use cxx_build::CFG; use std::env; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; const CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_DEFAULT_CUDA_ARCHS: &str = "75-real;80-real;86-real;89-real;90-real"; const CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_TARGET: &str = "tgi_llamacpp_backend_impl"; const CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_FFI_TARGET: &str = "tgi_llamacpp_backend"; const MPI_REQUIRED_VERSION: &str = "4.1"; const BACKEND_DEPS: [&str; 2] = [CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_TARGET, CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_FFI_TARGET]; macro_rules! probe { ($name: expr, $version: expr) => { if let Err(_) = pkg_config::probe_library($name) { match pkg_config::probe_library(&format!("{}-{}", $name, $version)) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(_) => Err(()), } } else { Ok(()) } }; } fn build_backend( is_debug: bool, opt_level: &str, out_dir: &Path, install_path: &PathBuf, ) -> PathBuf { let build_cuda = option_env!("LLAMA_CPP_BUILD_CUDA").unwrap_or("OFF"); let cuda_archs = option_env!("LLAMA_CPP_TARGET_CUDA_ARCHS").unwrap_or(CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_DEFAULT_CUDA_ARCHS); let _ = cmake::Config::new(".") .uses_cxx11() .generator("Ninja") .profile(match is_debug { true => "Debug", false => "Release", }) .env("OPT_LEVEL", opt_level) .define("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX", &install_path) .define("LLAMA_CPP_BUILD_CUDA", build_cuda) .define("LLAMA_CPP_TARGET_CUDA_ARCHS", cuda_archs) .build(); // On some x64 and ARM mainly the lib install destination is "lib" and not "lib64" let lib_path = if install_path.join("lib64").exists() { install_path.join("lib64") } else { install_path.join("lib") }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", lib_path.display()); let deps_folder = out_dir.join("build").join("_deps"); deps_folder } fn build_ffi_layer(is_debug: bool, install_prefix: &Path) { CFG.include_prefix = "backends/llamacpp"; let mut bridge = cxx_build::bridge("src/"); bridge .static_flag(true) .std("c++23") .include(install_prefix.join("include")) .include("csrc") .file("csrc/ffi.hpp"); if is_debug { bridge.define("TGI_LLAMACPP_BACKEND_DEBUG", ""); } if probe!("numa", "2.0").is_ok() { bridge.define("NUMA_AVAILABLE", ""); }; bridge.compile(CMAKE_LLAMA_CPP_FFI_TARGET); // Make sure this target is not the same as cmake above } fn main() { // Misc variables let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let build_profile = env::var("PROFILE").unwrap(); let (is_debug, opt_level) = match build_profile.as_ref() { "debug" => (true, "0"), _ => (false, "3"), }; let install_path = env::var("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX") .map(|val| PathBuf::from(val)) .unwrap_or(out_dir.join("dist")); // Build the backend let _ = build_backend(is_debug, opt_level, out_dir.as_path(), &install_path); // Build the FFI layer calling the backend above build_ffi_layer(is_debug, &install_path); // Emit linkage search path if probe!("ompi", MPI_REQUIRED_VERSION).is_err() { panic!("An implement of MPI is required"); } // Backend BACKEND_DEPS.iter().for_each(|name| { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", name); }); // Linkage info println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir.display()); let spdlog_linkage_target = if is_debug { "spdlogd" } else { "spdlog" }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={spdlog_linkage_target}"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=ggml"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=llama"); // Rerun if one of these file change println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=CMakeLists.txt"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=csrc/backend.hpp"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=csrc/backend.cpp"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=csrc/ffi.hpp"); }