
628 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const path = require('path');
const urlJoin = require('url-join');
const express = require('express');
const asyncHandler = require('../lib/express-async-handler');
const StatusError = require('../lib/status-error');
const timeoutMiddleware = require('./timeout-middleware');
const redirectToCorrectArchiveUrlIfBadSigil = require('./redirect-to-correct-archive-url-if-bad-sigil-middleware');
const { HTTPResponseError } = require('../lib/fetch-endpoint');
const fetchRoomData = require('../lib/matrix-utils/fetch-room-data');
const fetchEventsFromTimestampBackwards = require('../lib/matrix-utils/fetch-events-from-timestamp-backwards');
const ensureRoomJoined = require('../lib/matrix-utils/ensure-room-joined');
const timestampToEvent = require('../lib/matrix-utils/timestamp-to-event');
const getMessagesResponseFromEventId = require('../lib/matrix-utils/get-messages-response-from-event-id');
const renderHydrogenVmRenderScriptToPageHtml = require('../hydrogen-render/render-hydrogen-vm-render-script-to-page-html');
const MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/url-creator');
const {
} = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/reference-values');
const {
} = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/timestamp-utilities');
const config = require('../lib/config');
const basePath = config.get('basePath');
const matrixServerUrl = config.get('matrixServerUrl');
const matrixAccessToken = config.get('matrixAccessToken');
const stopSearchEngineIndexing = config.get('stopSearchEngineIndexing');
const matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = new MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator(basePath);
const router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
// Preserve the req.params values from the parent router.
mergeParams: true,
r: '#',
roomid: '!',
const validSigilList = Object.values(VALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_TO_SIGIL_MAP);
const sigilRe = new RegExp(`^(${validSigilList.join('|')})`);
function getErrorStringForTooManyMessages(archiveMessageLimit) {
const message =
`Too many messages were sent all within a second for us to display ` +
`(more than ${archiveMessageLimit} in one second). We're unable to redirect you to ` +
`a smaller time range to view them without losing a few between each page. ` +
`Since this is probably pretty rare, we've decided not to support it for now.`;
return message;
function getRoomIdOrAliasFromReq(req) {
const entityDescriptor = req.params.entityDescriptor;
// This could be with or with our without the sigil. Although the correct thing here
// is to have no sigil. We will try to correct it for them in any case.
const roomIdOrAliasDirty = req.params.roomIdOrAliasDirty;
const roomIdOrAliasWithoutSigil = roomIdOrAliasDirty.replace(sigilRe, '');
const sigil = VALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_TO_SIGIL_MAP[entityDescriptor];
if (!sigil) {
throw new Error(
`Unknown entityDescriptor=${entityDescriptor} has no sigil. This is an error with the Matrix Public Archive itself (please open an issue).`
return `${sigil}${roomIdOrAliasWithoutSigil}`;
// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, complexity
function parseArchiveRangeFromReq(req) {
const yyyy = parseInt(req.params.yyyy, 10);
// Month is the only zero-based index in this group
const mm = parseInt(, 10) - 1;
const dd = parseInt(req.params.dd, 10);
const timeString = req.params.time;
let timeInMs = 0;
let timeDefined = false;
let secondsDefined = false;
if (timeString) {
const timeMatches = timeString.match(/^T(\d\d?):(\d\d?)(?::(\d\d?))?$/);
if (!timeMatches) {
throw new StatusError(
'Time was unable to be parsed from URL. It should be in 24-hour format 23:59:59'
const hour = timeMatches[1] && parseInt(timeMatches[1], 10);
const minute = timeMatches[2] && parseInt(timeMatches[2], 10);
const second = timeMatches[3] ? parseInt(timeMatches[3], 10) : 0;
timeDefined = !!timeMatches;
// Whether the timestamp included seconds
secondsDefined = !!timeMatches[3];
if (Number.isNaN(hour) || hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
throw new StatusError(404, `Hour can only be in range 0-23 -> ${hour}`);
if (Number.isNaN(minute) || minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
throw new StatusError(404, `Minute can only be in range 0-59 -> ${minute}`);
if (Number.isNaN(second) || second < 0 || second > 59) {
throw new StatusError(404, `Second can only be in range 0-59 -> ${second}`);
const hourInMs = hour * ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;
const minuteInMs = minute * ONE_MINUTE_IN_MS;
const secondInMs = second * ONE_SECOND_IN_MS;
timeInMs = hourInMs + minuteInMs + secondInMs;
let toTimestamp;
if (timeInMs) {
const startOfDayTimestamp = Date.UTC(yyyy, mm, dd);
toTimestamp = startOfDayTimestamp + timeInMs;
// If no time specified, then we assume end-of-day
else {
// We `- 1` from UTC midnight to get the timestamp that is a millisecond before the
// next day T23:59:59.999
toTimestamp = Date.UTC(yyyy, mm, dd + 1) - 1;
return {
// Whether the req included time `T23:59`
// Whether the req included seconds in the time `T23:59:59`
asyncHandler(async function (req, res) {
const roomIdOrAlias = getRoomIdOrAliasFromReq(req);
// In case we're joining a new room for the first time,
// let's avoid redirecting to our join event by getting
// the time before we join and looking backwards.
const dateBeforeJoin =;
// We have to wait for the room join to happen first before we can fetch
// any of the additional room info or messages.
const roomId = await ensureRoomJoined(matrixAccessToken, roomIdOrAlias, req.query.via);
// Find the closest day to the current time with messages
const { originServerTs } = await timestampToEvent({
accessToken: matrixAccessToken,
ts: dateBeforeJoin,
direction: DIRECTION.backward,
if (!originServerTs) {
throw new StatusError(404, 'Unable to find day with history');
// Redirect to a day with messages
matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomIdOrAlias, new Date(originServerTs), {
// We can avoid passing along the `via` query parameter because we already
// joined the room above (see `ensureRoomJoined`).
//viaServers: req.query.via,
asyncHandler(async function (req, res) {
// TODO: Fetch event to get `origin_server_ts` and redirect to
// /!roomId/2022/01/01?at=$eventId
// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, complexity
asyncHandler(async function (req, res) {
const roomIdOrAlias = getRoomIdOrAliasFromReq(req);
const currentRangeStartTs = parseInt(req.query.currentRangeStartTs, 10);
'?currentRangeStartTs query parameter must be a number'
const currentRangeEndTs = parseInt(req.query.currentRangeEndTs, 10);
assert(!Number.isNaN(currentRangeEndTs), '?currentRangeEndTs query parameter must be a number');
const dir = req.query.dir;
[DIRECTION.forward, DIRECTION.backward].includes(dir),
'?dir query parameter must be [f|b]'
let ts;
if (dir === DIRECTION.backward) {
// We `- 1` so we don't jump to the same event because the endpoint is inclusive.
// XXX: This is probably an edge-case flaw when there could be multiple events at
// the same timestamp
ts = currentRangeStartTs - 1;
} else if (dir === DIRECTION.forward) {
// We `+ 1` so we don't jump to the same event because the endpoint is inclusive
// XXX: This is probably an edge-case flaw when there could be multiple events at
// the same timestamp
ts = currentRangeEndTs + 1;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unable to handle unknown dir=${dir} in /jump`);
// We have to wait for the room join to happen first before we can use the jump to
// date endpoint
const roomId = await ensureRoomJoined(matrixAccessToken, roomIdOrAlias, req.query.via);
let eventIdForClosestEvent;
let tsForClosestEvent;
let newOriginServerTs;
let preferredPrecision = null;
try {
// We pull this fresh from the config for each request to ensure we have an
// updated value between each e2e test
const archiveMessageLimit = config.get('archiveMessageLimit');
// Find the closest event to the given timestamp
({ eventId: eventIdForClosestEvent, originServerTs: tsForClosestEvent } =
await timestampToEvent({
accessToken: matrixAccessToken,
ts: ts,
direction: dir,
// Based on what we found was the closest, figure out the URL that will represent
// the next chunk in the desired direction.
// ==============================
// When jumping backwards, since a given room archive URL represents the end of
// the day/time-period looking backward (scroll is also anchored to the bottom),
// we just need to get the user to the previous time-period.
// We are trying to avoid sending the user to the same time period they were just
// viewing. i.e, if they were visiting `/2020/01/02T16:00:00` (displays messages
// backwards from that time up to the limit), which had more messages than we
// could display in that day, jumping backwards from the earliest displayed event
// in the displayed range, say `T12:00:05` would still give us the same day
// `/2020/01/02` and we want to redirect them to previous chunk from that same
// day, like `/2020/01/02T12:00:00`
if (dir === DIRECTION.backward) {
const fromSameDay =
tsForClosestEvent && areTimestampsFromSameUtcDay(currentRangeEndTs, tsForClosestEvent);
const fromSameHour =
tsForClosestEvent && areTimestampsFromSameUtcHour(currentRangeEndTs, tsForClosestEvent);
const fromSameMinute =
tsForClosestEvent && areTimestampsFromSameUtcMinute(currentRangeEndTs, tsForClosestEvent);
const fromSameSecond =
tsForClosestEvent && areTimestampsFromSameUtcSecond(currentRangeEndTs, tsForClosestEvent);
// The closest event is from the same second we tried to jump from. Since we
// can't represent something smaller than a second in the URL yet (we could do
// ms but it's a concious choice to make the URL cleaner,
// #support-ms-time-slice), we will need to just return the timestamp with a
// precision of seconds and hope that there isn't too many messages in this same
// second.
// XXX: If there is too many messages all within the same second, people will be
// stuck visiting the same page over and over every time they try to jump
// backwards from that range.
if (fromSameSecond) {
newOriginServerTs = tsForClosestEvent;
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.seconds;
// The closest event is from the same minute we tried to jump from, we will need
// to round up to the nearest second so that the URL encompasses the closest
// event looking backwards
else if (fromSameMinute) {
newOriginServerTs = roundUpTimestampToUtcSecond(tsForClosestEvent);
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.seconds;
// The closest event is from the same hour we tried to jump from, we will need
// to round up to the nearest minute so that the URL encompasses the closest
// event looking backwards
else if (fromSameHour) {
newOriginServerTs = roundUpTimestampToUtcMinute(tsForClosestEvent);
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.minutes;
// The closest event is from the same day we tried to jump from, we will need to
// round up to the nearest hour so that the URL encompasses the closest event
// looking backwards
else if (fromSameDay) {
newOriginServerTs = roundUpTimestampToUtcHour(tsForClosestEvent);
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.minutes;
// We don't need to do anything. The next closest event is far enough away
// (greater than 1 day) where we don't need to worry about the URL at all and
// can just render whatever day that the closest event is from because the
// archives biggest time-period represented in the URL is a day.
// We can display more than a day of content at a given URL (imagine lots of a
// quiet days in a room), but the URL will never represent a time-period
// greater than a day, ex. `/2023/01/01`. We don't allow someone to just
// specify the month like `/2023/01` ❌
else {
newOriginServerTs = tsForClosestEvent;
// When jumping forwards, the goal is to go forward 100 messages, so that when we
// view the room at that point going backwards 100 messages (which is how the
// archive works for any given date from the archive URL), we end up at the
// perfect continuation spot in the room (seamless).
// XXX: This is flawed in the fact that when we go `/messages?dir=b` later, it
// could backfill messages which will fill up the response before we perfectly
// connect and continue from the position they were jumping from before. When
// `/messages?dir=f` backfills, we won't have this problem anymore because any
// messages backfilled in the forwards direction would be picked up the same going
// backwards.
if (dir === DIRECTION.forward) {
// Use `/messages?dir=f` and get the `end` pagination token to paginate from. And
// then start the scroll from the top of the page so they can continue.
// XXX: It would be cool to somehow cache this response and re-use our work here
// for the actual room display that we redirect to from this route. No need for
// us go out 100 messages, only for us to go backwards 100 messages again in the
// next route.
const messageResData = await getMessagesResponseFromEventId({
accessToken: matrixAccessToken,
eventId: eventIdForClosestEvent,
dir: DIRECTION.forward,
limit: archiveMessageLimit,
if (!messageResData.chunk?.length) {
throw new StatusError(
`/jump?dir=${dir}: /messages response didn't contain any more messages to jump to`
const timestampOfLastMessage =
messageResData.chunk[messageResData.chunk.length - 1].origin_server_ts;
const dateOfLastMessage = new Date(timestampOfLastMessage);
// Back-track from the last message timestamp to the nearest date boundary.
// Because we're back-tracking a couple events here, when we paginate back out
// by the `archiveMessageLimit` later in the room route, it will gurantee some
// overlap with the previous page we jumped from so we don't lose any messages
// in the gap.
// We could choose to jump to the exact timestamp of the last message instead of
// back-tracking but then we get ugly URL's every time you jump instead of being
// able to back-track and round down to the nearest hour in a lot of cases. The
// other reason not to return the exact date is maybe there multiple messages at
// the same timestamp and we will lose messages in the gap it displays more than
// we thought.
const msGapFromJumpPointToLastMessage = timestampOfLastMessage - ts;
const moreThanDayGap = msGapFromJumpPointToLastMessage > ONE_DAY_IN_MS;
const moreThanHourGap = msGapFromJumpPointToLastMessage > ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;
const moreThanMinuteGap = msGapFromJumpPointToLastMessage > ONE_MINUTE_IN_MS;
const moreThanSecondGap = msGapFromJumpPointToLastMessage > ONE_SECOND_IN_MS;
// If the `/messages` response returns less than the `archiveMessageLimit`
// looking forwards, it means we're looking at the latest events in the room. We
// can simply just display the day that the latest event occured on or given
// rangeEnd (whichever is later).
const haveReachedLatestMessagesInRoom = messageResData.chunk?.length < archiveMessageLimit;
if (haveReachedLatestMessagesInRoom) {
const latestDesiredTs = Math.max(currentRangeEndTs, timestampOfLastMessage);
const latestDesiredDate = new Date(latestDesiredTs);
const utcMidnightTs = getUtcStartOfDayTs(latestDesiredDate);
newOriginServerTs = utcMidnightTs;
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.none;
// More than a day gap here, so we can just back-track to the nearest day
else if (moreThanDayGap) {
const utcMidnightOfDayBefore = getUtcStartOfDayTs(dateOfLastMessage);
// We `- 1` from UTC midnight to get the timestamp that is a millisecond
// before the next day but we choose a no time precision so we jump to just
// the bare date without a time. A bare date in the `/date/2022/12/16`
// endpoint represents the end of that day looking backwards so this is
// exactly what we want.
const endOfDayBeforeTs = utcMidnightOfDayBefore - 1;
newOriginServerTs = endOfDayBeforeTs;
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.none;
// More than a hour gap here, we will need to back-track to the nearest hour
else if (moreThanHourGap) {
const utcTopOfHourBefore = getUtcStartOfHourTs(dateOfLastMessage);
newOriginServerTs = utcTopOfHourBefore;
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.minutes;
// More than a minute gap here, we will need to back-track to the nearest minute
else if (moreThanMinuteGap) {
const utcTopOfMinuteBefore = getUtcStartOfMinuteTs(dateOfLastMessage);
newOriginServerTs = utcTopOfMinuteBefore;
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.minutes;
// More than a second gap here, we will need to back-track to the nearest second
else if (moreThanSecondGap) {
const utcTopOfSecondBefore = getUtcStartOfSecondTs(dateOfLastMessage);
newOriginServerTs = utcTopOfSecondBefore;
preferredPrecision = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.seconds;
// Less than a second gap here, we will give up.
// XXX: Maybe we can support ms here (#support-ms-time-slice)
else {
// 501 Not Implemented: the server does not support the functionality required
// to fulfill the request
`/jump ran into a problem: ${getErrorStringForTooManyMessages(archiveMessageLimit)}`
} catch (err) {
const is404Error = err instanceof HTTPResponseError && err.response.status === 404;
// Only throw if it's something other than a 404 error. 404 errors are fine, they
// just mean there is no more messages to paginate in that room and we were
// already viewing the latest in the room.
if (!is404Error) {
throw err;
// If we can't find any more messages to paginate to, just progress the date by a
// day in whatever direction they wanted to go so we can display the empty view for
// that day.
if (!newOriginServerTs) {
let tsAtRangeBoundaryInDirection;
if (dir === DIRECTION.backward) {
tsAtRangeBoundaryInDirection = currentRangeStartTs;
} else if (dir === DIRECTION.forward) {
tsAtRangeBoundaryInDirection = currentRangeEndTs;
const dateAtRangeBoundaryInDirection = new Date(tsAtRangeBoundaryInDirection);
const yyyy = dateAtRangeBoundaryInDirection.getUTCFullYear();
const mm = dateAtRangeBoundaryInDirection.getUTCMonth();
const dd = dateAtRangeBoundaryInDirection.getUTCDate();
const newDayDelta = dir === DIRECTION.forward ? 1 : -1;
newOriginServerTs = Date.UTC(yyyy, mm, dd + newDayDelta);
// Redirect to a day with messages
const archiveUrlToRedirecTo = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(
new Date(newOriginServerTs),
// Start the scroll at the next event from where they jumped from (seamless navigation)
scrollStartEventId: eventIdForClosestEvent,
// Shows messages from the given date/time looking backwards up to the limit.
// The extra set of parenthesis around `((:\\d\\d?)?)` is to work around a
// `path-to-regex` bug where the `?` wasn't attaching to the capture group, see
// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, complexity
asyncHandler(async function (req, res) {
const roomIdOrAlias = getRoomIdOrAliasFromReq(req);
// We pull this fresh from the config for each request to ensure we have an
// updated value between each e2e test
const archiveMessageLimit = config.get('archiveMessageLimit');
// Synapse has a max `/messages` limit of 1000
archiveMessageLimit <= 999,
'archiveMessageLimit needs to be in range [1, 999]. We can only get 1000 messages at a time from Synapse and we need a buffer of at least one to see if there are too many messages on a given day so you can only configure a max of 999. If you need more messages, we will have to implement pagination'
const { toTimestamp, timeDefined, secondsDefined } = parseArchiveRangeFromReq(req);
let precisionFromUrl = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.none;
if (secondsDefined) {
precisionFromUrl = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.seconds;
} else if (timeDefined) {
precisionFromUrl = TIME_PRECISION_VALUES.minutes;
// Just 404 if anyone is trying to view the future, no need to waste resources on that
const nowTs =;
if (toTimestamp > roundUpTimestampToUtcDay(nowTs)) {
throw new StatusError(
`You can't view the history of a room on a future day (${new Date(
).toISOString()} > ${new Date(nowTs).toISOString()}). Go back`
// We have to wait for the room join to happen first before we can fetch
// any of the additional room info or messages.
const roomId = await ensureRoomJoined(matrixAccessToken, roomIdOrAlias, req.query.via);
// Do these in parallel to avoid the extra time in sequential round-trips
// (we want to display the archive page faster)
const [roomData, { events, stateEventMap }] = await Promise.all([
fetchRoomData(matrixAccessToken, roomId),
// We over-fetch messages outside of the range of the given day so that we
// can display messages from surrounding days (currently only from days
// before) so that the quiet rooms don't feel as desolate and broken.
// When given a bare date like `2022/11/16`, we want to paginate from the end of that
// day backwards. This is why we use the `toTimestamp` here and fetch backwards.
accessToken: matrixAccessToken,
ts: toTimestamp,
// We fetch one more than the `archiveMessageLimit` so that we can see if there
// are too many messages from the given day. If we have over the
// `archiveMessageLimit` number of messages fetching from the given day, it's
// acceptable to have them be from surrounding days. But if all 500 messages
// (for example) are from the same day, let's redirect to a smaller hour range
// to display.
limit: archiveMessageLimit + 1,
// Only `world_readable` or `shared` rooms that are `public` are viewable in the archive
const allowedToViewRoom =
roomData?.historyVisibility === 'world_readable' ||
(roomData?.historyVisibility === 'shared' && roomData?.joinRule === 'public');
if (!allowedToViewRoom) {
throw new StatusError(
`Only \`world_readable\` or \`shared\` rooms that are \`public\` can be viewed in the archive. ${} has${roomData?.historyVisibility}${roomData?.joinRule}`
// Default to no indexing (safe default)
let shouldIndex = false;
if (stopSearchEngineIndexing) {
shouldIndex = false;
} else {
// Otherwise we only allow search engines to index `world_readable` rooms
shouldIndex = roomData?.historyVisibility === `world_readable`;
const hydrogenStylesUrl = urlJoin(basePath, '/hydrogen-styles.css');
const stylesUrl = urlJoin(basePath, '/css/styles.css');
const jsBundleUrl = urlJoin(basePath, '/js/');
const pageHtml = await renderHydrogenVmRenderScriptToPageHtml(
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../shared/hydrogen-vm-render-script.js'),
roomData: {
// The `canonicalAlias` will take precedence over the `roomId` when present so we only
// want to use it if that's what the user originally browsed to. We shouldn't
// try to switch someone over to the room alias if they browsed from the room
// ID or vice versa.
roomIdOrAlias === roomData.canonicalAlias ? roomData.canonicalAlias : undefined,
config: {
basePath: basePath,
matrixServerUrl: matrixServerUrl,
title: `${} - Matrix Public Archive`,
styles: [hydrogenStylesUrl, stylesUrl],
scripts: [jsBundleUrl],
locationHref: urlJoin(basePath, req.originalUrl),
cspNonce: res.locals.cspNonce,
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
module.exports = router;