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2022-02-22 15:06:29 -07:00
'use strict';
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';
2022-02-22 15:06:29 -07:00
const assert = require('assert');
const urlJoin = require('url-join');
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp');
const { MatrixAuth } = require('matrix-bot-sdk');
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const { parseHTML } = require('linkedom');
const { fetchEndpointAsText, fetchEndpointAsJson } = require('../server/lib/fetch-endpoint');
const MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/url-creator');
const config = require('../server/lib/config');
const testMatrixServerUrl1 = config.get('testMatrixServerUrl1');
const testMatrixServerUrl2 = config.get('testMatrixServerUrl2');
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const basePath = config.get('basePath');
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const interactive = config.get('interactive');
const matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = new MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator(basePath);
2022-02-22 15:06:29 -07:00
[testMatrixServerUrl1]: 'hs1',
[testMatrixServerUrl2]: 'hs2',
async function getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl) {
const auth = new MatrixAuth(testMatrixServerUrl);
const client = await auth.passwordRegister(
`user-t${new Date().getTime()}-r${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000)}`,
return client;
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
async function createMessagesInRoom(client, roomId, numMessages, prefix) {
let eventIds = [];
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
for (let i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) {
const eventId = await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
msgtype: 'm.text',
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
body: `${prefix} - message${i}`,
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
return eventIds;
async function createTestRoom(client) {
const roomId = await client.createRoom({
preset: 'public_chat',
name: 'the hangout spot',
initial_state: [
type: '',
state_key: '',
content: {
history_visibility: 'world_readable',
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
return roomId;
2022-02-22 15:06:29 -07:00
describe('matrix-public-archive', () => {
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
let server;
before(() => {
// Start the archive server
server = require('../server/server');
after(() => {
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
if (!interactive) {
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
// Sanity check that our test homeservers can actually federate with each
// other. The rest of the tests won't work properly if this isn't working.
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
it('Test federation between fixture homeservers', async () => {
try {
const hs1Client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1);
const hs2Client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl2);
// Create a room on hs2
const hs2RoomId = await createTestRoom(hs2Client);
const room2EventIds = await createMessagesInRoom(
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
// Join hs1 to a room on hs2 (federation)
await hs1Client.joinRoom(hs2RoomId, 'hs2');
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
// From, hs1, make sure we can fetch messages from hs2
const messagesEndpoint = urlJoin(
const messageResData = await fetchEndpointAsJson(messagesEndpoint, {
accessToken: hs1Client.accessToken,
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
// Make sure it returned some messages
assert.strictEqual(messageResData.chunk.length, 5);
// Make sure all of the messages belong to the room => {
const isEventInRoomFromHs2 = room2EventIds.some((room2EventId) => {
return room2EventId === event.event_id;
// Make sure the message belongs to the room on hs2
`Expected ${event.event_id} (${event.type}: "${
}") to be in room on hs2=${JSON.stringify(room2EventIds)}`
} catch (err) {
if (err.body) {
// FIXME: Remove this try/catch once the matrix-bot-sdk no longer throws
// huge response objects as errors, see
throw new Error(
`Error occured in matrix-bot-sdk (this new error is to stop it from logging the huge response) statusCode=${
} body=${JSON.stringify(err.body)}`
throw err;
2022-02-22 15:06:29 -07:00
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
2022-02-24 12:06:19 -07:00
it('shows all events in a given day', async () => {
try {
const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1);
const roomId = await createTestRoom(client);
const archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, new Date());
// Just render the page initially so that the archiver user is already joined to the page.
// We don't want their join event masking the one-off problem where we're missing the latest message in the room.
await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl);
const messageTextList = [
`Amontons' First Law: The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load.`,
`Amontons' Second Law: The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact.`,
// We're aiming for this to be the last message in the room
`Coulomb's Law of Friction: Kinetic friction is independent of the sliding velocity.`,
const eventIds = [];
for (const messageText of messageTextList) {
const eventId = await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
msgtype: 'm.text',
body: messageText,
// Sanity check that we actually sent some messages
assert.strictEqual(eventIds.length, 3);
if (interactive) {
console.log('Interactive URL for test', archiveUrl);
const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl);
const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml);
// Make sure the messages are visible
for (let i = 0; i < eventIds.length; i++) {
const eventId = eventIds[i];
const eventText = messageTextList[i];
new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(eventText)}.*`)
} catch (err) {
if (err.body) {
// FIXME: Remove this try/catch once the matrix-bot-sdk no longer throws
// huge response objects as errors, see
throw new Error(
`Error occured in matrix-bot-sdk (this new error is to stop it from logging the huge response) statusCode=${
} body=${JSON.stringify(err.body)}`
throw err;
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements
it('can render diverse messages', async () => {
try {
const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1);
const roomId = await createTestRoom(client);
// TODO: Set avatar of user
// TODO: Set avatar of room
// Test image
const mxcUri = await client.uploadContentFromUrl(
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const imageEventId = await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
body: 'Friction_between_surfaces.jpeg',
info: {
size: 396644,
mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
thumbnail_info: {
w: 800,
h: 390,
mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
size: 126496,
w: 1894,
h: 925,
'xyz.amorgan.blurhash': 'LkR3G|IU?w%NbwbIemae_NxuD$M{',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
// TODO: How to get a proper thumnail URL that will load?
thumbnail_url: mxcUri,
msgtype: 'm.image',
url: mxcUri,
// A normal text message
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const normalMessageText1 =
'^ Figure 1: Simulated blocks with fractal rough surfaces, exhibiting static frictional interactions';
const normalMessageEventId1 = await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
msgtype: 'm.text',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
body: normalMessageText1,
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
// Another normal text message
const normalMessageText2 =
'The topography of the Moon has been measured with laser altimetry and stereo image analysis.';
const normalMessageEventId2 = await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
msgtype: 'm.text',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
body: normalMessageText2,
// Test replies
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const replyMessageText = `The concentration of maria on the near side likely reflects the substantially thicker crust of the highlands of the Far Side, which may have formed in a slow-velocity impact of a second moon of Earth a few tens of millions of years after the Moon's formation.`;
const replyMessageEventId = await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
'org.matrix.msc1767.message': [
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
body: '> <@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server> ${normalMessageText2}',
mimetype: 'text/plain',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
body: `<mx-reply><blockquote><a href="${roomId}/${normalMessageEventId2}?via=my.synapse.server">In reply to</a> <a href="">@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server</a><br>${normalMessageText2}</blockquote></mx-reply>${replyMessageText}`,
mimetype: 'text/html',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
body: `> <@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server> ${normalMessageText2}\n\n${replyMessageText}`,
msgtype: 'm.text',
format: 'org.matrix.custom.html',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
formatted_body: `<mx-reply><blockquote><a href="${roomId}/${normalMessageEventId2}?via=my.synapse.server">In reply to</a> <a href="">@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server</a><br>${normalMessageText2}</blockquote></mx-reply>${replyMessageText}`,
'm.relates_to': {
'm.in_reply_to': {
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
event_id: normalMessageEventId2,
// Test reactions
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const reactionText = '😅';
await client.sendEvent(roomId, 'm.reaction', {
'm.relates_to': {
rel_type: 'm.annotation',
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
event_id: replyMessageEventId,
key: reactionText,
const archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, new Date());
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
if (interactive) {
console.log('Interactive URL for test', archiveUrl);
const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl);
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml);
// Make sure the image message is visible
const imageElement = dom.document.querySelector(`[data-event-id="${imageEventId}"] img`);
assert.match(imageElement.getAttribute('src'), new RegExp(`^http://.*`));
assert.strictEqual(imageElement.getAttribute('alt'), 'Friction_between_surfaces.jpeg');
// Make sure the normal message is visible
new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(normalMessageText1)}.*`)
// Make sure the other normal message is visible
new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(normalMessageText2)}.*`)
const replyMessageElement = dom.document.querySelector(
// Make sure the reply text is there
new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(replyMessageText)}.*`)
// Make sure it also includes the message we're replying to
new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(normalMessageEventId2)}.*`)
// Make sure the reaction also exists
new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(reactionText)}.*`)
} catch (err) {
if (err.body) {
// FIXME: Remove this try/catch once the matrix-bot-sdk no longer throws
// huge response objects as errors, see
throw new Error(
`Error occured in matrix-bot-sdk (this new error is to stop it from logging the huge response) statusCode=${
} body=${JSON.stringify(err.body)}`
throw err;
2022-02-22 19:55:42 -07:00
it(`can render day back in time from room on remote homeserver we haven't backfilled from`);
it(`will redirect to hour pagination when there are too many messages`);
2022-02-24 02:27:53 -07:00
it(`will render a room with only a day of messages`);
`will render a room with a sparse amount of messages (a few per day) with no contamination between days`
2022-02-22 15:06:29 -07:00