'use strict'; const { History } = require('hydrogen-view-sdk'); const assert = require('./assert'); // Mock a full hash whenever someone asks via `history.get()` but when // constructing URL's for use `href` etc, they should relative to the room // (remove session and room from the hash). class ArchiveHistory extends History { constructor(baseHash) { assert(baseHash); super(); this._baseHash = baseHash; } // Even though the page hash is relative to the room, we still expose the full // hash for Hydrogen to route things internally as expected. get() { const documentHash = document?.location?.hash; const hash = documentHash?.replace(/^#/, '') ?? ''; return this._baseHash + hash; } replaceUrlSilently(url) { // We don't need to do this when server-side rendering in Node.js because // the #hash is not available to servers. This will be called as a // downstream call of `urlRouter.attach()` which we do when bootstraping // everything. if (window.history) { let replacingUrl; // Hydrogen hash routing on the end of the URL if (url.startsWith('#')) { replacingUrl = url; } // Hydrogen hash routing: This is the sign that Hydrogen is navigating back to the // root. Because of our custom archive logic, the `#` is removed before it gets // here. But we just want to make sure the hash gets cleared out while maintaining // our path and query parameters. // // Before: /foo?search=bar#/developer-options // pushUrlSilently(url='') // After: /foo?search=bar else if (url === '') { replacingUrl = document?.location?.pathname + document?.location?.search; } // Otherwise, it's probably an absolute URL that we can totally replace the page // URL with else { replacingUrl = url; } super.replaceUrlSilently(replacingUrl); } } pushUrlSilently(url) { let replacingUrl; // Hydrogen hash routing on the end of the URL if (url.startsWith('#')) { replacingUrl = url; } // Hydrogen hash routing: This is the sign that Hydrogen is navigating back to the // root. Because of our custom archive logic, the `#` is removed before it gets // here. But we just want to make sure the hash gets cleared out while maintaining // our path and query parameters. // // Before: /foo?search=bar#/developer-options // pushUrlSilently(url='') // After: /foo?search=bar else if (url === '') { replacingUrl = document?.location?.pathname + document?.location?.search; } // Otherwise, it's probably an absolute URL that we can totally replace the page // URL with else { replacingUrl = url; } super.pushUrlSilently(replacingUrl); } // Make the URLs we use in the UI of the app relative to the room: // Before: #/session/123/room/!HBehERstyQBxyJDLfR:my.synapse.server/lightbox/$17cgP6YBP9ny9xuU1vBmpOYFhRG4zpOe9SOgWi2Wxsk // After: #/lightbox/$17cgP6YBP9ny9xuU1vBmpOYFhRG4zpOe9SOgWi2Wxsk pathAsUrl(path) { const leftoverPath = super.pathAsUrl(path).replace(this._baseHash, ''); // Only add back the hash when there is hash content beyond the base so we // don't end up with an extraneous `#` on the end of the URL. This will end // up creating some `` (anchors with a blank href) but we have // some code to clean this up, see `supressBlankAnchorsReloadingThePage`. if (leftoverPath.length) { return `#${leftoverPath}`; } return leftoverPath; } } module.exports = ArchiveHistory;