install-server: cd server && make install install-custom-kernels: if [ "$$BUILD_EXTENSIONS" == "True" ]; then cd server/custom_kernels && python install; else echo "Custom kernels are disabled, you need set to BUILD_EXTENSION environment variable to 'True' in order to build them. (Please read the docs, kernels might not work on all hardware)"; fi install-integration-tests: cd integration-tests && pip install -r requirements.txt cd clients/python && pip install . install-router: cd router && cargo install --path . install-launcher: cd launcher && cargo install --path . install-benchmark: cd benchmark && cargo install --path . install: install-server install-router install-launcher install-custom-kernels server-dev: cd server && make run-dev router-dev: cd router && cargo run -- --port 8080 rust-tests: install-router install-launcher cargo test integration-tests: install-integration-tests pytest -s -vv -m "not private" integration-tests update-integration-tests: install-integration-tests pytest -s -vv --snapshot-update integration-tests python-server-tests: HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 pytest -s -vv -m "not private" server/tests python-client-tests: pytest clients/python/tests python-tests: python-server-tests python-client-tests run-bloom-560m: text-generation-launcher --model-id bigscience/bloom-560m --num-shard 2 --port 8080 run-bloom-560m-quantize: text-generation-launcher --model-id bigscience/bloom-560m --num-shard 2 --quantize --port 8080 download-bloom: HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 text-generation-server download-weights bigscience/bloom run-bloom: text-generation-launcher --model-id bigscience/bloom --num-shard 8 --port 8080 run-bloom-quantize: text-generation-launcher --model-id bigscience/bloom --num-shard 8 --quantize --port 8080