import re import torch import torch.distributed from transformers import ( PreTrainedTokenizerBase, ) from text_generation_server.models.causal_lm import CausalLMBatch from text_generation_server.pb import generate_pb2 from text_generation_server.utils import ( NextTokenChooser, StoppingCriteria, ) from text_generation_server.utils.chunks import concat_text_chunks # CREDIT: Papers with code => # we split individual characters inside special tokens like [START_DNA] CUSTOM_SEQ_RE = re.compile(r"(\[START_(DNA|SMILES|I_SMILES|AMINO)])(.*?)(\[END_\2])") # token added to implement a custom sequence tokenization. This token is added at # corpus cleaning step and removed in pretokenization. The digits are added to increase the chance # that they do not occur in the corpus. The digits are escaped so that the token does not appear # literally in the source code in case we ever include it in the training data. SPLIT_MARKER = f"SPL{1}T-TH{1}S-Pl3A5E" def _insert_split_marker(m: re.Match): """ Applies split marker based on a regex match of special tokens such as [START_DNA]. Parameters ---------- n : str Input text to split Returns ---------- str - the text with the split token added """ start_token, _, sequence, end_token = m.groups() sequence = re.sub(r"(.)", rf"{SPLIT_MARKER}\1", sequence, flags=re.DOTALL) return f"{start_token}{sequence}{SPLIT_MARKER}{end_token}" def escape_custom_split_sequence(text): """ Applies custom splitting to the text for GALILEO's tokenization Parameters ---------- text : str Input text to split Returns ---------- str - the text with the split token added """ return CUSTOM_SEQ_RE.sub(_insert_split_marker, text) # END CREDIT class GalacticaCausalLMBatch(CausalLMBatch): @classmethod def from_pb( cls, pb: generate_pb2.Batch, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device, ) -> "GalacticaCausalLMBatch": inputs = [] next_token_choosers = [] stopping_criterias = [] prefix_offsets = [] top_n_tokens = [] read_offsets = [] requests_idx_mapping = {} # Parse batch max_truncation = 0 padding_right_offset = 0 max_decode_tokens = 0 for i, r in enumerate(pb.requests): requests_idx_mapping[] = i # Add escape_custom_split_sequence to the CausalLMBatch logic inputs.append( escape_custom_split_sequence(concat_text_chunks(r.input_chunks.chunks)) ) next_token_choosers.append( NextTokenChooser.from_pb(r.parameters, device, tokenizer) ) stopping_criteria = StoppingCriteria.from_pb( r.stopping_parameters, tokenizer ) stopping_criterias.append(stopping_criteria) top_n_tokens.append(r.top_n_tokens) max_truncation = max(max_truncation, r.truncate) max_decode_tokens += stopping_criteria.max_new_tokens padding_right_offset = max( padding_right_offset, stopping_criteria.max_new_tokens ) tokenized_inputs = tokenizer( inputs, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, return_token_type_ids=False, truncation=True, max_length=max_truncation, ).to(device) for _ in pb.requests: input_len = tokenized_inputs["input_ids"].shape[1] prefix_offsets.append(0) read_offsets.append(input_len) input_lengths = tokenized_inputs["attention_mask"].sum(1) max_input_length = input_lengths.max() input_ids = tokenized_inputs["input_ids"] # Allocate maximum attention_mask attention_mask = input_ids.new_zeros( (pb.size, max_input_length + padding_right_offset) ) # Copy tokenizer attention_mask into fully allocated attention_mask attention_mask[:, :max_input_length] = tokenized_inputs["attention_mask"] position_ids = tokenized_inputs["attention_mask"].long().cumsum(-1) - 1 position_ids.masked_fill_(tokenized_inputs["attention_mask"] == 0, 1) all_input_ids = tokenized_inputs["input_ids"].T.split(1, dim=1) top_n_tokens_tensor = torch.tensor( top_n_tokens, device=device, dtype=torch.int64 ) max_tokens = len(inputs) * max_input_length + max_decode_tokens return cls(, requests=pb.requests, requests_idx_mapping=requests_idx_mapping, input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, position_ids=position_ids, past_key_values=None, all_input_ids=list(all_input_ids), input_lengths=input_lengths.tolist(), prefix_offsets=prefix_offsets, read_offsets=read_offsets, next_token_choosers=next_token_choosers, stopping_criterias=stopping_criterias, top_n_tokens=top_n_tokens, top_n_tokens_tensor=top_n_tokens_tensor, max_input_length=max_input_length.item(), padding_right_offset=padding_right_offset, max_tokens=max_tokens, )