
131 lines
3.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package generate.v1;
service TextGenerationService {
/// Service discovery
rpc ServiceDiscovery (ServiceDiscoveryRequest) returns (ServiceDiscoveryResponse) {}
/// Empties batch cache
rpc ClearCache (ClearCacheRequest) returns (ClearCacheResponse);
/// Prefill batch and decode first token
rpc Prefill (PrefillRequest) returns (PrefillResponse);
/// Decode token for a list of prefilled batches
rpc Decode (DecodeRequest) returns (DecodeResponse);
/// Empty request
message ServiceDiscoveryRequest {}
message ServiceDiscoveryResponse {
/// Other shards urls
repeated string urls = 1;
/// Empty request
message ClearCacheRequest {}
/// Empty response
message ClearCacheResponse {}
message NextTokenChooserParameters {
/// exponential scaling output probability distribution
float temperature = 1;
/// restricting to the k highest probability elements
uint32 top_k = 2;
/// restricting to top tokens summing to prob_cut_off <= prob_cut_off
float top_p = 3;
/// apply sampling on the logits
bool do_sample = 4;
/// random seed for sampling
uint64 seed = 5;
/// repetition penalty
float repetition_penalty = 6;
message StoppingCriteriaParameters {
/// Maximum number of generated tokens
uint32 max_new_tokens = 1;
/// Optional stopping sequences
repeated string stop_sequences = 2;
message Request {
/// Request ID
uint64 id = 1;
/// The generation context
string inputs = 2;
/// The number of tokens inside inputs
uint32 input_length = 3;
/// Next Token Chooser Parameters
NextTokenChooserParameters parameters = 4;
/// Stopping Criteria Parameters
StoppingCriteriaParameters stopping_parameters = 5;
message Batch {
/// Batch ID
uint64 id = 1;
/// Individual requests
repeated Request requests = 2;
/// Batch size (==len(requests))
uint32 size = 3;
message GeneratedText {
/// Output
string text = 1;
/// Number of generated tokens
uint32 generated_tokens = 2;
/// Finish reason
string finish_reason = 3;
/// Seed
optional uint64 seed = 4;
message PrefillTokens {
/// Prefill Token IDs
repeated uint32 ids = 1;
/// Prefill Logprobs
repeated float logprobs = 2;
/// Prefill tokens
repeated string texts = 3;
message Generation {
/// Request ID
uint64 request_id = 1;
/// Prefill tokens (optional)
PrefillTokens prefill_tokens = 2;
/// Token ID
uint32 token_id = 3;
/// Logprob
float token_logprob = 4;
/// Text
string token_text = 5;
/// Complete generated text
GeneratedText generated_text = 6;
message PrefillRequest {
/// Batch
Batch batch = 1;
message PrefillResponse {
/// Generation
repeated Generation generations = 1;
/// Next batch (cached)
optional Batch batch = 2;
message DecodeRequest {
/// Cached batches
repeated Batch batches = 1;
message DecodeResponse {
/// Decodes
repeated Generation generations = 1;
/// Next batch (cached)
optional Batch batch = 2;