'use strict'; // Be mindful to do all date operations in UTC (Matrix Viewer is all in UTC date/times) const { TemplateView } = require('hydrogen-view-sdk'); const { areTimestampsFromSameUtcDay } = require('matrix-viewer-shared/lib/timestamp-utilities'); // Get the number of days in the given month where the `inputDate` lies. // // via https://stackoverflow.com/a/1184359/796832 function numDaysInMonthForDate(inputDate) { // Month in JavaScript is 0-indexed (January is 0, February is 1, etc), // but by using 0 as the day it will give us the last day of the prior const lastDayOfTheMonthDate = new Date( Date.UTC(inputDate.getUTCFullYear(), inputDate.getUTCMonth() + 1, 0) ); const lastDayNumberOfTheMonth = lastDayOfTheMonthDate.getUTCDate(); // The last day number in the month is a proxy for how many days there are in that month return lastDayNumberOfTheMonth; } // Map from day of week to the localized name of the day const DAYS_OF_WEEK = { Sun: null, Mon: null, Tue: null, Wed: null, Thu: null, Fri: null, Sat: null, }; // Generate the localized days of the week names const today = new Date(); for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const lookupDate = new Date(today); // Date is a 1-based number lookupDate.setUTCDate(i + 1); const lookup = lookupDate.toLocaleString('en-US', { weekday: 'short', timeZone: 'UTC' }); const localized = lookupDate.toLocaleString('default', { weekday: 'short', timeZone: 'UTC' }); DAYS_OF_WEEK[lookup] = localized; } class CalendarView extends TemplateView { render(t, vm) { return t.div({ className: { CalendarView: true } }, [ t.div({ className: { CalendarView_header: true } }, [ t.button( { className: { CalendarView_header_prevButton: true }, onClick: () => vm.prevMonth(), }, ['\u276E'] ), t.map( (vm) => vm.calendarDate, (calendarDate, t) => { return t.h4({ className: { CalendarView_heading: true } }, [ t.span({ className: { CalendarView_heading_text: true } }, [ calendarDate.toLocaleString('default', { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', timeZone: 'UTC', }), // Dropdown arrow t.svg( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', width: '18', height: '18', viewBox: '0 0 18 18', fill: 'none', }, [ t.path({ d: 'M6 7.5L9 10.5L12 7.5', stroke: 'currentColor', 'stroke-width': '1.5', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', }), ] ), ]), t.input({ type: 'month', className: { CalendarView_heading_monthInput: true }, value: `${calendarDate.getUTCFullYear()}-${ // ('0' + '2') -> '02' // ('0' + '12') -> '12' ('0' + (calendarDate.getUTCMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) }`, onChange: (e) => vm.onMonthInputChange(e), }), t.select( { className: { CalendarView_heading_yearSelectFallback: true, }, onChange: (e) => vm.onYearFallbackSelectChange(e), }, [].concat( (() => { let yearSelectNodes = []; const today = new Date(); for (let year = today.getUTCFullYear(); year > 1960; year--) { yearSelectNodes.push( t.option( { value: year, selected: year === calendarDate.getUTCFullYear(), }, [`${year}`] ) ); } return yearSelectNodes; })() ) ), ]); } ), t.button( { className: { CalendarView_header_nextButton: true }, onClick: () => vm.nextMonth(), }, ['\u276F'] ), ]), t.map( (vm) => vm.calendarDate, (calendarDate, t) => { return t.ol( { className: { CalendarView_calendar: true } }, [].concat( Object.keys(DAYS_OF_WEEK).map((dayKey) => { return t.li({ className: { CalendarView_dayName: true } }, [DAYS_OF_WEEK[dayKey]]); }), (() => { const todayTs = Date.now(); const numberOfDaysInMonth = numDaysInMonthForDate(calendarDate); let dayNodes = []; for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDaysInMonth; i++) { const dayNumberDate = new Date(calendarDate); // Date is a 1-based number dayNumberDate.setUTCDate(i + 1); const isDayInFuture = dayNumberDate.getTime() - todayTs > 0; // The current day displayed const isActive = areTimestampsFromSameUtcDay( dayNumberDate.getTime(), vm.activeDate.getTime() ); // day number from 0 (monday) to 6 (sunday) const dayNumber = dayNumberDate.getUTCDay(); // +1 because we're going from 0-based day to 1-based `grid-column-start` const gridColumnStart = dayNumber + 1; dayNodes.push( t.li( { className: { CalendarView_day: true }, // Offset the first day of the month to the proper day of the week style: i === 0 ? `grid-column-start: ${gridColumnStart};` : null, }, [ t.a( { className: { CalendarView_dayLink: true, CalendarView_dayLink_active: isActive, CalendarView_dayLink_disabled: isDayInFuture, }, // Disable navigation to future days href: isDayInFuture ? null : vm.roomUrlForDate(dayNumberDate), }, [String(dayNumberDate.getUTCDate())] ), ] ) ); } return dayNodes; })() ) ); } ), ]); } } module.exports = CalendarView;