- Rename `public` -> `client` so it doesn't get copied automagically as-is (without hashes which we want for cache busting), https://vitejs.dev/guide/assets.html#the-public-directory
- We still build the version files to `public/` so their copied as-is and Vite handles it for us (so we can use `emptyOutDir`)
- Use a multiple entrypoint `.js` Vite build so things can be more intelligently bundled and take less time
- We aren't using library mode because it doesn't minify or bundle assets
- Using hash asset tags for cache busting. Hash of the file included in the file name
- We lookup these hashed assets from `manifest.json` that Vite builds (https://vitejs.dev/guide/backend-integration.html) to serve and preload
- In terms of optimized bundles, I know the current output isn't great now but will have to opt to fix that up separately in the future. Tracked by https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-public-archive/issues/176
It seems like the `build/` directory is ignored in the GitHub file
finder as a sane default for people who put compiled assets there.
`build-scripts/` probably makes more sense anyway
Fix image not running in K8s (ROSA)
Trying to solve the container exiting with error code `243`. `npm` throws `243` for any command you try to run with it.
Here is how to get into the container while the entrypoint normally errors.
$ oc run -i --tty --image=ghcr.io/matrix-org/matrix-public-archive/matrix-public-archive:sha-65edaea1a9713bb2cc93fa98638327fdeff765cd mpa-test2 --port=3050 --restart=Never --env="DOMAIN=cluster" --command /bin/bash
$ npm start
$ echo $?
Why does the same image work in Docker?
$ docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash ghcr.io/matrix-org/matrix-public-archive/matrix-public-archive:sha-65edaea1a9713bb2cc93fa98638327fdeff765cd
$ npm start
# it starts ✅
## Root cause
Seems like it could be either of these issues. Both are `8.6.0`+ problems as well which lines up with the `npm` version available in each base image.
- https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/4769
- https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/4996
- Specific comment about breaking stuff in k8s for other people, https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/4996#issuecomment-1150290804