import sys import subprocess import contextlib import pytest import asyncio import os import docker import json import math import time import random from docker.errors import NotFound from typing import Optional, List, Dict from syrupy.extensions.json import JSONSnapshotExtension from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError, ClientOSError, ServerDisconnectedError from text_generation import AsyncClient from text_generation.types import Response, Details, InputToken, Token, BestOfSequence DOCKER_IMAGE = os.getenv("DOCKER_IMAGE", None) HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN = os.getenv("HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN", None) DOCKER_VOLUME = os.getenv("DOCKER_VOLUME", "/data") class ResponseComparator(JSONSnapshotExtension): rtol = 0.2 def serialize( self, data, *, exclude=None, matcher=None, ): if isinstance(data, List): data = [d.dict() for d in data] data = self._filter( data=data, depth=0, path=(), exclude=exclude, matcher=matcher ) return json.dumps(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False) + "\n" def matches( self, *, serialized_data, snapshot_data, ) -> bool: def convert_data(data): data = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, Dict): return Response(**data) if isinstance(data, List): return [Response(**d) for d in data] raise NotImplementedError def eq_token(token: Token, other: Token) -> bool: return ( == and token.text == other.text and math.isclose(token.logprob, other.logprob, rel_tol=self.rtol) and token.special == other.special ) def eq_prefill_token(prefill_token: InputToken, other: InputToken) -> bool: try: return ( == and prefill_token.text == other.text and ( math.isclose( prefill_token.logprob, other.logprob, rel_tol=self.rtol ) if prefill_token.logprob is not None else prefill_token.logprob == other.logprob ) ) except TypeError: return False def eq_best_of(details: BestOfSequence, other: BestOfSequence) -> bool: return ( details.finish_reason == other.finish_reason and details.generated_tokens == other.generated_tokens and details.seed == other.seed and len(details.prefill) == len(other.prefill) and all( [ eq_prefill_token(d, o) for d, o in zip(details.prefill, other.prefill) ] ) and len(details.tokens) == len(other.tokens) and all([eq_token(d, o) for d, o in zip(details.tokens, other.tokens)]) ) def eq_details(details: Details, other: Details) -> bool: return ( details.finish_reason == other.finish_reason and details.generated_tokens == other.generated_tokens and details.seed == other.seed and len(details.prefill) == len(other.prefill) and all( [ eq_prefill_token(d, o) for d, o in zip(details.prefill, other.prefill) ] ) and len(details.tokens) == len(other.tokens) and all([eq_token(d, o) for d, o in zip(details.tokens, other.tokens)]) and ( len(details.best_of_sequences) if details.best_of_sequences is not None else 0 ) == ( len(other.best_of_sequences) if other.best_of_sequences is not None else 0 ) and ( all( [ eq_best_of(d, o) for d, o in zip( details.best_of_sequences, other.best_of_sequences ) ] ) if details.best_of_sequences is not None else details.best_of_sequences == other.best_of_sequences ) ) def eq_response(response: Response, other: Response) -> bool: return response.generated_text == other.generated_text and eq_details( response.details, other.details ) serialized_data = convert_data(serialized_data) snapshot_data = convert_data(snapshot_data) if not isinstance(serialized_data, List): serialized_data = [serialized_data] if not isinstance(snapshot_data, List): snapshot_data = [snapshot_data] return len(snapshot_data) == len(serialized_data) and all( [eq_response(r, o) for r, o in zip(serialized_data, snapshot_data)] ) class GenerousResponseComparator(ResponseComparator): # Needed for GPTQ with exllama which has serious numerical fluctuations. rtol = 0.75 class LauncherHandle: def __init__(self, port: int): self.client = AsyncClient(f"http://localhost:{port}") def _inner_health(self): raise NotImplementedError async def health(self, timeout: int = 60): assert timeout > 0 for _ in range(timeout): if not self._inner_health(): raise RuntimeError("Launcher crashed") try: await self.client.generate("test") return except (ClientConnectorError, ClientOSError, ServerDisconnectedError) as e: time.sleep(1) raise RuntimeError("Health check failed") class ContainerLauncherHandle(LauncherHandle): def __init__(self, docker_client, container_name, port: int): super(ContainerLauncherHandle, self).__init__(port) self.docker_client = docker_client self.container_name = container_name def _inner_health(self) -> bool: container = self.docker_client.containers.get(self.container_name) return container.status in ["running", "created"] class ProcessLauncherHandle(LauncherHandle): def __init__(self, process, port: int): super(ProcessLauncherHandle, self).__init__(port) self.process = process def _inner_health(self) -> bool: return self.process.poll() is None @pytest.fixture def response_snapshot(snapshot): return snapshot.use_extension(ResponseComparator) @pytest.fixture def generous_response_snapshot(snapshot): return snapshot.use_extension(GenerousResponseComparator) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def event_loop(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() yield loop loop.close() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def launcher(event_loop): @contextlib.contextmanager def local_launcher( model_id: str, num_shard: Optional[int] = None, quantize: Optional[str] = None, trust_remote_code: bool = False, use_flash_attention: bool = True, dtype: Optional[str] = None, ): port = random.randint(8000, 10_000) master_port = random.randint(10_000, 20_000) shard_uds_path = ( f"/tmp/tgi-tests-{model_id.split('/')[-1]}-{num_shard}-{quantize}-server" ) args = [ "text-generation-launcher", "--model-id", model_id, "--port", str(port), "--master-port", str(master_port), "--shard-uds-path", shard_uds_path, ] env = os.environ if num_shard is not None: args.extend(["--num-shard", str(num_shard)]) if quantize is not None: args.append("--quantize") args.append(quantize) if dtype is not None: args.append("--dtype") args.append(dtype) if trust_remote_code: args.append("--trust-remote-code") env["LOG_LEVEL"] = "info,text_generation_router=debug" if not use_flash_attention: env["USE_FLASH_ATTENTION"] = "false" with subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env ) as process: yield ProcessLauncherHandle(process, port) process.terminate() process.wait(60) launcher_output ="utf-8") print(launcher_output, file=sys.stderr) process.stdout.close() process.stderr.close() if not use_flash_attention: del env["USE_FLASH_ATTENTION"] @contextlib.contextmanager def docker_launcher( model_id: str, num_shard: Optional[int] = None, quantize: Optional[str] = None, trust_remote_code: bool = False, use_flash_attention: bool = True, dtype: Optional[str] = None, ): port = random.randint(8000, 10_000) args = ["--model-id", model_id, "--env"] if num_shard is not None: args.extend(["--num-shard", str(num_shard)]) if quantize is not None: args.append("--quantize") args.append(quantize) if dtype is not None: args.append("--dtype") args.append(dtype) if trust_remote_code: args.append("--trust-remote-code") client = docker.from_env() container_name = f"tgi-tests-{model_id.split('/')[-1]}-{num_shard}-{quantize}" try: container = client.containers.get(container_name) container.stop() container.wait() except NotFound: pass gpu_count = num_shard if num_shard is not None else 1 env = { "LOG_LEVEL": "info,text_generation_router=debug", "ENABLE_CUDA_GRAPHS": "true", } if not use_flash_attention: env["USE_FLASH_ATTENTION"] = "false" if HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN is not None: env["HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN"] = HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN volumes = [] if DOCKER_VOLUME: volumes = [f"{DOCKER_VOLUME}:/data"] container = DOCKER_IMAGE, command=args, name=container_name, environment=env, auto_remove=False, detach=True, device_requests=[ docker.types.DeviceRequest(count=gpu_count, capabilities=[["gpu"]]) ], volumes=volumes, ports={"80/tcp": port}, shm_size="1G", ) yield ContainerLauncherHandle(client,, port) if not use_flash_attention: del env["USE_FLASH_ATTENTION"] try: container.stop() container.wait() except NotFound: pass container_output = container.logs().decode("utf-8") print(container_output, file=sys.stderr) container.remove() if DOCKER_IMAGE is not None: return docker_launcher return local_launcher @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def generate_load(): async def generate_load_inner( client: AsyncClient, prompt: str, max_new_tokens: int, n: int ) -> List[Response]: futures = [ client.generate( prompt, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, decoder_input_details=True ) for _ in range(n) ] return await asyncio.gather(*futures) return generate_load_inner