for token in tokens: current = getattr(current, token) return current def load_weights_pre_hook(module_name, weights, recursive=False): def inner(module, args): print(f"Pre hook {module_name}") local_params = {} for k, v in module.named_parameters(): if not recursive and k.count(".") != 1: continue local_params[k] = v for k, v in module.named_buffers(): if not recursive and k.count(".") != 1: continue local_params[k] = v for local_param in local_params: current_tensor = getdeepattr(module, local_param) if current_tensor.device == torch.device("meta"): # print(f"Loading {local_param}") if module_name: tensor_name = f"{module_name}.{local_param}" else: tensor_name = local_param tensor = weights.get_tensor(tensor_name) setdeepattr(module, local_param, nn.Parameter(tensor)) else: tensor ="cuda:0")) if current_tensor.requires_grad: tensor = nn.Parameter(tensor) setdeepattr(module, local_param, tensor) return inner def load_weights_post_hook(module_name, weights, recursive=False): def inner(module, args, output): print(f"Post hook {module_name}") local_params = {} for k, v in module.named_parameters(): if not recursive and k.count(".") != 1: continue local_params[k] = v for k, v in module.named_buffers(): if not recursive and k.count(".") != 1: continue local_params[k] = v for local_param in local_params: # print(f"Unloading {local_param}") current_tensor = getdeepattr(module, local_param) setdeepattr( module, local_param, nn.Parameter("cpu"))), ) return output return inner def quantize( model_id: str, bits: int, groupsize: int, output_dir: str, revision: str, trust_remote_code: bool, upload_to_model_id: Optional[str], percdamp: float, act_order: bool, ): print("loading model") config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( model_id, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, ) with init_empty_weights(): model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config( config, torch_dtype=torch.float16, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) model = model.eval() print("LOADED model") files = weight_files(model_id, revision, extension=".safetensors") process_group, _, _ = initialize_torch_distributed() weights = Weights( files, device=torch.device("cuda:0"), dtype=torch.float16, process_group=process_group, aliases={"embed_tokens.weight": ["lm_head.weight"]}, ) hooks = [] for name, module in model.named_modules(): def load(module, name): def _load(): load_weights_pre_hook(name, weights, recursive=True)(module, None) return _load def unload(module, name): def _unload(): load_weights_post_hook(name, weights, recursive=True)( module, None, None ) return _unload module.load = load(module, name) module.unload = unload(module, name) hooks.append( module.register_forward_pre_hook(load_weights_pre_hook(name, weights)) ) hooks.append( module.register_forward_hook(load_weights_post_hook(name, weights)) ) model.seqlen = 2048 dataset = "wikitext2" nsamples = 128 seed = None dataloader, testloader = get_loaders( dataset, nsamples=nsamples, seed=seed, model_id=model_id, seqlen=model.seqlen, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, ) tick = time.time() quantizers = sequential( model, dataloader, DEV, nsamples, bits, groupsize, percdamp=percdamp, act_order=act_order, hooks=hooks, ) print(time.time() - tick) pack(model, quantizers, bits, groupsize) from safetensors.torch import save_file from transformers.modeling_utils import shard_checkpoint state_dict = model.state_dict() state_dict = {k: v.cpu().contiguous() for k, v in state_dict.items()} state_dict["gptq_bits"] = torch.LongTensor([bits]) state_dict["gptq_groupsize"] = torch.LongTensor([groupsize]) max_shard_size = "10GB" shards, index = shard_checkpoint( state_dict, max_shard_size=max_shard_size, weights_name="model.safetensors" ) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) for shard_file, shard in shards.items(): save_file( shard, os.path.join(output_dir, shard_file), metadata={ "format": "pt", "quantized": "gptq", "origin": "text-generation-inference", }, ) if index is None: path_to_weights = os.path.join(output_dir, "model.safetensors")"Model weights saved in {path_to_weights}") else: save_index_file = "model.safetensors.index.json" save_index_file = os.path.join(output_dir, save_index_file) with open(save_index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = json.dumps(index, indent=2, sort_keys=True) + "\n" f.write(content) f"The model is bigger than the maximum size per checkpoint ({max_shard_size}) and is going to be " f"split in {len(shards)} checkpoint shards. You can find where each parameters has been saved in the " f"index located at {save_index_file}." ) config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_id, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code) config.save_pretrained(output_dir)"Saved config")"Saving tokenizer") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code ) tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir)"Saved tokenizer") if upload_to_model_id: api = HfApi() api.upload_folder( folder_path=output_dir, repo_id=upload_to_model_id, repo_type="model" )