
283 lines
9.9 KiB

import torch
import math
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from text_generation_server.layers import TensorParallelEmbedding, FastLinear
from text_generation_server.layers.tensor_parallel import TensorParallelHead
from text_generation_server.utils.speculate import get_speculate
class MLPSpeculatorLayerNorm(nn.Module):
A L2 normalization implementation
normalized_shape : int
Dimensionality of input data (size of final tensor axis)
elementwise_scale_weight : torch.Tensor
learned scaling term after normalization?
elementwise_shift_bias : torch.Tensor
learned bias term after normalization?
eps : float
Safety term to prevent division by zero. Make sure the chosen value fits in the range of your encoding scheme (i.e. fp16 requires eps >= 6e-8).
def __init__(
super(MLPSpeculatorLayerNorm, self).__init__()
self.weight = weights.get_tensor(f"{prefix}.weight")
self.bias = weights.get_tensor(f"{prefix}.bias")
self.eps = eps
def forward(self, x):
xf = x
xf = xf * torch.rsqrt(xf.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True) + self.eps)
x = xf.type_as(x)
x = self.weight * x
x = x + self.bias
return x
INV_SQRT2 = 2**-0.5
def simple_norm(x: torch.Tensor, eps=1e-06):
xf = x
xf = xf * torch.rsqrt(xf.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True) + eps)
x = xf.type_as(x)
return x * INV_SQRT2
class MLPSpeculatorModelTied(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config, prefix, weights):
self.config = config
self.n_predict = get_speculate()
self.hidden_size = config.hidden_size
self.emb = TensorParallelEmbedding(f"{prefix}.emb.0", weights)
self.proj0 = FastLinear.load(
self.proj1 = FastLinear.load(
self.head = FastLinear.load(config, f"{prefix}.head.0", weights, bias=False)
self.ln = MLPSpeculatorLayerNorm(
# Weights ensure that state_0 accounts for 50% of state magnitude by final head in expectation
self.state_weight = 0.5 ** (0.5 / self.n_predict) if self.n_predict > 0 else 1
self.activation = nn.GELU()
self.vsize = config.vocab_size
self.inner_dim = config.speculator_config["inner_dim"]
self.top_k_tokens_per_head = [1] * self.n_predict
self.emb_weight = math.sqrt(1 - self.state_weight**2) * math.sqrt(
self.inner_dim / 2
self.emb.weight *= self.emb_weight
def forward(
hidden_states: torch.Tensor,
input_ids: torch.Tensor,
top_k_tokens_per_head = self.top_k_tokens_per_head
# k indicates # of candidates
# h indicates # of generated tokens
state = hidden_states
b = state.size(0)
ind = input_ids.unsqueeze(0)
all_probs = torch.empty(
b, self.n_predict, self.vsize, device=state.device
) # b k h v
assert (
len(top_k_tokens_per_head) == self.n_predict
), f"You must provide a topk number for each head ({self.n_predict} heads, {len(top_k_tokens_per_head)} provided)"
for i in range(self.n_predict):
# Project and predict
z = self.emb(ind)
# z = z.mul(self.emb_weight) # b k d
if i == 0:
state = self.proj0(state) * self.state_weight + z
state = self.proj1(state) * self.state_weight + z
state = self.activation(self.ln(state)) # b k d
probs = F.log_softmax(self.head(state), dim=-1) # b k v
_probs, preds = probs.topk(top_k_tokens_per_head[i], dim=-1) # b k k'
# Update candidate set with new predictions
# Update distribution set with new logits
all_probs[:, i] = probs.exp()
# Update state, log_probs and ind for new predictions
state = state.unsqueeze(2).expand(
-1, -1, top_k_tokens_per_head[i], -1
) # b k k' d
state = state.reshape(-1, b, state.size(3)) # b kk' d
ind = preds.view(-1, b) # b kk'
speculative_logits = all_probs
return speculative_logits
class MLPSpeculatorModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config, prefix, weights):
self.config = config
self.n_predict = get_speculate()
self.hidden_size = config.hidden_size
self.emb = nn.ModuleList(
TensorParallelEmbedding(f"{prefix}.emb.{i}", weights)
for i in range(self.n_predict)
self.proj = [
for i in range(self.n_predict)
self.head = nn.ModuleList(
FastLinear.load(config, f"{prefix}.head.{i}", weights, bias=False)
for i in range(self.n_predict)
self.ln = nn.ModuleList(
for i in range(self.n_predict)
# Weights ensure that state_0 accounts for 50% of state magnitude by final head in expectation
self.state_weight = 0.5 ** (0.5 / self.n_predict) if self.n_predict > 0 else 1
self.activation = nn.GELU()
self.vsize = config.vocab_size
self.inner_dim = config.speculator_config["inner_dim"]
self.top_k_tokens_per_head = [1] * self.n_predict
self.emb_weight = math.sqrt(1 - self.state_weight**2) * math.sqrt(
self.inner_dim / 2
self.emb.weight *= self.emb_weight
def forward(
hidden_states: torch.Tensor,
input_ids: torch.Tensor,
top_k_tokens_per_head = self.top_k_tokens_per_head
# k indicates # of candidates
# h indicates # of generated tokens
state = hidden_states
b = state.size(0)
ind = input_ids.unsqueeze(0)
all_probs = torch.empty(
b, self.n_predict, self.vsize, device=state.device
) # b k h v
assert (
len(top_k_tokens_per_head) == self.n_predict
), f"You must provide a topk number for each head ({self.n_predict} heads, {len(top_k_tokens_per_head)} provided)"
for i in range(self.n_predict):
# Project and predict
z = self.emb[i](ind)
# z = z.mul(self.emb_weight) # b k d
state = self.proj[i](state) * self.state_weight + z
state = self.activation(self.ln[i](state)) # b k d
probs = F.log_softmax(self.head[i](state), dim=-1) # b k v
_probs, preds = probs.topk(top_k_tokens_per_head[i], dim=-1) # b k k'
# Update candidate set with new predictions
# Update distribution set with new logits
all_probs[:, i] = probs.exp()
# Update state, log_probs and ind for new predictions
state = state.unsqueeze(2).expand(
-1, -1, top_k_tokens_per_head[i], -1
) # b k k' d
state = state.reshape(-1, b, state.size(3)) # b kk' d
ind = preds.view(-1, b) # b kk'
speculative_logits = all_probs
return speculative_logits
class MLPSpeculatorHead(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, lm_head, mlp_speculator, scale_input: bool):
self.lm_head = lm_head
self.mlp_speculator = mlp_speculator
self.scale_input = scale_input
def forward(
self, input: torch.Tensor
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]:
logits = self.lm_head(input)
# If we have too many tokens, we skip speculative logits
if input.shape[0] > 128:
return logits, None
input_ids = logits.argmax(dim=-1)
if self.scale_input:
input = simple_norm(input)
speculative_logits = self.mlp_speculator(input, input_ids)
return logits, speculative_logits
def load(config, prefix: str, weights):
from pathlib import Path
from safetensors import safe_open
speculator_path = config.speculator["path"]
for fname in config.speculator["model_paths"]:
filename = str(Path(speculator_path) / fname)
routing = weights.routing
with safe_open(filename, framework="pytorch") as f:
for k in f.keys():
if k in routing and routing[k] != filename:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Key {k} was found in multiple files: {filename} and {routing[k]}"
routing[k] = filename
tie_weights = config.speculator_config.get("tie_weights", False)
if tie_weights:
mlp_speculator = MLPSpeculatorModelTied(config, "speculator", weights)
mlp_speculator = MLPSpeculatorModel(config, "speculator", weights)
# This is used in https://huggingface.co/ibm-fms/llama3-70b-accelerator
scale_input = config.speculator_config.get("scale_input", False)
lm_head = TensorParallelHead.load(config, prefix, weights)
return MLPSpeculatorHead(lm_head, mlp_speculator, scale_input)