from typing import Optional import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from text_generation_server.layers.marlin import GPTQMarlinLinear from text_generation_server.utils.import_utils import SYSTEM if SYSTEM == "rocm": try: from vllm import _custom_C except Exception as e: raise ImportError(f"Could not load `vllm._custom_C`. Full error: {e}") class FastLinear(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, weight, bias, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(weight, requires_grad=False) if bias is not None: self.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(bias, requires_grad=False) else: self.bias = None @classmethod def load(cls, config, prefix: str, weights, bias: bool): weight = weights.get_tensor(f"{prefix}.weight") if bias: bias = weights.get_tensor(f"{prefix}.bias") else: bias = None return cls(weight, bias) def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias) class FastLinearROCm(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, weight, bias, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(weight) if bias is not None: self.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(bias) else: self.bias = None @classmethod def load(cls, config, prefix: str, weights, bias: bool): weight = weights.get_tensor(f"{prefix}.weight") if bias: bias = weights.get_tensor(f"{prefix}.bias") else: bias = None return cls(weight, bias) def forward(self, inp: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: weight = self.weight bias = self.bias if SYSTEM == "rocm" and inp.numel() // inp.shape[-1] == 1: batched = False inp_shape = inp.shape if inp.dim() == 3: inp = inp.view(-1, inp_shape[-1]) batched = True m, k = weight.shape[0], inp_shape[1] out = torch.empty( inp_shape[0], weight.shape[0], dtype=inp.dtype, device="cuda" ) if (k == 8192 and (m == 1280 or m == 7168)) or (k == 3584 and m == 8192): _custom_C.LLMM1(weight, inp, out, 8) elif k <= 8192 and k % 8 == 0 and m % 4 == 0: _custom_C.LLMM1(weight, inp, out, 4) else: out = F.linear(inp, weight) if batched: out = out.view(*inp_shape[:-1], out.shape[-1]) if bias is not None: out = out + bias return out return F.linear(inp, self.weight, self.bias) def get_linear(weight, bias, quantize): if quantize is None: if SYSTEM == "rocm": linear = FastLinearROCm(weight, bias) else: linear = FastLinear(weight, bias) elif quantize == "eetq": try: from text_generation_server.layers.eetq import EETQLinear linear = EETQLinear(weight, bias) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install EETQ from" ) elif quantize == "fp8": from text_generation_server.layers.fp8 import Fp8Linear linear = Fp8Linear(weight, bias) elif quantize == "bitsandbytes": try: from text_generation_server.layers.bnb import ( warn_deprecate_bnb, Linear8bitLt, ) except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( f"Bitsandbytes is missing install it with `pip install bitsandbytes`." ) warn_deprecate_bnb() linear = Linear8bitLt( weight, bias, has_fp16_weights=False, threshold=6.0, ) if bias is not None: linear.bias = nn.Parameter(bias) elif quantize == "bitsandbytes-fp4": try: from text_generation_server.layers.bnb import Linear4bit except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( f"Bitsandbytes is missing install it with `pip install bitsandbytes`." ) linear = Linear4bit( weight, bias, quant_type="fp4", ) elif quantize == "bitsandbytes-nf4": try: from text_generation_server.layers.bnb import Linear4bit except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( f"Bitsandbytes is missing install it with `pip install bitsandbytes`." ) linear = Linear4bit( weight, bias, quant_type="nf4", ) elif quantize == "exl2": from text_generation_server.layers.exl2 import Exl2Weight if not isinstance(weight, Exl2Weight): raise NotImplementedError( f"The passed weight is not `exl2` compatible, loader needs to be updated." ) from text_generation_server.layers.gptq import ExllamaQuantLinear linear = ExllamaQuantLinear(weight, bias) elif quantize == "gptq": from text_generation_server.layers.gptq import GPTQWeight if not isinstance(weight, GPTQWeight): raise NotImplementedError( f"The passed weight is not `gptq` compatible, loader needs to be updated." ) if weight.use_exllama: try: from text_generation_server.layers.gptq import ( ExllamaQuantLinear, ) except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( f"Exllama gptq kernels are not installed. Install them `cd server/exllama_kernels && python install && cd ../exllamav2_kernels && python install`" ) linear = ExllamaQuantLinear(weight, bias) else: from text_generation_server.layers.gptq.quant_linear import QuantLinear linear = QuantLinear( weight.qweight, weight.qzeros, weight.scales, weight.g_idx, bias, weight.bits, weight.groupsize, ) elif quantize == "awq": from text_generation_server.layers.gptq import GPTQWeight if not isinstance(weight, GPTQWeight): raise NotImplementedError( f"The passed weight is not `awq` compatible, loader needs to be updated." ) if SYSTEM == "rocm": raise NotImplementedError( "AWQ GEMM kernel can't be used on ROCm systems, please use `--quantize gptq` instead " "to use Exllama/GPTQ kernels for AWQ inference." ) try: from text_generation_server.layers.awq.quantize.qmodule import WQLinear linear = WQLinear( w_bit=weight.bits, group_size=weight.groupsize, qweight=weight.qweight, qzeros=weight.qzeros, scales=weight.scales, bias=bias is not None, ) except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( "You do not seem to have awq installed, either install it (cd server && make install-awq), or try using GPTQ `---quantize gptq` a conversion AWQ->GPTQ will happen on the fly" ) elif quantize == "marlin": from text_generation_server.layers.marlin import ( GPTQMarlinWeight, MarlinLinear, MarlinWeight, ) if isinstance(weight, GPTQMarlinWeight): linear = GPTQMarlinLinear( weight=weight, bias=bias, ) elif isinstance(weight, MarlinWeight): linear = MarlinLinear(weight=weight, bias=bias) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The passed weight is not `marlin` compatible, loader needs to be updated." ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Quantization `{quantize}` is not implemented yet.") return linear