'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const { getUtcStartOfDayTs } = require('matrix-viewer-shared/lib/timestamp-utilities'); // `X-Date-Temporal-Context` indicates the temporal context of the content, whether it // is related to past, present, or future *day*. // // This is useful for caching purposes so you can heavily cache past content, but not // present/future. function setHeadersForDateTemporalContext({ res, nowTs, comparedToUrlDate: { yyyy, mm, dd } }) { assert(res); assert(Number.isInteger(nowTs)); assert(Number.isInteger(yyyy)); assert(Number.isInteger(mm)); assert(Number.isInteger(dd)); // We use the start of the UTC day so we can compare apples to apples with a new date // constructed with yyyy-mm-dd (no time occured since the start of the day) const startOfTodayTs = getUtcStartOfDayTs(nowTs); const compareTs = Date.UTC(yyyy, mm, dd); let temporalContext = 'present'; if (compareTs < startOfTodayTs) { temporalContext = 'past'; } else if (compareTs > startOfTodayTs) { temporalContext = 'future'; } res.set('X-Date-Temporal-Context', temporalContext); } module.exports = setHeadersForDateTemporalContext;